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The Analysis Of “Kaiser Trump” Political Archetype: The Diagnostic Nostalgia Of The New Abwehr - 5:31 AM 5/26/2019

M.N.: Methinks, fuzzily, zat zi Cleopatra's Nose looks quite Jewish, and this should not be surprising given the numbers and the prominence of Hebrews in Alexandria of her times. 
Und ziz iz exZactly what Pascal meant: "If Cleopatra were not Jewish, the fate of the World would be different, for better or for worse..."

Image result for nose of cleopatra

nose of cleopatra - Google Search

The Analysis Of “Kaiser Trump” Political Archetype 

As The New Abwehr’s psychological replay of The Lost Object, Kaiser Wilhelm II.

The Diagnostic Nostalgia of the historically part-Jewish - part-Gay New Abwehr for their model: part-Jewish - part-Gay Last Kaiser reveals itself in their Psychodrama-Psychohistory reality show and the Intelligence Operation as the Experiment: Operation Trump. - M.N. - 11:07 AM 5/25/2019

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Study In Political Criminology: Intelligence Operation As A Repetition Compulsion: Analysis Of “Kaiser Trump” Political Archetype As The New Abwehr’s psychological replay of The Lost Object, Kaiser Wilhelm II. 

The Resolution of the collective "intra-psychic" conflict is expressed in the symbolic psychological Undoing of the effects and the World Order post-WWII, and also in quite real life dimensions, visible and open, and also the invisible and hidden efforts to restore the Germany's stature on the World stage. 

The peculiarities of Kaiser Wilhelm II personality and behavior drew the close attention from the historians, physicians, and a number of medical historians who sought the explanations of these phenomena. 
The similarities with the personality and behavior of "Kaiser Trump" are striking and were observed with the sense of wonder by many observers with various backgrounds. 

In my humble opinion, the New Abwehr Hypothesis of Operation Trump should also be considered as one of the possible explanations of these striking similarities between Donald Trump and Kaiser Wilhelm II. (See: "the curious parallels between trump and kaiser wilhelm ii" - Google Search)

"The kaiser’s most authoritative biographer, John Röhl, proposed that the roots of the problem were neurological and grew from an insufficiency of oxygen during birth. The resulting minor cerebral damage, Röhl argued, though asymptomatic when Wilhelm was born, laid the foundations for a “secondary neuroticisation” in his childhood and adolescence."

M.N.: This is one of the most important and interesting aspects, common to "both Kaisers": Trump and Wilhelm II. Rohl's opinion quoted above does have its merits: both historical personas appear to have a somewhat similar psychopathological profile, consistent with the elements of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, with the Affect cyclicity ("Cyclothymia, Bipolar Disorder, Depression", etc.), subtle cognitive deficits pointing to some light early organicity, either hereditary or induced. For example, both could be the "Forceps Children", delivered with the help of Obstetrical Forceps or the products of other similar factors. This line of thought is confirmed further by the Kaiser's physical deformities at birth: 

"Wilhelm’s left arm, crippled due to perinatal complications, became the topic of lengthy elaborations; an aspect that was, notably, conspicuously absent from the diagnoses appearing in Germany after the end of the war. 

33 "

With regard to President Trump, this circumstance, the signs of hypothetical subtle organicity possibly reflected in his behavioral and cognitive styles, if  present, have only the historical significance, and do not appear to affect his functioning and abilities in a clinically detectable manner. Generally speaking, the political fights should be fought with political means, not the psychiatric ones. Psychiatry should not be used as a political weapon, in all respects and aspects. 
The Diagnostic Historical Nostalgia of the historically part-Jewish - part-Gay New Abwehr for their role model: part-Jewish - part-Gay Last Kaiser reveals itself in their Psychodrama-Psychohistory Reality Show and the Intelligence Operation as the Experiment: The Operation Trump 1944 - 2020. - M.N. - 11:07 AM 5/25/2019

"Freud lamented in 1915 that even ‘science has lost its sober impartiality; its embittered servants try to extract weapons from it to contribute to the fight against the enemy. The anthropologist has to declare the enemy inferior and degenerate, the psychiatrist must proclaim the diagnosis of his mental defects.’


"What was missing from Cabanès’s argument was a link between body and mind. As Wilhelm’s crippled arm was not congenital but the result of an injury received at birth, it hardly fitted the fashionable concept of degeneration touted in the book’s title. The ‘imperial ear’ was a more promising object of study; the attached earlobe purportedly visible on some photographs being one of the ‘anatomical stigmas of degeneration’ listed by fin-de-siècle anthropologists.


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Image result for attached earlobes race

Image result for attached earlobes race

It is known that the "attached earlobe" was viewed by the Nazi and earlier "racial scientists" as the "most definitive sign" of the Jewish genetic heritage and origins. It was reported that Hitler experienced a great relief when he saw on the photos that Stalin does not have this physical anatomical feature. 

"Hitler specifically asked Hoffmann to take a close-up photograph of Stalin's earlobes, by which he thought he could determine if the Soviet leader was Jewish or not. Earlobes that were "attached" would indicate Jewish blood, while those that were "separate" would be Aryan; Hoffmann took the requisite image, and Hitler determined to his own satisfaction that Stalin was not Jewish.[37"

"In Hitler and Stalin, historian Alan Bullock notes that “He [Hitler] believed these would show whether Stalin had Jewish blood – whether the earlobes were ‘ingrown and Jewish, or separate and Arian’.  He was relieved to see that Stalin passed the test and was not a Jew.”

"However, Cabanès had little evidence for this interpretation" (Kaiser's Jewish Ears), although this question apparently remains unresolved, and the degree of healthy scepticism is present regarding the Kaiser's particular ethnic origins and the proportion of the "Jewish blood" in them. It is quite possible that part-Jewish Abwehr had its own opinions on this subject, and these opinions were reflected in their outlook and practices. 

"Cabanès’s diagnosis of the Hohenzollerns was a typical piece of wartime propaganda in the guise of historical and medical scholarship, supporting the French Army in their defence of civilisation against a nation of brutes and madmen."

The studies of this kind were not completely in vain however, and some interesting generalizations did emerge: 

"The German nation, Lugaro argued, had over the course of centuries developed a striving for hegemony, which had all the characteristics of a collective mental illness, and was reinforced by generations of reciprocal suggestion. And like a mental patient who was a threat to society, Germany had become a dangerous nation and a threat to its neighbours.


