Note the timing: right before Putin's the end of the year press conference, to give him something to brag about. This proves one more time that Trump IS NOT a Putin's puppet! Now we got all sorted out!

Image result for trump putin's puppet cartoons

Note the timing: right before Putin's the end of the year press conference, to give him something to brag about. This proves one more time that Trump IS NOT a Putin's puppet! Now we got it all sorted out! - M.N. - 12.20.18 

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Ежегодная большая пресс-конференция Путина. Онлайн Как президент отвечал на вопросы — и какими они были - Meduza

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Ежегодная большая пресс-конференция Путина. Онлайн Как президент отвечал на вопросы — и какими они были  Meduza
На этом мы с Лесей прощаемся с вами. Спасибо, что были с нами — по первым ощущениям кажется, что в этот раз было еще скучнее чем обычно, а у ...

Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! - Google Search

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Story image for Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! from Daily Mail

Coco Chanel the Nazi spy: New document reveals that fashion ...

Daily Mail-Dec 2, 2014
Her official Abwehr number was F-7124 according to official Nazi record - which has been secretly held in the French Ministry of Defence ...
Story image for Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! from

Here's what America would be like if the Nazis And Japanese had won ... 31, 2015
“Yes, it's a new day in our proud land, but our greatest days may lie ahead. ... As the propaganda film suggests, aspects of life in Nazi/Japanese America are not bad, even as .... Obama the Democrat is trying to turn it into China . .... first to attack Ireland and used Ireland as a base to send V2 probably V3 to ...
Story image for Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! from Daily Mail

Was Coco Chanel a German spy? Newly released archive reveals ...

Daily Mail-Mar 16, 2016
... designer was handing secrets to her Nazi intelligence officer lover ... Chanel was documented anagent by Nazi intelligence organization, the Abwehr, ... II offer a unique insight into underground operations led by both the Nazis ... 1943 wrote a note on American-born singer and dancer Josephine Baker, ...
Story image for Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! from Consortium News

Nazi Roots of Ukraine's Conflict

Consortium News-Jan 28, 2016
Exclusive: Few Americans understand the ugly history behind the Nazi-affiliated movements that have gained substantial power in today's ...
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Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! - Google Search

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Image result for Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America!

A Strategy of Retreat in Syria, With Echoes of Obama

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As it turns out, Mr. Assad will have to wait only about a month for the American withdrawal to be complete.
In his speech this week, Mr. Jeffrey made an impassioned case that the civil war in Syria was not just about the half-million people dead, nor the 11 million others who have been driven from their homes.
It has “become a great-power conflict,” he said, with Americans, Russians, Iranians, Turks and Israelis all involved. Any American policy, he said, “cannot focus only on the internal conflict.” He added later than “Iran has to get out of there,” meaning Iranian ground troops.

Ежегодная большая пресс-конференция Путина. Онлайн Как президент отвечал на вопросы — и какими они были - Meduza

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Ежегодная большая пресс-конференция Путина. Онлайн Как президент отвечал на вопросы — и какими они были  Meduza
На этом мы с Лесей прощаемся с вами. Спасибо, что были с нами — по первым ощущениям кажется, что в этот раз было еще скучнее чем обычно, а у ...

Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! - Google Search

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Story image for Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! from Daily Mail

Coco Chanel the Nazi spy: New document reveals that fashion ...

Daily Mail-Dec 2, 2014
Her official Abwehr number was F-7124 according to official Nazi record - which has been secretly held in the French Ministry of Defence ...
Story image for Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! from

Here's what America would be like if the Nazis And Japanese had won ... 31, 2015
“Yes, it's a new day in our proud land, but our greatest days may lie ahead. ... As the propaganda film suggests, aspects of life in Nazi/Japanese America are not bad, even as .... Obama the Democrat is trying to turn it into China . .... first to attack Ireland and used Ireland as a base to send V2 probably V3 to ...
Story image for Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! from Daily Mail

Was Coco Chanel a German spy? Newly released archive reveals ...

