The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump: A Study In Political Psychology, Political Criminology, and Psychohistory, and as the aid for the General, Criminal and the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump - by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova): Web Research, Analysis, Hypotheses, and Opinions | Current News | Reviews of media reports | Selected reading lists | Site:
Facing ethics violation, Wilbur Ross says he didn’t mean to file inaccurate financial disclosures - 4:54 AM 2/20/2019
Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson publicly informed Roger Stone today that he’ll need to appear before her on Thursday if he wants to convince her not to hit him with a gag order and/or revoke his bail. This isn’t remotely surprising, considering that Stone made a social media post on Monday which appeared to call for her murder. But there’s a reason to potentially root for Stone not to be tossed in jail on Thursday – at least not yet.
Back when Special Counsel Robert Mueller first had Paul Manafort indicted and arrested, he seemed to have no problem with Manafort being let out on conditional bail. This initially led to some head scratching. Then Mueller caught Manafort tampering with witnesses while out on bail, thus allowing Mueller to hit Manafort with additional and more easily provable criminal charges. Not only did Manafort get tossed in jail at that point, the additional charges helped nudge him into cutting a plea deal.
Of course the Manafort plea deal ended up going south. But even that allowed Mueller to get Manafort sent to prison for 20 to 25 years, thus sending a message to everyone else involved about the harsh price to be paid for these kinds of antics. This brings us back to Manafort’s longtime friend Roger Stone.
As of right now, Roger Stone faces seven felony charges. Robert Mueller’s court filings make clear that Stone will be hit additional charges at some point. It’s a given that Stone will eventually be convicted and sent to prison. But that could take years. Now imagine if Stone is merely given a warning on Thursday, and he then uses his continued freedom to commit more crimes, and Mueller catches him in the act. Then Mueller can ask the judge to throw Stone in jail, while hitting him with the kind of additional charges that could result in forcing Stone into a plea deal.
To be clear, while Robert Mueller can make a recommendation to Judge Amy Berman Jackson, it’s her decision whether to revoke Roger Stone’s bail, put him under house arrest, cut off his internet access, toss him in jail until his trial, or none of the above. And it should be her decision, considering she’s the one who just had her safety threatened. But don’t be shocked if Mueller doesn’t push for Stone to be locked up just yet. Why prematurely take away Stone’s ability to further incriminate himself?
Ross — one of the wealthiest members of President Trump’s Cabinet — did not sell stock he held in a bank, despite reporting otherwise, ethics officials said.
We all know that Department of Justice rules don’t allow a sitting president to be indicted, right? The thing is, that’s mostly – if not entirely – wrong. It’s not a rule, or even a policy. It’s just a guideline, which means it doesn’t have to be followed. It was crafted nearly fifty years ago and was never tested, which means there is no legal precedent involved. That brings us to the growing buzz this week that SDNY is preparing to indict Donald Trump while he’s still in office.
The thing about this narrative is that it’s difficult to trace precisely where it came from, but it just won’t go away. Publications as large as Politico and Newsweek are touting it, even though they all seem to be citing the same ‘growing buzz in legal circles’ as their source, and that buzz seems to be as much of a result of these articles as it is the source of them. So why are we even talking about it?
Because it very well could happen, and it could happen very soon. For all of SDNY’s supposed rebellious streak and supposed independence, it seems to be consistently acting as an offshoot for Robert Mueller’s investigation. He didn’t want to directly tackle Michael Cohen or the National Enquirer, so he farmed these cases out to SDNY. It’s something of an insurance policy: if Trump knows he can’t make all of these investigations go away by firing Mueller, then he has little motivation to fire Mueller. Trump seems to understand that SDNY may be his real problem.
We learned today that Trump spent recent weeks trying (and failing) to convince then-Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker to reinstate Geoffrey Berman to oversee the SDNY’s investigation into Trump, which is hilarious considering that Berman already recused himself from that investigation. Trump is proving himself to be as incompetent of a criminal as ever, but the upshot is that Trump clearly understands that SDNY is coming after him.