Many people would wonder if this statement rings true even today, and maybe more than ever, and more than ever invisibly. 

Michael Novakhov



Psychiatry, Wilhelm II and the Question of German War Guilt The William Bynum Prize Essay 2016




Beware the kaiser chiefs

Angry, unpredictable, self-absorbed and a danger to the world – the many similarities between Donald Trump and Germany’s last emperor.
A Donald Trump presidency now seems increasingly unlikely, but the tycoon’s success in securing the Republican Party’s presidential nomination has concentrated minds. No one remotely like him has made it this far before. Richard Nixon behaved erratically on occasion – drinking Scotch and watching the film Patton all day, for instance, to steel himself for the invasion of Cambodia. And clearly something was starting to go wrong with Ronald Reagan in his second term. Yet both men were paragons of poise and equanimity compared to the current Republican nominee. What, we all wonder, could happen if the highest office in the world’s most powerful nation were to be occupied by someone so erratic and unpredictable?
In answering this question, we could look back to 1888, when the 29-year-old Wilhelm Hohenzollern ascended the throne to become the last kaiser of the German empire. The new monarch – the first grandchild of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert – was boastful, arrogant and impetuous. He spent most of his waking hours talking, arguing, shouting, predicting, threatening and generally unbosoming himself of his latest preoccupations to whomever happened to be within earshot. Even when he made the utmost effort to restrain himself, the indiscretions kept slipping out.
The effect is heightened in retrospect by the way that almost everything the kaiser said, no matter how risible, was recorded and preserved for posterity. It’s all there in the archives: page after page of cajoling, whining, demanding, vociferating and babbling –fantastical geopolitical speculations, crackpot plans, sarcastic asides and off-colour jokes. Reading these transcripts of Wilhelm opining on every conceivable subject is like listening to a dog barking inside a locked car.
Yet the kaiser wasn’t just indiscreet. He was also impulsive and unbalanced. He was prone to adopting a self-righteous and contemptuous tone. He showed an unhealthy interest in the sexual behaviour of his royal colleagues. He was self-absorbed and often had fits of anger.
He was not stupid, however. Contemporaries testify that he was quick to grasp complex subject matter or to pick up the thread of a conversation. The problem was not his intellect as such, but his lack of judgement. He would overshoot the mark, admixing facts with fantasies born of anger or paranoid speculations about the future.
So frequent were the kaiser’s verbal gaffes that historians have wondered whether he was in his right mind. The Freudian psycho­historian Thomas A Kohut argued that emotional deficiencies in the young Wilhelm’s relationship with his parents might have induced a narcissistic personality disorder. The kaiser’s most authoritative biographer, John Röhl, proposed that the roots of the problem were neurological and grew from an insufficiency of oxygen during birth. The resulting minor cerebral damage, Röhl argued, though asymptomatic when Wilhelm was born, laid the foundations for a “secondary neuroticisation” in his childhood and adolescence.
Neither of these hypotheses can be verified and both may be false, but they offer explanations for some of the most striking traits of the adult Wilhelm II: a tendency to respond to even measured criticism with vengeful rage, a compulsion to associate things and persons with himself and to view the world in excessively personal terms, irascibility and incoherence under stress, extreme vanity, an alarming lack of empathy and the inability to discern the boundary between fact and speculation.
Whether Donald Trump suffers from a diagnosable disorder, it is also ­impossible to say, but the parallels with the kaiser are striking. Trump’s problems with the boundary between truth and fantasy have been widely remarked on. The man who claimed in 2012, “My Twitter has become so powerful that I can actually make my enemies tell the truth,” either cannot see the line or doesn’t mind which side of it he is on. His anger management issues are now a matter of common knowledge, as is his wont to drift into incoherence under pressure. His taunting of the parents of a Muslim soldier who died while fighting in the US armed forces demonstrated an empathy bypass that is unusual even in the highest strata of the political class.
Trump, like Wilhelm, seems to take everything personally. Cities are places where he owns property; other people are appendices to his ego-narratives. Referring to an injury suffered by the New York Yankees baseball player Derek Jeter in 2012, Trump tweeted (erroneously, as it happens) that the sportsman had broken his ankle “one day after he sold his apartment in Trump World Tower”.
Vanity is another thing that Trump and Wilhelm have in common. The kaiser cared as assiduously for his erect moustaches as Trump does for the pillow of golden fibres on the top of his head, although it is not recorded that the kaiser ever boasted about the size of his genitalia or of his “success” in getting women to comply with his sexual demands.


