3:00 PM 4/6/2019 - Political Criminology - The Outline of the new discipline and the new interdisciplinary approach (New Z-z-z-Landia - M.N.)
3:00 PM 4/6/2019 - Political Criminology - The Outline of the new discipline and the new interdisciplinary approach (New Z-z-z-Landia - M.N.) | Zi nu Zaienz. Z-z-z. Hermeneutic Analysis in Political Criminology – Web Review – By ... FBI News Review Global Security News | The World News and Times – Information Management Service: Current World News | Reviews of media reports | Selected reading lists ... Michael Novakhov on Political Criminology Political Criminology is based on the case study approach rather than the statistical studies . It is essentially the Interpretative , Hermeneutic , Psychodynamic - Psychoanalytic Criminology and its working fields are the Psychoanalysis (broadly: all and any school) of History, Culture, and of Historical Personalities, in their Political and Historical rather than Clinical or Forensic context. It is closely related to the fields of: Political Science, Psychology, Psychiatry, General Criminology, Political Psychology, Ps...