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Kushner to visit Turkey to discuss Mideast peace plan - Google Search

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Kushner to visit Turkey to discuss Mideast peace plan

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

White House adviser Jared Kushner met with leaders of United Arab Emirates and Oman this week to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On Wednesday, he will meet several Turkish officials.

White House adviser Jared Kushner is visiting Turkey on Wednesday to discuss and promote his Middle East peace plan, TRT World can confirm.
Kushner bears responsibility for Washington's Israel-Palestine policy. 
He has said he will address final-status issues of that conflict, including establishing borders, during a week-long trip to the Middle East.
During his visit on Wednesday, he will meet several Turkish officials. 
On Monday, Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, the US Middle East peace envoy, met with leaders in the United Arab Emirates and Oman as part of a regional tour to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
'Deal of the century'
Turkey and Israel, former allies, expelled each other's top diplomats last May during a row over clashes in which scores of Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces on the Gaza-Israel fence.
Turkey has been one of the most vocal critics of US President Donald Trump's move to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital and opening an embassy there.
According to the US media, Kushner's tour aims to brief its regional allies about Trump's so-called "deal of the century" – a backchannel plan to reach a peace settlement between the Palestinians and Israel.
The terms of Washington's peace plan remain vague. 
But according to observers, Palestinian refugees will be asked to concede their right to return to historical Palestine, from which they were driven in 1948 to make way for the new state of Israel. 
US' pro-Israel bias
The Palestinians have refused to talk to the Trump administration since the US president recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December 2017.
They see the eastern part of the occupied city as the capital of their future state and have said Washington's pro-Israel bias meant the US could no longer be the main mediator in stalled Palestinian-Israeli peace talks.
The Trump administration has since dealt a series of blows to the Palestinian Authority, including cutting hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for the Palestinians.
Source: TRTWorld and agencies
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New Abwehr agent Putin - Google Search

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NSA spies on world leaders to ruin them politically: Kevin Barrett

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from PRESS TV RSS News.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Kevin Barrett, editor of Veterans Today, about new revelations showing that the US National Security Agency (NSA) spied on former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder over his opposition to the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq.
What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: Mr. Barrett, the United States has spied on former and current German leaders, why has Germany been much a focus for Washington?
Barrett: Well I think that the revelations that we have just heard about that the NSA was spying on Germany, suggest that what was going on in 2003 was actually, it was not just that 9/11 was a coup d'état within the United States, it was a kind of a global coup d'état.
At that time Gerhard Schroeder in Germany and Jacques Chirac in France were opposing the Iraq invasion which was essentially organized by the hard line Israeli neo-conservatives who had seized power in America after their 9/11 coup d'état and they wanted to go into Iraq and France and Germany - the two big European continental powers - were resisting, led by the very popular Gerhard Schroeder in Germany and Jacques Chirac in France. 
So the NSA was tasked with spying on these leaders and the result was that one way or another I think they were able to neutralize both of them and Angela Merkel is perhaps not as blatant a puppet of the Zionist as the more recent Heads of State in France have been. Sarkozy is with the hard line Zionist. And I think that what happened is we have to realize it is not just about listening in on these leaders, it is about actively interfering in the political process in these countries.
And they do all sorts of dastardly things with the information that they collect through NSA spying on world leaders. They not only can blackmail them if they get that kind of information but they can also arrange assassinations if they choose to or they can find ways to ruin them politically.
The US has a long history of overthrowing governments all over the world violently and less violently and that is what happened I believe in both France and Germany due to the opposition of their Heads of State to the Iraq war.
Now thank goodness that these people were not assassinated...but it is really unacceptable that any nation should take it upon itself to be able to spy on every world leader and then use all of these dastardly techniques of controlling these countries.
And I think that it is time for the world to absolutely reject this and say that we have to have a completely new world system that will not allow any global super power to have this kind of absolute control and absolute surveillance of world leaders.    
Press TV: And of course speaking of surveillance, how do you think the United States will ever pay the price for such global espionage activities?
Barrett: Well I think it will pay the price, perhaps not very quickly but the US Empire has become less and less popular. I think there was a reaction to 9/11.
I think the reason that Gerhard Schroeder refused to support the Iraq war and in fact put his foot down against it and said he would not support it even if the UN approved it was that he knew as German intelligence knew and various German intelligence people have come out and reported that 9/11 was an inside job and that this whole post 9/11 situation was created by the Zionist neoconservatives and Schroeder is also an honest broker with Russia and with other countries. He had to be gotten rid of.
So the US leaders who did this, well some of them are out of power now and the real powers behind the scenes people like the Rothschilds who now employed Gerhard Schroeder, they have hired him probably hoping to keep his mouth shut, these people are seeing their efforts to build a one world totalitarian dictatorship slowly slip away as the world public opinion shifts against these practices. 
I think it is going to be a long struggle but the victory is in Syria where we did not have the US coming and bomb Syria after the [al-Ghouta] false flag attack and elsewhere with Putin standing up against the warmongers in Washington and Tel Aviv.
I think that we are going to a multilateral world slowly but surely.

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» New Abwehr agent Putin - Google Search
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26/02/19 08:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
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» Operation Trump - Google Search
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» Gerhard Schroeder personality and connections - Google Search
26/02/19 08:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
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» NSA spies on world leaders to ruin them politically: Kevin Barrett
26/02/19 08:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from PRESS TV RSS News. Press TV has conducted an interview with Kevin Barrett, editor of Veterans Today, about new revelations showing that the US National Security Agency (NSA) spied on former German ...
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» Report: Bush Administration Mulled Using Nukes After 9/11 Attacks
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» Gerhard Schroeder and 9/11 - Google Search
26/02/19 08:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "Gerhard Schroeder and 9/11" - Google News. Search Results Ukraine calls for sanctions against Gerhard Schröder POLITICO.eu - Mar 19, 2018 "Gerhard Schröder is the most importan...
» Ex-German chancellor warns against demonizing China, says the two economic powers should work closely together
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