1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Donald Trump: Investigations Into The Personal and Political Mount For Trump

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December 16, 2018
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Donald Trump: Investigations Into The Personal and Political Mount For Trump
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Palmer Report: A whole lot of people in Donald Trump’s White House are going to prison – including him
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "trump russian candidate" - Google News: Voters are growing uneasy over the probes swirling around Trump, as a clear majority believe he hasn't been honest: NBC-WSJ poll - CNBC
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: National Enquirer: Trump scandal shows the need for accountability | Emily Bell
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "Elections 2016 Investigation" - Google News: Donald Trump’s new chief of staff once called him ‘a terrible human being’ - NEWS.com.au

1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Donald Trump: Investigations Into The Personal and Political Mount For Trump

Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (33 sites)
WASHINGTON (AP) — Investigations now entangle Donald Trump’s White House, campaign, transition, inauguration, charity and business. For Trump, the political, the personal and the deeply personal are all under examination.
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1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Palmer Report: A whole lot of people in Donald Trump’s White House are going to prison – including him

Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (33 sites)
Yesterday we brought you the story of how Donald Trump and Paul Manafort conspired to try to sabotage the FBI shortly after Trump took office in 2017, and we explained why this makes it a whole lot easier for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to prove his felony obstruction of justice case against Trump.
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1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "trump russian candidate" - Google News: Voters are growing uneasy over the probes swirling around Trump, as a clear majority believe he hasn't been honest: NBC-WSJ poll - CNBC

Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (33 sites)
Jabin Botsford | The Washington Post | Getty Images President Donald J. Trump debates with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., as Vice President Mike Pence listens during a meeting in the Oval Office of White House on Tuesday, Dec.
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1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: National Enquirer: Trump scandal shows the need for accountability | Emily Bell

Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (33 sites)
American Media Inc’s code of ethics is a stern document. The 22 pages run through the New York-based tabloid newspaper company’s strict rules on not accepting bribes or hospitality.
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1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "Elections 2016 Investigation" - Google News: Donald Trump’s new chief of staff once called him ‘a terrible human being’ - NEWS.com.au

Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (33 sites)
President Donald Trump had long made clear the qualities he was looking for in his next chief of staff. And when his first pick turned him down, sparking a frantic search, the president turned to the man he’d already tapped for two previous jobs in his administration: Mick Mulvaney, a blunt, fast-talking former South Carolina congressman turned budget chief who had told Mr Trump months ago he wanted the job.
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