» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: House Democrats target Trump’s personal finances 25/02/19 08:33 from Trump Investigations

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Trump Investigations News In 250 Brief Posts

» mikenov on Twitter: House Democrats target Trump’s personal finances politi.co/2IxNI1r via @politico
25/02/19 08:34 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
House Democrats target Trump’s personal finances politi.co/2IxNI1r via @politico Posted by mikenov on Monday, February 25th, 2019 1:34pm mikenov on Twitter
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: House Democrats target Trump’s personal finances
25/02/19 08:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Democrats are raising questions about why Deutsche Bank was willing to lend the Trump Organization money when other banks wouldn’t. | Susan Walsh/AP Photo congress Why did Deutsche Bank lend mon...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: 9:20 AM 2/25/2019 - “We are going to get to the bottom of this,” Mr Schiff told ABC
25/02/19 08:26 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations. “We are going to get to the bottom of this,” Mr Schiff told ABC - Google Search Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ All Saved Stories - 25 Michael Novakhov -...
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump Investigations: 9:20 AM 2/25/2019 - “We are going to get to the bo... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/02/920-am…
25/02/19 08:24 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump Investigations: 9:20 AM 2/25/2019 - “We are going to get to the bo... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/02/920-am… Posted by mikenov on Monday, February 25th, 2019 1:24pm mikenov on Twitter
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Trump" - Google News: China stocks surge into bull market; Trump urges Opec to 'relax' - business live - The Guardian
25/02/19 08:19 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
China stocks surge into bull market; Trump urges Opec to 'relax' - business live    The Guardian Rolling coverage of the latest economic and financial news, as the Chinese stock market enjoys its best day in three and a half ye...
» Trump digital operations from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites): "Trump digital operations" - Google News: Sensex up 341 points; IT stocks led gainers - domain-B
25/02/19 08:14 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Sensex up 341 points; IT stocks led gainers    domain-B 25 February 2019. CNBC. Market at close: Bulls took the control on the Dalal Street on Monday with the Nifty and Sensex finished nearly 1 percent higher. "Trump digital op...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Lawfare - Hard National Security Choices: The Week That Will Be
25/02/19 08:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar ) Monday, Feb. 25 at 12:00 p.m.: The Center for Strategic and International Studies will host an event entitled Defending Rule of Law Norms with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenst...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Lawfare - Hard National Security Choices: The Afghan Stag Hunt
25/02/19 08:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The heated debate about the possibility of a U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, prompted by recent negotiations between the U.S. government and the Taliban, has focused understandably on the military value of security assistance . S...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump electorate" - Google News: On the Left: Lyin’ and dyin’ in the US - Fairfield Daily Republic
25/02/19 07:58 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
On the Left: Lyin’ and dyin’ in the US    Fairfield Daily Republic If you voted for Donald Trump to “shake things up,” you must be thrilled. Yes, it's actually Trump who is “changing forever the America we love,” not President ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: Trump accuses Spike Lee of delivering a ‘racist hit’ on him at Oscars
25/02/19 07:54 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The president took to Twitter to respond to the film director’s acceptance speech on Sunday night. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Just Security: The Early Edition: February 25, 2019
25/02/19 07:53 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Signup to receive the Early Edition in your inbox  here . Before the start of business,  Just Security  provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news. TRUMP-KIM SUMMIT President Trump...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: Donald Trump accuses Spike Lee of 'racist hit on your president'
25/02/19 07:47 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Lee urges Americans to choose ‘love versus hate’ in 2020 Trump criticizes Oscar winner for giving speech using notes Donald Trump has complained about a “racist hit” he said Spike Lee carried out on him at the Oscars. Related: Spike Lee ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: These are U.S. allies’ 3 big questions for the second Trump-Kim summit
25/02/19 07:45 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Whatever's decided will affect the entire region. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump: Trump to Opec: ‘relax and take it easy’ on oil price
25/02/19 07:43 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
US president warns cartel against squeezing supply further Donald Trump 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» "bank of Cyprus" - Google News: M&T Bank Corp Buys 6,000 Shares of Ship Finance International Limited (SFL) - Fairfield Current
25/02/19 07:37 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
M&T Bank Corp Buys 6,000 Shares of Ship Finance International Limited (SFL)    Fairfield Current M&T Bank Corp lifted its stake in Ship Finance International Limited (NYSE:SFL) by 50.0% in the fourth quarter, according ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "emails investigation is Russia-Trump set-up" - Google News: Analysis | The Cybersecurity 202: On Huawei policy, it's Trump vs. the Trump administration - The Washington Post
25/02/19 07:34 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Analysis | The Cybersecurity 202: On Huawei policy, it's Trump vs. the Trump administration    The Washington Post The president might have scuttled a long-planned ban on the Chinese company in 5G networks. "emails investigatio...
» "deutsche bank and trump" - Google News: Axios Markets - February 25, 2019 - Axios
25/02/19 07:31 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Axios Markets - February 25, 2019    Axios A daily look at the news, trends and intrigue dominating business, finance and markets, by Dion Rabouin. "deutsche bank and trump" - Google News
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Trump anxiety" - Google News: 2019 Is a Sensitive Year for China. Xi Is Nervous. - New York Times
25/02/19 07:24 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
2019 Is a Sensitive Year for China. Xi Is Nervous.    New York Times President Trump wants big changes from China. But China's leader is seeking security in a year that includes the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen bloodshed. ...
» Google Alert - Elections Ukraine: Petro Poroshenko Bloc demands Avakov refute statement on election fraud
25/02/19 07:22 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction in the Verkhovna Rada has demanded that the Ukrainian Interior Ministry refute statements on the bloc's ... Google Alert - Elections Ukraine
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: America's Opioid Epidemic and Mass Incarceration Crisis Are Inextricably Linked | Opinion
25/02/19 07:11 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The Trump administration, led by presidential adviser Jared Kushner , recently pushed a prison reform bill through Congress that should result in more ... Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Comey" - Google News: Harry Reid wishes for George W. Bush again 'every day' - CNN
25/02/19 07:01 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Harry Reid wishes for George W. Bush again 'every day'    CNN Former Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid has news he is eager to spread: He is feeling "very good." "Comey" - Google News 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Trump and the Mob" - Google News: Getting Over Ourselves - Columbia Journalism Review
25/02/19 07:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Getting Over Ourselves    Columbia Journalism Review In late January, over the course of a week, a lousy journalism job market became truly awful. About 1,000 journalists learned they were being laid off, ... "Trump and the Mob...
» Google Alert - Trump, Merkel, and Munich Security Conference 2019: China Won't Join the INF Treaty—But Can It Forever Dodge Arms Control?
25/02/19 07:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Most recently, German Chancellor Angela Merkel raised the idea of ... into a global INF arrangement at last weekend's Munich Security Conference . Google Alert - Trump, Merkel, and Munich Security Conference 2019
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: Waters encourages protection bureau workers facing Trump’s ‘anti-consumer action’
25/02/19 07:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
One of the more egregious examples of President Trump’s attempt to dismantle parts of the federal government has been the ax taken to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Consumer protecti... Politics 1. Trump from Michael_No...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "russian organized crime in us" - Google News: Sanctioned Robson: 'American daughter' and relatives from Council of the Federation - https://en.crimerussia.com/
25/02/19 07:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Sanctioned Robson: 'American daughter' and relatives from Council of the Federation    https://en.crimerussia.com/ The CrimeRussia continues reviewing international connections of 'authoritative' Sochi businessman Ruben Tatulya...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump anxiety" - Google News: Our political identity needs to be American first - The Daily Advertiser
25/02/19 06:58 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Our political identity needs to be American first    The Daily Advertiser We have sunk to a level of tribalism that would seem to predate the modern era. "trump anxiety" - Google News 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "roger stone" - Google News: Democrats ready to fight to make Mueller report public - KFOX El Paso
25/02/19 06:57 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Democrats ready to fight to make Mueller report public    KFOX El Paso A top House Democrat has threatened to call special counsel Robert Mueller to Capitol Hill, subpoena documents and sue the Trump administration if the full ...