Daily Mail-Mar 16, 2016
... designer was handing secrets to her Nazi intelligence officer lover ... Chanel was documented anagent by Nazi intelligence organization, the Abwehr, ... II offer a unique insight into underground operations led by both the Nazis ... 1943 wrote a note on American-born singer and dancer Josephine Baker, ...
Story image for Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! from Consortium News

Nazi Roots of Ukraine's Conflict

Consortium News-Jan 28, 2016
Exclusive: Few Americans understand the ugly history behind the Nazi-affiliated movements that have gained substantial power in today's ...
Read the whole story

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Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America! - Google Search

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Image result for Trump is Obama 2. Both were installed by the New Abwehr. Open your eyes, America!

A Strategy of Retreat in Syria, With Echoes of Obama

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As it turns out, Mr. Assad will have to wait only about a month for the American withdrawal to be complete.
In his speech this week, Mr. Jeffrey made an impassioned case that the civil war in Syria was not just about the half-million people dead, nor the 11 million others who have been driven from their homes.
It has “become a great-power conflict,” he said, with Americans, Russians, Iranians, Turks and Israelis all involved. Any American policy, he said, “cannot focus only on the internal conflict.” He added later than “Iran has to get out of there,” meaning Iranian ground troops.
Mr. Jeffrey’s ultimate boss, however, seems largely uninterested in the geopolitics of remaining in Syria, or using whatever leverage the United States has left to shape events there. American troops, in Mr. Trump’s view, should return to American shores, where they can bristle with new weapons — but only engage those who would enter the United States and seek to harm its citizens.
It is a very 20th-century view of global power. And it largely overlooks how terrorist groups are making bombs outside Damascus that can be slipped aboard aircraft, or how the newly revived Syrian Electronic Army, Mr. Assad’s team for hacking the United States from afar, can wreak havoc without ever stepping into American territory.
But as Mr. Jeffrey himself said, the Trump administration’s national security strategy, published early this year, stated outright that countering terrorism was no longer the primary goal of American policy — and that dealing with a renewed era of great-power competition was, once again, the motivating rationale.
Some of Mr. Trump’s former aides have said the president never actually read through his strategy, although he was briefed on it. With his brief, little-explained announcement on Wednesday, he leaves his allies wondering whether it is truly his strategy at all.

Trump Withdraws U.S. Forces From Syria, Declaring ‘We Have Won Against ISIS’

