The Nazi Pig Trump and the Nazi Fox News: "I also found what appeared to be a striking pattern of Murdoch manipulations and moves that seemed to come straight out of the political and propaganda playbook written by two of the earliest, most successful, and most evil practitioners of modern mass market propaganda - Adolph Hitler and Joseph Goebbels." - 10:03 AM 3/7/2019

Image result for The Nazi Pig Trump and the Nazi Fox News TV

M.N. - Comment: Behind the "Hitler's skillful use of propaganda" was Canaris, the Hitler's puppet master and creator, who used him as his cover and his tool in his own climb to power. 
The problem was that all the Canaris' puppets tended to pull on his strings and to get out of his control, probably because, as a loving father and their symbolic (Hitler) and factual(?) lover (Heidrich), he was giving them too much leeway. Canaris viewed his puppets-lovers as his psychosexual phallic extensions. Und ziz iz quite a powerful metaphor and the efficient operating principle, from the submarine to the Third Reich. 


"As the Republican and Democratic Conventions of 2016 approached, I decided that the time period surrounding the political party conventions, up through the general election in November, would provide me with a good case study period to evaluate whether and how Murdoch's Fox News, NY Post and other assorted media properties, including the Wall Street Journal and the National Geographic, might be used as propaganda outlets.
In doing the context research, I found America's and Britain's media laws had been rewritten and loosened over time. In numerous cases I noticed that Keith Rupert Murdoch, all too often appeared to be in close proximity to the politicians changing those laws - almost always having supported them with his media properties - and at least in one case - even making personally direct donations to their campaigns.
I dug a bit further and found that there are few 'real' media laws of the books in Australia, where Murdoch is no longer a citizen. In spite of his status as a foreigner he reportedly owns 64% of that nation's daily newspapers and has a controlling interest in the nation's satellite TV system. I did some cursory research and it's not a stretch to think that Murdoch may have gotten his start influencing the re-writing of a nation's media laws there. 

I also found what appeared to be a striking pattern of Murdoch manipulations and moves that seemed to come straight out of the political and propaganda playbook written by two of the earliest, most successful, and most evil practitioners of modern mass market propaganda - Adolph Hitler and Joseph Goebbels.

Hitler and Goebbels came to my attention because I found that I really could not even begin to understand modern propagandist techniques without studying Hitler and Goebbels in Germany in the 1930's. 

Hitler's skillful use of propaganda appears to have hastened his ascent to power, and enabled him to keep his grip on it. These two men are the fathers of modern propaganda, and it appears that Keith Rupert Murdoch has adopted and updated their propagandist techniques to serve his own interests. 

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So please read on.
Click here to view our report about the state of media coverage of the 2016 election.


M.N. - Comment: Behind the "Hitler's skillful use of propaganda" was Canaris, the Hitler's puppet master and creator, who used him as his cover and his tool in his own climb to power. 
The problem was that all the Canaris' puppets tended to pull on his strings and to get out of his control, probably because, as a loving father and their symbolic (Hitler) and factual(?) lover (Heidrich), he was giving them too much leeway. Canaris viewed his puppets-lovers as his psychosexual phallic extensions. Und ziz iz quite a powerful metaphor and the efficient operating principle, from the submarine to the Third Reich. 

Rupert Murdoch & the Rise of the Propaganda Press: Fox News Propaganda Machine NY Post Fake News

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This Section is Dedicated to Preserving One Man One Vote Democracies by Exposing What Appears to be Murdoch's Life's Work in Propaganda

fox news propaganda ny post propaganda wsj propaganda nycUpdated December 26, 2017 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.
In the Spring of 2016, while watching the Bernie Sanders campaign unfold, I noticed that the 'mainstream media' was showing what seemed to be tangible bias in favor of Hillary Clinton. This prompted my first story about the Bernie Sanders campaign & phenomenon, and made me aware of how the mainstream media appeared to treat him unfairly.
After the New York Primary, I noticed a relentless onslaught of attacks by Rupert Murdoch's NY Post on Mayor de Blasio. The attacks were based on allegations and innuendo, and sometimes included as many as five attack stories per day. Their relentless attacks based on allegations and innuendo outraged my sense of decency and fair play, so I began a study of the NY Post reporting bias which resulted in the second story of this series.
While doing the de Blasio / NY Post story, I couldn't help but notice a wide ranging pattern of what appeared to be a rampant abuse of First Amendment power by Keith Rupert Murdoch and his organization, including breaking laws, invading people's privacy, and bribing public officials. While these activities were uncovered in Britain, it's not a stretch to think that given the same man, Murdoch, is controlling the Newscorp & 21st Century Fox global media empire, that these same sorts of nefarious activities might be going on here as well. In fact, people responsible for management oversight of the tainted operations were subsequently given high ranking positions in this country.
As the Republican and Democratic Conventions of 2016 approached, I decided that the time period surrounding the political party conventions, up through the general election in November, would provide me with a good case study period to evaluate whether and how Murdoch's Fox News, NY Post and other assorted media properties, including the Wall Street Journal and the National Geographic, might be used as propaganda outlets.
In doing the context research, I found America's and Britain's media laws had been rewritten and loosened over time. In numerous cases I noticed that Keith Rupert Murdoch, all too often appeared to be in close proximity to the politicians changing those laws - almost always having supported them with his media properties - and at least in one case - even making personally direct donations to their campaigns.
I dug a bit further and found that there are few 'real' media laws of the books in Australia, where Murdoch is no longer a citizen. In spite of his status as a foreigner he reportedly owns 64% of that nation's daily newspapers and has a controlling interest in the nation's satellite TV system. I did some cursory research and it's not a stretch to think that Murdoch may have gotten his start influencing the re-writing of a nation's media laws there.
I also found what appeared to be a striking pattern of Murdoch manipulations and moves that seemed to come straight out of the political and propaganda playbook written by two of the earliest, most successful, and most evil practitioners of modern mass market propaganda - Adolph Hitler and Joseph Goebbels.
Hitler and Goebbels came to my attention because I found that I really could not even begin to understand modern propagandist techniques without studying Hitler and Goebbels in Germany in the 1930's. Hitler's skillful use of propaganda appears to have hastened his ascent to power, and enabled him to keep his grip on it. These two men are the fathers of modern propaganda, and it appears that Keith Rupert Murdoch has adopted and updated their propagandist techniques to serve his own interests.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So please read on.
Click here to view our report about the state of media coverage of the 2016 election.

This Section is Dedicated to Preserving One Man One Vote Democracies by Exposing What Appears to be Murdoch's Life's Work in Propaganda

Updated December 26, 2017 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz. Continued.

Murdoch and the Rise of the 21st Century Propaganda Press - 2017

Murdoch Media Madness - 2016

Murdoch's NY Post Propaganda Paper & Fox Fake News Factory?

Will Murdoch's Propaganda Outlets Impact NYC Municipal Elections & the NYS Ballot Referendums of 2017?

November 5, 2017 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
How Reliable are the Polls?
On Tuesday November 7, 2017 New Yorkers have an opportunity to assert their will at the ballot box. While the polls indicate Mayor de Blasio will win re-election, it’s important to recall that only a year ago, all but one of the polls forecast that Hillary Clinton would win the presidency.
Having reliable information sources is important to making good choices.
In the 2016 presidential election we saw a corruption of a lot of information that was published and videocast about the candidates, which was used in an attempt to manipulate voters' view of them - aka propaganda.
The following provides a look at the dominant NYC news information provider with an eye to how fair and accurate they have been in their reporting of NYC news. The report contains links to additional information related to this report, as well as additional information about the impending NYC Mayoral election.

Billionaire Murdoch's NY Post & Fox News Appear to have Spent the Past Couple Years Distorting NYC News

One billionaire, Keith Rupert Murdoch, controls a guesstimated 40% of the branded, local, major media outlets in New York City - including the
  • NY Post
  • Fox News Network
  • WWOR TV Channel 9
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • WNYW TV Channel Fox 5
Murdoch appears to use his media outlets as one giant propaganda machine, pouring out billions of impressions around the world into unaware voters / consumers minds. The Murdoch media oftentimes appears to contain misleading, out-of-context narratives that seem intended to manipulate audiences into believing / feeling positively or negatively about politicians / government officials based on distorted reporting of allegations, sensationalizing nits and sometimes outright fictions fabricated or amplified by contributors of the Fox Fake News Factory. These impressions often enough appear to further Murdoch's insatiable appetite for money and power, by removing or promoting pols into positions where they can be used to advance Murdoch's profit-seeking interests.

Murdoch also controls a number of national publications he’s acquired over the past decade or so, such as Barrons andNational Geographic. Oftentimes, if not always, it appears that Murdoch changes editorial staff and reporting standards soon after Murdoch acquisitions have been completed. Generally those changes appear to change what was once a respected news organization into what seems to be a Murdoch propaganda machine. We’ve been reporting on what appears to be Rupert Murdoch’s nefarious use and abuse of his media outlets in a series we’ve entitled Murdoch Media Madness / Fox Fake News / NY Post propaganda.

James Murdoch's Propaganda Donation to the ADL?

Like Father Like Son: Is Rupert's Son also a Talented Deceiver?

Does Murdoch's Fox News RACIAL - ize to SENSATIONALIZE?

Updated September 3 / August 28, 2017 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Government & Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
On Thursday, August 17th, 2017 a huge amount of publicity went out to the people of the United States and the world, that James Murdoch, the CEO of 21st Century Fox and Chairman of British Sky PLC, gave a $1 million donation to the Anti Defamation League.
The Anti-Defamation League [ADL] is a worthy cause, as according to the ADL website,
"The mission of ADL is to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all."
James Murdoch and Fox News probably couldn't have come even close to securing this kind of positive publicity by spending ten times that amount of money on advertisements.

Murdoch's the Name & Mass Media Manipulation is the Game

Given the recent human tragedy of the Charlottesville terrorist attack, and in a time where Neo Nazis and the KKK are back on the march, the donating to the Anti-Defamation League certainly seems like a timely and good cause.
But the public relations aspect of James' donation is only where the story begins - as James Murdoch is the Chief Executive Officer of 21st Century Fox - a position he appears to have secured by virtue of his Royal Birthright. James is the son and one of the heirs to the media empire of multi-billionaire global propagandist Keith Rupert Murdoch - who coincidentally is the Chairman of 21st Century Fox. According to Rupert Murdoch's own words he is also a "good friend" of Donald Trump.
fox news propaganda fox news propaganda fox news racismSo while Fox CEO James Murdoch made a $1 million donation to fight discrimination, one could make the case that one of the more significant (indirect) contributing factors in the rise in anti-Muslim, anti-Semitism and / or racism in America is what appears to be the distorted RACIAL - izing reporting done by Murdoch controlled 'news' outlets - the most notable of which is Fox News.
I'm going to give you three examples of what appears to be Fox News implicit nod to racism by skewed presentations of the facts - including significant omissions, out-of-context distortions and fictionalizations. I encourage you to look for other appearances of this by Murdoch media outlets, whenever you're getting your news from them. The Murdochs control literally hundreds of different media outlets around the globe.
In NYC alone the Murdodchs control the Fox TV Network, NY Post, Wall St Journal and two local TV stations WWOR-TV [Channel 9] and Fox [Channel 5].
And it's worth mentioning that there is a pending lawsuit against the Murdoch's Fox News regarding employment discrimination. I won't delve into the allegations of illegal sexism at the organization as this has already been widely reported. An April 25, 2017 report in the NYT noted,
"Eleven current and former Fox News employees filed a class-action lawsuit in New York against the network, accusing it of “abhorrent, intolerable, unlawful and hostile racial discrimination.”
fox news racist news fox news racists fox news racismOn March 22, 2017 the Murdochs' Fox News had Bill O'Reilly do a report about the rape of a high school girl allegedly by two illegal immigrants. The thrust of Bill O'Reilly's distorted commentary appeared to be the implication that illegal immigrants are rapists.
Murdochs' Fox News report went on to bash the other media which Murdoch's Fox News has called dishonest, propagandist, fake, elitest, liberal and left wing for not reporting the rape.
What O'Reilly doesn't tell you is that,
"... according to the United States Department of Justice document Criminal Victimization in the United States, there were overall 173,610 victims of rape or sexual assault, or 0.1% of the US population 12 or older in 2013 [source Wikipedia]."