» FBI News Review: ‘Let them eat Chef Boyardee.’ – American Thinker
25/02/19 06:40 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
‘Let them eat Chef Boyardee.’    American Thinker Bill Maher makes his living by being an insulting, offensive jerk. I wouldn’t watch him with a gun to my head but I do read the articles in conservative media … FB...
» Google Alert - mueller investigation: The elusive Russian operative who could be crucial to Mueller's investigation into Trump
25/02/19 06:37 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
In the nearly two years that the special counsel, Robert Mueller , has been investigating whether there was collusion between Russia and the Trump ... Google Alert - mueller investigation
» Google Alert - trump investigations: The elusive Russian operative who could be crucial to Mueller's investigation into Trump
25/02/19 06:37 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
... investigating whether there was collusion between Russia and the Trump ... His dealings with Manafort, who in 2016 served as Donald Trump 's ... Google Alert - trump investigations
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Emails Investigation Reopening" - Google News: Ex-congressman Anthony Weiner leaves federal prison for halfway house - JTA News
25/02/19 06:35 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Ex-congressman Anthony Weiner leaves federal prison for halfway house    JTA News Anthony Weiner leaving Manhattan Federal Court after being sentenced to 21 months in prison, Sept. 25, 2017. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images). (JTA) —...
» "trump putin" - Google News: The Trump that might have been - Lowell Sun
25/02/19 06:34 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The Trump that might have been    Lowell Sun By E.J. Dionne Jr. WASHINGTON -- The week before Christmas may go down as the strangest and most revealing of Donald Trump's presidency. "trump putin" - Google News
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: Three lessons from North Carolina’s tainted election -- and what comes next.
25/02/19 06:30 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Forget “voter fraud.” Election fraud is the more serious problem. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» FBI News Review: Here’s How Putin’s Russia Is Rebuilding the Iron Curtain thedailybeast.com/heres-how-puti… via @thedailybeast
25/02/19 06:29 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Here’s How Putin’s Russia Is Rebuilding the Iron Curtain thedailybeast.com/heres-how-puti… via @thedailybeast Posted by mikenov on Monday, February 25th, 2019 10:07am FBI News Review
» FBI News Review: Recent Posts trumpinvestigations.org
25/02/19 06:29 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Recent Posts trumpinvestigations.org Posted by mikenov on Monday, February 25th, 2019 10:20am FBI News Review
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Russian Intelligence services and international organized crime and terrorism" - Google News: SBU in Kharkiv region blocks terrorist sponsoring scheme - UNIAN
25/02/19 06:29 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
SBU in Kharkiv region blocks terrorist sponsoring scheme    UNIAN The SBU Security *Service* of Ukraine in Kharkiv region has blocked a terrorism sponsoring scheme used by the so-called "Luhansk People's Republic" terrorist ......
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "former FBI agents power influence" - Google News: $1 Million Inauguration Donor Says Trump Pushed His Business Project To Qatari Official - HuffPost
25/02/19 06:24 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
$1 Million Inauguration Donor Says Trump Pushed His Business Project To Qatari Official    HuffPost Tennessee real estate developer Franklin Haney said the president introduced the men at Mar-a-Lago. "former FBI agents power in...
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: John Oliver is sensing a 'p' for 'predatory bullshit' as Last Week Tonight debunks TV psychics
25/02/19 06:15 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
... Theresa Caputo, Hollywood Medium and “anime drawing of Jared Kushner ” Tyler Henry, the late (or is she?) and famously incorrect Sylvia Browne, ... Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: Power Up: Trump tries for a deal in Hanoi. But he has a slew of problems back home.
25/02/19 06:12 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Cohen's testimony, a national emergency vote and a possible Mueller report, to name a few. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» Google Alert - Elections Ukraine: Hromadske Radio: Karatnycky explains phenomenon of Volodymyr Zelenskiy
25/02/19 06:03 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
23, interviewing American political analyst, journalist and veteran Ukraine ... about topical issues on the eve of the Ukrainian presidential elections . Google Alert - Elections Ukraine
» Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu: Pro-Israel US group condemns Netanyahu pact with extremists
25/02/19 06:03 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to enter an electoral pact with a party of ultranationalist extremists has drawn rare criticism from an influential ... Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News: Trump may be about to call Europe’s bluff on Iran. Europe isn’t bluffing. - Washington Post
25/02/19 06:03 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump may be about to call Europe’s bluff on Iran. Europe isn’t bluffing.    Washington Post The dirty little secret of US financial hegemony is that it rests on very shallow foundations. "Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - ...
» Google Alert - Elections Israel: Pro-Israel US group condemns Netanyahu pact with extremists
25/02/19 06:03 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to enter an electoral pact with a party of ultranationalist extremists has drawn rare criticism from an influential ... Google Alert - Elections Israel
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: Jared Kushner's family stake in Maryland rental properties just got bigger
25/02/19 06:03 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The real estate firm run by the family of White House adviser Jared Kushner has purchased about 6,000 apartments in Maryland and Virginia for $1.1 ... Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» Cambridge Analytica from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites): "Facebook users data stored in Russia" - Google News: US government returns a portion of Bitfinex's stolen bitcoins - The Block Crypto
25/02/19 06:01 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
US government returns a portion of Bitfinex's stolen bitcoins    The Block Crypto In August 2016, 119,756 BTC was stolen from Bitfinex due to a security breach. Now, Bitfinex reports, the U.S. government has returned 27.663 bit...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Anthony Weiner" - Google News: How the NFL LCC Program Brings Fans 'As Close As They Can Get' - Front Office Sports
25/02/19 06:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
How the NFL LCC Program Brings Fans 'As Close As They Can Get'    Front Office Sports Using two LCC correspondents for each of the NFL's 32 teams helped massively increase *content* posts and fan engagment for the league, teams...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: Say what you will about Trump, but his tactics on North Korea are working
25/02/19 06:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
US officials warn of a president who is a dangerous wild card, but Trump should be supported in his denuclearization plan When Donald Trump sits down with Kim Jong-un in Hanoi this week to further discuss eliminating North Korea’s nuclea...
» Trump digital operations from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites): "social media in trump campaign" - Google News: Trump unleashing digital juggernaut ahead of 2020 | TheHill - The Hill
25/02/19 06:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump unleashing digital juggernaut ahead of 2020 | TheHill    The Hill President Trump is ramping up his formidable digital operation nearly two years before the 2020 election, doubling down on a playbook that helped pave his ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: Trump may be about to call Europe’s bluff on Iran. Europe isn’t bluffing.
25/02/19 06:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The dirty little secret of US financial hegemony is that it rests on very shallow foundations. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: ‘We will only get stronger’: Inside a liberal leader’s balancing act on pushing the House to the left
25/02/19 06:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Some want the Congressional Progressive Caucus to be like the hard-line conservative Freedom Caucus, but its co-chair, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, is taking a more pragmatic approach. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: Leaders of House liberal caucus consider new membership rules
25/02/19 06:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The Congressional Progressive Caucus is considering proposals to bind members’ votes and requiring them to back certain policy proposals. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» "bank of Cyprus" - Google News: Bank Of Stockton Upped Its Chevron (CVX) Position; Retrophin (RTRX) Sellers Decreased By 1.96% Their Shorts - The Moveefy
25/02/19 05:53 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Bank Of Stockton Upped Its Chevron (CVX) Position; Retrophin (RTRX) Sellers Decreased By 1.96% Their Shorts    The Moveefy Bank Of Stockton increased Chevron Corporation (CVX) stake by 12.54% reported in 2018Q3 SEC filing. Bank...