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WASHINGTON — President Trump has ordered the withdrawal of 2,000 American troops from Syria, bringing a sudden end to a military campaign that largely vanquished the Islamic State but ceding a strategically vital country to Russia and Iran.
In overruling his generals and civilian advisers, Mr. Trump fulfilled his frequently expressed desire to bring home American forces from a messy foreign entanglement. But his decision, conveyed via Twitteron Wednesday, plunges the administration’s Middle East strategy into disarray, rattling allies like Britain and Israel and forsaking Syria’s ethnic Kurds, who have been faithful partners in fighting the Islamic State.
The abrupt, chaotic nature of the move — and the opposition it immediately provoked on Capitol Hill and beyond — raised questions about how Mr. Trump will follow through with the full withdrawal. Even after the president’s announcement, officials said, the Pentagon and State Department continued to try to talk him out of it.
“We have won against ISIS,” Mr. Trump declared in a video posted Wednesday evening on Twitter, adding, “Our boys, our young women, our men — they’re all coming back, and they’re coming back now.”
“We won, and that’s the way we want it, and that’s the way they want it,” he said, pointing a finger skyward, referring to American troops who had been killed in battle.
The White House did not provide a timetable or other specifics for the military departure. “We have started returning United States troops home as we transition to the next phase of this campaign,” Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said in a statement. Defense Department officials said that Mr. Trump had ordered that the withdrawal be completed in 30 days.
The decision brought a storm of protest in Congress, even from Republican allies of Mr. Trump’s like Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who said he had been “blindsided.” The House Democratic leader, Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, suggested that the president had acted out of “personal or political objectives” rather than national security interests.
Like many of Mr. Trump’s most disruptive moves, the decision was jolting and yet predictable. For more than a year, and particularly since the Islamic State has been driven from most of its territory in Syria’s north, he has told advisers that he wanted to withdraw troops from the country.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and other top national security officials argued that a withdrawal would, essentially, surrender Western influence in Syria to Russia and Iran. The Trump administration’s national security policy calls for challenging both countries, which are the chief benefactors of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and have provided him with years of financial and military support.
Abandoning the Kurdish allies, the officials argued, also would cripple future American efforts to gain the trust of local fighters for counterterrorism operations, including in Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia.
The Russian Foreign Ministry welcomed the move, according to the TASS news agency, saying that a withdrawal created prospects for a political settlement in Syria’s civil war. It also said an initiative to form a Syrian constitutional committee would have a bright future once American troops were gone.
While Mr. Trump has long cast American military involvement in Syria as narrowly focused on defeating the Islamic State, his generals and diplomats argue that the United States has broader, more complex interests there.
Gen. Joseph Votel, the commander of United States Central Command, and Brett H. McGurk, the American envoy to the coalition fighting the Islamic State, fiercely protested the military withdrawal, administration officials said. Both argued that the Islamic State would never have been defeated without the Kurdish fighters, whom General Votel said suffered many casualties and always lived up to their word.
Officials said General Votel argued that withdrawing American troops would leave the Kurds vulnerable to attack from Turkey, which has warned it will soon launch an offensive against them. It would also cement the survival of Mr. Assad, whose ouster had long been an article of faith in Washington.
The Pentagon said in a statement that it would “continue working with our partners and allies to defeat” the Islamic State wherever it operated.
Mr. Trump’s decision contradicted what other top national security officials have said in recent weeks.
Two months ago, the national security adviser, John R. Bolton, said the United States would not pull out of Syria as long as Iran was exerting influence there, either through its own troops or Iranian-backed militias.
Last week, Mr. McGurk characterized the mission in Syria as one that sought the “enduring defeat” of the Islamic State. “We know that once the physical space is defeated, we can’t just pick up and leave,” he told reporters. “We want to stay on the ground and make sure that stability can be maintained in these areas.”
Military commanders fear that a hasty withdrawal will jeopardize the territorial gains against the Islamic State made by the United States and its coalition partners — essentially repeating what happened after Mr. Trump’s predecessor, President Barack Obama, pulled troops from Iraq in 2011.
Mr. Graham, emerging from a lunch with Vice President Mike Pence and other Republican senators, called it “Iraq all over again.” He demanded to know why Congress was not notified of Mr. Trump’s decision.
“If Obama had done this,” Mr. Graham said, “we’d be going nuts right now: how weak, how dangerous.”
During the meeting, officials said Mr. Pence barely talked about the looming government shutdown, which he was ostensibly on Capitol Hill to discuss, because there was such strong pushback from lawmakers on Syria.
In a letter to Mr. Trump, Mr. Graham and five other senators, from both parties, implored him to reconsider his decision, warning that a withdrawal would embolden the remnants of the Islamic State, as well as the Assad government, Iran and Russia.
American allies were notably muted in their reactions. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel called it “of course, an American decision,” and said his government would study its implications. But analysts said the withdrawal would deal a blow to Israel’s efforts to curb Iranian influence in Syria.
“It’s a bad day for Israel,” said Ehud Yaari, an Israel-based fellow of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
A statement released by the British government said that while the global coalition against the Islamic State had made progress, “we must not lose sight of the threat they pose.”
“Even without territory,” the statement said, the group “will remain a threat.”
For much of the day, the White House seemed paralyzed by Mr. Trump’s sudden move. By late Wednesday, it had yet to defend the consequences of the troop withdrawal, or explain what the American strategy in Syria will be once the American forces have left.
In a conference call with reporters, a senior White House official said that previous statements by Mr. Bolton and other senior officials that the United States would stay in Syria did not matter because, as president, Mr. Trump could do as he pleases.
“He gets to do that,” said the official, whom the White House said could speak only on grounds of anonymity. “That’s his prerogative.”
The official referred all questions about how the withdrawal would proceed to the Pentagon. At the Pentagon, reporters asked officials for clarification, only to be told that there was none that could be given.
It was very much the image of a story spinning out of control, and a military taken by surprise by its commander in chief.
One Defense Department official suggested that Mr. Trump wanted to divert attention from his mounting legal troubles: the Russia investigation; the sentencing of his former personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, in a hush money scandal to buy the silence of two women who said they had affairs with him; and his former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, who was harshly criticized by a federal judge for lying to investigators.
In a statement, Ms. Pelosi derided what she described as a “hasty announcement” and noted it was timed to the day after Mr. Flynn was in court for sentencing after admitting “he was a registered foreign agent for a country with clear interests in the Syrian conflict.”
She was referring to Mr. Flynn’s lobbying efforts to expel a Turkish cleric living in Pennsylvania whom President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey has accused of plotting a failed 2016 coup.
“All Americans should be concerned,” Ms. Pelosi said.
Senator Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee and the outgoing chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said after a visit to the White House, where his farewell meeting with Mr. Trump was canceled, that he did not believe there was a way to persuade the president to reverse the withdrawal order.
“It’s obviously a political decision,” Mr. Corker said.
Not everybody faulted the president’s move.
Robert S. Ford, the last American ambassador to Syria, said the United States could continue to strike terrorist targets from the air. The limited nature of the American ground presence, he said, would not force Iran out of the country, nor would it alter the battle between Mr. Assad and the remnants of the rebellion.
“The whole Syrian conflict is about Syrians’ relations with other Syrians,” said Mr. Ford, who now teaches at Yale and is a fellow at the Middle East Institute. “Two thousand special operators and a dozen or two American diplomats can’t fix that.”
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Opinion | Trump’s Decision to Withdraw From Syria Is Alarming. Just Ask His Advisers.