O'Reilly Fails to Acknowledge his own Allegedly Sexist Past

fox news racist news fox news racists fox news racismWhat alleged sexist Bill O'Reilly didn't tell his audience in his immigrant rapists report - less than two weeks before the story broke - was that,
"Bill O’Reilly, Fox News pay $13M to settle sexual harrasment suits from five women" [NY Daily News headline on April 2, 2017]
Is Bill O'Reilly a hypocrite who wants to have things both ways?
Murdochs' Fox News and Bill O'Reilly would have to do broadcasts about rape 482 times per day to report all of the rape / sexual assault crimes in this nation.
Why was this particular rape the one to report out of hundreds of thousands committed in the United States? One might conjecture it was reported because James & Rupert Murdoch's Fox News could win ratings with Bill O'Reilly RACIAL - izing the story in order to SENSATIONALIZE the story. A practice which, like Murdoch's Fox News alleged sexism, and what seems the Murdochs' organization penchant for illegally hacking people, appears to be a part of the Murdoch organization ethos or corporate culture.
The silver lining of the rape landscape in America is that the number of rapes per thousand people in the USA has been declining fairly steadily for decades. See graph posted in Wikipedia above.
So if James Murdoch REALLY wanted to make a statement against racism and Nazis - it seems he could have done far more good by terminating this sort of racial-ized reporting on the Murdochs' own news outlets - than by making a highly publicized donation using the Main Stream Media to tell the world that the Murdochs don't embrace racism.
Based on how the Murdochs' organization reports things, it seems James - like his father - wants people to believe he's one way, while he profits from doing things another way.

Fox Fiction Factory: O'Reilly's Fictional Swedish Security Expert

fox news lies fox news liars bill oreilly racist racismThe first example was a piece by former Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly in February of this year.
The O'Reilly Factor on Murdoch's Fox News presented Nils Bildt, whose birthname is Nils Tolling, as a Swedish security expert. Tolling / Bildt was asked to comment as an 'expert witness' about the current security problem that Sweden was (allegedly) having with immigrants.
O'Reilly used a Wall Street Journal report [the Wall St Journal is also controlled by the Murdochs] for his story. Murdoch's Wall Street Journal had published a report about Swedish immigration problems which failed to include important facts [I couldn't find the story so they must have pulled it down, but it's mentioned in the broadcast].
Apparently the WSJ article reported that about of third of women in Sweden feared for their safety. The WSJ failed to note that it was a third of the IMMIGRANT women who were fearful for their safety in Sweden, leaving Murdoch's Wall St Journal audience with the erroneous impression that it was the Swedish women who were fearful.
Nils Tolling aka Nils Bildt turned out to be something of an imposter as he used a second name - not his birthname, and O'Reilly / Fox claimed for him a title and position he never held, and Fox / O'Reilly appeared to give us impression that he was living in Sweden, when in fact he lives in Montana. O'Reilly seemed 'to lead his expert witness' Tolling / Bildt, who told O'Reilly viewers that Sweden was experiencing significant immigration problems. O'Reilly's other guest, Anne-Sofie Naslund, was correctly billed as a Swedish reporter who told O'Reilly's audience that what he was reporting was not true.

Fox News Fake News: Is Murdochs' Fox News a Racist Fiction Factory?

fox news racist news fox news racists fox news racismMurdoch's Fox News O'Reilly, a 42 year news / propaganda veteran, was confronted with the torrent of fictions included in his broadcast. O'Reilly responded by admitting he and Fox News had made errors - but told the reporter that the rest of the story was true. Click here for a more detailed accounting of Bill O'Reilly interview with Nils Bildt or Nils Tolling.
In the graphic at right, The Sun, a Murdoch-controlled British newspaper seems to play the Murdoch organization's racist card against Pakistani immigrants in Britain. While one can be against immigration without being racist - implying that immigrants are lawbreakers and rapists at a higher level than the general population is Fox fake news. As a point in fact, based on studies done in the U.S., immigrants appear to commit crimes at lower levels than the general population.
Click here to continue and read more about James Murdoch's donation to the ADL - Anti-Defamation League & how it appears that Murdoch's organizations sensationalize by racial - izing issues.

Is Fox News the Biggest and the Original Fake News?

Has Rupert Murdoch’s Global Propaganda Machine been Publishing & Broadcasting Fake News for Decades?

July 13, 2017 / Murdoch Media Madness Section / NYC Business & Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
It didn’t take long after Rupert Murdoch bought into his first British newspaper, News of the World, before he changed the tone and quality of its content in such a manner that Murdoch soon became known as the ‘dirty digger’. At first Murdoch dug for dirt on the rich and powerful by sensationalizing the headlines about them, to sell more newspapers and ads.

Did the Dirty Digger Transform his Sensationalist News Organization into a Propaganda Machine?

After Murdoch started running News of the World, he appears to have found that he could re-purpose his dirty digging research, into a second and possibly more profitable venture, by using it to manipulate the public’s perceptions of political candidates just prior to those plebeians going to the polls. It seems Keith Rupert Murdoch developed a habit of taking the low road during one of British Prime Minister Thatcher's election cycles. After the election was over, in a Nazi propagandist fashion, Murdoch proclaimed in the front page headlines of his British newspaper that “The Sun Had Won It’ … for British Prime Minister Thatcher.
It seems this was to be just the beginning of Murdoch’s lifelong journalistic descent into an unethical, Faustian, bottomless Hell.

Is Fox Fake News America's First & Largest Fake News Factory?

The following incidents are really just a few of what appear to be the tip of the iceberg of the mass produced media manipulations rolling off the media production line of Murdoch’s fake news fabrication factory since around the time of the Fox TV Network launch in 1996.
I have included a few incidents from before the Fox launch as I think they’re important for the British to keep in mind as they evaluate Murdoch’s bid for Sky TV. Sky TV is Britain’s most powerful, privately owned, national TV network. And I have not included much from the 2016 presidential campaign in America, nor of the Trump presidency of 2017, since each of those periods could fill entire books by themselves.

Murdoch Seek to Take Full Control of Britian's Largest, Privately Owned Broadcaster

The British Ofcom Department recently ruled that Murdoch is fit to serve the public, but I recommend they put on their eyeglasses, as the following record – in tandem with the multitude of allegations of sexual and racist misconduct which have recently become public at Fox News in NYC – should provide proof that further consideration be given to the possibility that Murdoch is not fit to serve the public.
Murdoch’s organization appears to be guilty of a cesspool of journalistic abuses of the public stewardship entrusted to him - by the people of America - through the grants of the FCC broadcast licenses his company controls. I pray that Britain will not make the same mistake, by enabling him to take full control of Sky TV.
Leading up to his acquisition and abuse of media power in the United States, mega Billionaire Keith Rupert Murdoch appears to have been practicing the propagandist darks arts in Britain. So buckle up, and here we go.
Click here to read the rest of our report on Fox News Fake News?

Orwell's Newspeak: Propaganda at Fox News with Hannity

Rupert Murdoch's Orwellian NewsCorp

April 4, 2017 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Film / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.
On April 4th several New York City arts organizations provided their audiences with the opportunity to watch the film, Ninteen Eighty-Four, based on George Orwell's book by the same name. Orwell published the book in 1949 - just a few short years after the fall of Adolph Hitler and his Nazi regime. The significance of the April 4th date is that that is the date first inscribed in the diary of Winston Smith, the central character and protagonist in the book / film.
Orwell [born Eric Arthur Blair in 1903] was a journalist and novelist who covered the Spanish Civil War in 1936 - 1937, during which the Communists fought the Nationalists for control of Spain. In 1938 Orwell wrote the book Homage to Catalonia about the war, and one of the notable quotes penned in that book was,
"One of the most horrible features of war is that all the war-propaganda, the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting."
When World War II broke out, Orwell [who had tuberculosis] was declared "unfit for any kind of military service" by the British Medical Board. Nonetheless, Orwell spent two years [1941 - 1943] as a broadcaster for the BBC's Eastern Service. Around the time he left the BBC, Orwell began work on a book entitled Animal Farm which he finished and published around the end of the war in 1945. The book talked about how a democracy of pigs was eventually corrupted by those at the top, who fashioned the governance to serve themselves, while exploiting the other members of the farm. One of Orwell's notable quotes penned in that novel was,
"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."
Between the end of the war through to the end of his life [died 1950], Orwell kept on writing - finishing and publishing his last novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four- in 1949. In the film 1984Newspeak is the party language and is characterized by a diminishing vocabulary which is designed to limit thoughts of opposition to the party and leadership, in order to maximize party influence and control.

NewsCorp Newspeak: Rupert Murdoch's NY Post & Fox 'News'

I've been watching Rupert Murdoch's Newscorp and 21st Century Fox media outlets for about a year now.

The Mayor is Innocent but Murdoch's NY Post 'Fake News' Headlines & Stories Fuel a Perception of Corruption

ny post fake news ny post liesI started tracking them because I found the NY Post coverage of the allegations [the investigation was closed in March 2017] surrounding Mayor de Blasio's fundraising - to be propagandistic. For nearly a year the NY Post appeared to publish out-of-context, one-sided, significant distortions of the events surrounding the Mayor. The unrelenting NY Post propagandistic accounts appeared to fall well outside of the guiding principles of American journalism.
Given Murdoch's prior history of election meddling around the globe [see Murdoch corruption or Fox propaganda], one might easily surmise that Murdoch's propagandist attacks on Mayor de Blasio are an attempt to discredit the Mayor in advance of the 2017 election. Thus, since April 2016, I started watching Fox News and their team of commentators - several of whom appear to be unabashed propagandists.
Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Janine Pirro top the list - but in Murdoch's media empire, these top performing masters of media distortion, are far from alone.