» "bank of Cyprus" - Google News: Cyprus the 21st healthiest country in the world – Bloomberg Index - In-Cyprus.com
25/02/19 05:40 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Cyprus the 21st healthiest country in the world – Bloomberg Index    In-Cyprus.com Bloomberg ranked Cyprus as the 21st healthiest country in the world, in the 2019 edition of its Healthiest Country Index. The Index ranks 169 ec...
» Google Alert - Elections Ukraine: Comedian Volodymyr Zelensky leads polls in Ukraine's presidential race
25/02/19 05:37 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
KIEV, Ukraine — Pacing back and forth, Volodymyr Zelensky rehearses his ... ago, nobody thought Zelensky would have any weight in this election ." ... Google Alert - Elections Ukraine
» Cambridge Analytica from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites): "cambridge analytica" - Google News: Facebook, social media and ads – when will marketers abandon the network? - City A.M.
25/02/19 05:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Facebook, social media and ads – when will marketers abandon the network?    City A.M. The Facebook-Google duopoly has a stranglehold over internet advertising. "cambridge analytica" - Google News Cambridge Analytica from Micha...
» Google Alert - trump and putin: Kremlin: Putin and Trump did not discuss forthcoming US-North Korean summit
25/02/19 05:28 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
MOSCOW, February 25. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump did not discuss the forthcoming US-North ... Google Alert - trump and putin
» "Russia investigations" - Google News: Full Mueller report a must, Schiff states - NWAOnline
25/02/19 05:21 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Full Mueller report a must, Schiff states    NWAOnline A top House Democrat threatened Sunday to call special counsel Robert Mueller to Capitol Hill, subpoena documents and sue President Donald Trump's ... "Russia investigation...
» Google Alert - Elections Ukraine: Health Ministry signs memorandum with IFES
25/02/19 05:18 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
"In partnership with the international organization, legislation and possible risks of interference of authorities and officials in the work of medical ... Google Alert - Elections Ukraine
» Google Alert - trump investigations: House Democrats target Trump's personal finances
25/02/19 05:07 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
House Democrats are planning to cross one of President Donald Trump's red lines: investigating his personal finances. With special counsel Robert ... Google Alert - trump investigations
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: Saudi Arabia and Kuwait underline support for Palestinian cause at Arab-EU summit
25/02/19 05:07 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner is heading to the region to discuss a long-awaited US proposal for peace in Palestine. Mr Kushner is ... Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Here’s How Putin’s Russia Is Rebuilding the Iron Curtain
25/02/19 05:07 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Signed in as Michael_Novakhov Share this story on NewsBlur Shared stories are on their way... Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠
» "Mueller's Russia investigation" - Google News: Full Mueller report a must, Schiff states - Arkansas Online
25/02/19 05:02 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Full Mueller report a must, Schiff states    Arkansas Online A top House Democrat threatened Sunday to call special counsel Robert Mueller to Capitol Hill, subpoena documents and sue President Donald Trump's ... "Mueller's Russ...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: 5:05 AM 2/25/2019 - Quotes of the day: “If this is a witch hunt, Mueller’s found a coven at this point” | “We are going to get to the bottom of this” | "The FBI was better off when “you all only hired Irishmen” | M.N. 
25/02/19 04:57 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations.   5:05 AM 2/25/2019 -  Quotes of the day:  “If this is a witch hunt, Mueller’s found a coven at this point,” said Neal Katyal - Google Search ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump Investigations: 5:05 AM 2/25/2019 - Quotes of the day: “If this is... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/02/505-am…
25/02/19 04:56 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump Investigations: 5:05 AM 2/25/2019 - Quotes of the day: “If this is... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/02/505-am… Posted by mikenov on Monday, February 25th, 2019 9:56am mikenov on Twitter
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view
25/02/19 04:54 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . WASHINGTON — Donald Trump was in full deflection mode. The Democrats had blamed Russia for the hacking and release of damaging material on his presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton. Trump wasn'...
» "trump putin" - Google News: Why President Trump Should Reform The Family Court System - Modern Diplomacy
25/02/19 04:50 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Why President Trump Should Reform The Family Court System    Modern Diplomacy Now that the Trump Administration has successfully prepared, filed and achieved historic criminal justice reform, something which his predecessors co...
» Google Alert - Elections Ukraine: Orthodox parishes in Volyn region most active in joining new Ukrainian church
25/02/19 04:45 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
As UNIAN reported earlier, the Unification Council of members of the Ukrainian Orthodox churches in Kyiv on December 15 elected Metropolitan of ... Google Alert - Elections Ukraine
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "organized crime and terrorism" - Google News: Terror, migration dominate EU and Arab League's first summit - DW (English)
25/02/19 04:38 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Terror, migration dominate EU and Arab League's first summit    DW (English) European Union leaders and Arab League heads are meeting for their first summit. Hosted by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, discussion topics ...
» Google Alert - trump and putin: Here's How Putin's Russia Is Rebuilding the Iron Curtain
25/02/19 04:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
To stop the hemorrhage of cash, deputy Vladimir Zhirinovsky, known as “ Russia's Trump ” for his outrageous grandstanding, suggested to parliament ... Google Alert - trump and putin
» Google Alert - trump investigations: Trump to Legal Team: Stay for Coming Legal Hellscape
25/02/19 04:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump to Legal Team: Stay for Coming Legal Hellscape ... The conversations served as a private admission that federal investigations bedeviling his ... Google Alert - trump investigations
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: ‘We fell in love’: Trump and Kim shower praise, stroke egos on path to nuclear negotiations
25/02/19 04:30 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The two men enter their second summit meeting this week as unorthodox leaders who are each distrustful of the global establishment, eager to project dominance and determined to maximize his power. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov ...
» Google Alert - Elections Israel: With Knesset elections nearing: USA supports Israel expanding settlements
25/02/19 04:22 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
By: Madeeha Araj/ NBPRS/. The National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements said in his latest weekly report that , the ruling Israeli  ... Google Alert - Elections Israel
» Google Alert - Elections Ukraine: Ukraine's deputy minister for occupied areas says "some candidates" preparing mass protests
25/02/19 04:22 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Ukraine's deputy minister for occupied areas says "some candidates" preparing mass ... The presidential elections are scheduled for March 31. Some ... Google Alert - Elections Ukraine
» "deutsche bank and trump" - Google News: Failing Deutsche Bank Lost $1.6 Billion, Conspired to Hide Bond Bet Gone Wrong - CCN
25/02/19 04:21 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Failing Deutsche Bank Lost $1.6 Billion, Conspired to Hide Bond Bet Gone Wrong    CCN Deutsche Bank reportedly made a loss of $1.6 billion on $7.8 billion worth of bonds it purchased in 2007 but failed to publicly disclose it. ...
» "2016 Presidential Election Investigation" - Google News: Schiff: We will subpoena Mueller's report if it's not made public - UPI News
25/02/19 04:18 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Schiff: We will subpoena Mueller's report if it's not made public    UPI News House Democrats will subpoena Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian meddling in the presidential election if it isn't made public. "2016...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump russian money" - Google News: Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view - THV11.com KTHV
25/02/19 04:17 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view    THV11.com KTHV The world is waiting for Robert Mueller's final report, but looking at what's already been filed in court papers tells us a lot about what he's found. ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "donald trump russia" - Google News: Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view - WKYC.com
25/02/19 04:12 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view    WKYC.com The world is waiting for Robert Mueller's final report, but looking at what's already been filed in court papers tells us a lot about what he's found. "donal...
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: Is it Trump, or King Jared who is providing Saudi Arabia with nuclear capabilities?
