#MuggerTrump, #MAAGGATrump: #Make #ABWEHRGERMANY #Great #Again! This is the #NewAbwehr #CriminalSignature.
Mugger Trump, MAAGGA Trump,
Your are not The MAGA Trump:
Make ABWEHR&GERMANY Great Again!
This is the # New Abwehr # Criminal Signature,
In plain broad daylight, for everyone to see,
And just for the very few to understand.
For the New Abwehr, according to my observations, and most likely for the rest of the global spooks community, phonetic "anagrams", coding, interpretations, and interplays on the written-spoken language are quite simple, common, and efficient way to broadcast the symbolic messages.
With all that, I will broadcast my message, very direct, without the underlying symbolism but also very simple:
FBI, investigate the New Abwehr and the New Abwehr Hypothesis of 1944-2020 Operations very thoroughly.
Journalists, ziz iz unbelievably juicy story for you, but the point is that it is also very likely The TRUTH. Investigate this story from all possible points of view and angles, but do keep the principle of truth in mind.
And for all the rest of us, which includes too many interested parties to name: we should take this hypothesis very, very seriously; it does have the tremendous Explanatory Power, whatever it means.
The abbreviation MAAGGA is also the phonetic mirror of GAAGA, which is the reference to one of the political cartoons of the wild geese prognosticating Putin's future in the International Criminal Court in the Hague by making sounds: GA! A! GA!
There are some noticeable sprinklings of other direct references to Putin throughout this affair. I think that he is one of the major sub-actors, and very, very likely the New Abwehr's asset or agent, but the ultimate conceptual authorship and the overall management of this operations is directed by the New Abwehr. The exact nature of the relationship between this hypothetical group and the official Intelligence Agencies of Germany, most interestingly the BND, remains unknown or undefined, at least publicly if at all.
I also think that these references to Putin are meant to sooth his bruised Ego, by the astute New Abwehr courtiers, and it also provides the very good covers for them. Just like the deliberate, demonstrative, condescending, almost visibly inserted references to the "ham-handed" clumsy Russian bears which manage to leave their paw prints everywhere; be they needed, unneeded, or in between.
Behind this "Russian Bear Clumsiness" the proverbial German Clumsiness lays comfortably, it seems to me.
Michael Novakhov
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