Fox & Hannity's Newspeak: Appears to Tell their Audience to Believe What they Say Now, & to Forget Everything they Said Previously

Fox 'News' Hannity is a good example of a Newspeaker, because he appears to conveniently forget or omit things that don't fit into many of his narratives, including things he himself has previously said.
Hannity appears to believe in the old adage that one should,
"never let the facts get in the way of a good story".
In Orwell's 1984 novel / film the rulers teach the people to forget the past, so that the people will believe anything that is told to them. To help this forgetting process along, the rulers change the narratives or prior reports of people and nations in the past.
The simplest example of removing subjects' memories in the film - removing statements of truth so-to-speak - was getting the subjects to believe that 2 + 2 = 5. If the ruling class says it's 5, then it's five - not four.
On Fox 'News' Hannity we see some striking parallels of such flip flops on 'truths'. In 2010 Hannity was calling for hacker Julian Assange to be imprisoned. But in January 2017, Hannity appeared to mostly forget that Assange hacked and stole government information. In 2017 Hannity even provided a public platform for Assange, interviewing the allegedly treasonous hacker; and by some accounts, treating Assange who is wanted for alleged sex crimes in Sweden, with kid gloves.
What changed? Perhaps Rupert Murdoch's Fox News talking points on the Assange narrative, which in 2017 appears to be promoting the notion that Donald Trump did not collude with the Russians to win the 2016 presidential election. The Fox propaganda network doesn't seem to want to wait for the law enforcement officials to complete their work, before pronouncing Trump innocent.
Is this a modern day Orwellian 1984, where we are asked to forget Fox 'News' and Hannity's prior narrative, and believe what they are telling us now?

Mega Multi-Millionaire Hannity Appears to be a War Promoter

sean hannity war promoter liarI've been watching Hannity shows for about a half year now, and I find his hypocrisy nearly legendary. Hannity portrays himself as a working class guy, while he rakes in about $30 million per year and owns multiple multi-million dollar mansions / homes and flies around the country on private jets.
Oliver North and Sean Hannity founded a charity, Freedom Alliance [Concerts], for the families of veterans of the Iraq War - a war which Hannity and his Boss Murdoch promoted using the 'fake news' that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction [WMD].
Murdoch's Fox 'News' and Hannity's ongoing rhetoric calling for a war in Iraq appeared to enhance Fox ratings and revenue, seeming to benefit Hannity, O'Reilly and other members of the Murdoch propaganda network, while destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of others [I'm including the Iraqi civilians too].

Hannity has a Charity for Iraq Veterans' Children - some Believe it's Self Serving

phony sean hannity fake hannity sean hannity hypocriteAccording to Conservative blogger Debbie Schlussel and other reports, I began to get the impression that Hannity's charity is as much a funding source to promote and pay for Sean Hannity public relations efforts, as it is a vehicle to help the children of Iraq War veterans.
In a March 19, 2010 post, Schlussel reports that she received the following information from a contact at Fox.
"Hannity's Freedom Concerts [fund his] use of a Gulfstream 5 plane to fly [him around], a fleet of either Cadillac or Lincoln SUVs ... and several suites at really expensive hotels ..."
Schlussel goes on to question how much of the funds raised, actually go to the children of Iraq veterans.

More than Half the Proceeds go to the Programs

An April 2, 2010 Mother Jones report notes that the non-profit Charity Navigator downgraded the Freedom Alliance [concerts] to two stars following a complaint by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington[CREW]. The CREW complaint said that it was unclear how much money actually made it to veterans' children.
sean hannity propagandist liar media terrorist sean hannity fox news propagandaIn a March 22, 2010 report by CNS News, a conservative site, reported Hannity's response to the above allegations as:
"The statement posted by the Freedom Alliance is 100% truthful and accurate. I have NOT taken a single penny from the Freedom Alliance or from concert sales EVER! I pay all the travel costs for my staff, family and me, and I have personally donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the FA and military charities."
In Charity Navigator's most recent rating dated March 1, 2017 for the fiscal year of 2015, the Freedom Alliance received a 78 rating and reports that about 57% of the charity proceeds go to the programs they deliver.
Orwell's message to us seems relevant to this conversation as in Homage to Catalonia, Orwell tells us that,
"One of the most horrible features of war is that all the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting."
Click here to continue our exploration of Hannity & Murdoch's Fox 'News' propaganda using the warning signs lef to us in George Orwell's books, 1984 and Animal Farm.
We'll take a look into one of Murdoch's huge Australian tax breaks, one of Murdoch's fabulous Australian homes, Ted Koppel's claim that Murdoch's Fox 'News' Hannity is bad for America, how deregulation benefits the Murdochs versus the American working class, and how Murdoch's propaganda machine support for Trump - less than 100 days into the new Administration - already appears to be providing Murdoch and Fox 'News' with handsome returns.

Fox News Sean Hannity is Whose Voice?

Stock Market adds Trillions & Working Middle Class Gets What?

March 6, 2017 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Business & Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
Has Rupert Murdoch's Fox News mouthpiece, Sean Hannity, been pushing hard for tax reform because the Trump tax plan will be good for the working class people - one of which he appears to pretend to be? Or because the Trump Tax Plan will be good for mega multi-millionaires like Sean Hannity and mega multi-billionaires like Hannity's boss, Rupert Murdoch?

Does he Pretend to be Working Class Guy ...

- So he can Dupe Fox News Viewers into Supporting a Tax Plan that Favors NOT them -

... but Mega-Millionaires like Him?

Hannity hasn't been a working class guy for in the neighborhod of two decades. In fact, according to Forbes in a 2015 survey Hannity is a very rich man. According to Zillow Hannity owns a palacial home on Long Island worth millions [see Zillow photo at right] and a second home located in a wealthy enclave in Naples, Florida.
Forbes published that Sean Hannity's earnings in 2015 were $29 million [see graphic at right]. So it's not implausible to guess that Hannity may have purchased the second home in Florida, so he could claim residency there in order to avoid NYS taxes, which Hannity has been publicly complaining about for years.
Which tax candidates and priorities do you think Sean Hannity is supporting - yours - or his own and Boss Murdochs?

Fox News & Hannity Dictate Orders to Republicans ... Implied Threat is Suffer the Wrath of Murdoch's Propaganda Machine?

Hypocrisy & Half Truths on Hannity on Fox News Tonight?

fox news propaganda hannity propagandists lies on fox newsI'm using Fox News propagandist Sean Hannity as an example of what appears to be the incredible hypocrisy and misleading information regarding Trump and the Trump tax plan, being provided by Murdoch's Fox News, one of America's largest TV networks.
It appears Hannity lures unwitting viewers into believing he's a working class guy - when he isn't - so his viewers will take his advice when he labels political candidates and public issues in childly simplistic terms of 'US' vs 'THEM' and 'GOOD' vs 'BAD'. Hannity seems to use small words and incessantly repeats himself, instructing his viewers like they are a bunch of five year-old kids who don't have the contextual experience nor even the infantile analytical skills required to think for themselves.
Fox and Hannity oftentimes appear to make no attempt to find and disseminate the truth on issues or government officials, but instead appear to propagandistically promote or punish those who do not bend to their will, as exemplified in the Business Insider headline to your right. The implicit message to Republicans appears to be obey us - or suffer the consequences of losing your elected government post - because our audience believes us and will do what we tell them to do.
Fox News Hannity's pugnacious rhetoric sounds kind of Nazi-like. This seems to be an indication that the FCC has granted and entrusted these people with way too much power - and that they appear to be corrupting it to serve their own selfish interests.
Click here to continue reading this report about Fox News propaganda & Hannity, O'Reilly propagandists on Fox News which is a lead into a report about how it appears they will profit handsomely from their propaganda services.

Was Brexit a Billionaire Press Lord's Betrayal of Britain?

Is Murdoch about to Reap a $2.5 Billion Brexit Profit & Tighten his Grip on Britain?

January 30, 2017 / New York City / Murdoch Media Madness / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
I stumbled across a news item over the weekend, that led me back down the dirty trail of billionaire media mogul and global propagandist, Keith Rupert Murdoch.

Murdoch NYC Media - NY Post, Fox News, WSJ, WNYW TV & WWOR TV

fox news propaganda ny post propaganda wsj propaganda nycI believe this is an important issue that is, or eventually will be, of great concern to our readers. The reason New Yorkers should be concerned is because Keith Rupert Murdoch controls the following NYC media: Fox TV Network, two local NYC TV stations – WNYW Channel 5 and WWOR Channel 9 - the Wall Street Journal and the NY Post.
Hence Murdoch has a dominant share of local NYC media and oftentimes appears to use it propagandistically to pick politicians who will help him enhance his corporate profits - oftentimes at the expense of the public.
Murdoch also controls some other American media properties including the National Geographic and book publisher, Harper Collins - but for the purposes of this report, these media outlets are less material.

Murdoch & Corruption? NY Post & Fox appear to be used as Propaganda Outlets

I began taking notice of Rupert Murdoch’s manipulative media methods in April 2016 when his NY Post started relentlessly slamming Mayor de Blasio on what at the time appeared to be based purely on allegations and innuendo. Murdoch's Fox News seemed to add to some of the media thrashing. In doing the first story where I recanted some of as Murdoch’s propagandistic methods, I found all sorts of other information that indicated that Media Mogul Murdoch might possibly be more corrupt than many of the politicians skewered by his tabloid print and broadcast outlets.

Was Brexit Used to Replace Cameron to Renew Sky TV Bid?

Around this same time as the NY Post was hazing Mayor de Blasio, the British referendum on whether to stay or exit the European Union [aka Brexit] was coming to a head. I couldn’t resist watching Murdoch’s manipulative media operations swing into action to sway that vote – as I hypothesized at the time – that he was using the referendum to discredit and replace British Prime Minister David Cameron. My theory was that Murdoch wanted to resume his aborted effort to acquire the rest of the British Sky TV satellite network that he didn’t already own, but Cameron was standing in the way.
fox propaganda news fox nyc propagandaThe British Sky TV merger was aborted in July 2011 because Murdoch’s organization was caught illegally hacking thousands of people’s phones in Britain, in order to publicize their private lives, in the interest of macabre headlines and gossipy broadcasts.
Cameron’s Press Secretary, Coulson, a former Murdoch employee, was one of the people accused in the hacking scandal. And the office of the person appointed to oversee the Murdoch B Sky B merger, Jeremy Hunt, was found to have broken protocol by surreptitiously communicating with Murdoch’s organization through an intermediary during the regulatory oversight hearings.
Murdoch periodically publicly asserts that his political press patronage is not related to all the goodies he appears to collect shortly after his candidates win. But quite frankly, having done quite a lot of research, I find that close to impossible to believe after sifting through a four-decades-long pattern of highly beneficial circumtances that ended in Murdoch's favor. Click here to read our report on possible Murdoch corruption - featuring Newscorp, 20th Century Fox, Fox News, the NY Post and the Sun.

Murdoch, NOT A BRITISH CITIZEN, Controls Largest Concentration of Media in Britain

Keith Rupert Murdoch is NOT A BRITISH CITIZEN, and yet he controls two of Britain’s largest daily newspapers - the [London] Times and the Sun; and two of its largest weekend papers – the Sunday Times and the Sun on Sunday. Murdoch’s organization also holds a 39% share in Sky TV, which is Britain’s largest pay satellite TV provider, and has substantial mobile phone and internet service shares of the British market.
Today, nearly a year after the whole Brexit drama began, British Prime Minister David Cameron lost the Brexit vote and his job. And less than six months after the new Prime Minister, Theresa May, has taken office; Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox has come back to fetch the rest of its prey. Murdoch re-opened the bid for the rest of Sky Broadcasting in early December of 2016. And Murdoch's organization reportedly may reap a $2.5 billion gain versus pre-Brexit economics.

