
Showing posts from November 10, 2018

April Ryan: I'm a black woman. Trump loves insulting people like me.

November 10, 2018 Trump April Ryan: I'm a black woman. Trump loves insulting people like me. Trump voters stood by Trump in the midterms — but there just aren't enough of them Pelosi: Trump picking Whitaker 'does violence to the constitution' ...

Next customers: Flynn and Jr. - Google News: Preseason basketball previews: Illinois prep girls - Herald-Whig

November 10, 2018 Trump Investigations Next customers: Flynn and Jr. - Google News: Preseason basketball previews: Illinois prep girls - Herald-Whig 1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Russian Intelligence services and organized crime - Google News: Financial Crime Wave – Laundering in the Netherlands, analysis of FATF AML rankings, and more...