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As late as Monday, James Jeffrey, the State Department’s Syria envoy, told the Atlantic Council that the United States would stay in Syria until ISIS was defeated, Iranian influence was curbed and there was a political solution to the Syrian civil war.
But on Wednesday, Mr. Trump undercut his advisers, and American interests, by reversing course and declaring in a tweet, “We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency.”
There was no attempt to use the leverage of an American withdrawal to achieve any specific political or military goal.
Mr. Trump’s assertion that the Islamic State is defeated is absurd. The ability of the terrorists to strike has been significantly degraded and much of the territory they claimed for their so-called caliphate has been liberated. But the group still retains a pocket of land on the Syria-Iraq border and has roughly 20,000 to 30,000 fighters, according to military researchers. As Mr. Jeffrey said Monday, “The job is not yet done.”
No one wants American troops deployed in a war zone longer than necessary. But there is no indication that Mr. Trump has thought through the consequences of a precipitous withdrawal, including allowing ISIS forces to regroup and create another crisis that would draw the United States back into the region.
An American withdrawal would also be a gift to Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader, who has been working hard to supplant American influence in the region, as well as to Iran, which has also expanded its regional footprint. It would certainly make it harder for the Trump administration to implement its policy of ratcheting up what it calls “maximum pressure” on Iran.
Among the biggest losers are likely to be the Kurdish troops that the United States has equipped and relied on to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, considers many of the Kurds to be terrorists bent on destroying his country. In recent days he has vowed to launch a new offensive against them in the Syrian border region. Mr. Trump discussed his withdrawal decision in a telephone call with Mr. Erdogan on Friday.
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