Global Deceptions - Propaganda for Profit & the Bigger Billionaire Picture

I see Murdoch's role in the Brexit vote and current bid to acquire the rest of Sky to be very much related. What follows is a timeline along with some commentary to provide insights into what appear to be possible motives and the driving force behind the Brexit referendum. I hope this will help readers become more aware of the bigger picture - a global media billionaire, invisibly directing and stage managing events on a national and international scale, to get what he wants, regardless of the price the public must pay for it. I know this sounds harsh, but that is exactly what Hitler did and everyone - even Hitler's supporters - paid dearly for it.
Murdoch appears to be using his media outlets as propaganda-for-profit money machines. And he appears to hide in plain sight, behind his branded media curtains, while manipulating a kaleidoscope of menacing politicians and pathetic public policies, in order to further enrich and empower himself.
The laws of physics state that energy and matter are never lost, only transformed, and for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. These are laws that cannot be rewritten by Mr. Murdoch.
So with that happy thought, click here to read the rest of our report entitled - Was Brexit a Betrayal of Britain by a Billionaire Press Lord?

Fox News Propaganda: Fox TV Biased Coverage of U.S. Presidential Election 2016 Propaganda Fox TV News

During July Conventions Murdoch's Fox News Treated Candidates like Polar Opposites - see Original Data Inside

November 3, 2016 / NYC Neighborhoods / Murdoch Fox News Propaganda & NY Post Fake News / News Analysis & Opinion/ Gotham Buzz NYC.
During the Republican and Democratic Conventions in July 2016 I logged the headlines posted on the Fox News website at the top of the page.The news analysis study period begins Monday July 18, 2016 and runs through Thursday July 28, 2016.
The graphic at right shows the three areas of the Fox News website that I used for the analysis including 1) the top left box, which includes a number of top headlines, 2) the video boxes along the right side bar and 3) the three columns of stories just below the top box.
The following data which I included below contains the headline tabulations and the assignment of them to categories - so that you can judge for yourself how representative the numbers I am presenting are of Murdoch's Fox News treatment of the two candidates.
Essentially Murdoch's Fox News webcast 72 positive stories about Donald Trump versus 7 positive headlines about Hillary Clinton, during the July Republican and Democratic Conventions.
Conversely Murdoch's Fox News webcast Donald Trump with 13 negative stories, while webcasting Hillary Clinton 95 negative stories. There were 32 neutral headlines regarding Hillary Clinton, and 14 neutral headlines regarding Donald Trump. This totals 233 headlines and there were another 113 that were unrelated to either candidate.

Murdoch History of Meddling in Democratic Elections

rupert murdoch evil madmanRupert Murdoch appears to have a decades-long history of meddling in the elections of English speaking democracies around the world. Back in the 1960's he always had a tag line which he made sure to include in his interviews which is that he wanted "diversity in the media".
At best this interview tagline of his is insincere, as he owns over 60% of Australia newspapers, which is considered a monopoly share in our country, and he has controlling interest in Australian satellite television [see <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> for details].

Promoting Politically Favored & Punishing the Opposition?

In the 1970's / 1980's Rupert Murdoch reportedly helped Margaret Thatcher win the Prime Minister position three times in Britain. And in her last campaign, he reportedly savaged the opposition which was leading in the polls until the end.
An American political science professor has studied the last of her victorious campaigns and it's worth repeating the lessons of it.
According to Professor James P. Allan who is a political scientist at Wittenberg University in Dublin, Ohio, Opposition Leader Neil Kinnock noted in his resignation speech in April 1992 the following,
“I make, and I seek, no excuses, and I express no bitterness, when I say that the Conservative-supporting press has enabled the Tory Party to win yet again when the Conservative Party could not have secured victory for itself on the basis of its record, its programme or its character.”
Professor Allan goes on to tell us,
"In both 1987 and 1992, the Labour Party again had to deal with an extremely hostile national press, which relentlessly attacked Labour and its Leaders often using dubious evidence and arithmetic to question Labour’s tax and spending plans. McKie cites several studies which suggest that the press had an influence on the outcome of the 1992 election, accounting for what appeared to be a late swing to the Conservatives.”

Or Hyping the Favoreds & 'Bludgeoning the Opposition"?

rupert murdoch evil madmanIn the Australian election of 2013, Murdoch's media outlets reportedly bludgeoned the opposition. According to an August 27, 2013 report in Bloomberg,
"[Murdoch's organization in Sydney's Daily Telegraph has depicted] Labor leader Rudd ... as a bungling Nazi commandant, Kermit the Frog and a bank robber ... [and] whose front-page salvo on the first day of the campaign was “Kick This Mob Out.” Murdoch’s News Corp. is “taking a club to our government,” Rudd said
August 23 ... on at least 20 occasions he and his ministers have accused the company of bias in the 24 days since the September 7th poll was set."
"News Corp.’s “attacks these days are much more sledgehammer brutal and unscrupulous than before,” said John Menadue, the nation’s most senior civil servant from 1974 to 1976, who managed Murdoch’s Sydney operations
for the preceding seven years."

Fact or Fiction: Voldemort or VoldeMurdoch?

Murdoch's morphing of older, established, trusted media brands into propaganda outlets, was well depicted by J.K. Rowling in her Harry Potter books. In the Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix, she captured in part what I feel I've been witnessing this year - how an audience slowly begins to realize that the information they are being served is crap. In the Harry Potter book the young wizards of Hogwarts School of Magic slowly come to the realization that the Daily Prophet - a centuries old, trusted, news source - has become insidiously corrupted by Lord Voldemort.

Fox News Propaganda: How Murdoch Made Trump President


Rupert Murdoch had Apartment in Trump Tower for Years

October 31, 2016 / NYC Neighborhoods / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.

Is Rupert Murdoch using his Media Outlets as Propaganda Machines to Sway the Underinformed to Vote for His - NOT Their Own - Interests?

Multi-billionaire, Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch lived in Trump Towers for two to three years according to www.<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. During that time Murdoch's then-wife, Wendi Deng, became good friends with Trump's daughter Ivanka. In 2008, Deng reportedly helped Ivanka and her husband reconcile by inviting them to Rupert's yacht - without either of them knowing the other would be there.
It appears Wendi and Ivanka remain friends as they've been seen conversing together at numerous events in 2016 including while reportedly vacationing in Croatia. Thus it should come as no surprise that Rupert Murdoch heavily backed Trump's bid for the Republican nomination, telling Republican government officials and voters that they would be "Mad not to support him [Trump]".
In the photo at right Rupert Murdoch and Donald J. Trump are shown at one of Trump's golf courses. Murdoch who is not a British citizen supported the Brexit vote, which American military generals have said weakens NATO's standing vis a vis periodically hostile foreign nations like Putin's Russia. We'll have more on what the Brexit vote means for average Brits, a bit further down in this story.

Globetrotting Murdoch has Controlling Interest in Fox, NY Post & WSJ and Appears to have Few Loyalties

rupert murdoch election tamperingRupert Murdoch has controlling interest in Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the NY Post, Barron's and the National Geographic along with numerous television stations and smaller newspapers.
Rupert Murdoch appears to have a long history of swaying voters to vote against their own interests by using propagandist techniques to manipulate them. Propagandist techniques include using half truths, hyping stories either favorable or unfavorable, and creating chaos while badgering other members of the press, politicians and the public into accepting well scripted narratives.
It appears the 2016 U.S. presidential election is no different, and quite possibly the Murdoch Manipulative Media Machine is on steroids this year.

Murdoch Appears to Use Media Outlets as Propaganda Machines by Controlling the Narrative in Britain and the U.S.

rupert murdoch election tamperingWe've documented prior occurrences in Britain where Murdoch appears to use his media outlets to sway his audiences to vote for the billionaire media mogul's interests, by convincing his audiences that they are voting for their own.
In the graphic at right, Murdoch's Sun, the largest newspaper in Britain, publicly beats its Tarzan-like chest telling the British public that it was them - Murdoch's newspapers - that won the election for Thatcher. That would seem to confirm that Murdoch runs a political propaganda machine and that his audience should be wary of trusting Murdoch media outlets.

Murdoch's 'Media Coup d' Etat' in 2000 U.S. Presidential Election

During the 2000 presidential election the rest of the American press remained silent, as Murdoch's NY Post and Fox News changed the presidential election results narrative and headlines, by leveraging the chaos in Florida to overturn the electoral college vote outcome in the middle of the night. Sadly, the rest of the American media dumbfoundedly followed. To use an expression Fox commentator Newt Gingrich's spoke this year, it appeared to be a media coup d'etat.
In congressional testimony in 2001, Fox News Chief Roger Ailes apologized for Fox News calling Bush the victor in the presidential election in November of 2000. But while Ailes apologized, can one doubt that he knew full well that his news treatment of election results made a significant difference in the outcome? And did he know that his apology to the Congressional Committee wouldn't make any difference at all? Adolph Hitler said something to the effect that in war [or elections], it doesn't matter if you lie - only that you win - because if you win, then how much you lied won't matter.

Have Hitler & Goebbels, the Earliest & Most Successful Practicioners of Modern Propaganda, been Eclipsed by Rupert Murdoch's use of the Dark Arts?

rupert murdoch election tamperingAdolph Hitler is the father of modern media propaganda. Hitler and Goebbels used propaganda to convince the German people of many things that just plainly were not true. They did so by telling half truths, distorting events by sensationalizing allegations, and hyping innuendo against their opposition. Hitler and Goebbels also downplayed, distorted or distracted the public from their own failings, negatives and misdeeds.
To manipulate the public Hitler and Goebbels created their propaganda using half truths which they mixed in some factually correct stories, so that the distortions of the truth and outright lies wouldn't be so easily detected. Ultimately Hitler and Goebbels played upon the German people's prejudices and roused their emotions to stir them to do horrible things. This is the nature of propaganda, as by arousing emotions, while creating chaos and confusion, propagandists are able to get people to make decisions based on half truths and emotion - instead of making intelligent decisions based on a full gathering of all of the facts, and a thoughtful evaluation of them based on human REASON - AND FULL DISCLOSURE. In civilized societies we call this the truth.
I know discussions of Hitler tend to be unpleasant given the atrocities he committed. But given current day events, it is imperative that people understand how Hitler INSIDIOUSLY came to power, before he took the world into a war that cost 70 - 80 million people their lives. As the 20th century writer George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember [learn from] the past, are condemned [or doomed?] to repeat it"".

Murdoch Seems to use Media Outlets as Propaganda Machines for his Own Benefit

rupert murdoch election tamperingMurdoch reportedly called off Fox commentator Megyn Kelly, after she took Trump to task in one of the Republican primary debates. Fox commentator Bill O'Reilly is apparently a friend of Trump's [see photo at right] who has also provided Trump with an 'open mike' providing Trump with virtually unlimited access for near hour long infomercials, while unleashing a near incessant barrage of attacks on his opponent.
Roger Ailes, who stepped down as the Fox News Chief following multiple allegations of his sexual misconduct, has reportedly taken a role in an advisory capacity in the Trump campaign. Fox commentator Sean Hannity has been stridently advocating for the Trump campaign for over a year. Hannity is rumored to be positioning himself for a spot with a Trump Administration - should Trump win the presidency.

