Trump Investigations Newsletter // October 29

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October 29, 2018
Trump Newsletter // October 29
Trump Investigations - Google News: Political Cornflakes: If Democrats retake the House they'll have a powerful weapon to investigate Trump thanks to ... - Salt Lake Tribune
Cambridge Analytica from mikenova (4 sites): Facebook users data stored in Russia - Google News: The inventor of the World Wide Web is working on a new concept for the internet - KnowTechie
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: Trump a 'purveyor of hate speech' and not welcome in Pittsburgh, says synagogue leader
1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): trump electorate - Google News: Tea party hangover could force power shift in governors' mansions - Virginian-Pilot

Trump Newsletter // October 29

Trump Investigations
October 29, 2018 Trump Trump Investigations - Google News: Political Cornflakes: If Democrats retake the House they'll have a powerful weapon to investigate Trump thanks to ...
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Trump Investigations - Google News: Political Cornflakes: If Democrats retake the House they'll have a powerful weapon to investigate Trump thanks to ... - Salt Lake Tribune

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
Congressional investigations in store for Trump Administration if Democrats retake House. Closed-door negotiations continue on a medical marijuana bill. President Trump, a critic of the Antiquities Act, decides it’s pretty handy after all.
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Cambridge Analytica from mikenova (4 sites): Facebook users data stored in Russia - Google News: The inventor of the World Wide Web is working on a new concept for the internet - KnowTechie

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
Tim Berners Lee, the father of the World Wide Web, unarguably deserves appreciation for all the efforts he has put into changing the modern life. The web has come a long way since its inception in the nineties.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: Trump a 'purveyor of hate speech' and not welcome in Pittsburgh, says synagogue leader

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
A former president of the synagogue in Pittsburgh where 11 people were murdered on Saturday has said Donald Trump would not be welcome in the city and labelled the president a “purveyor of hate speech”.
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1. Trump from mikenova (198 sites): trump electorate - Google News: Tea party hangover could force power shift in governors' mansions - Virginian-Pilot

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
ATLANTA — Eight years after the tea party movement helped Republicans win a majority of U.S.
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