
Donald Trump, Destroy THE MOB! | U, SA: Different hat, the same tune: MAAGGA: "Make Abwehr And Germany Great Again"! - 7:09 AM 6/11/2019

Donald Trump, Destroy THE MOB! | U, SA: Different hat, the same tune: MAAGGA: "Make Abwehr And Germany Great Again"! - 7:09 AM 6/11/2019 - Post Link U, SA:   Different hat, the same tune:  MUGGER-MAAGGA:   Make Abwehr And Germany Great Again! U, SA! Trump changed his hat. And his tune?  Trump is MAGA no more. Just The Mugger, The Maggot, and the MAAGGA: "Make Abwehr And Germany Great Again"! Different hat, the same tune though: "U, SA: You, Trump, are SA "!  However, look into his eyes: sensitive, vulnerable, intelligent, and very, very peculiar man. And very strong man, we have to admit this.  Donald Trump, his personality, and his political movement have to be studied objectively and in depth, in their proper and natural historical perspectives.  M.N.: Donald Trump, I see only one, very radical and very bold, truly revolutionary Solution for you, and absolutely honestly and sincerely:  Destroy THE MOB!  You, more than anyone e