The link between Crime, Terrorism, and Migration is very real! - By Michael Novakhov

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The link between Crime, Terrorism, and Migration is very real! 

"Washington Post", get rid of your obvious and misleading liberal bias and face the truth. There is no doubt, in my very humble opinion, that in the present circumstances the borders (all of them, physical and virtual) have to be strengthened. "Wall or no wall", this country has to protect itself from this pre-orchestrated, planned, hostile "invasion". This issue, in a long term perspective, affects the demographic composition, and, inevitably, the mind, the soul, and the essence of this country. The comprehensive immigration reform  is needed to bring the order and sanity into this system. It is a bipartisan issue. The best way to deal with it is to assist the future migrants at the places where they already are, be it their own or the third countries, and to help them with the adjustment and making the rational and orderly plans for emigration or non-emigration. It will also be much more efficient, including the comparative costs of the prospective interventions vs. non-interventions options for the migrants' assistance. 

In its present state, the dysfunctional US Immigration system does breed crime and definitely linked to it, the courtesy of the various Intelligence Services, among the other factors, the terrorist activity. 
Do the methodologically correct studies to reveal these connections! 

It is also difficult not to see the larger and the deliberate design (I wish I would know, by whom) which can be described by this imaginary phrase: "You, Americans, deal with your own problems at your southern borders, and we will make sure that you continue having these problems; and we: the Germans, the New Abwehr, the Russians, the "Europeans" will deal with our own problems at our southern borders, which includes the Middle East, Syria, Afghanistan", etc., etc. Very straightforward and clear, almost German in its artificial simplicity and squareness, design. 

The Strasbourg attack was the latest demonstration of the "Terrorism - Crime - Migration Nexus", as it was aptly described and defined.

The recent events (US withdrawal from Syria , (even if largely symbolic but telling: "А вас тута не стояло"), and the planned withdrawal from Afghanistan confirm this line of thought further. 

"Theories of a crime-terror nexus are well established in the literature. Often conceptualised along a continuum, relationships between organisations range from contracting services and the appropriation of tactics, to complete mergers or even role changes. Recent irregular migrant movements have added to the nexus, providing financial opportunities to criminal enterprises and creating grievances and heated debate that has fuelled the anger of ideological groups." 

This pattern is reported for Europe but there should not be any significant reasons to believe that this constellation of forces and factors and their dynamics are any different in the Western hemisphere. 

The Statistics should help to clarify the issues, not to obscure them. And the reporters might be tempted to spin the numbers into any direction they want, just like anyone else. Let the specialists, including the statisticians, comment on these matters. 

The incompleteness and narrowness of the press reports like the one linked above only throws more oil into the flames and allows if not justifies the Trump's criticism of his press coverage as the "Fake News & totally dishonest Media" and the "crazed lunatics who have given up on the TRUTH!". 

(What a horrible crime! Right out of the mouth of The TRUTH Teller In Chief!)

As far as "the enemy of the people", this might be the more debatable attribution. So far. (The New Abwehr's control of the Global Mass Media notwithstanding.)

Michael Novakhov

Migration, Transnational Crime and Terrorism: Exploring the
Nexus in Europe and Southeast Asia
by Cameron Sumpter and Joseph Franco
October 2018
Volume 12, Issue 5 
Migration, Transnational Crime and Terrorism: 

Exploring the Nexus in Europe and Southeast Asia by Cameron Sumpter and Joseph Franco 
Theories of a crime-terror nexus are well established in the literature. Often conceptualised along a continuum, relationships between organisations range from contracting services and the appropriation of tactics, to complete mergers or even role changes. Recent irregular migrant movements have added to the nexus, providing financial opportunities to criminal enterprises and creating grievances and heated debate that has fuelled the anger of ideological groups. In Europe, terrorist organisations have worked with and sometimes emulated organised crime syndicates through involvement in the trafficking of drugs, people, weapons and antiquities. In Southeast Asia, conflict areas provide the backdrop for cross-border drug trafficking and kidnap-for-ransom activities, while extremist groups both commit crimes for profit and target criminals for recruitment. Keywords: Crime-Terror nexus, organised crime, terrorism, migration, Europe, Southeast Asia 


Fake News & totally dishonest Media concerning me and my presidency has never been worse,” Trump said in the first of the tweets. “Many have become crazed lunatics who have given up on the TRUTH!” 

