
Showing posts from November 29, 2018

Trump attacks Mueller probe for fourth straight morning, asks if it will ‘go on forever’ - The Washington Post

November 29, 2018 Trump Trump attacks Mueller probe for fourth straight morning, asks if it will ‘go on forever’ - The Washington Post 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Politics: Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, pleads guilty to lying to Congress about Trump real estate project in Russia, AP reports ...

Trump Investigations Newsletter // November 29

Trump Investigations   Russian propaganda on social media from Michael_Novakhov (5 sites): Russians Posing as Black Activists on Facebook - Google News: Matthews: The picture of collusion is coming into focus - Yahoo News Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites) CNN International Matthews: The picture of collusion is coming into focus Yahoo News Protesters shut down...