The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump: A Study In Political Psychology, Political Criminology, and Psychohistory, and as the aid for the General, Criminal and the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump - by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova): Web Research, Analysis, Hypotheses, and Opinions | Current News | Reviews of media reports | Selected reading lists | Site:
1:43 PM 2/27/2019 - Michael Cohen's Satory Moment: Now he knows what Trump is.
Trump peace plan seeks to invest $25 billion in PA — reportThe Times of IsraelUS hopes that Gulf states will cover bulk of funds, which will also include $40 billion to Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon; initiative said to stop short of creating ...
Let me begin by saying I believe every word of Michael Cohen’s opening statement to Congress. There sometimes comes into the life of a person a moment of clarity when they know in the deepest reaches of their being that nothing short of the truth will serve. I believe that moment finally arrived with Mr Cohen and it is reflected in his statement. Say what you will about Mr Cohen as a human being, and I can think of much that is savagely and deservedly deprecatory, his opening statement has the unalloyed, unmistakable ring of truth.
From his identifying, for the record, that Donald Trump really and truly is “Individual 1” in the Mueller investigation, to his characterizing Trump as a bigot, a liar, a thief, a conman and a racist, it all summoned for me the Donald Trump I have grown to know and despise with an illuminating honesty that simply cannot be counterfeited.
But there was one item, a minor item really, if extortion can be called “minor,” that stuck out for me in particular, one that I did not want to get lost in that breathtaking catalog of Trump malfeasance. It was when Cohen said he was providing copies of letters to Congress that he wrote on Trump’s behest, among which that included a “direction that threatened his high school, colleges, and the College Board not to release his grades or SAT scores.”
What pricked my memory about that is I recalled from the days when I took my own SAT test that a sufficiently high SAT score, when taken before 1994, can serve as an entree to the high IQ society “Mensa.” I further recall that, when Trump learned that Rex Tillerson referred to him as a “moron,” Trump crowed that he would happily challenge Rex Tillerson to an IQ test.
Well, as surely as a capital “T” rhymes with “P” that stands for “pool,” Trump has another bit of trouble that has come home to roost in the form of a lie. I’m guessing that if his SAT score is poor, and an SAT score is commensurate with an IQ score, Donald Trump’s IQ may very well turn out to be quite low indeed. And let’s face it, if it were otherwise he certainly wouldn’t ask his fixer to hide it now, would he? Trump is many things, modest isn’t one of them.
The Latest: Cohen Details 'Suspicions' About Trump, RussiaU.S. News & World ReportPresident Donald Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, says he doesn't know whether Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election, but he has ...
The president’s former lawyer is to deliver explosive public testimony before the House oversight committee
That Michael Cohen statement really is a belter.According to Cohen, Trump never wanted to be president, but saw his campaign as a marketing opportunity.
There are also revelations about that Trump Tower meeting, while some of Cohen’s fiercest attacks are reserved for Donald Trump Jr, who – according to Cohen, Trump Sr would frequently say “had the worst judgment of anyone in the world”.
Donald Trump is a man who ran for office to make his brand great, not to make our country great. He had no desire or intention to lead this nation – only to market himself and to build his wealth and power.
Mr Trump would often say, this campaign was going to be the “greatest infomercial in political history.” He never expected to win the primary. He never expected to win the general election. The campaign – for him – was always a marketing opportunity.
I remember being in the room with Mr Trump, probably in early June 2016, when something peculiar happened. Don Jr came into the room and walked behind his father’s desk – which in itself was unusual.
People didn’t just walk behind Mr. Trump’s desk to talk to him. I recalled Don Jr leaning over to his father and speaking in a low voice, which I could clearly hear, and saying: “The meeting is all set.” I remember Mr. Trump saying, “Ok good…let me know.”
What struck me as I looked back and thought about that exchange between Don Jr. and his father was, first, that Mr. Trump had frequently told me and others that his son Don Jr. had the worst judgment of anyone in the world. And also, that Don Jr. would never set up any meeting of any significance alone – and certainly not without checking with his father.