This leads to the question of why the legal community is so abuzz right now with the notion that SDNY is preparing to indict Donald Trump. The answer would seem to be that it’s because Robert Mueller is gearing up for his big endgame against Trump, and while we don’t know what the endgame looks like, we do know that Mueller usually outsources the dicey stuff to SDNY.
We all know that Robert Mueller isn’t going to simply file a report and go home, thus allowing for the possibility that Donald Trump and his people Trump’s could simply stick the report in a drawer. Mueller will absolutely take a big swing aimed at shattering Trump into pieces, thus ensuring that his presidency dies, so Trump can then be put on trial and brought to justice. One of the most efficient ways to do that would be to have SDNY indict Trump. It wouldn’t be about whether the indictment, arrest, and trial could be legally carried out while Trump was still in office. It’s that the indictment itself would probably end Trump’s presidency on the spot.
The story has shifted yet again. The last word we heard from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is that he’ll remain on the job at least until Special Counsel Robert Mueller has completed his work – yet the media keeps reporting that Rosenstein is about to resign. Now the media is even reporting that Donald Trump has picked a replacement. So what’s going on?
It started back in January, when a major news outlet reported that Rod Rosenstein was preparing to resign once William Barr was confirmed as the new Attorney General. Rosenstein immediately shot this down, going through his associates to inform NBC News that he was staying for as long as Mueller was staying. But Rosenstein remaining on the job wasn’t a ratings friendly story, and the scary prospect of him imminently quitting was perfect for ratings, so the media mostly ignored Rosenstein’s own words, and spent the next month claiming that Rosenstein was about to quit.
Then on Monday, NBC News reported that Rod Rosenstein was indeed planning to resign in mid March. Wait, wasn’t this the same network that had previously reported Rosenstein’s assertion that he wasn’t leaving, and then spent the next month ignoring its own reporting? Palmer Report pointed out that these stories about Rosenstein quitting were almost surely being planted by Donald Trump and his people, because Trump desperately wants Rosenstein out, but doesn’t seem to have the guts or political muscle to fire him. As long as the media kept breathlessly hyping Trump’s leaks about Rosenstein resigning, it could end up sabotaging Rosenstein’s ability to remain on the job.
Now tonight we have a new twist. Major media outlets are reporting that Donald Trump has settled on a replacement for Rod Rosenstein. Just to make things even more confusing, Rosenstein’s supposed replacement has the similar name of Jeffrey Rosen; perhaps Trump truly is delusional enough to think people might not notice the difference.
But if we know anything about Rod Rosenstein based on watching him in action the past year and a half, it’s that he will never resign unless he thinks Robert Mueller is on a 100% safe path to the finish line. That leaves only three possibilities. 1) These media leaks are all one big bluff by Trump to try to force Rosenstein out. 2) Rosenstein is leaving, because he’s concluded that new AG William Barr will protect Mueller. 3) Rosenstein is leaving because he expects Mueller to finish Trump off by mid March. Take your pick.
Dozens of Jewish graves in eastern France were vandalized amid a recent rise in anti-Semitic acts and days after yellow-vest protesters were filmed accosting a prominent Jewish academic.
US debt hits record under Trump, Republicans mumABS-CBN NewsWASHINGTON - More massive than the US economy, the national debt hit a new record of $22 trillion under President Donald Trump but Republicans who ...
The revelations appear to fit into a consistent pattern of attempts by Trump to influence investigations in which he may be implicated and a constant ...
In a Feb. 13 story in the New York Times, David Sanger and William Broad report that the Trump administration has accelerated a secret American program to sabotage Iran’s missiles and rockets by inserting faulty parts and materials into Iran’s aerospace supply chains.
The recently released Brookings book “Bytes, Bombs, and Spies: The Strategic Dimensions of Offensive Cyber Operations” contains a chapter on “Hacking a Nation’s Missile Development Program,” which may provide some useful background for understanding the Sanger and Broad story. This chapter is not specifically related to any covert program that may—or may not—have been proposed or carried out. It does provide what might be called informed speculation on how a long-range missile development program of a small, authoritarian and relatively impoverished nation might be compromised by cyber (and other) means. In other words, it does not address anything specific that is known to be actually happening but rather focuses on what might be possible within the limits of known technology and techniques.
