7:33 PM 7/21/2019 - The New Mordaza: President Trump's War on Governor Rossello
7:33 PM 7/21/2019 - The New Mordaza : President Trump's War on Governor Rossello ___________________________________ Rosselló to Trump: "If the bully approaches, I'll give him a fist in the mouth" | Government and Politics | notiuno.com Sunday July 21 st , 2019 at 7:56 PM Www.Notiuno.Com - RSS Results In Noticias/Gobierno-Y-Politica Of Type Article 1 Share Facebook Twitter E-mail According to the CNN news network, government officials in Puerto Rico were "threatened" by Pete Navarro and other Trump advisers. Facebook Twitter E-mail Print Save The governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló, warned in an interview on CNN that he will not allow his team to be "intimidated" by the White House, after expressions of Washington officials of possible restrictions on the disbursement of money for the recovery of the Island after The devastating passage of Hurricane M...