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“А если укрепить стразами?” - CATEGORY: TRUMP INVESTIGATIONS NEWS REVIEW - 12/17/2018

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“Жопа С Ручкой

“The Asshole With The Handle”

“Operation Trump” is the Abwehr 2 Design: it blackens Israel and Russia as attempting to blatantly interfere in U.S. Elections 2016 and uses Red (Russian-Jewish) Mafia and the GRU as the Abwehr’s  fronts and covers, to direct the rage at these main contemporary Abwehr’s rivals for the world domination. 
Hostility to Israel and Russia, and hidden, masked but very important for the correct conceptual understanding, the hostility to the democratic institutions, traditions and principles of governing in the U.S., IS OBVIOUS, and it points to the major, leading involvement of this particular historical entity, in my humble Hermeneutic (Interpretative) opinion, namely the Abwehr 2, or the “New Abwehr”. 
The unprecedented, the attack and “revanche-like” enhancements of the German geopolitical standing on the world stage and “celebrations” of the historical events related to the WW1 and WW2 (“the Helsinki-Versailles Halls of Mirrors”), also point to this direction. The European (in fact, the Global!) Terror – Crime Nexus, exemplified most recently by the Strasbourg attack, is also an indication of Abwehr 2 strategies of using the Underworld and the other (closely related and the thoroughly penetrated Intelligence Services, such as, probably, the GRU) proxies as their favorite and the time-tested tools. 
Germany is the only party which benefited from all those events, and it benefited hugely. The Brexit is from the same opera. 
Putin recruited Mogilevich (after his arrest on the pretext Arbat Prestige tax evasion charges) to bring Ukraine back to the fold. Mogievich recruited Sergei Skripal as the head and leading force of the GRU – Russian-Jewish Mafia Alliance, and recommended him to spend some time in “Zone”, the Russian concentration camps for the criminals, to win their trust and to establish the long term stable relationships with them, which Skripal promptly and comfortably did, utilizing the GRU’s nostalgic, traditional, leftist leanings. That’ how the plan was hatched to conquer America “from above”, by installing the US President as the Russian and the Russian Jewish Mafia’s puppet. 
In fact, it was the Abwehr 2 plan, and all these players are just the Abwehr’s actors and tools, big and small, and mostly unwitting. 
At this point, it becomes evident that the hypothetical “ручка (GRU-Russia-Skripal-Abwehr-Mafia-Mogilevich)” от “жопы (Trump and his circles)” отваливается, as the result of the closer attention to all these matters and the reach of the Mueller Investigations. 
However! “Do not despair!”, proclaims the ever resourceful and optimistic Russian Jewish Mafia. 
“А если укрепить стразами?” 
Via Strasbourg, “wo alle straßen enden“? 
Michael Novakhov
10:27 AM 12/17/2018

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks 

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Monday December 17th, 2018 at 8:14 AM

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Israel asked German Chancellor Angela Merkel to stop funding the Jewish Museum in Berlin, among other institutions, the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung reported on Thursday.
The reason behind the demand was the museum’s exhibition on Jerusalem, which “presents a Muslim-Palestinian perspective of the city,” the report said.
In the letter sent directly to the chancellor’s bureau and not through the Israeli embassy, Merkel was asked to defund other organizations that it claimed were anti-Israeli.
These included the Berlin International Film Festival, pro-Palestinian Christian organizations, and the Israeli site +972 Magazine, which receives funding from the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
While Die Tageszeitung did not have clear evidence that the letter was sent by Israeli officials, the German government confirmed that there were discussions between the two countries regarding funding of certain organizations, in line with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s ongoing policy.
In a response given to the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth on Sunday, the Prime Minister’s Office did not deny the request. “The prime minister raised the issue of defunding Palestinian and Israeli groups and non-governmental organizations that depict Israel Defense Forces as war criminals, support Palestinian terrorism and call for boycott of the State of Israel. Israel will continue fighting these organizations,” read the statement. 


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