25/02/19 04:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
[2] I am not a fan of Jared Kushner , who should be expelled from the White House[3] but I am a huge fan of General Flynn's and attribute his ... Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: Reports: Kushner Cos. Pay More Than $1B for Southeast Multifamily Portfolio
25/02/19 04:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The purhase transaction is the largest for the Kushner firm, which is now headed by White House senior advisor Jared Kushner's father Charles ... Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: The FBI was better off when “you all only hired Irishmen,” Sessions said in one diatribe about the bureau’s workforce. “They were drunks but they could be trusted. Not like all those new people with nose rings and tatt
25/02/19 03:50 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Andrew McCabe's disturbing account of working for Sessions and Trump Washington Post - Feb 14, 2019 The FBI was better off when “you all only hired Irishmen ,” Sessions said in one diatrib...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Review: In 'The Threat,' Andrew McCabe's disturbing account of working for Sessions and Trump - Entertainment & Life - The Register-Guard
25/02/19 03:48 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . “The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump” By Andrew G. McCabe (St. Martin’s, 274 pages, $29.99) He didn’t read intelligence reports and mixed up...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Where the investigations related to President Trump stand
25/02/19 03:45 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: ‘We’ve given Mueller full access’ to our investigation
25/02/19 03:42 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . A Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday the panel has given special counsel Robert Mueller “full access” to its own Russia investigation. “We’ve gi...
» Google Alert - Elections Ukraine: Avakov reports 89 cases opened over violations in electoral process
25/02/19 03:37 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Avakov reports 89 cases opened over violations in electoral process ... The Ukrainian Interior Ministry has received 1,871 reports on violations in the ... Google Alert - Elections Ukraine
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: Saudi King Salman underlines support for Palestinian cause at EU-Arab summit
25/02/19 03:37 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The statement comes as White House senior adviser Jared Kushner was heading to the region to discuss the latest on the long-awaited US proposal ... Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu: 'A Lamentable Failure': Dozens of Orthodox Rabbis Condemn Netanyahu for Deal With Kahanists
25/02/19 03:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
... have issued a fierce denunciation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for initiating a move that would bring loyalists of racist rabbi Meir Kahane ... Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: “We are going to get to the bottom of this,” Mr Schiff told ABC - Google Search
25/02/19 03:32 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Mueller investigation: 'We are going to get to the bottom of' Trump ... The Independent - 15 hours ago “ We are going to get to the bottom of this ,” Mr Schiff told ABC's 'This Week'. R...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "crime and terror" - Google News: Two Pak nationals among three militants killed in Kulgam encounter: J & K Police - India Today
25/02/19 03:31 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Two Pak nationals among three militants killed in Kulgam encounter: J & K Police    India Today On Sunday, a deputy superintendent of police, an army jawan and the three Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) militants were killed during the e...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Mueller investigation: 'We are going to get to the bottom of' Trump-Russia claims despite attempts to bury report, Schiff vows
25/02/19 03:30 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Adam Schiff has warned the Justice Department that any effort to conceal special counsel Robert Mueller ’s final report into Russian interference in the election of Donald Trump will be met...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump: US president risks political backlash as talks advance
25/02/19 03:26 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Iron-clad agreement that lets US properly monitor China’s pledges regarded as unlikely Donald Trump 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: “If this is a witch hunt, Mueller’s found a coven at this point,” said Neal Katyal - Google Search
25/02/19 03:17 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . As Washington waits for Mueller, 'everything about this is political' <a href="http://NBCNews.com" rel="nofollow">NBCNews.com</a> - 16 hours ago But Neal Katyal , the former acting solicit...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "donald trump russia" - Google News: Update on the latest news, sports, business and entertainment at 3:20 am EST - WTOP
25/02/19 03:15 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Update on the latest news, sports, business and entertainment at 3:20 am EST    WTOP OSCARS-THE LATEST. The Latest: Rami Malek falls, but recovers, after Oscar win. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Rami Malek may have had a brief fall from t...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Coven - Wikipedia
25/02/19 03:15 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . A coven / k ʌ v ən / usually refers to a group or gathering of witches . The word "coven" (from Anglo-Norman covent, cuvent , from Old French covent , from Latin conventum = convention) rema...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Lawmakers preview questions for Cohen testimony this week
25/02/19 03:11 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Breaking News Emails Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. By Allan Smith President Donald Trump's former longtime attorney Michae...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Mueller report could be delayed by investigation into Trump Jr., Jared Kushner
25/02/19 03:05 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . A former U.S. attorney who was appointed during the Obama administration said the “tea leaves” show special counsel Robert Mueller’s report could be delayed by a possible investigati...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Court Records Reveal a Mueller Report Right in Plain View
25/02/19 03:04 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . The Democrats had blamed Russia for the hacking and release of damaging material on his presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton. Trump wasn't buying it. But on July 27, 2016, midway through a news conf...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Kushner Cos. seek $1.1B federal loan in biggest deal in decade, sources say
25/02/19 03:01 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . In 2017, Kushner Cos. teamed up with Israel-based Psagot Investment House to buy Quail Ridge, a 1,032-unit complex in Plainsboro, New Jersey, that the Kushner family had owned until a 2007 sale. This ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: President Trump’s imaginary numbers on military aid to South Korea
25/02/19 03:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
For some reason, the president is throwing out wildly inaccurate numbers on U.S. military aid for South Korea. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» "Jared Kushner" - Google News: Tax the Rich? Here’s a Modest Proposal - The New York Times
25/02/19 03:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Tax the Rich? Here’s a Modest Proposal    The New York Times Should there be a wealth tax on the richest Americans? A top bracket of 70 percent? Maybe take most of the estate when a billionaire dies? Or we could just ... "Jared...
» "bank of Cyprus" - Google News: Pressure on Chinese buying property in Cyprus - In-Cyprus.com
25/02/19 02:59 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Pressure on Chinese buying property in Cyprus    In-Cyprus.com Wealthy Chinese are facing myriad new tax rules as Beijing ratchets up the pressure on tax evaders and on sheltering of assets. This puts pressure on Chinese ... "b...
» "bank of Cyprus" - Google News: Chinese massage parlour suspect has residence permit as investor - In-Cyprus.com
25/02/19 02:59 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Chinese massage parlour suspect has residence permit as investor    In-Cyprus.com A Chinese national being held on suspicion of human trafficking had a residence permit in Cyprus after investing close to €500000 here – includin...
» mikenov on Twitter: Schiff says he’ll ‘obviously’ subpoena Mueller report if Trump administration won't release it latimes.com/nation/la-na-p…
25/02/19 02:56 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Schiff says he’ll ‘obviously’ subpoena Mueller report if Trump administration won't release it latimes.com/nation/la-na-p… Posted by mikenov on Monday, February 25th, 2019 7:56am mikenov on Twitter
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: PressTV-Trump 'greatest threat' to US democracy: Top Dem
25/02/19 02:51 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . A top US Democrat has lashed out at President Donald Trump for his abuse of power, calling the Republican head of state the "greatest threat" to American democracy. Representative Jerrold Nadler, who ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @PressTV: #Trump 'greatest threat' to U.S. democracy since Civil War: Top Dem ptv.io/2hha pic.twitter.com/GkR2Z5UhVn
25/02/19 02:50 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
#Trump 'greatest threat' to U.S. democracy since Civil War: Top Dem ptv.io/2hha pic.twitter.com/GkR2Z5UhVn Posted by PressTV on Sunday, February 24th, 2019 8:32pm Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, February 25th, 2019 7:50am 5 likes, 4 retw...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Donald Trump ‘Greatest Threat’ To America Since Civil War, Says Top Democrat
25/02/19 02:49 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Inquisitr. In a radio interview aired Sunday, top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, Jerrold Nadler of New York, described President Donald Trump as the “greatest threat” to...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: U.S. Democrats will subpoena Mueller's Russia report if needed: Schiff | News
25/02/19 02:48 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . By Ginger Gibson WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats will subpoena Special Counsel Robert Mueller's final report on his investigation into links between U.S. President Donald Trump's 2016 election team a...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view
25/02/19 02:46 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Donald Trump was in full deflection mode. The Democrats had blamed Russia for the hacking and release of damaging material on his presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton . Trump wasn’t buying it....