Record-Breaking, Unrecorded Campaign Contributions by Murdoch

Murdoch isn't required to report his payment-in-kind infomercial-like coverage of candidates he favors, nor provide fair access to Trump competitors [because the Fair Use Doctrine was repealed under what may have been Murdoch influence - click link above to see a story we did looking into that]. Nor is Murdoch limited in the free attack coverage he can provide for the Trump Campaign against their opponents - because Murdoch is able to use the First Amendment loophole to make what appear to be record-breaking, unrecorded campaign, advertising contributions. It used to be called PROPAGANDA.

Fox News Propaganda Undermining Democracy in America Australia Britain

Has Rupert Murdoch's Organization been Trading Propaganda Services To Politicians in Exchange for Government Favors?

October 3, 2016 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Government & Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.
Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, Murdoch's NY Post and even Murdoch's Wall Street Journal - appear to be used as a portfolio of propaganda publicity outlets to support Murdoch-favored politicians and Murdoch-favored public policies.
In this report we'll explore the possibility that Keith Rupert Murdoch's manipulative media machine is corrupting the public dialogue by disinforming and creating chaos in voters' minds, so that he can punish candidates by publicizing them out of office or publicity promote candidates into office. The photo at right shows a 1983 meeting between President Ronald Reagan and media mogul Keith Rupert Murdoch.
Decades of historical and recent coincidences, on three continents, and numerous administrations provide an entire body of circumstantial evidence that suggests Murdoch's organization has been methodically conducting behind-the-scenes deals with government officials to change media laws and regulations - affecting Murdoch's organization and the media industry - in Murdoch's favor.
In an October 16, 2006 story in the New Yorker, journalist and former Murdoch employee John Cassidy tells us,
"When I suggested to Murdoch that many people believe that his business interests dictate his politics, he reacted angrily. "Go ask Ed Koch if I ever asked him for anything," he said. "Go ask Margaret Thatcher. Go ask Tony Blair. Ask anyone if I ever asked for anything."
"Koch told me that Murdoch did once ask for something: during a newspaper strike in 1978, he requested, through an intermediary, that the Post's delivery trucks be allowed to use the city's parkways. Koch said yes. (He offered the city's other newspapers similar access.) The Thatcher government provided Murdoch with crucial police support when he fired hundreds of print-union workers, in 1986, and Blair relaxed the Labour Party's policy on media ownership."
Cassidy's listing of Murdoch favors from government officials appears to have only been the tip of the iceberg.
rupert murdoch corruption quid pro quo
There have been a whole host of changes to American media laws since Rupert Murdoch arrived on our shores in the late 1970's.
The laws and regulations governing media that have been altered include: 1) media ownership by foreigners, 2) limits on local television stations ownership, 3) ownership of multiple media outlets in the same market [aka duopolies], and 4) media mergers and acquisitions. While I was generally unable to establish a legally verifiable quid pro quo, I did find an incredible number of what could only be described as 'interesting coincidences'. So interesting as to lead me to believe they might not be coincidences at all, including a recent series of events that appear to illustrate the theory that Keith Rupert Murdoch has played a highly influential role in making those changes.
rupert murdoch corruption quid pro quo murdoch corruptionIn an April 27, 2012 story by ABC News, I found this report about Murdoch and his organization's political donations,
"Lately, a particular fundraising focus for Murdoch's American arm has been the Republican chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan. The company has directed $35,500 to Upton's leadership committee, including a $2,500 check from Murdoch himself."
Less than a year earlier, on May 31, 2011 the website reported that,
"House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) today sent a letter urging the Federal Communications Commission to remove the Fairness Doctrine rules from the Code of Federal Regulations."
""Further research has revealed that the political-editorial and personal-attack rules also remain intact despite the FCC's decision to repeal them. The media marketplace is more diverse and competitive today than it was ten years ago ... " [Editor's Note: This statement is not true - see facts a bit further below].
Murdoch's Fox News was tracking these events, and reported in a June 8, 2011 story headlined FCC Agrees to take "Fairness Doctrine off the Books",
""I [FCC's Genachowski] fully support deleting the Fairness Doctrine and related provisions from the Code of Federal Regulations," ... Genachowski wrote to Rep. Fred. Upton, chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce."
"At the time [when the rules were instated in 1949], only 2,881 radio stations existed, compared with roughly 14,000 today."
FCC Chairman Genachowski failed to mention that while the number of stations has proliferated, the ownership of them has not. According to a Business Insider report [info source was <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - a higher education funding website] and also published in <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - the media outlets mentioned above are now owned by six corporations, down from 50 in 1983.
In the graphic at right is a Murdoch's tabloid NY Post roasting the Clintons about Quid Pro Quo. I superimposed Murdoch's face over the Clintons as it appears the pot may be calling the kettle black.

You Decide - Is Billionaire Media Mogul Keith Rupert Murdoch Guilty of Quid Pro Quo Corruption or are these an Amazing Series of Lucky Coincidences?

Read on to decide for yourself whether you think that billionaire media mogul Keith Rupert Murdoch and his organization, are guilty of many of the same sorts of quid pro quo malfeasance of which they so easily and frequently accuse politicians.
Click here to read the rest of our report - Is Rupert Murdoch Hacking Democracy & Quid Pro Quo Corruption?

Fox News Propaganda & NY Post Propaganda: Chelsea Bombing 2016

Who are the Real Terrorists?

September 20, 2016 / NYC Neighborhoods / Murdoch Fox News NY Post Propaganda / News Analysis & Opinion / Manhattan Buzz.
Saturday evening, September 17th, at around 8.30 pm a bomb went off in a dumpster near 131 West 23rd Street [just off 6th Avenue] in Chelsea. While a number of people were injured by the debris [29 in total], thankfully nobody was killed, and all 29 of the people impacted have been released. The photo at right shows the scene were a small bomb exploded on Saturday evening in the Chelsea section of Manhattan.
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo was quick to inform the public that the bombing was a terrorist act, but that it did not appear to be linked to international terrorism. Today, just three days later, it appears the bomber may have been influenced by a trip taken abroad.
At the time of Cuomo's announcement, he appeared to be continuing what seems like an ongoing effort to upstage the Mayor, by being the first to speak to the press and by sensationalizing the incident using words like terrorist [headline grabbing].
The Mayor was far more circumspect when he spoke, telling us only that based on the evidence gathered at the time, the act appeared to be intentional. The Mayor ended his remarks with that terse statement - telling us he would have more to say pending the receipt of additional information. NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill exercised the same caution in describing the event as the Mayor.

fox news chelsea bomber nyc terrorst ny post wsjIs Murdoch's Media Org Hyping the Bombing for Ratings & Newspaper Sales Like They Appeared to do with the Iraq War?

Not surprisingly, Keith Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal, NY Post and Fox News noted / lauded or applauded the Governor for helping them in what appeared to be their ongoing efforts to sensationalize the terrible act.
Was their goal in hyping the bomb to sell more newspapers and increase their TV ratings? At first blush that's hard to believe - until you do the math.
In 2002 - 2003, Murdoch in tandem with his global media organization, strongly advocated on three continents [U.S., Britain and Australia] to start the War in Iraq. Ultimately, I believe the war increased Fox cable TV and Fox News ratings, which are worth billions of dollars annually. We'll have more on this a bit later in the story.

Do Bombers Seek Fame & Does Murdoch's Media Machine Provide Them with it?

Is Instant Fame a Bomber's Motivation? It seems plausible that part of the motivation of a bomber might be to make the headlines / be shown on TV / become famous, even if only for what artist Andy Warhol described as one's 15 minutes of fame. See NY Post graphic to your right, where the now famous bomber made the NY Post front page while lying in bed. Thank you Mr. Murdoch and your NY Post?
Achieving Goals By Fear Mongering? Rupert Murdoch's propaganda-oriented 'news' outlets may in fact be part of the problem - not part of the solution. Murdoch's organization appears hell bent on hyping the bombing event into an international terrorist attack, which one may surmise that they can then use to rekindle fears based on 15 year old memories, to shape the national security narrative leading up to the general election.
joseph goebbels nazi propagandist third reich
At a time when the whole world was in turmoil FDR told America,
"We have nothing to fear, but fear itself."
How times have changed.
It seems Keith Rupert Murdoch's organization is saying something just the opposite, like,
"Be afraid. Be very afraid."
Never mind that nobody died in this incident or even reportedly sustained any serious injuries. And based on what is known, and what I saw, there appears to be very little SUBSTANTIAL property damage. But professional propagandists never let the facts get in the way of the story they want to tell, the perspective they want to sell, so this was an event I used to watch and learn from a media organization controlled by a man believed by many, to be the world's reigning propagandist.
People need to pay more attention to who they're going to listen to, to provide them with information and context about the world in which we live. The information sources they choose inevitably influence their view of the world, who they choose to represent them, what public policies they want pursued and how they go about conducting their lives.
The graphic at right is a quote from author of the book entitled 1984 - George Orwell - in his book Homage to Cataloniapublished in 1938. In it he said,
"One of the most horrible features of war is that all the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting."

Pay Attention to the Changing Murdoch Media Narrative

Can the Real Terrorists be Found in Murdoch's Fear Mongering Media Empire?

chelsea bomb explosion nycGiven that folks were out and about on Sunday, less than a day after the explosionI began pondering whether it's media outlets like those owned by Keith Rupert Murdoch that are responsible for terrorizing the citizens of New York - and the nation - by continually repeating fear-inspired storylines / narratives?
It seemed the bomber had already failed to terrorize us in New York City, where the bomb exploded, given the fact that so many of us were out and about only hours later. In the photo at right are marchers in the Mexican Day Parade.
But Murdoch's manipulative media machine looks like it went into overdrive by broadcasting, webcasting and printing fear-inspired stories. Thus,perhaps the bomber may yet succeed in terrorizing us, with the help of Murdoch's media fear mongering machine.

Media Mogul Calculus: Terror or War = High Ratings Worth $$$ Billions &

Since Taxpayer Funds Most Production Costs of War / Show = Even Higher Profits

rupert murdoch political advertising guidelines fccThe Iraq War in 2003 was like fresh new free money, because Murdoch's organization could sell pricey TV ads for increased news ratings, while the bulk of the costs of staging the 'news programming' aka the Iraq War, was provided free to Murdoch's organization, compliments of the American, British and Australian taxpayers.
Based on the recent financial performance of Murdoch's organizations, his flailing media outlets appear to be in need of this sort of low cost [to Murdoch's media empire], high ratings programming.

Trillion(s) Spent on Iraq War Because of Phony, Media-Hyped, 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' Threat

In 2002 - 2003 Murdoch's organization appeared to use this same sort of hyping and sensationalizing of Sadam's 'weapons of mass destruction' to monger fear in America, Britain and Australia so the nations would go to war against Iraq.
Only later did we find out that there weren't, in fact, any weapons of mass destruction and that it was all media and political hype used to get us into the war. Once embroiled in the war, it cost well over a TRILLION DOLLARS, and by some accounts - we're still not completely out. In the graphic at right are just a few of the strident headlines published in Murdoch media.