The US presidency and the German imperial office are not precise analogues. The emperor succeeded by birth, not by election. The Reichstag of the German empire was a less effective check on the executive in domestic affairs than Congress is in the United States of America.
Yet there are also many parallels. Imperial Germany was a nation of federal states, and so is the US. The powers to sign or veto legislation, appoint federal officials, command the armed forces and receive ambassadors are among those that were or are assigned to the highest office of both systems. The kaiser did not manage all official contacts with foreign governments, as the US president does with the secretary of state, but he had the means to reach out to other heads of state and Wilhelm II made energetic use of this privilege.
In the sphere of domestic policy, the incumbents of both offices have faced formidable constraints. The president has to work his or her way through a maze of departments and agencies in order to execute laws passed by Congress (and Congress, too, can play an obstructive role). For the kaiser, the first and greatest obstacle was the imperial chancellor, a kind of super-minister who had great influence in the system – as one would expect from a constitution drawn up by Bismarck, who was the first holder of that office. And the chancellor was of no use to the emperor unless he could secure majorities from the Reichstag, the German imperial parliament.
Those who worry about the risks arising from a Trump presidency usually have their eye on foreign policy, however, and here the comparison looks rather different. Wilhelm II came to the throne determined to run his country’s external relations. “The foreign office?” he once joked. “Why, I am the German foreign office!”
Yet his interventions were so inconsistent that often they cancelled each other out. In the late 1890s, he was taken with the idea of founding a “New Germany” in the jungles of Brazil and demanded that the imperial administration do everything it could to stimulate German emigration to the region – but nothing happened. In 1899, he declared that he had always planned to acquire Mesopotamia as a German colony, but that never happened, either: the British got it instead. A year later, he proposed to the then chancellor, Bernhard von Bülow, that China be partitioned among the great powers. In 1903, he announced, “Latin America is our goal,” and ordered the imperial admiralty staff to prepare invasion plans for Cuba, Puerto Rico and New York. Yet this got nowhere, because, among other things, the army never agreed to supply the necessary troops or logistical support.
The kaiser quickly picked up new ideas, but dropped them as soon as he was bored by them. Proposals flowed endlessly from the imperial pen: for an alliance with Russia and France against Japan and England; or with Russia, England and France against the United States; or with China and the US against Japan and the Triple Entente; or with Japan and the US against the Entente, and so on. Usually, however, the more frequent and the zanier the proposals got, the less impact they had on the process of decision-making.
“It seems that His Majesty is recommending another new programme,” Chancellor Hohenlohe complained in February 1897, after receiving a series of non sequiturs from the emperor’s desk. “But I don’t take it too tragically. I’ve seen too many programmes come and go.” The furious marginal jottings through which the emperor communicated with his officials were not to be considered as “orders”, another senior functionary remarked, but as “future music” that was purely speculative in character.
We haven’t yet had the chance to see how a Trump-led foreign policy would pan out in practice, but his pronouncements on foreign policy are already strikingly Wilhelmine. They are unpredictable variations on the official line, driven by his own emotions and bordering on incoherence. Trump on China: “The Chinese leaders are not our friends. I’ve been criticised for calling them our enemy. But what else do you call the people who are destroying your children’s and grandchildren’s future?” But then, this year, on North Korea: “I would get China to make that guy disappear in one form or another very quickly.”
Trump has poured scorn on Nato, the keystone of US security policy, and raised doubts as to whether he would fulfil America’s treaty obligations to its European allies. He says he will get Mexico to pay for the anti-immigrant mega-wall that he hopes to build along the US-Mexico border. He has repeatedly expressed solidarity with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, the saviour of the Assad regime in Syria, whose bombs are reducing Aleppo to rubble as we write. He has praised the Turkish strongman, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The nuttiness of all this posturing might lead us to believe that Trump would sooner or later find himself in the same pickle as the kaiser, encircled by rings of courtiers, advisers and officials adept at managing the sovereign person and insulating the system from destabilising interventions from above. But not necessarily. In foreign and defence policy, the US president has a great deal of latitude – much more, indeed, than the kaiser did. Franklin Roosevelt got the US into a shooting war with Nazi Germany in the North Atlantic even though most Americans were opposed to joining the conflict. Lyndon B Johnson secretly bombed Cambodia for three years. Richard Nixon vastly expanded that bombing but still kept it secret – he even had the Pentagon give US pilots false co-ordinates, so that they thought they were bombing targets in South Vietnam, and he tried to keep the secretaries of state and defence, opponents of this policy, in the dark. According to the US constitution, only Congress can declare war. But it hasn’t declared war on anyone since 1941, and the US has been at war a lot since then.


The reign of the last German kaiser ended with the outbreak of war in 1914, leading to four years of carnage and a defeat that traumatised the nation, sowing the seeds for future catastrophes. The role of the kaiser and of his country in these unhappy events is the subject of a vast and complex debate. This makes the extraction of historical analogies difficult. Speculating on future wars is a fool’s game. Yet one thing is clear: whether or not the kaiser’s actions or statements made war more likely, his impact as a figurehead was disastrous.
As the most visible German in the world, Wilhelm II set the tone: his gaffes, belligerence and jumpiness personified everything that worried the other powers about his nation’s policies. He accentuated the paranoia and uncertainty in the system, rather than correcting it. If Trump becomes president, he, too, will personify America and its ­democracy in the eyes of the world. With or without arbitrary international interventions, that is a sobering prospect.
When his empire collapsed under the strain of warfare and defeat in 1918 and he was forced into exile in the Netherlands, Wilhelm II blamed the Americans, the British, the French, Edward VII, George V, the Jews, the Freemasons, his former ministers and military commanders – in short, everyone but himself. He experienced the disaster of his reign as a personal injury, maliciously inflicted by others. He learned nothing from it all and he stayed angry for the rest of his life.
In this, Donald Trump will surely follow the kaiser, whether he makes it to the White House or not.
Christopher Clark is Regius Professor of History at the University of Cambridge and the author of “The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914” (Penguin)
Andrew Preston is a professor of American history at Cambridge

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Lecture Emperor Wilhelm II and President Trump | The Rijnpost

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Trump, narcissist with mustache (CPA)

Lecture Emperor Wilhelm II and President Trump

On May 16, historian Marinus van Santen presents the reign of Emperor Wilhelm II (1888-1918). To what extent did his narcissistic authoritarian style affect Germany around 1900? Does Wilhelm II teach us something about Trump?
Amerongen - They share some striking personality traits, but to what extent can the history of Wilhelm's Germany provide insight into current events in the US? Does the performance of Wilhelm II teach us something about developments around the most powerful state in the world? This evening will give you insight into an inspiring way into the developments in our own time. Thursday, May 4 at 8 pm at the Napoleon Barn, Burg. vd Boschstraat 44, Amerongen. Register <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
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The only #MissingLink at this point between #KeizerTrump, WeltKeizerSchroeder, und #RusslandKeizerPutin is the #NewAbwehr's new #EnigmaMachine cum #SecretEmailServer under the #Melania's bed in the #WhiteHouse. But do not despair: Mr. Barr is going to find it soon, as the proof of the #FiveEyes #Conspiracy against the U.S. - 8:16 AM 5/25/2019

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The only #MissingLink at this point between #KeizerTrump, WeltKeizerSchroeder, und #RusslandKeizerPutin is the #NewAbwehr's new #EnigmaMachine cum #SecretEmailServer under the #Melania's bed in the #WhiteHouse. But do not despair: Mr. Barr is going to find it soon, as the proof of the #FiveEyes #Conspiracy against the U.S. - 8:16 AM 5/25/2019

Does #Trump act as the #Puppet and the #Conduit for the #NewAbwehr, including their long-time asset #Putin, to weaken the #FiveEyes #EnglishSpeaking #Alliance, by stressing the #Australia point in his newly authorized #BarrInvestigations? - 6:57 AM 5/25/2019

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Does #Trump act as the #Puppet and the #Conduit for the #NewAbwehr, including their long-time asset #Putin, to weaken the #FiveEyes #EnglishSpeaking #Alliance, by stressing the #Australia point in his newly authorized #BarrInvestigations? - 6:57 AM 5/25/2019
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Does #Trump act as the #Puppet and the #Conduit for the #NewAbwehr, including their long-time asset #Putin, to #SowDiscord Within the #USGovernment? Recall the recent #GovernmentShutdown #Also. 7:15 AM 5/25/2019

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Does #Trump act as the #Puppet and the #Conduit for the #NewAbwehr, including their long-time asset #Putin, to


Within the


Recall the recent



7:15 AM 5/25/2019

Potential Clash Over Secrets Looms Between Justice Dept. and C.I.A.