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Ex-Jerusalem mayor poised to overtake Netanyahu as richest MK
25/02/19 02:45 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . While last week’s political merger between Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid has injected considerable uncertainty into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reelection campaign, there is one title...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Kushner Cos buys portfolio of apartments for US$1.15b, Real Estate
25/02/19 02:45 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Mon, Feb 25, 2019 - 5:50 AM New York KUSHNER Cos, the property company owned by the family of Jared Kushner - US President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser - has acquired a rental-apartmen...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Investigate McCabe’s 25th Amendment Tale
25/02/19 02:44 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Signed in as Michael_Novakhov Share this story on NewsBlur Shared stories are on their way... Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: On Foreign Trips, Pence Steps Out of Trump’s Shadow but Always Stays on Message
25/02/19 02:42 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . “I don’t think it was as much about how he was received,” Marc Short, Mr. Pence’s incoming chief of staff, said. “He was effective in getting his message across.” T...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: All eyes on William Barr
25/02/19 02:40 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Palmer Report. As various major news outlets continue to speculate about the conclusion of Robert Mueller’s investigation, the spotlight will inevitably begin to shine on William Barr. Before...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: ‘If This Is A Witch Hunt, Mueller’s Found A Coven’
25/02/19 02:40 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Inquisitr. Former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal appeared Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press to discuss Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, The Hill reports. Th...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Lieberman: Ample evidence of Russian election meddling; party 'tribalism' slowing U.S. progress | News
25/02/19 02:37 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from www.ncnewsonline.com - RSS Results in pennsylvania/news of type article. FILE - In this Dec. 18, 2010 file photo, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, I-Conn., speaks during a news conference in Washington. Lieb...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "emails investigation is Russia-Trump set-up" - Google News: We'll subpoena Mueller if full report isn't public, top Democrat warns - WTSP.com
25/02/19 02:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
We'll subpoena Mueller if full report isn't public, top Democrat warns    WTSP.com The head of the House Intelligence Committee says a close watch is being kept on how much we'll see of the highly anticipated Mueller Russia rep...
» "Mueller's Russia investigation" - Google News: We'll subpoena Mueller if full report isn't public, top Democrat warns - ABC10.com KXTV
25/02/19 02:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
We'll subpoena Mueller if full report isn't public, top Democrat warns    ABC10.com KXTV The head of the House Intelligence Committee says a close watch is being kept on how much we'll see of the highly anticipated Mueller Russ...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Opinion | Putin’s One Weapon: The ‘Intelligence State’
25/02/19 02:31 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . According to this year’s National Intelligence Worldwide Threat Assessment and Senate testimony by top-ranked intelligence officials, Americans can expect Vladimir Putin’s Russia to contin...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Robert Mueller reveals he's anything but “by the book”
25/02/19 02:24 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Palmer Report. We still don’t know what Special Counsel Robert Mueller will do when it comes to his endgame against Donald Trump, but it does appear we’re getting closer than ever to se...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Bannon predicts Trump victory in 2020, intensified political vitriol
25/02/19 02:18 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Signed in as Michael_Novakhov Share this story on NewsBlur Bannon predicts Trump victory in 2020, intensified political vitriol Signed in as Michael_Novakhov Share this story on NewsBlur Shared storie...
» mikenov on Twitter: Netanyahu Sparks Outrage Over Pact With Racist Party nyti.ms/2GJAe10
25/02/19 02:16 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Netanyahu Sparks Outrage Over Pact With Racist Party nyti.ms/2GJAe10 Posted by mikenov on Monday, February 25th, 2019 7:16am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr have a whole new problem palmerreport.com/analysis/jr-ku… via @PalmerReport
25/02/19 02:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr have a whole new problem palmerreport.com/analysis/jr-ku… via @PalmerReport Posted by mikenov on Monday, February 25th, 2019 7:00am mikenov on Twitter
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr have a whole new problem
25/02/19 02:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Palmer Report. Former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade appeared on MSNBC yesterday to provide her thoughts on the Special Counsel’s report. McQuade does not believe Robert Mueller’s report...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: With his 50m shekel fortune, Netanyahu is Israel’s fourth richest politician - Israel News
25/02/19 01:59 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . The same day that a state comptroller committee again denied Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ’s request to receive funding from two tycoons to cover his legal fees, the Israel edition of Forbe...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News: COMMENT: Belarus's post-Soviet theatre, opportunistic technical fiddling or Putin's ace in the hole? - bne IntelliNews
25/02/19 01:53 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
COMMENT: Belarus's post-Soviet theatre, opportunistic technical fiddling or Putin's ace in the hole?    bne IntelliNews Alarm bells have been going off in Belarus, which may be cut off from the generous Russia has granted the r...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Speculation mounts on when Mueller report will be delivered
25/02/19 01:51 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . A senior Justice Department official tells NBC News Robert Mueller will not be submitting his report by the end of next week, but as the waiting game continues, we’re continuing to learn more ab...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Trump needs to go, and the sooner he's gone the better | Letters
25/02/19 01:50 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from www.athensnews.com - RSS Results in opinion/letters of type article. The president appoints the Attorney General and director of the FBI, but he should not influence their investigations or other a...
» "Donald Trump Jr. Wikileaks" - Google News: Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view - Midland Reporter-Telegram
25/02/19 01:47 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view    Midland Reporter-Telegram WASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Robert Mueller has not made a single public comment since his appointment in May 2017. But he has spoken l...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: The number of Donald Trump cabinet members headed to prison just increased by at least one, and maybe two
25/02/19 01:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Palmer Report. How many of Donald Trump’s current and former cabinet members are headed to prison? That depends on a few factors, such as whether Jeff Sessions has cut an immunity deal agains...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: State comptroller panel ruling reveals Netanyahu was partner with Milikowsky - Israel News
25/02/19 01:31 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . The state comptroller’s committee that on Sunday rejected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ’s request to have his legal fees covered by two wealthy associates also revealed something else...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: The real reason Robert Mueller hasn't made his big move against Donald Trump (yet)
25/02/19 01:24 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Palmer Report. Palmer Report reader John Nesbit asked the question so many of us have on our minds: “If the evidence and proof of Trump’s crimes is so large and vast (and I’m sure...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Rudy Giuliani" - Google News: Politics at the Oscars: A Statement Against Trump, Without Mentioning His Name - Variety
25/02/19 01:12 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Politics at the Oscars: A Statement Against Trump, Without Mentioning His Name    Variety The Oscars played out like a response to Trump, his policies, and even his persona, even though his name wasn't even mentioned. "Rudy Giu...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump electorate" - Google News: Second Trump-Kim Summit raises expectations - New Delhi Times
25/02/19 01:07 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Second Trump-Kim Summit raises expectations    New Delhi Times By NDT US Bureau US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un concluded their first joint summit in Singapore in June, 2018. A long ... "trump elec...
» Russian propaganda on social media from Michael_Novakhov (5 sites): "Russian propaganda on social media" - Google News: Rogin: Bidens challenge to all 2020 candidates - Record-Courier
25/02/19 01:06 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Rogin: Bidens challenge to all 2020 candidates    Record-Courier U.S. intelligence agencies confirm that Russia and other bad actors are continuing to interfere in U.S. democracy and will want to have their say in our next ... ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Trump anxiety" - Google News: The stakes could not be higher for Trump in extraordinary split screen week - CNN
25/02/19 01:04 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The stakes could not be higher for Trump in extraordinary split screen week    CNN Even by the combustible standards of Donald Trump, the spectacle set to unfold around his presidency in time zones 12 hours apart in the next fe...
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: Is First Step a step forward?