Those Who do Not Learn from History are Doomed to Repeat it

political broadcast rules murdoch newscorp hannity oreillyIn researching propaganda, I couldn't help but encounter propagandist works and statements made by propagandists Adolph Hitler and Joseph Goebbels. I recall as a youngster wondering how Hitler came to have so, so much power. Only now do I understand, as it appears Hitler accumulated his power insidiously, by conducting mass marketing campaigns of deception, disguised and packaged in with information, facts and news.

Does Fox Disinform - So Murdoch can Decide?

Fox viewers have been found not only to be less informed, but actually disinformed, on subjects ranging from healthcare, to science, to international affairs.
Media Matters informs us that studies to this effect have been conducted by Kaiser Health, Ohio State University researchers, Program on International Policy Attitudes, Stanford University and the National Science Foundation, University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes, Farleigh Dickinson University and an NBC / Wall Street Journal poll before Murdoch acquired the Wall Street Journal.
political broadcast rules murdoch newscorp hannity oreillyAs you can see in the graphic at right, a poll which was included in a documentary entitled OutFoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, shows that Fox viewers tended to be more ill-informed than their PBS media peers.
You can click into the graphic which will take you to the video, but we reference and link to it again later in this story where we highlight a piece in the video that proves the point and is funny in a twisted Murdochian way.
Click here to view a prior piece we did on what appears to be Rupert Murdoch's assault on democracy which takes you deeper into what appears to be a long history of the billionaire media mogul's influence on electoral outcomes.
In June of 2016 Murdoch's media organization seemed to provide its readers / voters the same sort of bad advice with their advocacy in favor of Brexit or exiting the European Union. We'll have a bit more on this later.
Click here to read the rest of our report about what appears to be Rupert Murdoch's manipulative use of his media assets.

Rupert Murdoch News Corp NY Post Hazing NYC Mayor?

Will Billionaire Rupert Murdoch Profit from NY POST's Attack Stories?

Updated May 13, 2016 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.
The NY Post's incredible barrage of attack stories on NYC Mayor de Blasio this past month led us to believe that something was amiss.

Is the NY Post Disinforming the Public?

After a month of a barrage of negative attack (ads?) stories regarding the Mayor's campaign funding, someone reading the NY Post might come away believing that Mayor de Blasio had already been convicted of numerous counts of breaking the law. As you will see later in this story, this would not be the first time the Murdoch organization's audience was not uninformed - but rather disinformed.
That said, if they read a newspaper that generally conforms to the professional standards of American journalism, like the New York Times, they would know that,
"It is not clear how direct a role, if any, the mayor played in some of these matters." - NYT April 29, 2016

Infomercials Presented as News?

Given that some of what Murdoch's organization [includes NY Post, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal and hundred(s) more properties] publishes and broadcasts appears to make significant departures from the American professional standards of journalism - one has to wonder if Murdoch's organization hasn't found a way to skirt campaign finance laws - as some of their 'news reporting' looks more like long-winded political infomercials.

Just Because They Say it's So, Doesn't Mean it's So

The NYS Board of Elections says,
"Independent Expenditures Do Not Include Expenditures in Connection with... A written news story, commentary, or editorial or a news story, commentary, or editorial distributed through the facilities of any broadcasting station, cable or satellite, unless such publication or facilities are owned or controlled by any political party, political committee or candidate ..."
Has Murdoch's organization found a way to skirt campaign finance laws by making huge, undisclosed, payment-in-kind, independent media expenditures to support or attack political candidates and push an issue agenda by running infomercials as news stories?
Does this practice enable the Murdoch organization to become the STRING PULLER, who makes their candidatesPOLITICAL PUPPETS?

Rupert's NY Post Goes After Mayor like Rabid Dog

There were 80 stories published about the Mayor by Billionaire Media Mogul Keith Rupert Murdoch's NY Post in the first 24 days of April.
That's more than three stories per day - and not a single one was positive [a few were neutral]. The stories were authored by 20 reporters, some of whom shared the bylines. This is the equivalent of having the entire editorial staff of a medium-sized daily newspaper, working full time on publishing stories about just one government official.
I'm pretty sure that the Washington Post didn't dedicate this kind of resource to covering the Nixon Watergate scandal in the early 1970's. It seems like overkill, which is generally indicative that something is not right.
I say not right because it has been my experience that this kind of overzealous attack oftentimes reflects more upon the prosecutor than the prosecuted.

Abusive, Power-Hungry Media Moguls in Film - 1941 & 1997

What I found while working on this story had some parallels to the 1997 James Bond movie, Tomorrow Never Dies. In the movie, Eliot Carver is the Media Mogul, and he uses his presses and TV stations to hype a war between China and Britain. In 2002 the NYT did a piece which they entitled 'Mr. Murdoch's War' which was about Murdoch's urging the U.S. and Britain to go to war in Iraq, which we'll have more about later in this story.
During my research a character profile of Billionaire Murdoch began to emerge that was something right out of the film Citizen Kane, who was portrayed by Orson Welles in 1941. It's interesting to note that 1941 was the same year that the FCC capped TV media ownership by a single person / entity at 35%. And this FCC ownership limit was overturned, some say because of Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch, and this will also be covered in more detail a bit later in this story.
The image to your right shows a page out of The Guardian, one of Britain's most respected newspapers, about the culture of Billionaire Media Mogul Keith Rupert Murdoch's organization.
In 2012, only four short years ago, Billionaire Media Mogul Keith Rupert Murdoch was declared "Not a Fit Person" to lead his company by a British public official who led a commission that investigated the criminal operations conducted by people working for Billionaire Mogul Murdoch's media empire.

Murdoch's Hires Convicted of Bribery & Hacking Crimes (911 Victims)

rupert murdoch phone hacking scandalFor alleged crimes committed over the course of years within roughly the first decade of the 21st century, British authorities arrested and / or convicted dozens of people working for Murdoch's organization.
The crimes they were convicted of, alleged to have committed, or were arrested for - included bribing government and law enforcement officials, and hacking the phones of relatives of murder victims, the relatives of soldiers who died in Afghanistan and Iraq, relatives of the victims of the London terrorist attacks, relatives of 911 victims, a four year old's cystic fibrosis medical records, and the mother of a slain daughter.
It appears Murdoch's organization did this to build viewership for his media outlets. Investigation into the 911 allegations were dropped by the FBI, but reportedly to the dissatisfaction and without the consent of some of those believed to be affected.

NewsCorp Influence on Elections Followed by Favorable Gov't Rulings

We found three examples of Murdoch's news organization appearing to meddle with electoral outcomes by using their media assets as a propaganda machine, rather than as a news organization.

1. Fox News Role in 2000 Election of Bush

Followed by Bush FCC Expanding TV Ownership Limits

rupert murdoch photoIn 2000, Fox News declared Bush the victor of the election around 2.30 am, the morning after the election. Later than morning, in New York City the media capital of the nation, an Election Extra morning edition of the NY Post hit the newsstands announcing Bush's victory in a definitive manner. This came after all four [including Fox] of the American TV networks had already declared Al Gore the probable winner on election night. A confused NYT headline appeared to follow Murdoch's Fox News and NY Post definitive announcement by declaring that Bush 'appeared to defeat Gore'.
In less than three years the Bush Administration's FCC rolled back limits on ownership of TV station coverage in the nation, which enabled Billionaire Murdoch's Fox Television to expand its TV station coverage, thus giving Murdoch's Fox network a competitive advantage. Coincidence, or does the NY Post headline below apply to Murdoch here?

2. Murdoch's Support of Cameron for British Prime Minister

Followed by Cameron's Gov't Presiding over Regulatory Approval Process of Murdoch Deal

In 2009 as the Murdoch's were reported to be contemplating making a bid for the shares of British Sky Broadcasting [aka B Sky B] that they didn't already own, David Cameron was contemplating a run for Britain's Prime Minister. rupert murdoch bribery britain police bribes government officials bribes news corp hacking scandal
That summer a Cameron aide was reported to have spent five days visiting the Murdoch's news organization in New York. Following the visit, Murdoch began supporting Cameron's bid for Prime Minister [he won]. Roughly around the same time, Murdoch made a bid for B Sky B. The completion of the B Sky B acquisition was within a month of regulatory approval, but halted, because of 'near industrial scale' phone hacking scandal and news reports of bribes which were alleged to implicate Murdoch's news organization in 2011.

3. NY Post Endorses Cuomo for Governor

Followed by Murdoch NO-BID Deal Negotiations with New York State

In 2010 Murdoch's NY Post endorsed Andrew Cuomo's bid for NYS governor. In August 2011, a Murdoch company was about to be awarded a no-bid contract to track students' performance by the State of New York.
But the deal was halted because of the serious criminal charges of phone hacking by Murdoch's organization, as well as allegations regarding his organization's bribes of police and government officals.
This third coincidence leads us to consider the possibility of a possible NYC or NYS profit motive behind Murdoch's NY Post's barrage of attack stories on Mayor de Blasio.

Murdoch's NY Post Hazing of Mayor: Propaganda for Profit?

ny post hazing mayor media hazing of de blasio by murdochIn the story that follows you'll find some additional source material, including a book about Murdoch sold by British <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
We make comparisons of Murdoch to William Randolph Hearst who reportedly told one of his newsmen - "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." Some believe Murdoch's role in stridently urging the English-speaking world into the Iraq war was for ratings.
We provide accounts of details about the criminal acts done by hires for Murdoch's organization.
We provide the names of the seven independent organizations which conducted studies showing that frequent viewers of Fox News appear to be disinformed.
And lastly, we conclude with a cursory look - because it's mostly allegations and innuendo - at the NY Post incessant barrage of attack stories of Mayor de Blasio.


Suggestion for New NY Post / WSJ / 21st Century Fox News Slogan: 'We Decide by Disinforming You.'

rupert murdoch news brands usaFox News has used the slogan, 'We Report. You Decide.' But after doing the research for this story I wondered if the slogan in the headline above, 'We Decide by Disinforming You.' might be a better fit.
As mentioned above, seven studies, by independent and respected institutions, found that frequent viewers of Fox News are more likely to be disinformed about key issues of the day than other segments of the public. We'll have more on this later.

TV, Newspaper & PC Smoke Screens?

Is Billionaire Media Mogul Keith Rupert Murdoch using propaganda to enhance his organization's profit - OR is this all just an unusual series of coincidences?
You can judge for yourself whether you think Murdoch is running his media empire as a credible, contextual, balanced news reporting organization - OR - as an organization with a history of connections to criminal acts, and a propaganda-for-profit machine running near full capacity to topple the NYC Mayor.
Let's take a closer look into the facts behind our investigation into whether Billionaire Media Mogul Keith Rupert Murdoch is making efforts to media haze the NYC Mayor by using the NY Post as a propaganda tool.

Are They Disguising Advocacy & Attack Infomercials as News Reports to Skirt Campaign Finance Laws?

rupert murdochs dirty tricksAt the end of this report we question whether the Murdoch organization is passing off what appears to be its frequent, one-sided, unbalanced, propaganda-like reports - or what some might call advocacy or attack infomercials - as news reports to skirt campaign finance laws.