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WASHINGTON — President Trump’s order allowing Attorney General William P. Barr to declassify any intelligence that led to the Russia investigation sets up a potential confrontation with the C.I.A. It effectively strips the agency of its most critical power: choosing which secrets it shares and which ones remain hidden.
Mr. Trump said on Friday that he wanted Mr. Barr to “get to the bottom” of what the intelligence agencies knew about the investigation into his campaign. He promised, “We’re exposing everything.”
The president raised questions about C.I.A. involvement in the origins of the Russia investigation, and other officials said Mr. Barr wanted to learn more about sources in Russia, including a key informant who helped the C.I.A. conclude that President Vladimir V. Putin ordered the intrusion on the 2016 election. Mr. Trump also invoked two close allies, Australia and Britain, telling reporters he wanted the attorney general to examine their roles in sharing intelligence about Russia’s interference.
The declassification order served as Mr. Trump’s counterpunch to the special counsel’s investigation. Since the release of the Mueller report, the president has been trying to focus attention on his accusations that the F.B.I. and intelligence agencies spied on his campaign. The new order, former officials said, could be intended to give more ammunition to that effort.
The intelligence agencies signaled on Friday that they would not easily give up their secrets. Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, pledged to cooperate with the review but also warned that the secrets of the intelligence community, or I.C., must be protected.
“I am confident that the attorney general will work with the I.C. in accordance with the long-established standards to protect highly sensitive classified information that, if publicly released, would put our national security at risk,” Mr. Coats said in a statement.
Though the ultimate power to declassify documents rests with the president, Mr. Trump’s delegation of that power to Mr. Barr effectively stripped Mr. Coats and the C.I.A. of control of their secrets. The move could endanger the agencies’ ability to keep the identities of their sources secret, former intelligence officials said.
Mr. Coats and Gina Haspel, the C.I.A. director, will fight hard to ensure that their most valuable secrets — the identities of sources — are protected, former officials have said. Ms. Haspel has been described as a fierce political infighter, but she has also been careful to cultivate a strong working relationship with Mr. Barr, former officials said.
Traditionally, the C.I.A. has been effective at intramural governmental fights, in large measure because its power comes from its information and its closely guarded secrets. By taking that power from the intelligence agencies, Mr. Trump and Mr. Barr may have weakened the C.I.A.
The intelligence agencies already have a degree of unease over the Justice Department’s ability to keep the identity of sources secret. The name of the F.B.I. informant involved in the initial investigation of the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia was inadvertently made public.
“If you compromise agents, lives can be lost. That is why this is so sensitive,” Senator Angus King, the Maine independent who is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in an interview. “It is important to be exceedingly careful in this area. That is my only concern, and I hope Mr. Barr realizes that.”
Mr. Barr asked Mr. Trump for the declassification authority, a Justice Department official said on Thursday. He has not detailed the information he is seeking, but some officials have said he is interested in how the C.I.A. concluded Mr. Putin ordered the interference campaign in 2016.
The most prominent of the C.I.A.’s sources of intelligence on Russia’s election interference was a person close to Mr. Putin who provided information about his involvement, former officials have said. The source turned over evidence for one of the last major intelligence conclusions that President Barack Obama made public before leaving office: that Mr. Putin himself was behind the Russia hack.
Long nurtured by the C.I.A., the source rose to a position that enabled the informant to provide key information in 2016 about the Russian leadership’s role in the interference campaign, the officials said.
John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. director under Mr. Obama, would bring reports from the source directly to the White House, keeping them out of the president’s daily intelligence briefing for fear that the briefing document was too widely disseminated, according to the officials. Instead, he would place them in an envelope for Mr. Obama and a tiny circle of aides to read.
But Mr. Trump’s promise to declassify a broad swath of documents suggests that Mr. Barr’s mandate is more extensive than investigating any single source. Mr. Trump’s comments mentioning Britain and Australia appeared to be a reference to the F.B.I.’s investigation of George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign aide.
An Australian diplomat told the F.B.I. in the summer of 2016 that Mr. Papadopoulos had said that Russia had made an offer to help the Trump campaign by releasing stolen Democratic emails. The F.B.I. enlisted an informant, Stefan Halper, to talk with Mr. Papadopoulos, an investigative technique that prompted Mr. Trump to accuse the bureau of spying on his campaign.
Mr. Barr has picked up on the term “spying,” invoking it multiple times in recent weeks to describe steps the F.B.I. took to investigate the Trump campaign but stopping short of alleging that the bureau acted improperly.
It would have been improper for the intelligence agencies to sit on the information from Mr. Papadopoulos, Mr. King said.
“If someone came and told that to the C.I.A. or F.B.I. and they didn’t open a counterintelligence investigation, they would be guilty of malpractice,” he said. “If they had ignored that, it would have been unacceptable law enforcement, especially when we are dealing with an adversary trying to undermine our country.”
He also said the Intelligence Committee looked at both the F.B.I.’s and the C.I.A.’s role in the origins of the Russia inquiry. He said the C.I.A. and the National Security Agency played roles in the inquiry, but said that was proper.
Some revelations about intelligence operations around the 2016 campaign have angered officials in Britain, Australia and other closely allied countries, according to former officials. Exposing further information about British or Australian cooperation in the investigation could deepen tensions with two of America’s closest intelligence partners.
“It is yet another step that will raise questions among our allies and partners about whether to share sensitive intelligence with us,” said Michael Morell, the former deputy director of the C.I.A. and host of the “Intelligence Matters” podcast.
Mr. Morell said Mr. Coats, not the attorney general, was in the best position to determine what information would be damaging if declassified.
Intelligence officials have feared before that their findings were being twisted to political agendas — notably concerns during the run-up to the Iraq war that information about Saddam Hussein’s alleged weapons of mass destruction was being cherry-picked to justify the 2003 invasion.
But Mr. Trump’s order could be tremendously damaging to the C.I.A. and other intelligence agencies, drying up sources and inhibiting their ability to gather intelligence, said Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
“The president now seems intent on declassifying intelligence to weaponize it,” Mr. Schiff said in an interview.
Mr. Trump has long held that he was a target of the “deep state,” at various points accusing Mr. Obama without evidence of tapping his phones, the F.B.I. of secretly trying to undermine his candidacy and past intelligence chiefs of bending their findings to prove Russian involvement in his election victory.
He has repeatedly appeared to side with Mr. Putin’s contention that there is no evidence of a Russian campaign to sabotage the 2016 election. But the Mueller report left no question that the Russian leadership was behind both the theft and the publication of emails and other data from Democrats and a social media campaign that ultimately worked to lift Mr. Trump’s candidacy, as well as efforts to tamper with election registration systems.
Mr. Schiff pledged that his committee would closely monitor Mr. Barr’s actions in the inquiry. “We are going to expose any abuse, any politicization of intelligence,” he said.
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#FBI: #Declassify & #Publish #All #FBITrumpKushnerFiles as the part of #FBITrumpInvestigations! - 6:30 AM 5/25/2019

