
8:09 AM 2/28/2019 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Politics: Power Up: Democrats lay groundwork to demand Trump's tax returns | The Guardian: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez targets Trump finances at Cohen hearing – video

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ Politics: Power Up: Democrats lay groundwork to demand Trump's tax returns   The Guardian: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez targets Trump finances at Cohen hearing – video 'Who else knows that the president did this?,' asked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during her grilling of Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen. The Democratic congresswoman's line of questioning seemed to be aimed at getting names of people who could back up Cohen's testimony or further the investigation into Trump's finances. 'Who would know the answer to those questions?' she asked, and, 'Where would the committee find more information on this?' By the end of her question time, Ocasio-Cortez had a list of names of people who could help uncover any potential financial misdealings of Donald Trump Continue reading...  Donald Trump | The Guardian Trump News TV - Page - All Trump News Videos - In 25 Posts - Trump News TV from