Anti-Semitic insults by yellow vest protesters and the New Abwehr - 8:10 AM 2/19/2019

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Donald Trump: Trump’s Weird Toilet Tweet Has Twitter Users Wondering About A Certain Pee Tape

Trump's latest attack on Andrew McCabe and James Comey takes a golden turn.

 Donald Trump

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Donald Trump: Trump’s Weird Toilet Tweet Has Twitter Users Wondering About A Certain Pee Tape
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Why Mueller tucked a big Roger Stone reveal in a Russia filing on a technical matter
Why Mueller tucked a big Roger Stone reveal in a Russia filing on a technical matter - USA TODAY
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Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 19th, 2019 10:37am
Anti-Semitic insults by yellow vest protesters and the New Abwehr - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .… How Germany got the Russian Revolution off the ground… How Germany got the Russian Revolution off the ground

Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 19th, 2019 10:54am
Donald Trump Has a Cash Problem - Mother Jones

Donald Trump Has a Cash Problem  Mother JonesDonald Trump's sons announced Thursday that they were shelving plans to open two chains of lower-end hotels and motels, blaming Democrats and journalists ...

Politics: The U.S. has covertly supported the Venezuelan opposition for years

Here are 3 ways the U.S. has worked against Chavismo before now.


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