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#Declassify & #Publish

#All #FBITrumpKushnerFiles as the part of


6:30 AM 5/25/2019

Donald Trump wants investigation into Australia's role in 'Russian hoax' | US news

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Donald Trump has said he wants Australia’s role in setting off the FBI inquiry into links between Russia and his election campaign examined by the US attorney general, William Barr.
It is a potentially explosive development for the historically solid US-Australian alliance and the first time Trump has publicly named Australia while discussing what he calls the “Russia hoax” and “witch hunt”.
A spokesman for Marise Payne, Australia’s foreign affairs minister, responded to the comments on Saturday by saying: “Australia and the United States are the closest of allies.”
“The government has not commented on these matters and doing so could prejudice any ongoing investigation,” he said.
Trump said he had declassified “potentially millions of pages” of intelligence documents related to surveillance activities on his campaign and Barr would be in charge of analysing it.
“So what I’ve done is I’ve declassified everything,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Friday before leaving on a trip to Japan.
“He can look and I hope he looks at the UK and I hope he looks at Australia and I hope he looks at Ukraine.
“I hope he looks at everything, because there was a hoax that was perpetrated on our country.”
Trump’s former campaign aide George Papadopoulos has claimed that Australia’s former high commissioner to the UK, Alexander Downer, spied on him during a meeting at a London bar in May 2016.
Downer has rejected this, but said that during the meeting Papadopoulos had told him Russia had damaging material on Trump’s presidential rival, Hillary Clinton.
In an interview with the ABC’s Matt Bevan, Downer said Papadopoulos told him during the meeting he was confident Trump would win the election because the Russians had some information on Clinton which could be damaging to her if released. Downer then passed this information on to Canberra.
Papadopoulos denies he ever mentioned Russia and Clinton during the meeting.
After being forwarded to Canberra the information was passed on to US intelligence services and the FBI.
US special counsel Bob Mueller, in his report on the links between the Trump campaign and Russia, said the Papadopoulos-Downer meeting was what prompted the FBI to open its inquiry on 31 July 2016.
“This sort of idea that there is a kind of a Asis-Asio-MI6-MI5-FBI-CIA-Ukrainian government conspiracy to bring down the Trump administration, that this is treason, that I should be in Guantanamo Bay... I mean it’s a little bit sad that people take that kind of thought seriously,” Downer told the ABC.
He added that he was just doing his job as a diplomat at the time.
“If people tell me things like that, which I think are damaging to western security interests ... expect me, Alexander Downer, former for minister of Australia, to be supporting western interests against Russian intelligence. You can count on me.”
The FBI investigation led to Mueller being appointed.
On Friday, Trump described the Russia inquiry as “an attempted coup or an attempted takedown of the president of the United States”.
He also said he might ask the outgoing British prime minister Theresa May about “potential Five Eyes spying” on his campaign.
Five Eyes is the intelligence sharing alliance between the US, Australia, UK, Canada and New Zealand.
“I may very well talk to her about that, yeah,” Trump said.
“There’s word and rumour that the FBI and others were involved, CIA were involved, with the UK, having to do with the Russian hoax,” he said.
Papadopoulos was one of Mueller’s first convictions – the former aide had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. He was sentenced to 14 days’ jail.
Papadopoulos, Republican members of Congress and right-wing US media figures have been urging the president to declassify the documents.
“It’s the greatest hoax, probably, in the history of our country and somebody has to get to the bottom of it,” Trump said. “We’ll see.
“But for a long period of time, they’ve wanted me to declassify and I did.”
Read the whole story

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#DonaldTrump, the #NewAbwehrHypothesis might be #THEEXPLANATION, and you might be #completely #unwitting. My #Sincere & #Honest #Advice: Accept, embrace, and assist the ongoing #investigations... - M.N.