‘Crazed lunatics’: Trump again attacks the news media as ‘the enemy of the people’ - WP - 1.7.19

Justice Dept. admits error but won’t correct report linking terrorism to immigration

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Immigration and crime - Wikipedia

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There is no empirical evidence that either legal or illegal immigration increases crime rate in the United States.[169] Most studies in the U.S. have found lower crime rates among immigrants than among non-immigrants, and that higher concentrations of immigrants are associated with lower crime rates.[1][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][excessive citations] These findings contradict popular perceptions that immigration increases crime.[1][193] Some research even suggests that increases in immigration may partly explain the reduction in the U.S. crime rate.[8][194][195][196][197][198][199] A 2017 study suggests that immigration did not play a significant part in lowering the crime rate.[200] A 2005 study showed that immigration to large U.S. metropolitan areas does not increase, and in some cases decreases, crime rates there.[201] A 2009 study found that recent immigration was not associated with homicide in Austin, Texas.[202] The low crime rates of immigrants to the United States despite having lower levels of education, lower levels of income and residing in urban areas (factors that should lead to higher crime rates) may be due to lower rates of antisocial behavior among immigrants.[203] A 2015 study found that Mexican immigration to the United States was associated with an increase in aggravated assaults and a decrease in property crimes.[204] A 2016 study finds no link between immigrant populations and violent crime, although there is a small but significant association between undocumented immigrants and drug-related crime.[205]
A 2018 study found that undocumented immigration to the United States did not increase violent crime.[206] A 2017 study found that "Increased undocumented immigration was significantly associated with reductions in drug arrests, drug overdose deaths, and DUI arrests, net of other factors."[207] Research finds that Secure Communities, an immigration enforcement program which led to a quarter of a million of detentions (when the study was published; November 2014), had no observable impact on the crime rate.[208] A 2015 study found that the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, which legalized almost 3 million immigrants, led to "decreases in crime of 3–5 percent, primarily due to decline in property crimes, equivalent to 120,000–180,000 fewer violent and property crimes committed each year due to legalization".[24] According to two studies, sanctuary cities—which adopt policies designed to not prosecute people solely for being an illegal alien—have no statistically meaningful effect on crime.[209][210] A 2018 study in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy found that by restricting the employment opportunities for unauthorized immigrants, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) likely caused an increase in crime.[28][211]
A 2018 paper found no statistically significant evidence that refugees to the United States have an impact on crime rates.[212] A separate 2018 paper by scholars at the Immigration Policy Lab at Stanford University found that Trump's refugee ban (which caused a 66% reduction in refugee resettlement) had no impact on crime rates.[213]
One of the first political analyses in the U.S. of the relationship between immigration and crime was performed in the beginning of the 20th century by the Dillingham Commission, which found a relationship especially for immigrants from non-Northern European countries, resulting in the sweeping 1920s immigration reduction acts, including the Emergency Quota Act of 1921, which favored immigration from northern and western Europe.[214] Recent research is skeptical of the conclusion drawn by the Dillingham Commission. One study finds that "major government commissions on immigration and crime in the early twentieth century relied on evidence that suffered from aggregation bias and the absence of accurate population data, which led them to present partial and sometimes misleading views of the immigrant-native criminality comparison. With improved data and methods, we find that in 1904, prison commitment rates for more serious crimes were quite similar by nativity for all ages except ages 18 and 19, for which the commitment rate for immigrants was higher than for the native-born. By 1930, immigrants were less likely than natives to be committed to prisons at all ages 20 and older, but this advantage disappears when one looks at commitments for violent offenses."[215]
For the early twentieth century, one study found that immigrants had "quite similar" imprisonment rates for major crimes as natives in 1904 but lower for major crimes (except violent offenses; the rate was similar) in 1930.[215] Contemporary commissions used dubious data and interpreted it in questionable ways.[215] A study by Harvard economist Nathan Nunn, Yale economist Nancy Qian and LSE economist Sandra Sequeira found that the Age of Mass Migration (1850–1920) had no long-run effects on crime rates in the United States.[216]