Critique of American Media Coverage of 2016 Presidential Primaries

Sanders Introduces Democratic Socialism to the American People

Updated April 19, 2016 from 4/15/16 / NYC Neighborhoods / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
If nothing else, this has been an interesting presidential election cycle. It's not 'reality TV', its televised reality.

Making America Great ... again?

The Republicans attracted most of the attention early on, thanks mostly to Donald J. Trump's shock jock presidential candidacy. A candidacy that turned presidential debates about public policy into name calling, discussions of poll numbers & penis size, and relentless barrages of vituperative insults.
The Donald has, in his campaign, essentially told us to forgeddabout the ballooning government deficit, a dated and at times crumbling infrastructure, fixing our public education system, helping the shrinking middle class and addressing global climate change.
The Donald has distracted us from an intelligent discussion about these 'loser' subjects, and told us that he's going to rip 12 million people [the equivalent of about 5% of the nation's population] away from their families by deporting them, punishing women for getting abortions, and erecting a wall along the border with Mexico which he tells us the Mexicans are going to pay for.
Does Trump really think this is how to 'make America great ... again'?

Trump Candidacy Increases Ratings Which Translates to Profits

Trump may not make America great again, but he's been good for corporate-owned, network television ratings. The Hollywood Reporter quotes CBS Chairman, Leslie Moonves telling a Morgan Stanley conference in San Francisco on February 29th, 2016 that,
"The money’s rolling in and this is fun ... this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It’s a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going.”

While Sanders Delivers Substance & Expands Public Debate

So while Donald Trump has been filling the pockets of corporate-owned mass media, Bernie Sanders - the man with the real story - has largely been ignored. Ignored by the mass media, but embraced by the social media and a signficant and growing segment of the American populace. In fact Sanders, during the past week of campaigning in New York, attracted crowds of tens of thousands, while the other candidates on both sides of the ticket did not.
Click here to see photos of the Bernie Sanders campaign 2016 in NYC & LIC Queens, as well as a story about the contest between Sanders and Clinton.

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The Nazi Pig Trump and the Nazi Fox News TV - Google Search

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The Nazi Pig Trump and the Nazi Fox News TV - Google Search

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The Nazi Pig Trump and the Nazi TV Fox News - Google Search

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Democrats Reject Fox News as Partner in Primary Debates

Variety-18 hours ago
Therefore, Fox News will not serve as a media partner for the 2020 ... their case to the largest TV news audience in America, which includes many .... There's a reason why Trump does not own a dog when he has dogs like .... You are a Nazi but if it's because you are employed the Kremlin then it figures.
Story image for The Nazi Pig Trump and the Nazi TV Fox News from Variety

Trump Calls Out Jussie Smollett Over 'Racist and Dangerous Comments'

Variety-Feb 21, 2019
President Donald Trump weighed in on the arrest of Jussie Smollett Thursday, ... crime hoax because he was “dissatisfied with his salary” on the Fox show. ..... You just might say you can't be anymore Nazithen they come, and yet ... And besides being a racist, but you are also sexist pig as well for being on ...
Story image for The Nazi Pig Trump and the Nazi TV Fox News from Politico

Trump looks to amplify message by bringing Fox News into the White ...

Politico-Jun 27, 2018
President Donald Trump is expected to tap former Fox News executive ... Sean Hannity, the president's most vigorous promoter on television.
Story image for The Nazi Pig Trump and the Nazi TV Fox News from Variety

Fox News Backs CNN's White House Lawsuit

Variety-Nov 14, 2018
Fox News supports CNN in its legal effort to regain its White House ... Jeff Zucker has likened Fox News Channel to “state-run TV” and “a pure propaganda machine” for some of its personalities' on-screen fealty to President Trump. ..... Then you are a loyal Nazi who also disrespects the constitution as well ...
Story image for The Nazi Pig Trump and the Nazi TV Fox News from Detroit Metro Times

Michigan GOP Senate ad features a swastika for some reason

Detroit Metro Times-Oct 15, 2018
... seat in November — released a 30-second TV spot earlier this month. ... "alt-right" white nationalists and Neo-Nazis in Trump's America.
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The Nazi Pig Trump and the Nazi TV Fox News - Google Search

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Feb 14, 2019 - Fox News: 'The ad in question is full of disgraceful Nazi imagery' ... Pro-TrumpHitler-appeasing hard right is now targeting Britain .... night, according to data from iSpot TV, a service that monitors ad spending and placement.
Missing: Pig
Feb 16, 2019 - CNN and MSNBC will run anti-Nazi ad that Fox News rejected, filmmakers say ... "We decided to dig deep and pay for television ads we weren't planning to buy ... in the current political climate under President Donald Trump.
Missing: Pig
Dec 9, 2016 - ... by anyone against everyone from university deans to Fox News anchors. ... As with “Nazi” or “Hitler,” it is often said that in any discussion, the first ... only job more glamorous than starring in his own reality television show?
Aug 11, 2018 - And Laura Ingraham, who's a host on Fox News, had this to say the other night. ... This is one of the worst things I've seen on cable television. ... of the most cogent articulations of a viewpoint that exists among Trump supporters that ... There is no difference between the argument that the NAZI made and the ...
Jun 19, 2018 - TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS: The spectacle of illegal immigrants separated ... a death camp, and compared the US government to the Nazis.
Nov 19, 2015 - That law would seem to apply to Donald Trump in a different way: The longer he runs ... presidential primary, the probability of him sounding like a Nazi increases. ... Yahoo News asked Trumpwhether this level of tracking might require ..... Is the boycott of Tucker Carlson and Fox Newscounterproductive?
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Trump and FOX News - Google Search

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Trump and FOX News - Google Search

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Trump and FOX News - Google Search

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Trump threatens to block networks from hosting debates after Dems ...

The Hill-12 hours ago
“Recent reporting in the New Yorker on the inappropriate relationship between President Trump, his administration and Fox News has led me ...
Fox News faces consequences for Trump propaganda
Opinion-Washington Post-15 hours ago
Story image for Trump and FOX News from Deadline

Donald Trump's Tuesday Tweetstorm Fuels New Report Of Cozy Fox ...

Deadline-Mar 5, 2019
As the New Yorker is unspooling its lengthy report codifying the close relationship between Fox Newsand Donald Trump's presidency, it was ...
The Making of the Fox News White House
Highly Cited-The New Yorker-Mar 4, 2019
Story image for Trump and FOX News from Fox News

Cohen inquired about pardon from Trump, his lawyer says ...

Fox News-8 hours ago
A lawyer representing former Trump attorney Michael Cohen said Wednesday that Cohen ... CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP.
Story image for Trump and FOX News from

Fox News and Donald Trump Made Today a Banner Day for the ...

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Mar 5, 2019
Fox News and Donald Trump Made Today a Banner Day for the ... that the Symbiosis of Stupid between Donald Trump and Fox News may go ...
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Juan Williams, one of Fox News' most prominent hosts, on Monday, said there is no real separation between President Trump's White House and the Fox News ...
1 day ago - To Clare's point, Fox's audience predates Trump and Fox News has long been a conservative outlet criticized for its right-leaning coverage ...
Lachlan Murdoch, now installed at Fox News, is a caretaker rather than an empire builder. And, so more than ever, Trump remains the network's main ...

Could Special Counsel Robert Mueller be poised to argue that Trump committed obstruction by attempting to fire him?
A military veteran glowingly featured by Fox News earlier this month for his pro-Trump artwork and his record as a “war hero” admitted Thursday to lying about ...

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Mar 11, 2019 - In January, during the longest government shutdown in America's history, President Donald Trump rode in a motorcade through Hidalgo ...
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Democrats Rules Out Fox News As Debate Partner, Surprising Few ...

Deadline-17 hours ago
The DNC said Wednesday afternoon it will not partner with Fox News for a ... Trump, describing FNC's primetime as a sort of Trump State TV.
Story image for FOX News as Trump's STATE TV from CNN

The Making of the Fox News White House

The New Yorker-Mar 4, 2019
He has granted only ten to the three other main television networks ... politics, says of Fox, “It's the closest we've come to having state TV.” ... For both Trump and Fox, “fear is a business strategy—it keeps people watching.
Fox News killed sordid Stormy Daniels story before 2016 election ...
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Mar 4, 2019
Story image for FOX News as Trump's STATE TV from The Hill

CNN's Chris Cuomo knocks 'state TVFox News

The Hill-Mar 5, 2019
CNN's Chris Cuomo knocks 'state TVFox News .... During the interview, Lewandowski tried to claim that Trump was "more accessible to the ...
Story image for FOX News as Trump's STATE TV from The Hill

Fox News highest-rated TV network for Trump State of the Union

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In the 25–54 demographic, 2.8 million viewers tuned into Fox News between 9 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. for the president's second State of the ...
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FOX News as Trump's STATE TV - Google Search

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2 days ago - CNN's Chris Cuomo criticized rival network Fox News on Monday during an interview with President Trump's former campaign manager Corey ...
May 18, 2018 - On-air hosts and anchors on Fox rivals MSNBC and CNN have referred to Fox Newsas "state-run TV" since President Trump took office.

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Mar 11, 2019 - Jane Mayer on Fox News' transition from partisanship to propaganda. ... politics, says of Fox, “It's the closest we've come to having state TV.” ... For both Trump and Fox, “fear is a business strategy—it keeps people watching.
Jul 13, 2018 - President Trump's penchant for diminishing the fourth estate didn't wither on British soil. “Fake news,” he riffed at various points during a joint ...

Samantha Bee Points Out Long-Term Pitfall Of Donald Trump-Fox News Love Fest | HuffPost

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Samantha Bee explained how Fox News, during the Trump era, has “grown from a simple old-fashioned propaganda factory into a new kind of state television.”
Bee noted on Wednesday’s “Full Frontal” that the conservative network’s bias toward President Donald Trump’s administration “isn’t exactly a big secret.”
In fact, she said, it is now “arguably as powerful as the president it created.”
“But at least Trump is term-limited,” said Bee. “We’ll be living under Fox’s influence as long as there’s a supply of fresh teenage blood to keep Rupert Murdoch undead.”
Check out the full segment here:
And watch the “Full Frontal” video explaining Britain’s Brexit vote to leave the European Union here:
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what needs to be known