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Representative #JerryNadler: #RobertMueller Wants To #Testify In Private ... via @YouTube #FBI #CIA #ODNI #TrumpInvestigations #TrumpProbe #Congress #Senate #MuellerReport #FullMuellerReport #JudiciaryCommittee #NewAbwehr #InvestigateTheInvestigators! #NIC 

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Representative #JerryNadler: #RobertMueller Wants To #Testify In Private ... via @YouTube

#FBI #CIA #ODNI #TrumpInvestigations #TrumpProbe #Congress #Senate #MuellerReport #FullMuellerReport #JudiciaryCommittee #NewAbwehr #InvestigateTheInvestigators! #NIC

Posted by  mikenov on Friday, May 24th, 2019 9:05am

#DonaldTrump, the #NewAbwehrHypothesis might be #THEEXPLANATION, and you might be #completely #unwitting. My #Sincere & #Honest #Advice: Accept, embrace, and assist the ongoing #investigations... - M.N.… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #CI #Counterintelligence #TrumpProbe 

1 Share
#DonaldTrump, the #NewAbwehrHypothesis might be #THEEXPLANATION, and you might be #completely #unwitting. My #Sincere & #Honest #Advice: Accept, embrace, and assist the ongoing #investigations... - M.N.…
#FBI #CIA #ODNI #CI #Counterintelligence #TrumpProbe

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 8:12pm

The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News And #Opinions: 3:26 PM 5/23/2019 - No one but the #NewAbwehr would be able to pull off these #IntelligenceOperations: #TrumpElections2016, 9/11, and many, many others...… #FBI #CIA #ODNI 

1 Share
The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News And #Opinions: 3:26 PM 5/23/2019 - No one but the #NewAbwehr would be able to pull off these #IntelligenceOperations: #TrumpElections2016, 9/11, and many, many others...…

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 7:34pm

Pelosi Openly Questions Trump's Fitness for Office, Suggests Family or Staff 'Intervention' via @ktla

1 Share
Pelosi Openly Questions Trump's Fitness for Office, Suggests Family or Staff 'Intervention' via @ktla

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 5:49pm

#ErnstUhrlau, DID YOU #SUPERVISE #TRUMPKUSHNERACCOUNTS AT #DEUTSCHEBANK? #Yes or #No? #VeryStrange if "No" in your #capacity as “#Consultant on #GeopoliticalRisks”… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #TrumpInvestigations #TrumpProbe #News #Revelations #Counterintelligence #CI 

1 Share
#ErnstUhrlau, DID YOU #SUPERVISE #TRUMPKUSHNERACCOUNTS AT #DEUTSCHEBANK? #Yes or #No? #VeryStrange if "No" in your #capacity as “#Consultant on #GeopoliticalRisks”…

#FBI #CIA #ODNI #TrumpInvestigations #TrumpProbe #News #Revelations #Counterintelligence #CI

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 4:16pm
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· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

#ErnstUhrlau, DID YOU #SUPERVISE THE #TRUMPKUSHNERACCOUNTS AT #DEUTSCHEBANK? #Yes or #No? It would be #VeryStrange if you didn't, in your #capacity as the "#Consultant on #GeopoliticalRisks". #Huge #risks, indeed. #Now we #see them. #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateNewAbwehr #CI

1 Share
#ErnstUhrlau, DID YOU #SUPERVISE THE #TRUMPKUSHNERACCOUNTS AT #DEUTSCHEBANK? #Yes or #No? It would be #VeryStrange if you didn't, in your #capacity as the "#Consultant on #GeopoliticalRisks". #Huge #risks, indeed. #Now we #see them.

#TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateNewAbwehr #CI

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 3:50pm
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Page 2

M.N. - In my #Opinion: Herr #ErnstUhrlau might #claim that he "#cannotremember". #We can #treat this untimely and unlikely, although very convenient early #amnesia...… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #InvestigateTrump! #InvestigateNewAbwehr! #InvestigateFBI! #Truth #SaveUS

1 Share
M.N. - In my #Opinion: Herr #ErnstUhrlau might #claim that he "#cannotremember". #We can #treat this untimely and unlikely, although very convenient early #amnesia...…

#FBI #CIA #ODNI #InvestigateTrump! #InvestigateNewAbwehr! #InvestigateFBI! #Truth #SaveUS

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 3:29pm

The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News #And #Opinions: #Panel, #Justice #strike #deal on #Mueller #report - 9:2...… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #CI #Congress #Senate #IntelligenceServices #Counterintelligence #FullMuellerReport #ProbeFBI! 

1 Share
The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News #And #Opinions: #Panel, #Justice #strike #deal on #Mueller #report - 9:2...…

#FBI #CIA #ODNI #CI #Congress #Senate #IntelligenceServices #Counterintelligence #FullMuellerReport #ProbeFBI!

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 1:31pm
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· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

#Schroeder #controls #Gazprom and #Rosneft and therefore he, and the #GermanSocialDemocracy, led and equipped by the #NewAbwehr, #control #Russia herself, and not the other way around as #Trump claimed (that “#RussiacontrolsGermany”.)… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #NSC 

1 Share
#Schroeder #controls #Gazprom and #Rosneft and therefore he, and the #GermanSocialDemocracy, led and equipped by the #NewAbwehr, #control #Russia herself, and not the other way around as #Trump claimed (that “#RussiacontrolsGermany”.)…


Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 7:51am

RT @thehill: Poll: Strong majority of voters say President Trump does not deserve a second term in office https://t… 

1 Share
Poll: Strong majority of voters say President Trump does not deserve a second term in office

Posted by  thehill on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 10:22pm
Retweeted by  mikenov on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 10:31pm

698 likes, 190 retweets
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· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

#Hoyer: #Trump #conducting #largest #cover-up in #history of the #UnitedStates 

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#Hoyer: #Trump #conducting #largest #cover-up in #history of the #UnitedStates

Posted by  mikenov on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 3:03pm

Report: #RussianMob #money helped build #Trump #business #empire A stunning #report in The @newrepublic alleges that, whether @realDonaldTrump knew it or not, for #decades he made a #large #portion of his #personalfortune from #Russianmobsters &…… #FBI #CI

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Report: #RussianMob #money helped build #Trump #business #empire
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· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Representative #JerryNadler: #RobertMueller Wants To #Testify In Private ... via @YouTube #FBI #CIA #ODNI #TrumpInvestigations #TrumpProbe #Congress #Senate #MuellerReport #FullMuellerReport #JudiciaryCommittee #NewAbwehr #InvestigateTheInvestigators! #NIC 

1 Share
Representative #JerryNadler: #RobertMueller Wants To #Testify In Private ... via @YouTube

#FBI #CIA #ODNI #TrumpInvestigations #TrumpProbe #Congress #Senate #MuellerReport #FullMuellerReport #JudiciaryCommittee #NewAbwehr #InvestigateTheInvestigators! #NIC

Posted by  mikenov on Friday, May 24th, 2019 9:05am
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Page 3

#DonaldTrump, the #NewAbwehrHypothesis might be #THEEXPLANATION, and you might be #completely #unwitting. My #Sincere & #Honest #Advice: Accept, embrace, and assist the ongoing #investigations... - M.N.… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #CI #Counterintelligence #TrumpProbe 