According to a review by the Washington Post fact-checker of the available research and evidence, there is nothing to support President Trump's claim that "the vast majority of individuals convicted of terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside of our country."[217] The fact-checker noted that the Government Accountability Office had found that "of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since Sept. 12, 2001, 73 percent (62) were committed by far-right-wing violent extremist groups, and 27 percent (23) by radical Islamist violent extremists".[217] A bulletin by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security also warned in May 2017 "that white supremacist groups were “responsible for a lion’s share of violent attacks among domestic extremist groups".[217] According to a report by the New America foundation, of the individuals credibly involved in radical Islamist-inspired activity in the United States since 9/11, the large majority were US-born citizens, not immigrants.[217]
A 2018 paper found no statistically significant evidence that refugee settlements in the United States are linked to terrorism events.[212]
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Immigration and crime - Wikipedia

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Immigration and crime refers to perceived or actual relationships between crime and immigration. The academic literature provides mixed findings for the relationship between immigration and crime worldwide, but finds for the United States that immigration either has no impact on the crime rate or that it reduces the crime rate.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] A meta-analysis of 51 studies from 1994–2014 on the relationship between immigration and crime in different countries found that overall immigration reduces crime, but the relationship is very weak.[11] The over-representation of immigrants in the criminal justice systems of several countries may be due to socioeconomic factors, imprisonment for migration offenses, and racial and ethnic discrimination by police and the judicial system.[10][12][13][14] Research suggests that people tend to overestimate the relationship between immigration and criminality.[15][4][16] The relationship between immigration and terrorism is understudied, but existing research suggests that the relationship is weak and that repression of the immigrants increases the terror risk.[17][18]

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Story image for crime terrorism nexus from The Jerusalem Post

Analysis: Strasbourg attack fits previous model of criminal-terror nexus ...

The Jerusalem Post-Dec 12, 2018
The problem appears to be the gap between surveillance of members of the criminal-terrorist extremist nexus, and prosecuting perpetrators for ...
Story image for crime terrorism nexus from Weekly Blitz

Strasbourg attack fits previous Model of criminal-terror nexus in Europe

Weekly Blitz-Dec 13, 2018
Seth Frantzman. On Tuesday night a man shot at a crowd in central Strasboug. Three were killed and 12 injured in the attack that took place ...
Story image for crime terrorism nexus from The Cipher Brief

Terror Strikes France: Strasbourg Christmas Market Attack

The Cipher Brief-Dec 12, 2018
Terror Strikes France: Strasbourg Christmas Market Attack ... which suggests another European terrorist plot with a crime-terror nexus.
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Dec 11, 2018 - The concept of a crime-terror nexus has been debated for several decades. Due to the recent terrorist attacks, this new crime-terror nexus - in ...
The shared need for illicit tools and services further fosters the crime-terrorism nexus. •. Criminal connections provide access to the illicit (military-grade) tools ...
Sep 27, 2018 - This month's edition explores trends connected to the existing nexus between crimeand terrorism, and presents new and underappreciated ...
by S Hutchinson - ‎2007 - ‎Cited by 129 - ‎Related articles
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the crimeterror nexus was consolidated: the rise of transnational organised crime and the changing nature of terrorism mean that two traditionally separate ...

