Anti-Austrian sentiment of New Abwehr in Hapsburg group affair as diagnostic sign in Operation Trump - Google Search

8:10 AM 9/20/2018 รข€“ The "anti-Austrian diagnostic sign" of the New Abwehr is clearly traceable in Manafort-Hapsburg Group affair, and also, possibly, in Anthony Wienner&squot;s ("Viennese") "telling name". | Global Security News

Abwehr After WW2: Operations “Trump Card”, “Call 9/11”, and “MuckCart-hy” | The Open Letter to the World Leaders – By Michael Novakhov

M.N.: One is out, the scores to go. Investigate and Purge. Purge and Investigate. 
Not a single fact, detail or occurrence of the “Trump – Russia Affair”, Manafort – Ukraine – Hapsburg Group Affair”, “Salisbury Poisoning Affair”, and most likely many others were unknown to the German Intelligence. 
Investigate them in the UTMOST DEPTH, their connections with the Abwehr after the WW2, and all the other relevant issues raised in this and other blogs and posts which address them. 
This reality show is performed in the genre of cabaret, with The Demiurge playing the role of the invisible, omnipotent, omniscient, obsessive-compulsive, meticulous, artistic, pedantic Master of Ceremonies. And he left his signature too, as usually. The latest of them are: “Boshirov” and “Petrov”: Boshi (the Germans) and their Pet, ROV… – 10:30 AM 9/29/2018 – “Life is a cabaret, old chum; Life is a cabaret…” 

Operations “Trump Card”, “Call 9/11”, and “MuckCart-hy” – By Michael Novakhov

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1:33 PM 9/21/2018 – The "Abwehr Phobia Syndrome" | FBI News Review

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The “Abwehr Phobia Syndrome”

9.21.18 – Flushing Queens (and Flashing Queens?)
Image result for abwehr queens
9/20/2018  – The “anti-Austrian diagnostic sign”. So far the
  • “Abwehr Phobia Syndrome” consists of
  • Judeo – ,
  • Homo – , and
  • Austria – (or “Hapsburg” –) Phobias, with the
  • “Hapsburg Group” – Manafort Affair as the latest version. All of these Phobias are historically related to the
  • origins of Abwehr as the Prussian (vs. Austrian) Military Intelligence Service, in my humble “hermeneutic” opinion.

8:10 AM 9/20/2018 – The “anti-Austrian diagnostic sign” of the New Abwehr is clearly traceable in Manafort-Hapsburg Group affair, and also, possibly, in Anthony Weiner’s (“Viennese”) “telling name”.
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Former German Spy Chief Warns of Perils of Intel Sharing With Austria