1 Share
#DonaldTrump, the #NewAbwehrHypothesis might be #THEEXPLANATION, and you might be #completely #unwitting. My #Sincere & #Honest #Advice: Accept, embrace, and assist the ongoing #investigations... - M.N.…
#FBI #CIA #ODNI #CI #Counterintelligence #TrumpProbe

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 8:12pm

The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News And #Opinions: 3:26 PM 5/23/2019 - No one but the #NewAbwehr would be able to pull off these #IntelligenceOperations: #TrumpElections2016, 9/11, and many, many others...… #FBI #CIA #ODNI 

1 Share
The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News And #Opinions: 3:26 PM 5/23/2019 - No one but the #NewAbwehr would be able to pull off these #IntelligenceOperations: #TrumpElections2016, 9/11, and many, many others...…

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 7:34pm

Pelosi Openly Questions Trump's Fitness for Office, Suggests Family or Staff 'Intervention' via @ktla

1 Share
Pelosi Openly Questions Trump's Fitness for Office, Suggests Family or Staff 'Intervention' via @ktla

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 5:49pm

#ErnstUhrlau, DID YOU #SUPERVISE #TRUMPKUSHNERACCOUNTS AT #DEUTSCHEBANK? #Yes or #No? #VeryStrange if "No" in your #capacity as “#Consultant on #GeopoliticalRisks”… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #TrumpInvestigations #TrumpProbe #News #Revelations #Counterintelligence #CI 

1 Share
#ErnstUhrlau, DID YOU #SUPERVISE #TRUMPKUSHNERACCOUNTS AT #DEUTSCHEBANK? #Yes or #No? #VeryStrange if "No" in your #capacity as “#Consultant on #GeopoliticalRisks”…

#FBI #CIA #ODNI #TrumpInvestigations #TrumpProbe #News #Revelations #Counterintelligence #CI

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 4:16pm
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· ·

#ErnstUhrlau, DID YOU #SUPERVISE THE #TRUMPKUSHNERACCOUNTS AT #DEUTSCHEBANK? #Yes or #No? It would be #VeryStrange if you didn't, in your #capacity as the "#Consultant on #GeopoliticalRisks". #Huge #risks, indeed. #Now we #see them. #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateNewAbwehr #CI

1 Share
#ErnstUhrlau, DID YOU #SUPERVISE THE #TRUMPKUSHNERACCOUNTS AT #DEUTSCHEBANK? #Yes or #No? It would be #VeryStrange if you didn't, in your #capacity as the "#Consultant on #GeopoliticalRisks". #Huge #risks, indeed. #Now we #see them.

#TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateNewAbwehr #CI

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 3:50pm

M.N. - In my #Opinion: Herr #ErnstUhrlau might #claim that he "#cannotremember". #We can #treat this untimely and unlikely, although very convenient early #amnesia...… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #InvestigateTrump! #InvestigateNewAbwehr! #InvestigateFBI! #Truth #SaveUS

1 Share
M.N. - In my #Opinion: Herr #ErnstUhrlau might #claim that he "#cannotremember". #We can #treat this untimely and unlikely, although very convenient early #amnesia...…

#FBI #CIA #ODNI #InvestigateTrump! #InvestigateNewAbwehr! #InvestigateFBI! #Truth #SaveUS

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 3:29pm
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Page 4

The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News #And #Opinions: #Panel, #Justice #strike #deal on #Mueller #report - 9:2...… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #CI #Congress #Senate #IntelligenceServices #Counterintelligence #FullMuellerReport #ProbeFBI! 

1 Share
The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News #And #Opinions: #Panel, #Justice #strike #deal on #Mueller #report - 9:2...…

#FBI #CIA #ODNI #CI #Congress #Senate #IntelligenceServices #Counterintelligence #FullMuellerReport #ProbeFBI!

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 1:31pm
Read the whole story

· · ·

#Schroeder #controls #Gazprom and #Rosneft and therefore he, and the #GermanSocialDemocracy, led and equipped by the #NewAbwehr, #control #Russia herself, and not the other way around as #Trump claimed (that “#RussiacontrolsGermany”.)… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #NSC 

1 Share
#Schroeder #controls #Gazprom and #Rosneft and therefore he, and the #GermanSocialDemocracy, led and equipped by the #NewAbwehr, #control #Russia herself, and not the other way around as #Trump claimed (that “#RussiacontrolsGermany”.)…


Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 7:51am

RT @thehill: Poll: Strong majority of voters say President Trump does not deserve a second term in office https://t… 

1 Share
Poll: Strong majority of voters say President Trump does not deserve a second term in office

Posted by  thehill on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 10:22pm
Retweeted by  mikenov on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 10:31pm

698 likes, 190 retweets
Read the whole story

· ·

#Hoyer: #Trump #conducting #largest #cover-up in #history of the #UnitedStates 

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#Hoyer: #Trump #conducting #largest #cover-up in #history of the #UnitedStates

Posted by  mikenov on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 3:03pm

Report: #RussianMob #money helped build #Trump #business #empire A stunning #report in The @newrepublic alleges that, whether @realDonaldTrump knew it or not, for #decades he made a #large #portion of his #personalfortune from #Russianmobsters &…… #FBI #CI

1 Share
Report: #RussianMob #money helped build #Trump #business #empire

A stunning #report in The @newrepublic alleges that, whether @realDonaldTrump knew it or not, for #decades he made a #large #portion of his #personalfortune from #Russianmobsters &……


Posted by  mikenov on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 12:56pm

M.N. My current #interpretation: "The indications of the #RussianMob's #involvement appear to be #evident." - “#MUSTAIKARIM” #PLANECRASH - #Update - 7:42 AM 5/22/2019 - #Russia #News…

1 Share
M.N. My current #interpretation: "The indications of the #RussianMob's #involvement appear to be #evident." - “#MUSTAIKARIM” #PLANECRASH - #Update - 7:42 AM 5/22/2019 - #Russia #News…

Posted by  mikenov on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 12:23pm
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Page 2

The #Diagnostic #Nostalgia of the #historically #partJewish - #partGay #NewAbwehr for their #model: part-#Jewish - part-#Gay #LastKeizer #reveals itself in their #Psychodrama-#Psychohistory #realityshow: #OperationTrump… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #PSYCHOHISTORY #NSC

1 Share
The #Diagnostic #Nostalgia of the #historically #partJewish - #partGay #NewAbwehr for their #model: part-#Jewish - part-#Gay #LastKeizer #reveals itself in their #Psychodrama-#Psychohistory #realityshow: #OperationTrump…

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 25th, 2019 3:22pm
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Ex-CIA Officials Fume About Declassification Order, Ignoring Previous Leaks Of Secret Sources And Methods - The Daily Caller

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Ex-CIA Officials Fume About Declassification Order, Ignoring Previous Leaks Of Secret Sources And Methods  The Daily Caller

Former CIA Director John Brennan says he is concerned about the directive allowing William Barr to declassify information.