It has positively framed the crime-terror nexus by encouraging crime 'as a form of worship,' and has been lauding those from criminal backgrounds. This has ...
Apr 20, 2018 - In this context, observers such as Tamara Makarenko have focused on the notion of an organized crime-terrorism nexus, arguing that ...
That there is a link between terrorism and crime is common knowledge: terrorism itself is a crime, often funded by organised criminal activity. But in the case of ...
Publications - crime-terror nexus. Defence & Security - 11.09.2018. Who Are the European Jihadis? From Criminals to Terrorists and Back? Midterm Report.
Aug 17, 2018 - In this Perspective, I aim to illustrate that although the crime-terror nexus has attracted significant attention of late, it is not a new phenomenon, ...
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The literature on terrorism suggests a strong link between criminal offending and terrorism – the crime-terror nexus. Building upon a strain theory perspective, ...
The Crime Terror Nexus was created to highlight illicit networks, trafficking, and the nature and dynamics of the crime-terror nexus in Europe. In doing so, we ...
by R Balakrishnan - ‎2018
The nexus between terrorism and organised crime presents a major challenge for India. The country has a long history of fighting separatist insurgencies ...
The crime-terrorism nexus. Florence Gaub and Julia Lisiecka. Published by: European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) (Apr. 1, 2017).
However, this is almost exclusively from the lens of terror first: how organised crime supports terrorism. Few have explored the other side of the nexus, evaluating ...
But let me suggest that many aspects of the so-called crime-terror nexus that seem new and acute are perhaps not so new. That does not mean that we should ...
Mar 15, 2018 - It has become common to point out the connections that exist between criminality and terrorism. In Belgium, like elsewhere, we have witnessed ...
by C Sumpter
Abstract. Theories of a crime-terror nexus are well established in the literature. Often conceptualised along a continuum, relationships between organisations ...
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The Trump administration’s misleading spin on immigration, crime and terrorism

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Russia Magnitogorsk blast: Death toll rises to 31

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Russian rescuers have now pulled 31 dead bodies from the rubble of a collapsed apartment block in the city of Magnitogorsk.
Around 10 people are still listed as missing, rescuers told Russian media.
An 11-month-old boy rescued on Tuesday is in a serious but not life-threatening condition after being flown to Moscow for treatment.
Officials believe a gas leak was to blame for the blast on New Year's Eve, one of the country's biggest holidays.
A day of mourning is being marked in Magnitogorsk, in the Urals region about 1,695km (1,053 miles) east of Moscow. The current temperature there is -15C, and it plunges further overnight.
The rescued baby, called Ivan, spent 35 hours in the freezing cold, and was reported to have severe frostbite to his limbs, a head injury and multiple leg fractures.
However, Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova told reporters on Wednesday that his head injury was minor and treatment had improved his blood circulation.
His mother also survived the suspected gas explosion.
The blast ripped through the first floor at 06:02 local time (01:02 GMT), bringing seven upper storeys crashing down. In all, 48 flats - home to 120 people - were wrecked.
There was also some damage to nearby sections of the housing block, built in 1973.
Investigators have not found any traces of explosive at the scene, and the FSB state security service is treating it as a gas leak accident.
However, a criminal investigation has been opened, for suspected criminal negligence.
In an apparently unrelated incident, an explosion destroyed a minibus near the apartment block on Tuesday night, killing three people. Investigators say the vehicle was carrying two gas canisters.
President Vladimir Putin spoke to officials at the scene on Monday and later met survivors.
He was found wrapped in a blanket and in his cot.
"[We made sure there was] silence so we could hear if sounds were coming or not," rescuer Pyotr Gritsenko told Russian state TV channel Rossia 24.
"One of the rescuers in our group, Andrei Valman, heard a child crying near the adjacent apartment block, near the part that was still standing.
"After that, we stopped all our equipment in order to make sure again, and listened. When we said 'Quiet!' the baby reacted and went quiet too. When we said 'Where are you?' she started to react again.
"When we were certain, the head of our centre, who is more experienced, said 'This is where we'll work' and told us to start removing the rubble."
Initially rescuers had thought the baby was a girl.
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Story image for magnitogorsk from RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty

Officials Say Most Of Magnitogorsk Apartment Block Where Collapse ...

RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty-Jan 6, 2019
Authorities in the Russian city of Magnitogorsk plan to tear down two portions of the residential complex where 39 people were killed when one ...
Story image for magnitogorsk from BBC News

Russia Magnitogorsk blast: Death toll rises to 31

BBC News-Jan 2, 2019
Russian rescuers have now pulled 31 dead bodies from the rubble of a collapsed apartment block in the city of Magnitogorsk. Around 10 ...
Story image for magnitogorsk from BBC News

Magnitogorsk blast: Boy found alive in rubble flown to Moscow

BBC News-Jan 1, 2019
An 11-month-old boy rescued from the ruins of a collapsed apartment block in the Russian city of Magnitogorsk is said to be conscious but in an ...
Story image for magnitogorsk from BBC News

Magnitogorsk disaster: 'My little boy was dangling over the edge'

BBC News-Jan 4, 2019
Thirty-nine people did not, when the block came crashing down in an apparent gas explosion shortly after 06:00 in Magnitogorsk, a bleak ...
Story image for magnitogorsk from RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty

Poignant Memories At Funerals For Magnitogorsk Blast Victims

RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty-Jan 4, 2019
"Before New Year, they sent me a video where he is next to Father Frost, reciting a poem." Relatives and friends have been sharing their ...
Story image for magnitogorsk from New York Times

Russia High-Rise Collapse an Emblem of Hardships in the Hinterlands

New York Times-Jan 5, 2019
MAGNITOGORSK, Russia — A loud bang startled Anna P. Timofeyeva awake. She reached for the light, but the electricity had gone out. In the ...
Story image for magnitogorsk from Sputnik International

What We Know About Gas Explosion in Apartment Building in Russia's ...

Sputnik International-Jan 4, 2019
Magnitogorsk mayor Sergei Berdnikov said on Thursday that the entrance to the evacuated section of the building was being guarded by ...
Story image for magnitogorsk from Kyiv Post

RFE/RL: The miracle survivor stories from Magnitogorsk

Kyiv Post-Jan 5, 2019
This handout picture released by The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry on Jan. 1, 2019, shows emergency officers transporting a baby ...
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Jerusalem Post  International news  Islamic Terrorism
The problem appears to be the gap between surveillance of members of the criminal-terrorist extremist nexus, and prosecuting perpetrators for crimes such as acquiring illegal firearms.

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Gunman kills at least two in Strasbourg, December 12, 2018 (Reuters)

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On Tuesday, Cherif Chekatt, 29, shot at a crowd next to a Christmas market in central Strasbourg killing two, while a third person was brain-dead and being kept alive on life support. Six more victims are fighting for their lives.

As of press time Wednesday, French security forces are still hunting the suspect, who is known to counter-terrorism services. He initially fled in a taxi from the city of 270,000 which is located near the German border.

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According to reports, the perpetrator acted alone although four people were detained in connection to the attacks. He used a gun and knife. Security has been increased at Christmas markets. According to BBC, he was on a “fiche S” watch list for “potential threats to national security.” He shouted religious extremist slogans during the course of the attack.

This conjures up memories of the murder of 12 people in the 2016 Christmas market attack in Berlin. The perpetrator in the Germany attack, who was born in Tunisia in 1992, had been in prison in Italy where he was allegedly “radicalized.” German security services had warned of his terrorist connections in the spring of 2016, and he was supposed to be deported.

According to France 24, the suspect in the Strasbourg shooting was also known to police. Born in Strasbourg, he was confronted by soldiers who have been deployed in French cities as part of Operation Sentinelle. These soldiers were deployed after the November 2015 attacks in Paris that killed 130. The Interior Minister Christophe Castaner has said the suspect “sowed terror” at three places in the city. The reference to “three places” leaves more questions about what happened. It appears that the reference is to the suspect coming into contact twice with security forces and exchanging fire with them.

As with many attacks in Europe over the last several years, the Strasbourg suspect was already known to security and police. He had served a sentence and been convicted of 27 unspecified crimes in France, Switzerland and Germany, according to reports. In 2016 he was “flagged by anti-terrorist services,” France 24 reported. “He had been reported by the General Directorate for Internal Security.”
The intelligence agency had visited him in prison and taken account of his “religious proselytism.” Yet, even with this long rap sheet and being monitored by security forces, he carried out an armed robbery on Tuesday before the attack. During a search of his apartment, grenades were found which raises the question how a man who was well known for violent proclivities and apparently religious extremism was able to acquire his arsenal.

