6:59 AM 1/10/2019 - As Russia and China rise, U.S. bickers over non-issues... | The New Abwehr and Operation Trump

1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites) 
Donald Trump: The Destruction Of Facts And Truth Is All Donald Trump Has Left To Stand On
"Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News: Who poses a greater threat to the West: China or Russia? - Spectator.co.uk
Donald Trump: Don Lemon Trolls Trump With Negotiating Tips From 'The Art Of The Deal'
Donald Trump: Trump Campaign Had More Than 100 Contacts With Russia-Linked Operatives: Report
Saved Stories - 1. Trump: As Russia and China rise, U.S. bickers over non-issues - Charleston Post Courier
Saved Stories - 1. Trump: Letter to the editor: Trump remarks mirror Russian history - Glens Falls Post-Star
Politics: 40 years later, U.S.-China relations are rocky. Or not.
Saved Stories - 1. Trump: Looking to Lead GOP - Valley News
Saved Stories - 1. Trump: George Will: A look at Germany's largest opposition party - NewsOK.com
Saved Stories - 1. Trump: Away from shutdown fight, House Democrats press agenda | WFTV - WFTV Orlando
Saved Stories - 1. Trump: Trump offered Pelosi and Schumer Skittles, Butterfingers and Baby Ruths - New York Post
Saved Stories - 1. Trump: Chuck and Nancy beat Trump in the ratings - MSNBC
Donald Trump: Donald Trump Tosses Out Another Media Conspiracy Theory In Late-Night Twitter Rant
"Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News: The changing geo-strategic scenario in the Middle East - Al-Arabiya
Donald Trump | The Guardian: What does a government shutdown mean for the US? - video
"trump psychological assessment" - Google News: The key components of a mentally healthy school – Part 2 - Ed Exec
Donald Trump: Donald Trump Jr. Shares Instagram Meme Which Calls His Dad A 'Motherf**ker'
"emails investigation is Russia-Trump set-up" - Google News: Away from shutdown fight, House Democrats press agenda | WFTV - WFTV Orlando
Saved Stories - 1. Trump: Trump's team had over 100 contacts with Russian-linked officials, report shows - USA TODAY
Saved Stories - 1. Trump: "Mike Flynn" - Google News: Trump's team had over 100 contacts with Russian-linked operatives, report shows - Daily American Online
Saved Stories - 1. Trump: Preserving the civil-military relationship - Washington Times

The New Abwehr and Operation Trump - by Michael Novakhov - Google Search

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The end of Trump’s affair with ‘his’ generals

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A beefed-up White House legal team prepares aggressive defense of Trump’s executive privilege as investigations loom large - Google Search

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Story image for A beefed-up White House legal team prepares aggressive defense of Trump’s executive privilege as investigations loom large from Washington Post

beefed-up White House legal team prepares aggressive defense of ...

Washington Post-9 hours ago
beefed-up White House legal team is gearing up to prevent ... The strategy to strongly assert the president's executive privilege on both fronts ... on his now-20-month-long investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign. ... But any effort to fight investigators is likely to further inflame Trump's ...
Story image for A beefed-up White House legal team prepares aggressive defense of Trump’s executive privilege as investigations loom large from Washington Post

Mueller believes Manafort fed information to Russian with intel ties

dagblog (blog)-14 hours ago
beefed-up White House legal team prepares aggressive defense of Trump's executive privilege as investigations loom ... for attorney general, one person will loom large in the room: special counselRobert Mueller. Several ...
Story image for A beefed-up White House legal team prepares aggressive defense of Trump’s executive privilege as investigations loom large from Washington Post

New Jersey Election Results

Washington Post-May 27, 2018
Voters will also choose representatives for 12 House seats, seven of which are ... His opponent, former biotech executive Bob Hugin (R), has spent millions of his ... Margin in the 2018 Senate race for counties that went for Clinton or Trump in ..... A beefed-up White House legal team prepares aggressive defense of Trump's ...
Story image for A beefed-up White House legal team prepares aggressive defense of Trump’s executive privilege as investigations loom large from Washington Post

Trump's latest tweets cross clear lines, experts say: Obstruction of ...

Washington Post-Dec 3, 2018
But legal experts are calling Monday's missives a newsworthy development ... In his tweet, Trumpalleged that Cohen lied to Mueller and called for a ... Attorney George Conway, husband of White House counselor ... “It's the same attitude that led President Trump to try to direct [the Department of Justice] to ...
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A beefed-up White House legal team prepares aggressive defense of Trump’s executive privilege as investigations loom large - Google Search

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A beefed-up White House legal team prepares aggressive defense of Trump’s executive privilege as investigations loom large - Google Search

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