
Showing posts from August 7, 2019

Fix it, you little pieces of shit, chinese motherfuckers, with hacked chicken penises, "InMotionHosting"!

Fix  it, you little pieces of shit, chinese motherfuckers, with hacked chicken penises, "#InMotionHosting"! . You will go out of business very soon, stupid assholes! They fucked you up when they sold this fucking "In Motion Hosting" to these chinese- russian retards.  -  Instead of email or "Support ticket". -

In total, 23 jurisdictions were identified... They include US territories Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa and US Virgin Islands, as well as Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, the Bahamas, Panama and Iran. You are in a nice company, Puerto Rico. Say thanks to your Laundry Girl In Chief, "Douglas Leff"! | The explanation for the hostile penetrations of the FBI apparently is in the ACTIVE moving up the ladder of the agents and people - the moles. Otherwise they would not get there so easily.

2:19 PM 8/7/2019 – Puerto Rico Officials object to money laundering accusations by the European Commission because they are the money launderers themselves! Investigate them! | FBI Reform Wednesday August 7 th , 2019  at  2:22 PM In total, 23 jurisdictions were identified ...  They include US territories Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa and US Virgin Islands, as well as Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, the Bahamas, Panama and Iran. You are in a nice company, Puerto Rico.  Say thanks to your Laundry Girl In Chief, "Douglas Leff"! M.N.:  This is absolutely not my area of training, education, and experience; it just happened that I got interested in these issues.  The explanation for the hostile penetrations of the FBI apparently is in the ACTIVE moving up the ladder of the agents and people - the moles. Otherwise they would not get there so easily.  It is very difficult to deal with these issues, conceptually and emotionally;...