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A former German intelligence chief says NATO secrets aren’t safe to share with Austria, adding his alarm to growing concern among Western intelligence agencies about close ties between senior Austrian ministers and Russia.
Fears have mounted about the security trustworthiness of Austria since a police raid last February on the headquarters of the country’s domestic intelligence agency, during which classified files were seized. The raid prompted allegations that Austria’s far-right government ordered it for political reasons.
“There is, of course, extreme caution when sharing information,” August Hanning, a former head of Germany’s foreign intelligence service, the BND, told the German newspaper Bild. “It is essential for international intelligence-sharing that all sides can be sure their sensitive information is secure with a partner service. Secrecy must be maintained. That is, of course, incredibly difficult when you have such a situation in Austria,” he added.
Senior figures in the Freedom Party, which is in a coalition government with the conservative Austrian People's Party, or OVP, have called for the lifting of Western sanctions on Russia, imposed for the 2014 annexation by Russia of Ukraine’s Crimea. Austria shunned the coordinated Western expulsions of Russian diplomats following the poisoning earlier this year of a former Russian spy and his daughter in Britain, which has been blamed on the Kremlin.
The increasing closeness between the Freedom Party and the Kremlin was underlined last week when Russian leader Vladimir Putin was the star guest at the wedding of Austria's foreign minister, Karin Kneissl, held at a vineyard in the picturesque Styrian hills of southern Austria. Putin’s attendance transformed the private event into a highly political one and prompted a storm of media criticism for Kneissl for curtseying before the Russian president.
“Kneissl's kneeling in front of Putin is a disgrace,” the Austrian daily Der Standard said, adding: “The foreign minister has lost all credibility by the way she handled Vladimir Putin.”
The Washington Post reported last week, the day before Kneissl’s wedding, that several Western intelligence agencies had stopped sharing sensitive information with their Austrian counterparts, alarmed that their secrets could be shared with Moscow. Police officers during the February raid removed classified documents packed in crates and plastic bags.
Warming ties
The anti-immigrant Freedom Party, which was founded by former SS officers in the 1950s, entered government at the end of last year. The party signed a formal cooperation agreement with Putin’s United Russia party in 2016. In June, Putin highlighted the warming ties between Vienna and Moscow when he chose Austria for his first official working visit abroad after being re-elected in March.
The February raid on Austria’s domestic intelligence agency, the BVT, was officially undertaken as part of a joint operation with South Korea as part of a probe into the printing in Austria of false North Korean passports, according to government officials. But Austrian intelligence insiders believe the raid had a more sinister purpose, possibly part of an effort to find grounds to replace current officials with Freedom Party loyalists.
Putin on Wednesday insisted his presence at Kneissl’s wedding was purely a personal matter. But he told reporters in the Black Sea resort of Sochi that during the celebrations “we were able to speak both to the foreign minister and to the Austrian chancellor.” He praised Austria for “arranging dialogue between Russia and the European Union.”
Austria, a NATO partner, isn’t the only country that’s causing alarm to Western spy chiefs amid the rise of Kremlin-friendly populist parties across Europe. In March, VOA reported U.S. security agencies were assessing what intelligence could be shared with Italian counterparts following the formation in Rome of a coalition government featuring the right-wing Lega and anti-establishment Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S). Like the Freedom Party, Italy’s Lega has a formal cooperation pact with United Russia.
U.S. intelligence officials told VOA that they feared leaks to Moscow. “Security risks would increase obviously,” one said, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “There would be a sharp downgrading of what we give the Italians, although this wouldn’t affect our exchanges when it comes to jihadists or terrorist threats,” a U.S. counterintelligence official said.
M5S and Lega oppose Western sanctions on Russia, saying the sanctions have harmed Italy as much as Russia. In 2016, several Lega-controlled regions in Italy’s north adopted resolutions calling on the government in Rome to endorse Moscow’s annexation of Crimea and to recognize the peninsula as part of Russia.
Relations between U.S. and Italian intelligence agencies are not as close as they are with some other Western and NATO countries. Intelligence relations between the United States and Italy were impaired in 2009 when an Italian court convicted in absentia a former CIA station chief and 22 other Americans, almost all agency operatives, for their involvement in the kidnapping of a Muslim cleric from the streets of Milan in 2003 and his transfer to Egypt.
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Austria – the Nazis' first victim - Wikipedia

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"Austria – the Nazis' first victim" was a political slogan first used at the Moscow Conference in 1943which went on to become the ideological basis for Austria and the national self-consciousness of Austrians during the periods of the allied occupation of 1945-1955 and the sovereign state of the Second Austrian Republic (1955–1980s[1][2][3]). According to the interpretation of this slogan by the founders of the Second Austrian Republic, the Anschluss in 1938 was an act of military aggression by the Third Reich. Austrian statehood had been interrupted and therefore the newly revived Austria of 1945 could not and should not be responsible in any way for the Nazis' crimes. The "victim theory" formed by 1949 (GermanOpferthese, Opferdoktrin) insisted that all the Austrians, including those who strongly supported Hitler, had been unwilling victims of a Nazi regime and therefore were not responsible for its crimes.
The "victim theory" became a fundamental narrative of Austrian society. It made it possible for previously bitter political opponents – i.e. the social democrats and the conservative Catholics – to unite and to bring former Nazis back to the social and political life for the first time in Austrian history. For almost half a century, the Austrian state denied any continuity of the political regime of 1938–1945, actively kept up the self-sacrificing narrative of Austrian nationhood, and cultivated a conservative spirit of national unity. Postwar denazification was quickly wound up; veterans of the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS took an honorable place in society. The struggle for justice by the actual victims of Nazism – first of all Jews – were deprecated as an attempt to obtain illicit enrichment at the expense of the entire nation.
In 1986, the election of a former Wehrmacht intelligence officer, Kurt Waldheim, as a federal presidentput Austria on the verge of international isolation. Powerful outside pressure and an internal political discussion forced Austrians to reconsider their attitude to the past. Starting with the political administration of the 1990s and followed by most of the Austrian people by the mid-2000s, the nation admitted its collective responsibility for the crimes committed during the Nazi occupation and officially abandoned the "victim theory".
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Sebastian Kurz's European debutante ball 4, 2018
The fierce feud between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her interior .... with Britain and France against Russia during the Crimean War.
Story image for Anti-Austrian sentiment of german military intelligence from The Globe and Mail

The Archduke's assassination came close to being just another killing

The Globe and Mail-Jun 28, 2014
Within weeks, Europe's great powers would be at war, soon drawing in the rest of the ... coup in Belgrade brought a new anti-Austrian king to the throne of Serbia. ... the head of its military intelligence, they had obtained guns and bombs from the ... The German Kaiser was sad at the loss of a friend but not ...

