
"Властитель слабый и лукавый..." - Putin, the producer of Fake News (and also Fake Ideas and Fake Emotions). Putin is a Big Russian Fake himself; the National Treasure in this respect. Fine him non-stop, 24X7, and bring the criminal charges too, for the blatant disrespect to Humanity and perpetual, sick, pathological lies. He was a big liar and a big pretender but a bad actor, and it showed. That's what his epitaph will say. M.N. | Russia has banned fake news, while also being one of the world's prime exporters of fake news - Business Insider Tuesday March 19th, 2019 at 3:46 PM

putin rex mikenova - Google Search Tuesday March 19 th , 2019  at  12:48 PM Was he smart and was he tough? What will say his epitaph?  Putin Rex "Властитель слабый и лукавый..." - Putin, the producer of Fake News (and also Fake Ideas and Fake Emotions). Putin is a Big Russian Fake himself; the National Treasure in this respect. Give him fines non-stop 24X7, and bring the criminal charges too, for the blatant disrespect to Humanity and perpetual, sick, pathological lies on the grandest possible scale. "He thought of himself as the Russian XXI Century Cesar but he was a Big Liar and a Big Pretender although a bad actor, and it showed." That's what his epitaph will say, methinks. M.N.  12:43 PM 3/19/2019 Глава 10 I Властитель слабый и лукавый , Плешивый щеголь, враг труда, Нечаянно пригретый славой, Над нами царствовал тогда. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russia has banned fake news, while also being