25/02/19 01:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Within this context, we see how a racist president and his corrupt son-in-law could suddenly be “moved” to pass prison improvements. Jared Kushner  ... Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Anthony Weiner" - Google News: Could You Just Not Do That? (Gwen Moritz Editor's Note) - Arkansas Business Online
25/02/19 01:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Could You Just Not Do That? (Gwen Moritz Editor's Note)    Arkansas Business Online What Jeff Bezos called “the personal cost and embarrassment” might have been avoided had he simply not engaged in such risky online behavior. "...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "michael flynn" - Google News: AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s repeated fabrications on voting fraud - Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
25/02/19 00:54 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s repeated fabrications on voting fraud    Columbus Ledger-Enquirer AP FACT CHECK: Condemning voter fraud 'of any kind, whether Democrat or Republican,' Trump points to a case of a million fraudulent votes ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump: Trump ‘not in a rush’ to push for N Korea to denuclearise
25/02/19 00:53 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
US president says he is ‘happy’ so long as Pyongyang conducts no further weapons tests Donald Trump 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» "2016 Presidential Election Investigation" - Google News: Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view - CT Post
25/02/19 00:45 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view    CT Post WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump was in full deflection mode. The Democrats had blamed Russia for the hacking and release of damaging material on his ... "2016 ...
» Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu: World briefs: Netanyahu sparks outrage over his Otzma pact
25/02/19 00:26 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's latest political alliance has earned him denunciations from quarters where he has usually been ... Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu
» WSJ.com: World News: Behind Vale's Deadly Dam Collapse: Multiple Warnings That Went Unheeded
25/02/19 00:20 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
For months, signs of danger raised worries among inspectors about the safety of a giant mine-dam perched over a town in Brazil. And yet the safety firm, worried about losing business, blessed the structure. Prosecutors are now looking in...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump in financial times" - Google News: Analysis | Trump Shouldn't Settle for a Bowl of Chicken-Rice - Washington Post
25/02/19 00:03 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Analysis | Trump Shouldn't Settle for a Bowl of Chicken-Rice    Washington Post Equities rise in Asia after Trump extends China trade truce    Financial Times Trump Delays a Tariff Deadline, Citing Progress in China T...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "former FBI agents power influence" - Google News: Fiat Brazil Spied on Workers and Collaborated with the Military Dicatorship - The Intercept
25/02/19 00:01 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Fiat Brazil Spied on Workers and Collaborated with the Military Dicatorship    The Intercept The workers were a threat to the company's bottom line, so Fiat Brazil suppressed labor organizing through an internal spy ring. "form...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump: Twitter Users Serve Up Scathing Visions Of Trump's Planned July Fourth Bash
24/02/19 23:56 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The president's call for a "Salute To America" bash evoked memories of the wild "Honor America" Independence Day arranged by Richard Nixon supporters. Donald Trump 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» Google Alert - trump and putin: Kamala Harris: Trump Has 'Relied on Vladimir Putin' over Intel Community
24/02/19 23:52 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful then argued there was “no question” Trump “relied” on Russia's Vladimir Putin over the United States' ... Google Alert - trump and putin
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "crime and terror" - Google News: Tinnie terror plotter Shayden Jamil Thorne attacked in jail - The Cairns Post
24/02/19 23:51 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Tinnie terror plotter Shayden Jamil Thorne attacked in jail    The Cairns Post A man involved in a tinnie terror plot, to sail a fishing boat from northern Australia to help overthrow the Philippines government, was attacked in...
» Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu: State Comptroller Panel Ruling Reveals Netanyahu Was Partner With Milikowsky
24/02/19 23:07 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The state comptroller's committee that on Sunday rejected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 's request to have his legal fees covered by two wealthy ... Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump electorate" - Google News: Trump Challenge 'Not Something I'm Actively Considering,' MD Gov. Hogan Tells Newsmax - Newsmax
24/02/19 22:52 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump Challenge 'Not Something I'm Actively Considering,' MD Gov. Hogan Tells Newsmax    Newsmax The honest truth is I have not thought about it at all,” Hogan told Newsmax in an interview at the National Governors Association ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "former FBI agents power influence" - Google News: The Psychology Of Getting Julian Assange, Part 2: The Court Of Public Opinion And The Blood-Curdling Untold Story - New Matilda
24/02/19 22:52 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The Psychology Of Getting Julian Assange, Part 2: The Court Of Public Opinion And The Blood-Curdling Untold Story    New Matilda In her ongoing special investigation into the detention of Julian Assange, Dr Lissa Johnson turns ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): FB-RSS feed for Palmer Report: Donald Trump’s Jeffrey Epstein problem just keeps getting bigger
24/02/19 22:50 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Donald Trump’s Jeffrey Epstein problem just keeps getting bigger Donald Trump’s Jeffrey Epstein problem just keeps getting bigger ... FB-RSS feed for Palmer Report 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: Few clues on what Trump will announce about border security. Here are some theories
24/02/19 22:45 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The AP reported that Vice President Mike Pence, Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner , and acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney “have been working ... Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump: Trump’s extension of China trade talks suits both sides
24/02/19 22:41 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Pushing back the March 1 tariff deadline helps the US president and Xi Jinping Donald Trump 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» "Peter Strzok" - Google News: Cohen: Schiff should worry about his own collusion - Boston Herald
24/02/19 22:41 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Cohen: Schiff should worry about his own collusion    Boston Herald President Trump's chief antagonist California Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff is so desperate to find any shred of evidence to validate Democrats “red scare” ... "Pe...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "crime and terror" - Google News: Pulwama terror attack: NIA says Maruti Eeco car was manufactured in 2010-11, huts for absconding owner - NewsX
24/02/19 22:39 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Pulwama terror attack: NIA says Maruti Eeco car was manufactured in 2010-11, huts for absconding owner    NewsX Pulwama terror attack car owner identified: The owner of the red Maruti Eeco car, which Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorists...
» Google Alert - trump and putin: Trump needs to go, and the sooner he's gone the better
24/02/19 22:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Several conversations between these leaders showed that Trump is making many decisions on Russia on the advice of Valdemar Putin rather than ... Google Alert - trump and putin
» Google Alert - mueller: Speculation mounts on when Mueller report will be delivered
24/02/19 22:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
A senior Justice Department official tells NBC News Robert Mueller will not be submitting his report by the end of next week, but as the waiting game ... Google Alert - mueller
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Donald Trump" - Google News: The Oscars stage this year strongly resembles Donald Trump's hair - New York Post
24/02/19 22:29 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The Oscars stage this year strongly resembles Donald Trump's hair    New York Post Once you've seen it, you can't unsee it. Social media users are convinced that the Oscars stage was inspired this year by President Trump's hair...
» Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu: With His 50m Shekel Fortune, Netanyahu Is Israel's Fourth Richest Politician
24/02/19 22:11 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The same day that a state comptroller committee again denied Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 's request to receive funding from two tycoons to ... Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: Donald Trump clashes with his own trade chief in front of Chinese delegation – video
24/02/19 22:08 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
US president Donald Trump has argued with his US trade chief during a televised trade meeting. When asked a question about trade talks with China, which have been taking place over the weekend, Donald Trump said he is against using memor...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Trump" - Google News: Keegan-Michael Key shades Donald Trump at the Oscars in umbrella moment - Fox News
24/02/19 22:02 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Keegan-Michael Key shades Donald Trump at the Oscars in umbrella moment    Fox News Keegan-Michael Key dove into the 2019 Oscars from above, clutching a floating umbrella in tribute to "Mary Poppins" — and possibly in mockery o...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "roger stone" - Google News: Roger Stone Has a Bunch of Proud Boys Volunteering For Him - Splinter
24/02/19 22:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Roger Stone Has a Bunch of Proud Boys Volunteering For Him    Splinter As we wait to find out how many crimes Roger Stone did in *service* of Donald Trump, the sex pervert, conspiracy theorist, and former Trump advisor has ... ...
» Google Alert - trump: Donald Trump clashes with his own trade chief in front of Chinese delegation – video
24/02/19 22:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
US president Donald Trump has argued with his US trade chief during a televised trade meeting. When asked a question about trade talks with China, ... Google Alert - trump
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Rudy Giuliani" - Google News: 'The Irishman' Teaser Lets Us Hear (But Not See) Martin Scorsese's New Gangster Epic - /FILM
24/02/19 21:55 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
'The Irishman' Teaser Lets Us Hear (But Not See) Martin Scorsese's New Gangster Epic    /FILM The first teaser for Martin Scorsese's The Irishman is here! And…there's no footage. But hey, we'll take what we can get. In the Netf...