Anti-Austrian sentiment of german military intelligence - Google Search

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Austria in World War II: An Anglo-American Dilemma - Robert H. Keyserlingk - Google Books

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Story image for Hapsburg group from Washington Post

The Mueller indictment mentioned the 'Hapsburg group.' Now ...

Washington Post-Feb 24, 2018
In an indictment updated Friday, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III accused Paul Manafort and Rick Gates of secretly retaining “a group of ...
Former Trump Campaign Chief Hit With New Charges As Deputy ...
In-Depth-RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty-Feb 24, 2018
Story image for Hapsburg group from Politico

The Mueller indictments so far: Lies, trolls and hacks

Politico-Dec 7, 2018
According to the document, a member of the so-called "Hapsburg Group," which was led by a former Austrian chancellor, at one point met with ...
Story image for Hapsburg group from VICE News

The Hapsburg group: Paul Manafort's shadowy European network ...

VICE News-Jun 15, 2018
And more recently, he's accused Manafort of trying to get those who knew about the Hapsburg Groupto mislead investigators about its mission.
A federal judge has sent Paul Manafort to jail
International-Business Insider-Jun 15, 2018
Former Donald Trump campaign manager jailed over witness ...
In-Depth-The Australian Financial Review-Jun 15, 2018
Story image for Hapsburg group from ABC News

Mueller names 'Hapsburg group,' reveals Manafort messages

ABC News-Jun 13, 2018
A new filing from the special counsel Robert Mueller unsealed on Wednesday identifies two former journalists and the content of messages ...

More details on Manafort's 'Hapsburg group'

Politico-Jun 25, 2018
MORE DETAILS ON MANAFORT'S 'HAPSBURG GROUP': We reported earlier this month that a document released as part of special counsel ...
Story image for Hapsburg group from

Manafort-Gestรคndnis belastet "Hapsburg" 20, 2018
Sie waren Teil der sogenannten Hapsburg Group und tourten ... Es lรคsst keine Zweifel darรผber, dass die Hapsburg Group existiert hat und ihre ...
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European politicians got millions to lobby for pro-Russian government in Ukraine | News | DW

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US President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort paid a group of unnamed European politicians €2 million ($2.5 million) to lobby for a pro-Russian government in Ukraine, according to an indictment filed by US special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday.
The superseding indictment accused Manafort of wiring the money to the politicians — collectively called the "Habsburg group" — in 2012 and 2013 to give "independent assessments" favorable of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's government.
The group was meant to "act informally and without any visible relationship" to the Ukrainian government, a memorandum written by Manafort in June 2012 read.
Former chancellor behind the Habsburg group
An unnamed "former European chancellor" referred to as "Foreign Politician A" allegedly managed the lobbying group, according to the indictment. Manafort and the Habsburg group lobbied US lawmakers and senior government officials in or around 2013 in a strategy titled "SUPER VIP."
Alfred Gusenbauer (picture-alliance/dpa/H. Punz)
Alfred Gusenbauer was previously employed by a lobbying firm with ties to Manafort
The House of Habsburg was an aristocratic family that occupied the throne of the primarily German-speaking Holy Roman Empire for hundreds of years. Chancellors head the governments of Germany and Austria; the post also exists in Switzerland, where the chancellor heads an office that supports the Federal Council, which serves as the head of government.
Although Mueller's indictment does not name any of the European politicians, the AP news agency previously reported that Manafort had worked with Mercury LLC, a US-based lobbying firm that had employed former Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer.
Gusenbauer and Mercury lobbyists met with three members of the US Congress in 2013, according to a disclosure form filed by Mercury in 2017. The meetings were part of Mercury's outreach work on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, a think tank that Mueller has described as a "mouthpiece" of the Yanukovych government.
The ex-chancellor is now a member of the "Dialogue of Civilizations" think tank in Berlin. Vladimir Yakunin, one of the organization's founders, was placed on a US sanctions list in 2014 in response to Russian intervention in Ukraine. The US said Yakunin, who at the time was president of state-owned Russian Railways, was "a close confidant" of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Gerhard Schrรถder (picture-alliance/dpa/P. Pleul)
Schrรถder said he did not see a problem in taking positions in Russia-owned energy companies
Gerhard Schrรถder's Russian ties
Gusenbauer is not the only former chancellor with close ties to Russia.
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schrรถder came under heavy fire after leaving office in 2005 for what some observers saw as overly close ties to Russia, including to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Schrรถder once called a "flawless democrat."
After leaving office, Schrรถder took up a high-level position at Nord Stream on the recommendation of Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom. In 2017, Schrรถder took a seat on the board of Russian energy company Rosneft, which was facing EU sanctions over Russia's annexation of Crimea in early 2014.
Manafort's Ukrainian affiliation
Yanukovych's government was ousted in 2014 after months of street protests that erupted when his government chose not to sign an association agreement with the European Union and instead sought closer ties to Russia. Following the Maidan protests, which were named after the square in Kyiv where they took place, Yanukovych fled Ukraine to take up exile in Russia as details of corruption in his government became public.
  • Donald Trump talks with a beauty contestant in Moscow.