Right on cue... here’s the check Cohen is going to present to Democrats and Republicans in a little while.
You’ll notice Donald Trump’s distinctive signature. (Does he only have one pen?)
This is the check Michael Cohen is providing to Congress, dated Aug. 1, 2017, for $35,000. It doesn’t show what the payment was for, but Cohen will testify the check was signed by Trump to reimburse “illegal hush money I paid on his behalf"
The time difference in Hanoi is 12 hours ahead of America’s east coast, so Donald Trump has been pinging out tweets for a while already today. Here he is on Cohen:
Michael Cohen was one of many lawyers who represented me (unfortunately). He had other clients also. He was just disbarred by the State Supreme Court for lying & fraud. He did bad things unrelated to Trump. He is lying in order to reduce his prison time. Using Crooked’s lawyer!
I have now spent more time in Vietnam than Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, the third rate Senator from Connecticut (how is Connecticut doing?). His war stories of his heroism in Vietnam were a total fraud - he was never even there. We talked about it today with Vietnamese leaders!
Michael Cohen on Trump deferring his Vietnam service.
•Michael Cohen will call Donald Trump a “cheat, conman and racist” at a Congressional hearing this morning – and tell officials that Trump was aware a longtime adviser was communicating with WikiLeaks during his presidential campaign.
Cohen is due to give testimony before the House oversight and reform committee on investigations relating to Trump’s 2016 campaign. Continue reading...
History of Abwehr | Before and after Canaris | In WW2 | Abwehr after WW2, from the McCarthyism and Red Scare to the Dusseldorf Karneval Cycle: the Operations (Call) 9/11 and Trump (Card) | History and the present state of Nazism and Neo-Fascism in the US
"Trump (Card)" as the New Abwehr Operation: Trumpocracy - M.N.: The New Abwehr Inspired... - Trumpocracy: M.N.: The New Abwehr Inspired, The Russian-Style Trumpocracy, In A Red Mafia Sauce, "Is Infiltrating America", and the Kleptocracy is just a part of it.
Proposal for the Interdisciplinary, Expert, Evidence based, Structured and Standardized Study of Trump Affair as the aid in the Counterintelligence Investigations
The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump: A Study In Political Psychology, Political Criminology, and Psychohistory, and as the aid for the General, Criminal and the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump - by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova): Web Research, Analysis, Hypotheses, and Opinions | Current News | Reviews of media reports | Selected reading lists | Site: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> | Bike With Mike! Psycho-Historically And Hermeneutically.
From Trotsky to SorosCommonwealIn December 2018, Inside Higher Ed, a news *service* that monitors events at colleges and universities, reported seven recent anti-Semitic incidents on campuses ...
"Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News
House poised to reject Trump's emergency order for wallnewschannel20.comWASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats were poised Tuesday to ram legislation through the House blocking President Donald Trump from steering billions of extra ...
Austrophobia, or the traditional, historical since mid-19 Century Anti-Austrian Sentiment in politics and military affairs (can be considered as the specifically indicative, "pathognomonic sign")
Photo: Ernst Urhlau, former chief of BND and later the "consultant on geopolitical risks" for the Deutsche Bank, and the political ally of Gerhard Schroeder. Uhrlau was the chief of the Hamburg police when the core group of 9/11 hijackers, the so called Hamburg Cell, lived and received training there. He was uncooperative and hostile towards 9/11 Investigationinquiries.
