President Trump complains the Mueller investigation has cost Americans 'millions of dollars'

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November 08, 2018
President Trump complains the Mueller investigation has cost Americans 'millions of dollars'
Larry King hits CNN: 'Stopped doing news' to focus on Trump
Mueller's Russia investigation - Google News: Mueller's Job Isn't Safe. His Findings May Be. - New York Times
2016 Presidential Election Investigation - Google News: Acting attorney general has questioned Mueller investigation - WVLT.TV
Democrat Julie Kushner upsets Sen. Mike McLachlan

President Trump complains the Mueller investigation has cost Americans 'millions of dollars'

In a salty post-election press conference in which he seemed to relish the opportunity to savage members of his own party for losing elections after failing to warm to his “embrace,” President Donald Trump faced the specter of the House of Representatives falling into Democratic Party hands — and the looming possibility of increased scrutiny of his presidency.
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Larry King hits CNN: 'Stopped doing news' to focus on Trump

The Hill
Larry King hits CNN: 'Stopped doing news' to focus on Trump  The HillFull coverage
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Mueller's Russia investigation - Google News: Mueller's Job Isn't Safe. His Findings May Be. - New York Times

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
OpinionMueller’s Job Isn’t Safe. His Findings May Be.Also: How well did racism really work as a campaign strategy this year? By David Leonhardt Opinion Columnist Robert Mueller in 2013.
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2016 Presidential Election Investigation - Google News: Acting attorney general has questioned Mueller investigation - WVLT.TV

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites)
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — The man who will serve at least temporarily as the nation’s top law enforcement official is a relatively inexperienced Republican Party loyalist from Iowa who has called for limiting special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
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Democrat Julie Kushner upsets Sen. Mike McLachlan

CT Post
Democrat Julie Kushner upsets Sen. Mike McLachlan  CT PostFull coverage
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