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    2013: Mr Trump goes to Russia

    June 18, 2013. Donald Trump tweeted: "The Miss Universe Pageant will be broadcast live from MOSCOW, RUSSIA on November 9. A big deal that will bring our countries together!" He later added: "Do you think Putin will be going - if so, will he become my new best friend?" October 17, 2013 Trump tells chat show host David Letterman he has conducted "a lot of business with the Russians."
  • Cyberattacks are a key factor in the Russia allegations.

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    September 2015: Hacking allegations raised

    An FBI agent told a tech-support contractor at the Democratic National Committee it may have been hacked. On May 18, 2016, James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, said there were "some indications" of cyberattacks aimed at the presidential campaigns. On June 14, 2016 the DNC announced it had been the victim of an attack by Russian hackers.
  • Russian ambassador to the US Sergei Kisljak in Washington

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    July 20, 2016: Mr Kislyak enters the picture

    Senator Jeff Sessions - an early Trump endorser who led his national security advisory committee - met Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and a group of other ambassadors at a Republican National Convention event.
  • Wikileaks chief Julian Assange

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    July 22, 2016: Assange thickens the plot

    Julian Assange's WikiLeaks published 20,000 emails stolen from the DNC, appearing to show a preference for Hillary Clinton over Senator Bernie Sanders.
  • USA FBI chief James Comey

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    July 25, 2016: Cometh the hour, Comey the man

    The FBI announced it was investigating the DNC hack saying "a compromise of this nature is something we take very seriously."
  • USA President Donald Trump

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    November 8, 2016: Trump elected

    Donald Trump is elected president of the United States. On November 9, the Russian parliament burst into applause at the news.
  • Russian politician Sergej Rybakow

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    November 10, 2016: Team Trump denies Russia link

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Rybakov said there "were contacts" between the Russian government and the Trump campaign during the election campaign. The Trump campaign issued a firm denial.
  • General Michael Flynn, US National Security Adviser.

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    November 18, 2016: Flynn appointed

    Trump named General Michael Flynn as his national security adviser. The former Defence Intelligence Agency chief was a top foreign policy adviser in Trump's campaign. Flynn resigned in February after failing to disclose full details of his communication with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
  • Ex-acting attorney general Sally Yates

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    January 26, 2017: Yates - 'The center cannot hold'

    Acting attorney general Sally Yates told White House counsel Don McGahn that Flynn made false statements regarding his calls with Kislyak. On January 30 Trump fired Yates for refusing to enforce his travel ban, which was later blocked by federal courts.
  • US attorney general, Jeff Sessions

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    March 2, 2017: Sessions recuses himself

    Trump said he had "total confidence" in Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions announced he would recuse himself from any investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.
  • ex-head of the FBI James Comey

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    March 20, 2017: FBI examines Trump-Kremlin links

    FBI Director James Comey confirmed before the House Select Committee on Intelligence that the FBI was investigating possible links between Russia and the Trump campaign.
  • Donald Trump and James Comey

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    May 9, 2017: Trump sacks Comey

    In a letter announcing the termination, Trump wrote: "While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau."
  • Special counsel Robert Mueller

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    May 17, 2017: Mueller appointed special counsel

    Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to look into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.
  • Paul Manafort (Imago)

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    August 2017: FBI seizes documents from Manafort