Russia probe declassification - Google Search

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Story image for Russia probe declassification from Fox News

Trump vows to uncover Russia probe roots with declassification call ...

Fox News-May 24, 2019
The president, meanwhile, denied that he has "payback" in mind as Attorney General Bill Barr launches the review of the Russia probe, now ...
Trump Orders Intelligence Community to Cooperate With Review on ...

International-U.S. News & World Report-May 23, 2019
Story image for Russia probe declassification from RealClearPolitics

Trump: Declassification Of Russia Probe Intel Is About Transparency ...

RealClearPolitics-May 24, 2019
Trump: Declassification Of Russia Probe Intel Is About Transparency; "What ... intelligence information related to the Russia investigation.

Trump Allows Attorney General to Declassify Information about Origins ...

Newsmax-May 23, 2019
... General to Declassify Information about Origins of Russia Probe ... order allowing Attorney General William Barr to declassify any information ...
Story image for Russia probe declassification from

Trump gives Barr power to declassify information on Russia probe hours ago
U.S. President Donald Trump has authorized his attorney general, William Barr, to release classified information in the Russia interference ...
Story image for Russia probe declassification from Yahoo News

Trump gives Barr the power to declassify Russia probe documents

Yahoo News-19 hours ago
President Trump orders intel agencies to cooperate with Attorney General William Barr's surveillance declassification; reaction and analysis on ...
Story image for Russia probe declassification from Yahoo News

President Trump defends decision to declassify Russian probe ...

Yahoo News-18 hours ago
President Trump defends decision to declassify Russian probe .... Trump promises to show Americans how what he calls the 'Russia hoax' got ...
Story image for Russia probe declassification from Yahoo News

Trump declassifies docs on Russia probe origins

Yahoo News-3 hours ago
President Trump says he will declassify "millions of pages" of documents related to the origins of the Russia investigation. Leaving Friday for ...
Story image for Russia probe declassification from Fox News

Rep. Meadows: Declassification of key Russia probe documents 'right ...

Fox News-May 20, 2019
C., said Monday he believes the declassification of key documents tied to the Russia probe is "right around the corner" and says he agrees with ...
Read the whole story

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trump on uk, australia, ukraine - Google Search

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Story image for trump on uk, australia, ukraine from The Guardian

Donald Trump wants investigation into Australia's role in 'Russian hoax'

The Guardian-17 hours ago
Donald Trump has said he wants Australia's role in setting off the FBI ... the UK and I hope he looks at Australia and I hope he looks at Ukraine.
Story image for trump on uk, australia, ukraine from RealClearPolitics

Trump: Declassification Of Russia Probe Intel Is About Transparency ...

RealClearPolitics-May 24, 2019
I hope he looks at the UK and I hope he looks at Australia and I hope he looks at Ukraine. I hope he looks at everything, because there was a ...
Story image for trump on uk, australia, ukraine from Daily Mail

Donald Trump says he 'feels badly for Theresa May' ahead of his state ...

Daily Mail-5 hours ago
When Trump raised the issue of the UK being involved with 'spying' on ... global and examine events in Great BritainAustralia, and Ukraine.
Story image for trump on uk, australia, ukraine from The Canberra Times

Trump raises Aust role in 'Russian hoax'

The Canberra Times-19 hours ago
US President Donald Trump has announced he wants Australia's role ... the UK and I hope he looks at Australia and I hope he looks at Ukraine.
Story image for trump on uk, australia, ukraine from

Report claims FBI 'spied on Donald Trump' by targeting George ... 3, 2019
The only collusion was between the Obama WH/CIA/FBI with the U.K./Australia/Italy/Turkey/Ukraine to undermine the campaign and Trump ...
Story image for trump on uk, australia, ukraine from The Daily Wire

Meadows On Declassifying Russia Investigation: Info Coming That ...

The Daily Wire-18 hours ago
... Trump said that he hopes Attorney General William Barr "looks at the U.K., and I hope he looks at Australia, and I hope he looks at Ukraine.
Read the whole story

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Wilhelm II, German Emperor - Wikipedia

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Eulenberg Scandal

In the years 1906-09, a succession of homosexual revelations, trials and suicides, involving ministers, courtiers, and Wilhelm's closest friend[44] and advisor, Prince Philipp zu Eulenberg, evolved into the most tumultuous cause célèbre of its era.[45] Fuelled by the journalist Maximilian Harden, who, like some in the upper echelons of the military and Foreign Office, resented Eulenberg's approval of the Anglo-French Entente, and also his encouragement of Wilhelm to personally rule, it led to Wilhelm suffering a nervous breakdown, and the removal of Eulenberg and others of his circle from the court.[44] Historians have linked the Harden-Eulenberg affair to a fundamental shift in German policy that heightened military aggression and ultimately contributed to the First World War.[45]

The Diagnostic Nostalgia of the historically part-Jewish - part-Gay New Abwehr for their model: part-Jewish - part-Gay Last Keizer reveals itself in their Psychodrama-Psychohistory reality show and the Intelligence Operation as the Experiment: Operation Trump. - M.N. - 11:07 AM 5/25/2019

1 Share
The Diagnostic Nostalgia of the historically part-Jewish - part-Gay New Abwehr for their model: part-Jewish - part-Gay Last Keizer reveals itself in their Psychodrama-Psychohistory Reality Show and the Intelligence Operation as the Experiment: The Operation Trump 1944 - 2020. - M.N. - 11:07 AM 5/25/2019


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