»German Intelligence Chief Wilhelm Franz Canaris 24/01/19 06:17 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Warfare History Network. Adolf Hitler’s spymaster, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, was actually a dedicated anti-Nazi who did everything he could to frustrate the Führer’s plans. by David…
»Canaris and Heydrich – Axis History Forum 24/01/19 06:16 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Canaris and Heydrich #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 21:37 GFM2001 Member Posts: 55 (8/20/01 12:32:55 pm) Reply Canaris and Heydrich ————————————————————…
»Service record of Reinhard Heydrich 24/01/19 05:43 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story . SS- service record cover of Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei Reinhard Heydrich The service record of Reinhard Heydrich was a collection of official SS documents maintained at the SS Pers…
»Heydrich’s homosexuality? – Axis History Forum 24/01/19 04:52 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Heydrich’s homosexuality? #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 19:03 HannahR New Member Posts: 1 (5/26/01 5:43:01 pm) Reply Heydrich’s homosexuality? ————————————————…
M. N.: The New Abwehr enjoys and employs the deep and intimate connections with the criminal Underworld which go back to the early 1920-s, the conditions after the Germany's defeat in the WW1 and the resulting "Restrictions" (I almost typed "Sanctions") which made the symbiotic and sometimes parasitic relations with Police and Criminals the matter of survival for the Abwehr which based itself at that time at the Military Police Stations. Money Laundering is another, related sub-specialty which was a matter of survival and necessity at that time, and the Abwehr under Canaris (which really is the Abwehr we are talking about) made both areas the traditional historical "fields of excellence". Money Laundering , from Deutsche Bank to Chabad dealers to Oligarchs, e.g. Lev Leviev and others, and most notably by our pretty laundry girls and boys from the Trump-Kushner Crime Family , was and is one of the truly heart felt activities for the Abwehr, and...
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9:37 AM 7/19/2019 - Melania Knauss Trump is a lesbian Melania Trump poses naked for Max magazine | Daily Mail Online Friday July 19 th , 2019 at 9:31 AM News | Mail Online 1 Share Naked pictures from lesbian-themed photoshoot emerge of Donald Trump's wife Melania posing for a French men's magazine at the age of 25 Photos appeared in the January 1996 issue of now-defunct Max magazine One shows Mrs Trump just in heels with her hand over her private parts French photographer Alé de Basseville took the photos in Manhattan Slovenian-born Mrs Trump was then taking her modeling career to the US Appears under her stage name Melania K, short for maiden name Knauss By Daniel Bates In New York For The Daily Mail and Clemence Michallon For Published: 00:27 BST, 1 August 2016 | Updated: 14:05 BST, 1 August 2016 e-mail 3.8k shares 3.9k ...
Inoreader Trump Investigations News Review at 9 a.m. created by Michael Novakhov • Mar 25 2022 The Trump Investigations News Review at 9 a.m. EST Daily Review Of News And Opinions - Blog by Michael Novakhov The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump: A Study In Political Psychology, Political Criminology, and Psychohistory, and as the aid for the General, Criminal and the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump - by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova): Web...
Inoreader The Trump Investigations created by Michael Novakhov • Jan 23 2022 The Trump Investigations - Review Of News And Opinions - Blog by Michael Novakhov The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump: A Study In Political Psychology, Political Criminology, and Psychohistory, and as the aid for the General, Criminal and the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump - by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova): Web Research, Analysis, Hypotheses, and Opinions | Cu...
The Latest Posts - The Trump Investigations - Review Of News ____________________________________________________ Pages - The Trump Investigations - Review Of News Home Shared Links Links - On The Road... America On The Road To Dictatorship: Trump, Trumpism, FBI, and the New Abwehr - By Michael Novakhov - Last Update: 3:10 PM 5/1/2019 On The Road To Dictatorship: FBI + Facebook. "Like? No Like!" - By Michael Novakhov - Page The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump - Outline and Links The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr | Recent Tweets | Shared Links - Twitter - Facebook The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr The Manifesto Of The American Socialism: SOCIALISM IS HEALTH, SOCIALIST SOCIETY IS THE HEALTHY SOCIETY, in all respects; as the SOCIAL ORGANISM. Political Criminology - The Outline Trump Investigations News In 25 Posts Trump Investigations News In Brief All Saved Stories News Review - 25 Trump Investigations News Review - Saved Stories - 250 All Blogs ...
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