    Shortly after Mueller convenes a grand jury for the investigation, the FBI seizes documents from one of Paul Manafort’s properties as part of a raid for Mueller’s probe. The former Trump campaigner manager stepped down in August 2016 after allegations surfaced that he had received large payments linked to Ukraine’s former pro-Russian government.
  • Donald Trump Jr. (picture alliance/AP Photo/K. Willens)

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    September 2017: Trump Jr.'s talks to Senate committee

    Donald Trump Jr. tells the Senate Judiciary Committee he has not colluded with a foreign government. The closed-door interview relates to his June 2016 meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, which was also attended by his brother-in-law, Jared Kushner, and then campaign manager Paul Manafort. Trump Jr.’s emails, however, suggest the meeting was supposed to produce dirt on Clinton.
  • Symbolbild Soziale Netze (picture-alliance/dpa/Lei)

    How Donald Trump's Russian connection unfolded

    October 2017: Internet giants allege Russian interference

    Facebook, Twitter and Google reportedly tell US media they have evidence that Russian operatives exploited platforms to spread disinformation during the 2016 US presidential election. The three companies are expected to appear before a Senate Intelligence Committee in November.
    Author: Jo Harper, Kathleen Schuster
Manafort stopped working for Yanukovych when the former Ukrainian leader left office.
Mueller, who is leading a separate investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, has charged Manafort with working for a foreign government without first registering the affiliation with the US government.
Another Trump aide bites the dust
The latest indictment against Manafort came after Trump's former deputy campaign manager Rick Gates pleaded guilty to conspiracy against the United States and lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Rick Gates (picture-alliance/AP Photo/S. Walsh)
Rick Gates pleaded guilty earlier on Friday
On Thursday, a federal grand jury in Virginia returned an indictment against both men that accused them of tax evasion and bank fraud. Manafort and Gates had been initially charged with failing to register foreign lobbying activities and money laundering in October.
Gates is set to cooperate with the Mueller investigation after striking a plea bargain deal. He is the fifth person to plead guilty so far in the Mueller investigation.
Manafort resists plea deal
Paul Manafort (picture-alliance/AP Photo/J. Martin)
Manafort has maintained his innocence
Manafort on Friday continued to resist entering any plea deal with Mueller. "Notwithstanding that Rick Gates pled today, I continue to maintain my innocence," he said in a statement.
"I had hoped and expected my business colleague would have had the strength to continue the battle to prove our innocence," he said, referring to Gates, before adding: "This does not alter my commitment to defend myself against the untrue piled up charges contained in the indictments against me."
amp/sms (AFP, Reuters, AP, dpa)
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Story image for Germany is the major geopolitical beneficiary of Russland Affare from New Eastern Europe

Can Israel accept Russia in its backyard?

New Eastern Europe-Jan 2, 2019
This, on top of the 1.4 million Russian-speaking Jews already living ... The Eastern half of Germanypreserves many social values which you can't even *spell*, Buddy, .... and Ukraine are again in zone of geopolitical influence of Russia ...... beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement/pension plan.
Story image for Germany is the major geopolitical beneficiary of Russland Affare from Center For American Progress

Following the Money: Trump and Russia-Linked Transactions From ...

Center For American Progress-Dec 17, 2018
Russian organization allegedly controlled by an oligarch close to Putin spent more .... its pro-Trump ad campaign, in the months leading up to the 2016 election ..... The outline of the NRA affairdemonstrates that the channels to facilitate any .... shell companies, never disclosing the actual beneficiaries.

Germany is the major geopolitical beneficiary of Russland Affare - Google Search

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Aug 7, 2017 - Germany cannot afford to be a geopolitical bystander ... Europe was not expecting a series of major Islamist terror attacks on its territory. With all ...
Missing: beneficiary ‎affare
Germany is a country located in Central Europe, bordered by Poland, the Czech ... Plain has led to constant conflicts with its neighbors like France and Russia. ... Germany's main geographic challenge is preserving its territorial unity and ...
Missing: beneficiary ‎affare
by P Daehnhardt - ‎2018
Oct 5, 2018 - Since the Russia–Ukraine crisis in 2014, Germany's foreign policy has been ...... order, of which it has been the greatest beneficiary since unification, while ... for historical and geopoliticalreasons, the German–Polish relationship .... order, contested by Russia, has stopped being a merely bilateral affair and ...
Nov 23, 2018 - Three top candidates have emerged to succeed Angela Merkel as leader of ... How would each of the potential heirs change Germany's geopolitical direction? ... policy: Atlanticist, pro-European and skeptical towards Russia.

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