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The day is coming when voters in Ukraine will be able to give the incumbent head of state a mandate for the next five years or replace him. There are three weeks left.
According to the Constitution, the regular election of the president of Ukraine is held on the last Sunday of March of the fifth year of office of the president of Ukraine. That is, the vote will take place on March 31, 2019.
Citizens who have reached the age of 35, who have lived in Ukraine for the past ten years and are fluent in the Ukrainian language have the right to run for the presidency. Candidates can be nominated from political parties or participate in the election as self-nominees. Each presidential candidate must provide a passport, autobiography, election program, application, asset declaration and post a deposit of UAH 2.5 million (about $90,000 at the current exchange rate). The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption verifies the candidates' asset declarations.
The current presidential election campaign began on December 31 last year. On February 8, the Central Election Commission (CEC) completed the process of registration of candidates for the post of the head of state. In all, 92 applications were submitted and 44 candidates were registered - the largest number in Ukraine's history. A person cannot hold the post of the head of state for more than two terms, but incumbent President Petro Poroshenko is finishing only his first term so he is running for a second term and is among the candidates.
March 7 is the deadline for a candidate to withdraw from the presidential race and take the deposit back. One candidate used this right on March 6. Another one stated such an intention but a respective application has not yet been submitted to the CEC.
The Central Election Commission also registers official representatives of candidates and Ukrainian and foreign official observers.
On February 18, the CEC formed 199 district election commissions consisting of representatives from registered candidates.
A polling station, no later than five days before the election day, that is before March 24, sends an invitation to each voter, announcing that he or she has been included in the voter list, as well as stating the address of the polling station, the time and place of voting. Voters who cannot move independently report that they should be given an opportunity to vote at their place of residence. Each voter can independently check the availability of his or her data in the electoral lists, using the online service "Personal Voter Cabinet" in the State Register of Voters.
Until March 29 inclusive, candidates have an opportunity to campaign and distribute their election programs. The last day before the election is a "day of silence" when any campaigning is prohibited.
It is prohibited to conduct pre-election campaigning, which is accompanied by the provision of voters with money or goods, services, works, securities, loans, and lotteries free of charge or on preferential terms. It is also prohibited to distribute deliberately untrue information about a candidate. It is illegal to distribute materials containing calls for the liquidation of Ukraine's independence, the violent change of the constitutional order, violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, undermining its security, propagating war, violence and inciting interethnic, racial, religious hatred, as well as encroaching on human rights and freedoms.
The current election is taking place amid Russian aggression, due to which about 7% of Ukraine's territory was occupied and about 1.5 million people were forced to change their place of residence. The CEC simplified the procedure for changing the place of voting for those living in temporarily occupied territories. This can be done on any day but no later than five days before the election day. It is necessary to come with a passport to the nearest point of the State Register of Voters and write an application asking for a temporary change in the place of voting.
The war caused the cancellation of the vote for Ukrainian citizens living on the territory of Russia, which Ukraine recognized at the legislative level as an aggressor state. Ukraine's Central Election Commission closed polling stations in Russia and relocated them to foreign polling stations located on the territory of the Embassies of Ukraine in Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Finland. Citizens of Ukraine temporarily staying in Russia may also exercise their right to vote at their place of residence in Ukraine.
The first round of the election will be held on March 31. About 30 million Ukrainian citizens will be able to vote at 29,824 polling stations.
The results of the first round should be announced before April 10 inclusive, and, if necessary, the second round will be announced the same day if none of the candidates gains 50% plus one vote. The results of the first round should be published in the official newspapers Holos Ukrainy and Uriadovy Kurier before April 13. The presidential run-off will see two candidates who receive the highest number of votes during the March 31 vote.
The election debate between them will be held on April 19. April 20 is again a "day of silence" before the vote so appeals and statements made by candidates during the debate will be the latest information for voters.
The second round of the election will take place on April 21. The CEC should publish the results of the run-off before May 1, 2019 (official results will be published on May 4).
The inauguration will take place by June 3 (under the Constitution, "no later than 30 days after the official announcement of election results"). A new head of state will assume office after a swearing-in ceremony in the Verkhovna Rada.
For the first time in the election there is no competition between two major candidates. Previously, two presidential election favorites were always predictable. Now, the competition for winning through to the second round is very high. According to surveys, the best chances of reaching the second round are enjoyed by incumbent President Petro Poroshenko, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and a candidate who represents those disappointed with professional politicians – comedian and showman Volodymyr Zelensky. Their ratings have changed dynamically in recent months in the range from 15 to 25 percent of supporters.
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Megaphones and more: Mueller details Russian U.S. election meddling

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - From breaking into computers to paying for a megaphone, Russian efforts to undermine the U.S. political system have been spelled out in detail by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who has described an elaborate campaign of hacking and propaganda during the 2016 presidential race.
FILE PHOTO: Russian flag flies with the Spasskaya Tower of Moscow's Kremlin in the background in Moscow, Russia February 27, 2019. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov/File Photo
While Mueller has yet to submit to U.S. Attorney General William Barr a final report on his investigation into Russia’s role in the election, the former FBI director already has provided a sweeping account in a pair of indictments that charged 25 Russian individuals and three Russian companies.
Key questions still to be answered are whether Mueller will conclude that Trump’s campaign conspired with Moscow and whether Trump unlawfully sought to obstruct the probe. Trump has denied collusion and obstruction. Russia as denied election interference.
Here is an explanation of Mueller’s findings about Russian activities and U.S. intelligence assessments of the ongoing threat.


On Feb. 16, 2018, Mueller charged 13 Russian individuals and three Russian entities with conspiracy to defraud the United States, wire and bank fraud and identity theft. It said the Internet Research Agency, a Russian-backed propaganda arm known for trolling on social media, flooded American social media sites Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram to promote Trump and spread disparaging information about his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. The indictment said the Russian efforts dated to 2014, before Trump’s candidacy, and were intended to sow discord in the United States. [nL2N1Q61CL]
The St. Petersburg-based so-called troll farm employed hundreds of people for its online operations and had a multimillion-dollar budget, according to the indictment. It had a management group and departments including graphics, data analysis and search-engine optimization. Employees worked day and night shifts corresponding to U.S. time zones.
Its funding was provided by Evgeny Prigozhin, a businessman who U.S. officials have said has extensive ties to Russia’s military and political establishment, and companies he controlled including Concord Management and Consulting and Concord Catering. Prigozhin has been described by Russian media as being close to President Vladimir Putin. He has been dubbed “Putin’s cook” because his catering business has organized banquets for Russia’s president.
The Russians targeted Americans with information warfare, adopting false online personas and creating hundreds of social media accounts to push divisive messages and spread distrust of candidates and America’s political system in general, the indictment said. They aimed to denigrate Clinton and support the candidacies of Trump, who won the Republican presidential nomination, and Bernie Sanders, her rival for the Democratic nomination.


In Florida, a pivotal state in U.S. presidential elections, the Russians steered unwitting Americans to pro-Trump rallies they conceived and organized. The indictment said the Russians paid “a real U.S. person to wear a costume portraying Clinton in a prison uniform at a rally” and another “to build a cage large enough to hold an actress depicting Clinton in a prison uniform.”
The accused Russians used false Facebook persona “Matt Skier” to contact a real American to recruit for a “March for Trump” rally, offering “money to print posters and get a megaphone,” the indictment said. They created an Instagram account “Woke Blacks” to encourage African-Americans not to vote for “Killary,” saying, “We’d surely be better off without voting AT ALL.” Fake social media accounts were used to post messages saying American Muslims should refuse to vote for Clinton “because she wants to continue the war on Muslims in the Middle East.” Alternatively, they took out Facebook ads promoting a June 2016 rally in Washington, “Support Hillary. Save American Muslims” rally. They recruited an American to hold up a sign with a quote falsely attributed to Clinton that embraced Islamic sharia law, the indictment said.
Some of the accused Russians traveled around the United States to gather intelligence, the indictment said, visiting at least 10 states: California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, New York and Texas.


On July 13, 2018, Mueller charged 12 Russian military intelligence officers with hacking Democratic Party computer networks in 2016 to steal large amounts of data and then time their release to damage Clinton. The Russian hackers broke into the computer networks of the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations, covertly monitoring employee computers and planting malicious code, as well as stealing emails and other documents, according to the indictment. [nL1N1U90YU]
Using fictitious online personas such as DCLeaks and Guccifer 2.0, the hackers released tens of thousands of stolen emails and documents. The Guccifer 2.0 persona communicated with Americans, including an unidentified person who was in regular contact with senior members of the Trump campaign, the indictment said. Guccifer 2.0 cooperated extensively with “Organization 1” - the WikiLeaks website - to discuss the timing of the release of stolen documents to “heighten their impact” on the election.
On or about July 27, 2016, the Russians tried to break into email accounts used by Clinton’s personal office and her campaign, the indictment said. The same day, candidate Trump told reporters: “Russia, if you are listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” referring to emails from a private server Clinton had used when she was secretary of state.
To hide their identity, the Russians laundered money and financed their operation through cryptocurrencies including bitcoin, Mueller’s team said.
House panel casts wide net in obstruction probe


The U.S. intelligence community’s 2019 Worldwide Threat Assessment report cited Russia’s continuing efforts to interfere in the American political system. It stated, “Russia’s social media efforts will continue to focus on aggravating social and racial tensions, undermining trust in authorities, and criticizing perceived anti-Russia politicians. Moscow may employ additional influence toolkits - such as spreading disinformation, conducting hack-and-leak operations or manipulating data - in a more targeted fashion to influence U.S. policy, actions and elections.”
The report said Russia and “unidentified actors” as recently as 2018 conducted cyber activity targeting U.S. election infrastructure, though there is no evidence showing “any compromise of our nation’s election infrastructure that would have prevented voting, changed vote counts or disrupted the ability to tally votes.”
Reporting by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Will Dunham
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"Weisselberg's family is deeply entwined in the company." - 7:40 AM 3/7/2019

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Image result for Ladder Capital, the biggest lender to the Trump Organization behind Deutsche Bank

"Weisselberg's family is deeply entwined in the company. His son Barry has managed the Trump Wollman Rink in Central Park. Another son, Jack, is an executive director at Ladder Capital, the biggest lender to the Trump Organization behind Deutsche Bank. Ladder had more than $100 million lent out to Trump's company last year, according to the president's financial disclosure report."

DNC announces Fox News will not be a media partner for 2020 debates - YouTube

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DNC announces Fox News will not be a media partner for 2020 debates
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» FOX News as Trump's STATE TV - Google Search
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "FOX News as Trump's STATE TV" - Google News. Democrats Rules Out Fox News As Debate Partner, Surprising Few ... Deadline - 17 hours ago The DNC said Wednesday afternoon it will not p...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations. "Weisselberg's family is deeply entwined in the company. His son Barry has managed the Trump Wollman Rink in Central Park. Another son, Jack, is an executive director at Ladde...
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» impact of the presumed Russian and other foreign "meddling" in the US Presidential Election of 2016 - Google Search
06/03/19 16:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
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» impact of the presumed Russian and other foreign "meddling" in the US Presidential Election of 2016 - Google Search
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story . The Plot to Subvert an Election: Unraveling the Russia Story So Far ... Sep 20, 2018 - On March 21 in Was...
» The Long History of US-Russian ‘Meddling’
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Nation. A man waves a Russian flag in St. Petersburg in November 1998. (Reuters / Alexander Demianchuk) The John Batchelor Show, March 6 E ven though the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committe...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story . President Donald Trump pushed for Congressional leaders to unseat Rep. Ilhan Omar , D-Minn., from the House Foreign Affairs Committee this week by citing a letter signed by organizations he described ...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "michael flynn" - Google News. Trump Dismisses 81 House Document Requests. Here’s Where They Went.    The New York Times The president can instruct executive branch agencies to ...
» House intel panel taps Russian mob prosecutor to lead Trump probe - The Sydney Morning Herald
06/03/19 12:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "organized crime and intelligence" - Google News. House intel panel taps Russian mob prosecutor to lead Trump probe    The Sydney Morning Herald The US House of Representatives ...
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06/03/19 12:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
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