The attack took place one km. from the European Parliament, which has taken the attack in stride. Antonio Tajani, the president of the parliament, tweeted the parliament would not be intimidated. “Let us move on,” he wrote. But residents and others may want more answers. One man told the BBC that he had attempted to aid a victim of the attack, waiting for 45 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. “A doctor told us on the phone that it was senseless,” to continue to aid the dead victim. This leads to questions about why medical services took so long to reach the scene.

The attack in Strasbourg is among the most serious incidents this year in Europe, after a spate of ISIS-inspired attacks between 2015 and 2017. However the background of the alleged perpetrator appears to fit a much larger pattern, particularly in France. Mohammed Merah, the perpetrator of the Toulouse and Montaubon attacks, was born in Toulouse. A petty criminal, he then went to Afghanistan and Pakistan and was placed under surveillance in 2006, and again in 2009. He went to Egypt and Pakistan, and was followed by security service upon his return in 2011. Yet despite all this he was able to acquire weapons and between March 11 and 19 went on a spree of killing, targeting soldiers and then a Jewish school.

One of the suspects in the November 2015 Paris attacks had a similar long rap sheet. Arrested for armed robbery in 2010, he was convicted twice for theft, breaking and entering once, and theft again in 2012. Then the suspect went to Syria, engaged in extremism, and returned to Europe. A second member of the cell that planned the 2015 Paris attack was named Abdelhamid Abaaoud. He too was arrested in 2010 for breaking into a garage, spent time in three prisons, and then went to Syria. He was convicted of abduction, and video in Syria showed him next to “bloody corpses” as he bragged he had loaded trucks with the bodies of “infidels.” Nevertheless, he was able to return to Europe via Greece and is alleged to have helped plan four attacks in the spring of 2015 before being tracked down after the Paris attacks.

Similarly the 2016 Brussels terror attack was carried out by men who had a long history of criminal and terrorist activity. Ibrahim El Bakraoui had been involved in a robbery and gun battle with police in 2010. Released in 2014, he traveled to Turkey before returning to Belgium. Another perpetrator, named Khalid El Bakraoui, had been involved in “several” carjackings and had been caught with numerous illegal AK-47s. He was also convicted of “robbery and kidnapping” in 2009. Yet for all these crimes he received only several years in prison.

Almost every major attack in Europe in the last several years has fit this pattern. The 2017 Stockholm truck attack was also carried out by a perpetrator who had connections to jihadist groups and was involved in other criminal activities prior to the attack. He was also known to security services.

French authorities have not released a motive behind the Strasbourg attack although counter-terrorism prosecutors have opened and investigation. They had also not released the suspect’s name or a photo by Wednesday morning, despite there being a major manhunt. The French deputy interior minister was quoted in Reuters saying it was not clear if the suspect was still in France. This will lead to many questions about how the man was able to obtain weapons and why he was able to elude police throughout the day Tuesday before the attack, despite being wanted for another crime.

The problem for security services in many European countries still appears to be the gap between surveillance of members of the criminal-terrorist extremist nexus, and prosecuting perpetrators for crimes such as acquiring illegal firearms. In almost every incident, the perpetrators are known and some have been involved in numerous serious crimes. Yet they have received short sentences and usually been able to go on to commit new crimes while acquiring weapons. There also appears to be an ongoing issue involving coordination between countries. If the suspect in Strasbourg was able to get to Germany, despite clashes with security forces, that will lead to questions about how quickly the Germans were alerted. The suspect in the Berlin Christmas market attack also was able to cross numerous borders before being tracked down in Italy. Why police did not release the photo, description or details about the perpetrator more than 12 hours after the incident was also unclear. Eventually these details will be explained, but the incident shows that despite deploying soldiers as part of the wide-ranging Sintinelle operation, there are issues relating to response time and when to interdict suspects during the process of monitoring them.



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