
9:16 AM 7/19/2019 - The lady's hat and something under it... Was this the message in Ms. Haspel's dress pictorial design? Very informative, and up to the point. Will other revelations follow?

9:16 AM 7/19/2019 - The lady's hat and something under it... Was this the message in Ms. Haspel's dress pictorial design? Very informative, and up to the point. Will other revelations follow? ___________________________________________________ From the old post -  February 06, 2019 putin feeds baby trump - Google Search Ms. Haspel's pictorial designs, the state of the Union, and the state of Putin's nipples are strong! - As of 6:33 AM 2/6/2019. Putin breastfeeds Baby Trump  (in public and in a broad daylight, no problemas), and "the state of his nipples is strong", according to Colbert, who probably examined them personally. Well, can he be bottle fed, already? He is a big boy now. And that will free Putin to deal with US - Russian relations, already.  Adam Levine , follow Colbert's advice! Work on it! - M.N.  - 6:33 AM 2/6/2019 And Vladimir Putin has a message for Adam Levine, too.  Donald Trump M.N.: For me, the most valuable informa