
6:59 AM 7/24/2019

6:59 AM 7/24/2019 The Roundup Begins! – 6:54 AM 7/24/2019 | Trump and Trumpism – Review Of News And Opinions Wednesday July 24 th , 2019  at  6:56 AM Trump And Trumpism – Review Of News And Opinions 1 Share The Roundup Begins! – 6:54 AM 7/24/2019 Last Update: 7.24.19 Investigate the possible  violations of the U.S. Immigration Laws  and bring the  criminal charges of Sex Trafficking  against  Donald Trump ,  Melania Knauss Trump , and  Jeffrey Epstein The Pimp For The Rich ,  who   sold Melania to Donald .  How? For how much? Go find it out! Go figure it out! Melania was brought to the U.S.  on “ The Einstein Visa “, which in fact was “ The Epstein Visa “, on a special and higher level.  For how much?  Ah, Donald?  #SendMelaniaBack!  |  #LockMelaniaUp!   How much did you pay for your Melania Delivery? $1M? $10 M? More? You sh...