Political Criminology - The Outline
Political Criminology is the study, the analysis, and the attempts at understanding of the Political Crimes. These types of crimes against the states and the political systems are in abundance and they often happen in disguise and in the broad daylight, as they always were throughout the history, apparently attesting to the predatory cruelty and canning, and also the sophisticated atavistic roots of human nature and the faults of their nurtures.
Political Criminology is based on the case study approach rather than the statistical studies. It is essentially the Interpretative, Hermeneutic, Psychodynamic-Psychoanalytic Criminology and its working fields are the Psychoanalysis (broadly: all and any school) of History, Culture, and of Historical Personalities, in their Political and Historical rather than Clinical or Forensic contexts. It is closely related to the fields of: Political Science, Psychology, Psychiatry, General Criminology, Political Psychology, Psychohistory, Detective Work, and Law.
Political Criminology is based on the case study approach rather than the statistical studies. It is essentially the Interpretative, Hermeneutic, Psychodynamic-Psychoanalytic Criminology and its working fields are the Psychoanalysis (broadly: all and any school) of History, Culture, and of Historical Personalities, in their Political and Historical rather than Clinical or Forensic contexts. It is closely related to the fields of: Political Science, Psychology, Psychiatry, General Criminology, Political Psychology, Psychohistory, Detective Work, and Law.
Michael Novakhov - 2:33 PM 4/6/2019
- Political Criminology as Psychoanalytic Criminology
- Interpretative Criminology
- Hermeneutic
- Hermeneutic Criminology
- Psychodynamic Criminology
- Psychoanalytic Criminology
- Psychoanalysis in Political Criminology
- Organismic ("Organic") model of Society and Social Processes
- Psychoanalysis of History
- Psychoanalysis of historical processes
- Psychoanalysis of Culture
- Psychoanalysis of culture and society
- Psychoanalysis of Historical Personalities
- Psychobiography
- Psychological Portraiture
- Psychoanalysis of Politics
March 13, 2019 - M.N.: At the heart of the every big modern politician's psychology...
M.N.: At the heart of the every big modern politician's psychology, it seems to me, is the object loss, guilt, self-blame, and depression. They try to deal with this by winning the people's love and approval which is the restoration of their lost objects of love: parents or other emotionally significant people in their lives. The examples are many but we have to search through them carefully, to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to demonstrate this point convincingly.
M.N.: At the heart of the every big modern politician's psychology, it seems to me, is the object loss, guilt, self-blame, and depression. They try to deal with this by winning the people's love and approval which is the restoration of their lost objects of love: parents or other emotionally significant people in their lives. The examples are many but we have to search through them carefully, to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to demonstrate this point convincingly.
- Psychological portraits of world leaders
- CIA psychological profile
- Psychohistory
- Case Study Approach in Research
- Qualitative Analysis in Research
- Statistical Study Approach in Research
- Quantitative Analysis in Research
- Hermeneutic Analysis in Political Criminology
- Political Criminology and Intelligence and Counterintelligence Studies
- Political Criminology and Psychiatry
- Political Criminology and approaches in Medicine and Societal Interventions
- Therapeutic Sociology
- Diagnostic Process in Political Criminology
- Diagnostic Formulations in Political Criminology
- Political Crimes as Social Pathology
- Intelligence Operations as political crimes
- Web and Mass Media Communications Research and Analysis ("Deep Content Research") as the field and subject study for Political Criminology
- Therapeutic Interventions and Recommendations for Politicians and Political Groups
- Political Personology
- Historical Personology
- Clinical Personology
- Forensic Personology
as the historical case study in Political Criminology
- The New Abwehr (German Military Intelligence) Hypothetical Operations after WW2
- "Dusseldorf Karnival Cycle"
- Trump
- 9/11
- Other previous operations
- Red Scare of the early 1950-s
- Cuban Missile Crisis and the Kennedy Assassination of 1963
- Nixon and the Deep Throat, etc., etc.
- As the historical case studies in Political Criminology
- Other cases
The writing on the Historical Wall: "KAPITULIEREN? NEIN!"
Yes, this is correct:
The Abwehr did not capitulate and it did not surrender, and the rest of the World History after WW2 follows this fact logically and inevitably. History has to be be understood and re-conceptualized in the light of this fact.
The former WW2 Allies and the Western Civilization will definitely prevail in this new global fight against the Mob and against the Hydra heads of the New Abwehr.

M.N.: Bravo, Mr. Grenell! You must be doing something right if they all scream about it like mad hatters. Their true emotions and attitude are coming out. Keep it up, you do have everybody's support, we admire you. Our dear German friends better start developing some deeper insights about their existential "been thrown into the World", otherwise thrown they will be, again.
"As Dasein, I ineluctably find myself in a world that matters to me in some way or another. This is what Heidegger calls thrownness (Geworfenheit), a having-been-thrown into the world."
11:42 AM 3/20/2019
Updated on 5:14 AM 4/8/2019
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