
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "trump and putin" - Google News: Guest columnist Richard Fein: Is Trump the worst president ever? Maybe not. - GazetteNET

December 17, 2018 Trump 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "trump and putin" - Google News: Guest columnist Richard Fein: Is Trump the worst president ever? Maybe not. - GazetteNET 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News: Senate report: Russia social media influen...

"Жопа С Ручкой" - "The Asshole With The Handle" - "Operation Trump" as the Abwehr 2 Design - M.N. - 12.17.18 | Terror - Crime Nexus

жопа с ручкой - Google Search "Ж опа С Ручкой " "The Asshole With The Handle" "Operation Trump" is the Abwehr 2 Design: it blackens Israel and Russia as attempting to blatantly interfere in U.S. Elections 2016 and uses Red (Russian-Jewish) Mafia and the GRU as the Abwehr's  fronts and covers, to direct the rage at these main contemporary Abwehr's rivals in fight for the world domination.  Hostility to Israel and Russia, and hidden, masked but very important for the correct conceptual understanding, the hostility to the democratic institutions, traditions and principles of governing in the U.S., IS OBVIOUS, and it points to the major, leading involvement of this particular historical entity, in my humble Hermeneutic (Interpretative) opinion, namely the Abwehr 2, or the "New Abwehr".  The unprecedented, the attack and "revanche-like" enhancements of the German geopolitical standing on the world stage and ...