Kaiser-MAGGA-Mugger-Trump! I will say it short and plain: Make your Abwehr Great Again! Make your Germany Great Again! - 6:55 AM 5/29/2019

Kaiser Trump!
MAGGA Trump!
Little Stupid Mugger Trump!
You are down in the dump!

I will say it short and plain: 
Make your Abwehr Great Again!

Make your Germany Great Again!

Trump Abwehr agent

Trump is Abwehr agent

Kaiser-MAGGA-Mugger Trump: 
Make Germany Great Again!

Comment to J. Comey's op-ed in WP

I think that Comey is correct. It looks like Trump is engaged in (possibly deliberate) hostile, anti-English Speaking Alliance (see his recent anti-UK & anti-Australia remarks about the subjects of "Barr Investigation", with the Ukraine thrown in, for the good deceptive measure), PROPAGANDA; with overtly and/or covertly expressed "pro-Axis": pro-Germany and pro-Japan sentiments, and also some pro-Nazi racial hints, from his symbolic perspectives of the USS WASP, and other dubious optics of his Memorial Day 2019 Japan visit. I think humbly, realizing all the seriousness of this statement, that Mr. Trump might be the "unwitting" or "witting" (this has to be determined) agent or asset of the New Abwehr and German Intelligence, which also corresponds, "rhymes well" with his personal, family history and background; and also, of course, with his "special relationship" with the Deutsche Bank. All these assertions and suspicions have to be investigated very thoroughly. 
The Russian subversive activity was and is present undoubtedly, as was stated and demonstrated in Mueller Investigations, but it should be viewed and understood in conjunction and in the light of  the not so new, and renewed German-Russian Intelligence and Security Partnership Alliance, so to speak.
The main suspects for the roles of masterminds-culprits, in my humble opinion, appear to be the New Abwehr, German Intelligence, and their high agents: Gerhard Schroeder, Ernst Uhrlau, SPD, Putin, and many, many others; visible and invisible, known and unknown.
If we as the Society and Civilization, do not look into this hypothesis and do not investigate and research it properly, we will commit one of the gravest errors.
Read more about this hypothesis:





Abwehr historically preferred to get engaged in large, spectacular, unbelievably daring operations, and "Kaiser MAGGA Trump" fits this style to the T.

Michael Novakhov


James Comey: No ‘treason.’ No coup. Just lies — and dumb lies at that.

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James Comey calls Clinton 'dirt' tipster Joseph Mifsud a 'Russian agent'

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Former FBI Director James Comey made a bold assertion about the Hillary Clinton "dirt" tipster's ties to Russia that goes further than what special counsel Robert Mueller said in his report about his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
In an op-ed on Tuesday, Comey referred to Joseph Mifsud as an "agent" of Russia.
"In April 2016, that adviser talked to a Russian agent in London, learned that the Russians had obtained 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of emails and that the Russians could assist the Trump campaign through the anonymous release of information damaging to Clinton," Comey wrote in the Washington Post.
Comey did not name Mifsud, but Mifsud is known as a London-based professor and former Maltese diplomat who has long been suspected of deep ties to Russian intelligence. The original counterintelligence investigation into Trump's campaign began in July 2016 after Papadopoulos repeated what he heard from Mifsud to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, who informed the U.S. government.
Mueller repeatedly mentions Mifsud in his 448-page report, released last month with redactions, but does not call Mifsud an agent of Russia. The special counsel does say that Mifsud has "connections to Russia" and noted that he "traveled to Moscow in April 2016" and "met with high-level Russian government officials" while he was there before telling Papadopoulos in London about the Clinton "dirt."
Mueller wrote that "Mifsud maintained various Russian contacts while living in London," "offered to introduce Papadopoulos to European leaders and others with contacts to the Russian government," and worked with two Russian nationals, including Russian International Affairs Council member Ivan Timofeev, to arrange a meeting between the Trump campaign and the Russian government that never came to pass.
Mifsud has been an elusive figure who has stayed out of the spotlight over the course of the 22-month Russia investigation, which found no criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, but in recent weeks he has been subject to renewed scrutiny by GOP investigators who believe he may be tied to Western intelligence.
Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, says Mifsud likely has links to "U.S., British, and Italian intelligence services" and accused Mueller's team of deciding to "cherry-pick" information from news reports to portray him as a Russian agent, leaving out that he was described as a Western intelligence asset.
In anticipation of Trump's trip to the United Kingdom next month, Nunes provided a list of questions to ask Prime Minister Theresa May, which touches on Mifsud. "Describe any communications or relationship, if any, Joseph Mifsud (potentially also known as Joseph di Gabriele) has had with British intelligence and any information the British government possesses about Mifsud's connection to any other government or intelligence agency," Nunes wrote to Trump last week.
Nunes also said the FBI has "something to hide" after sending two letters to the Central Intelligence Agency, the FBI, the National Security Agency, and the State Department asking for all documents they have on Mifsud, and all but the bureau cooperated.

Kaiser MAGGA Trump


Comment to J. Comey’s op-ed in WP

I think that Comey is correct.
Trump is engaged in hostile, anti-English Speaking Alliance (see his recent anti-UK & anti-Australia remarks about the subjects of “Barr Investigation”, with the Ukraine thrown in, for the good deceptive measure), PROPAGANDA; with overtly and/or covertly expressed “pro-Axis”: pro-Germany and pro-Japan sentiments, and also some pro-Nazi racial hints, from his symbolic perspectives of the USS WASP, and other dubious optics of his Memorial Day 2019 Japan visit.

Mr. Trump might be the “unwitting” or “witting” (this has to be determined) agent or asset of the New Abwehr and German Intelligence, which also corresponds, “rhymes well” with his personal, family history and background; and also, of course, with his “special relationship” with the Deutsche Bank.
Investigated it!
The Russian subversive activity was and is present undoubtedly, as was stated and demonstrated in Mueller Investigations, but it should be viewed and understood in conjunction and in the light of the not so new, and renewed German-Russian Intelligence and Security Partnership Alliance, so to speak.

The main suspects for the roles of masterminds-culprits, in my humble opinion, appear to be the New Abwehr, German Intelligence, and their high agents: Gerhard Schroeder, Ernst Uhrlau, SPD, Putin, and many, many others; visible and invisible, known and unknown.

If we as the Society and Civilization, do not look into this hypothesis and do not investigate and research it properly, we will commit one of the gravest errors.

Read more about this hypothesis: https://trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/ http://trumpinvestigations.org/ https://trumpandtrumpism.com/ https://fbireform.com/

Abwehr historically preferred to get engaged in large, spectacular, unbelievably daring operations, and “Kaiser MAGGA Trump” fits this style to the T.



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