
10:55 AM 3/1/2019 - Cohen: Trump sought Deutsche Bank loans by inflating assets - Fox Business | M.N.: Does this mean that Trump sold himself for the "value of his brand name, $4B", which covered his outstanding debt to the DB in 2012, after the Revolution in Ukraine and the overthrow of Yanukovich? And that now he is owned by the group of Oligarchs who guaranteed this loan when it was sold to the Sberbank in 2016 - 2018?

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ Cohen: Trump sought Deutsche Bank loans by inflating assets - Fox Business Read: Michael Cohen's opening statement to Congress - CNN Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Goes Off on 'Breathtaking Incompetence' of Cohen Questioners - The Daily Beast Analysis: For President Trump, Cohen's allegations were explosive. Will they matter? - USA TODAY Cohen urges Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to demand president's IRS returns and subpoena his lawyers - Daily Mail Flash Briefing: Glencore spills Gupta beans; Trump called “a conman”; Six Africans among world’s richest - BizNews ______________________________________________ M.N.: Does this mean that Trump sold himself for the "value of his brand name, $4B", which covered his outstanding debt to the Deutsche Bank in 2012, after the Revolution in Ukraine and the overthrow of Yanukovich? And that now he is owned by the group of Oligarchs who guaranteed this