» Google Alert - trump: Memo of misunderstanding: Trump clashes with trade adviser over China talks
24/02/19 21:52 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
“I don't like MOUs because they don't mean anything. To me they don't mean anything. I think you're better off just going into a document,” said Trump  ... Google Alert - trump
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: Memo of misunderstanding: Trump clashes with trade adviser over China talks
24/02/19 21:52 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Robert Lighthizer, the US trade representative, argued with the president about whether an MOU is binding or not Tensions between Donald Trump and one of his top trade negotiators have been brought into the open as the two disagreed publ...
» Google Alert - mueller: Top Democrat to Sue Justice Department if Mueller Report is Withheld
24/02/19 21:37 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
A top House Democrat says his committee will sue the Trump administration if the Justice Department withholds the Mueller report from the public. Google Alert - mueller
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Donald Trump" - Google News: Donald Trump Jr. predicted what would happen at Oscars so you could skip the show - AOL
24/02/19 21:37 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Donald Trump Jr. predicted what would happen at Oscars so you could skip the show    AOL Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a prediction Sunday for Oscar night that he thought was very clever. It had to do with politics. "Donald Trump" -...
» "bank of Cyprus" - Google News: Christopher Steele libel trial to begin in fall - Washington Times
24/02/19 21:36 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Christopher Steele libel trial to begin in fall    Washington Times Anti-Trump dossier creator Christopher Steele will face a London defamation trial later this year, one of two court cases in which he was forced to produce his...
» Google Alert - trump and putin: Christopher Steele libel trial to begin in fall
24/02/19 21:26 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Mr. Steele is a key figure in promoting Trump - Russia conspiracy theories within the Obama administration and the news media. In his final of 17 ... Google Alert - trump and putin
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump: Trump To Delay March 1 China Tariffs Amid Trade Talks
24/02/19 21:04 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The president tweeted about “substantial” progress in those talks and a possible summit with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Donald Trump 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» Google Alert - trump: Why We Should Worry About Trump's Declaration Of An Emergency
24/02/19 21:03 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump's declaration of a national emergency on February 15 set out to turn a legislative defeat into a political victory. Trump's declaration, which was ... Google Alert - trump
» Trump News TV from Michael_Novakhov (3 sites): MidweekPolitics's YouTube Videos: Should Naturalized Citizens Be Allowed to Run for President?
24/02/19 21:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
From: MidweekPolitics Duration: 03:33 --Audience Question: Should naturalized citizens be allowed to run for president? -Become a Member: https://www.davidpakman.com/membership -Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/davidpakmanshow -J...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Palmer Report: Donald Trump Jr goes completely off the deep end after New York state prepares first Trump-Russia criminal charges
24/02/19 20:55 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
How smart is Donald Trump Jr? Back when he first got into Trump-Russia legal trouble, and we began using his own incriminating tweets against him in our articles, he blocked us on Twitter – and he thought that was somehow going to preven...
» Google Alert - Elections Israel: Bibi Fires Up the Opposition
24/02/19 20:41 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
It wasn't the electoral threshold nor the lost seats for the right-wing bloc, but the “French law” (which would grant him immunity from police ... Google Alert - Elections Israel
» Google Alert - trump: Washington Post: Former senior national security officials to rebuke Trump's national emergency ...
24/02/19 20:41 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Washington (CNN) Fifty-eight former senior national security officials, both Democrat and Republican, will issue a statement Monday saying "there is ... Google Alert - trump
» Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu: Bibi Fires Up the Opposition
24/02/19 20:41 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
... make do with stating that this is a political abyss that will drain into the legislature and whose entire purpose is to save Benjamin Netanyahu's skin. Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu
» "Russia investigations" - Google News: Trey Gowdy Accuses Adam Schiff Of Seeing ‘Things Nobody Else Can See’ In Russia Probe - The Inquisitr News
24/02/19 20:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trey Gowdy Accuses Adam Schiff Of Seeing ‘Things Nobody Else Can See’ In Russia Probe    The Inquisitr News In an interview broadcast Sunday, former federal prosecutor Trey Gowdy accused House Intelligence Committee Chairman Ad...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Donald Trump" - Google News: Trump's July 4th celebration sounds like a salute to Trump - CNN
24/02/19 20:30 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump's July 4th celebration sounds like a salute to Trump    CNN While it would be wonderful if Trump's proposed July 4th event was actually about celebrating the founding of our country, given Trump's tendency to make ... "Do...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "organized crime and intelligence" - Google News: Third police officer held in gang link probe - Trinidad Guardian
24/02/19 20:27 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Third police officer held in gang link probe    Trinidad Guardian arrest. A third police officer has been detained for allegedly helping criminal gangs. The officer, who had been suspended from duty last year on charges of ... ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "russia helping trump" - Google News: Trump Delays a Tariff Deadline, Citing Progress in China Trade Talks - The New York Times
24/02/19 20:18 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump Delays a Tariff Deadline, Citing Progress in China Trade Talks    The New York Times WASHINGTON — President Trump delayed his own deadline to increase tariffs on Chinese goods on Sunday as his administration continues a m...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Donald Trump" - Google News: Trump will delay tariff increases on China, meet with President Xi - CNN
24/02/19 20:18 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump will delay tariff increases on China, meet with President Xi    CNN Trump says he will delay additional China tariffs originally scheduled to start on March 1    CNBC President Trump delays increase in tariffs o...
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: Flying high! Ivanka Trump enjoys a family day out by taking eldest child Arabella Rose, 7, indoor ...
24/02/19 20:12 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Ivanka seen here with husband Jared Kushner and children Arabella Rose, 7, Joseph, 5, (standing) and their youngest child Theodore, 2,. Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Palmer Report: Donald Trump’s friendship from hell with Jeffrey Epstein
24/02/19 20:08 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Donald Trump said of Jeffrey Epstein in 2002 to New York Magazine. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the yo...
» Google Alert - trump and putin: Trump defends business dealings with Russia
24/02/19 19:56 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Donald Trump has defended the business dealings he had with Russia before becoming president, again calling current investigations a “witch hunt”. Google Alert - trump and putin
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Donald Trump" - Google News: Donald Trump Jr. Predicts What Will Happen At Oscars So You Can Skip The Show - HuffPost
24/02/19 19:54 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Donald Trump Jr. Predicts What Will Happen At Oscars So You Can Skip The Show    HuffPost He's convinced everyone is going to complain about his dad again. "Donald Trump" - Google News 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu: Netanyahu Brokers Deal With Racist Party to Save His Job
24/02/19 19:45 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made something of an art form of cutting deals with small Israeli political parties, but his ... Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Donald Trump" - Google News: Is Trump especially vulnerable to primary challenge? - Washington Examiner
24/02/19 19:43 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Is Trump especially vulnerable to primary challenge?    Washington Examiner It's become a common talking point for "Never Trump" Republicans seeking to defeat President Trump in the 2020 GOP primaries: Polls have found that a ....
» Google Alert - trump: Bannon predicts Trump victory in 2020, intensified political vitriol
24/02/19 19:33 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Former White House Chief strategist Steve Bannon said in an interview aired Sunday that President Donald Trump will win the 2020 election "bigger ... Google Alert - trump
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "michael flynn" - Google News: Trump's "slenderizing" ties - Axios
24/02/19 19:23 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump's "slenderizing" ties    Axios Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios. In his book, "Let Me Finish," Chris Christie answers a question about Donald Trump that has long perplexed me: Why are his ties ... "michael flynn" - Google...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "crime and terror" - Google News: Robbers booked under anti-terror law for killing medical student - The News International
24/02/19 19:22 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Robbers booked under anti-terror law for killing medical student    The News International The 20 year-old girl's killing, who lost her life during an exchange of fire between the police and robbers in North Karachi, remains a ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump electorate" - Google News: 'I don't like any of the candidates' is no way to run a country | Opinion - Tallahassee.com
24/02/19 19:14 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
'I don't like any of the candidates' is no way to run a country | Opinion    Tallahassee.com The two-party system denies voters the choices they want to make. "trump electorate" - Google News 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Rudy Giuliani" - Google News: 1600: Trump moves the North Korea goalposts closer - Newsday
24/02/19 19:13 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
1600: Trump moves the North Korea goalposts closer    Newsday No way he'll bomb In a tweet Sunday morning, President Donald Trump simultaneously raised and lowered expectations for his summit in Hanoi this week with ... "Rudy G...
