
People hear and believe what they want to hear and believe. - M.N. | Trump Investigations News In 250 Brief Posts - 5:52 AM 3/8/2019

People hear and believe what they want to hear and believe. - M.N.  You End Up Believing What You Want to Believe | Psychology Today Jul 1, 2011 -  You  bias your interpretation of evidence toward what  you desire . ...  That  means  that people  may ultimately come to  believe that  the weight of ...  "The problem with western democracies is not mass confusion about points of fact. The problem is that, even when apprised of the facts, even when exposed to the most objectively persuasive arguments, millions of voters remain unmoved." — Seth Hettena (@seth_hettena) March 8, 2019 - Trump Investigations News In 250 Brief Posts The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr: A Study In Psychohistory by Michael Novakhov - Google Search Michael_Novakhov  shared this story  . Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ Trump Investigations News In 25