Celebrating defeat of Daesh in Syria may be prematureJordan TimesAs the drama surrounding the so-called final battle against Daesh in Syria continues to unfold, the question on everyone's mind is this: Has the terrorist group ...
"Putin and American political process" - Google News
Astrophobia, or the traditional, historical since mid-19 Century Anti-Austrian Sentiment in politics and military affairs (can be considered as the specifically indicative, "pathognomonic sign")
Photo: Ernst Urhlau, former chief of BND and later the "consultant on geopolitical risks" for the Deutsche Bank, and the political ally of Gerhard Schroeder. Uhrlau was the chief of the Hamburg police when the core group of 9/11 hijackers, the so called Hamburg Cell, lived and received training there. He was uncooperative and hostile towards 9/11 Investigationinquiries.
»German Intelligence Chief Wilhelm Franz Canaris 24/01/19 06:17 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Warfare History Network. Adolf Hitler’s spymaster, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, was actually a dedicated anti-Nazi who did everything he could to frustrate the Führer’s plans. by David…
»Canaris and Heydrich – Axis History Forum 24/01/19 06:16 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Canaris and Heydrich #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 21:37 GFM2001 Member Posts: 55 (8/20/01 12:32:55 pm) Reply Canaris and Heydrich ————————————————————…
»Service record of Reinhard Heydrich 24/01/19 05:43 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story . SS- service record cover of Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei Reinhard Heydrich The service record of Reinhard Heydrich was a collection of official SS documents maintained at the SS Pers…
»Heydrich’s homosexuality? – Axis History Forum 24/01/19 04:52 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Heydrich’s homosexuality? #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 19:03 HannahR New Member Posts: 1 (5/26/01 5:43:01 pm) Reply Heydrich’s homosexuality? ————————————————…
M. N.: The New Abwehr enjoys and employs the deep and intimate connections with the criminal Underworld which go back to the early 1920-s, the conditions after the Germany's defeat in the WW1 and the resulting "Restrictions" (I almost typed "Sanctions") which made the symbiotic and sometimes parasitic relations with Police and Criminals the matter of survival for the Abwehr which based itself at that time at the Military Police Stations. Money Laundering is another, related sub-specialty which was a matter of survival and necessity at that time, and the Abwehr under Canaris (which really is the Abwehr we are talking about) made both areas the traditional historical "fields of excellence". Money Laundering , from Deutsche Bank to Chabad dealers to Oligarchs, e.g. Lev Leviev and others, and most notably by our pretty laundry girls and boys from the Trump-Kushner Crime Family , was and is one of the truly heart felt activities for the Abwehr, and...
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9:37 AM 7/19/2019 - Melania Knauss Trump is a lesbian Melania Trump poses naked for Max magazine | Daily Mail Online Friday July 19 th , 2019 at 9:31 AM News | Mail Online 1 Share Naked pictures from lesbian-themed photoshoot emerge of Donald Trump's wife Melania posing for a French men's magazine at the age of 25 Photos appeared in the January 1996 issue of now-defunct Max magazine One shows Mrs Trump just in heels with her hand over her private parts French photographer Alé de Basseville took the photos in Manhattan Slovenian-born Mrs Trump was then taking her modeling career to the US Appears under her stage name Melania K, short for maiden name Knauss By Daniel Bates In New York For The Daily Mail and Clemence Michallon For Published: 00:27 BST, 1 August 2016 | Updated: 14:05 BST, 1 August 2016 e-mail 3.8k shares 3.9k ...
Inoreader Trump Investigations News Review at 9 a.m. created by Michael Novakhov • Mar 25 2022 The Trump Investigations News Review at 9 a.m. EST Daily Review Of News And Opinions - Blog by Michael Novakhov The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump: A Study In Political Psychology, Political Criminology, and Psychohistory, and as the aid for the General, Criminal and the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump - by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova): Web...
Inoreader The Trump Investigations created by Michael Novakhov • Jan 23 2022 The Trump Investigations - Review Of News And Opinions - Blog by Michael Novakhov The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump: A Study In Political Psychology, Political Criminology, and Psychohistory, and as the aid for the General, Criminal and the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump - by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova): Web Research, Analysis, Hypotheses, and Opinions | Cu...
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