» Google Alert - Elections Israel: Netanyahu seeks 'ceasefire' with Bennett
24/02/19 19:11 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
According to the poll, conducted by Maagar Mohot and published by i24NEWS and Israel Hayom, if new elections were held today, Blue and White ... Google Alert - Elections Israel
» Google Alert - trump: Trump could try to sell North Korea a Vietnam model. But Kim's unlikely to be buying
24/02/19 19:11 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Hanoi, Vietnam (CNN) The night before his historic summit with US President Donald Trump last June, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un took a ... Google Alert - trump
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): 1. Trump Investigation - Mike Flynn from Michael_Novakhov (9 sites): "Mike Flynn" - Google News: Axios Sneak Peek - February 24, 2019 - Axios
24/02/19 19:09 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Axios Sneak Peek - February 24, 2019    Axios Jonathan Swan, one of the best-sourced White House reporters, takes you behind the curtain of Trumpworld. Sunday evenings. "Mike Flynn" - Google News 1. Trump Investigation - Mike F...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "organized crime and terrorism" - Google News: Bryant Viñas: Should a former terrorist be allowed into witness protection? - 60 Minutes - CBS News
24/02/19 19:06 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Bryant Viñas: Should a former terrorist be allowed into witness protection? - 60 Minutes    CBS News An American who joined al-Qaeda later became one of the U.S. government's most important informants in the War on Terror. For ...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Putinism" - Google News: Cities, not governments, are the new laboratories of public policy - Emerging Europe
24/02/19 19:05 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Cities, not governments, are the new laboratories of public policy    Emerging Europe I came of age during Romania's post-communist transition, at the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s. I had lived, as a child, in...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News: Ancient suspicions of the modern superpowers | World - The Times
24/02/19 19:01 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Ancient suspicions of the modern superpowers | World    The Times The Russian city of Vladivostok is 4000 miles east of Moscow, but only 700 miles from Tokyo, 450 from Seoul and 300 from Harbin in China, once a haven for ... "R...
» Google Alert - trump and putin: Putin's One Weapon: The 'Intelligence State'
24/02/19 19:00 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
In fact, those tactics made Soviet Russia the world's first “intelligence state,” and ... Then, a decade after the Soviet Union fell, Mr. Putin rose to power and .... This being the case, President Trump's anti-European sentiments are su...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: Donald Trump delays tariff hike on Chinese goods after 'great' trade talks
24/02/19 18:46 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The US president says he will hold a summit with Xi Jinping to conclude an agreement to end the year-long standoff Donald Trump has said he will delay an increase in tariffs on Chinese goods that had been scheduled for Friday, citing “su...
» "Trump Investigations" - Google News: Update on the latest news, sports, business and entertainment at 12:20 a.m. EST - WTOP
24/02/19 18:37 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Update on the latest news, sports, business and entertainment at 12:20 a.m. EST    WTOP R KELLY-INVESTIGATIONS-THE LATEST. The Latest: Lawyer: R. Kelly to stay jailed 1 or 2 more days. CHICAGO (AP) — R. Kelly's attorney says th...
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: Start your Monday smart: Oscars, North Korea, Cohen, US-China trade, Cuba votes, CPAC
24/02/19 18:37 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Jared Kushner may push for peace in the Mideast. Trump's son-in-law reportedly will visit Arab countries this week to pitch his long-awaited plan to ... Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» Google Alert - trump: Trump Delays a Tariff Deadline, Citing Progress in China Trade Talks
24/02/19 18:34 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
WASHINGTON — President Trump delayed his own deadline to increase tariffs on Chinese goods on Sunday as his administration continues a ... Google Alert - trump
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Rudy Giuliani" - Google News: California Republicans elect Millennial Latina as new leader - San Francisco Chronicle
24/02/19 18:32 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
California Republicans elect Millennial Latina as new leader    San Francisco Chronicle SACRAMENTO — The California Republican Party elected Jessica Millan Patterson as its new chair Sunday, making her the first woman and first...
» Google Alert - trump: President Trump announces delay in tariff hikes against China, plans summit at Mar-a-Lago
24/02/19 18:25 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump announced Sunday on Twitter that he would be delaying an increase in tariffs against China and plans to ... Google Alert - trump
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Donald Trump" - Google News: Donald Trump MAGA hat powerful political symbol - Washington Times
24/02/19 18:20 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Donald Trump MAGA hat powerful political symbol    Washington Times Behold the MAGA hat. Whether proof of hate or provoker of fury, it reigns as the most powerful political symbol in America. "Donald Trump" - Google News 1. Tru...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump: Trump says US to delay raising tariffs on Chinese imports
24/02/19 18:10 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
President says summit with China’s Xi to be planned at Mar-a-Lago concluding agreement Donald Trump 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» Google Alert - trump: Trump will delay tariff increases on China, meet with President Xi
24/02/19 18:03 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump announced on Sunday he will be delaying US tariffs on China and will be planning a summit with ... Google Alert - trump
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump and republican party" - Google News: California's hurting Republicans pick insider to lead party - Idaho News
24/02/19 17:56 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
California's hurting Republicans pick insider to lead party    Idaho News SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Hurting California Republicans chose a party insider Sunday to lead them forward after their party suffered stinging defeats in...
» Google Alert - trump: Trump says he will delay additional China tariffs originally scheduled to start on March 1
24/02/19 17:55 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The United States is planning to delay a menu of additional Chinese tariffs that were scheduled to begin on March 1, President Donald Trump  ... Google Alert - trump
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Donald Trump" - Google News: Trump says he will delay additional China tariffs originally scheduled to start on March 1 - CNBC
24/02/19 17:55 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump says he will delay additional China tariffs originally scheduled to start on March 1    CNBC The United States is planning to delay a menu of additional Chinese tariffs that were scheduled to begin on March 1, President D...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Trump FBI file" - Google News: California's hurting Republicans pick insider to lead party - NBC Montana
24/02/19 17:49 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
California's hurting Republicans pick insider to lead party    NBC Montana SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Hurting California Republicans chose a party insider Sunday to lead them forward after their party suffered stinging defeats i...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump russian candidate" - Google News: California's hurting Republicans pick insider to lead party - 13WHAM-TV
24/02/19 17:49 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
California's hurting Republicans pick insider to lead party    13WHAM-TV SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Hurting California Republicans chose a party insider Sunday to lead them forward after their party suffered stinging defeats in ...
» Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Trump Investigations News In Brief
24/02/19 17:47 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations.   The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump  |  Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠  |  Trump Investigations News In 250 Brief Posts ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump Investigations: Trump Investigations News In Brief trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/02/trump-…
24/02/19 17:47 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Trump Investigations: Trump Investigations News In Brief trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/02/trump-… Posted by mikenov on Sunday, February 24th, 2019 10:47pm mikenov on Twitter
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: Jay Inslee hopes a singular focus on climate will get him to the White House
24/02/19 17:45 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
A succession of senators are already in the 2020 Democratic race. Governors will soon join them. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» Google Alert - mueller: Democrats insist on release of Mueller report, threatening subpoena
24/02/19 17:41 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Democrats took to Sunday shows to call for the full release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on the Trump administration and Russian ... Google Alert - mueller
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: The Trailer: Lessons from the early days of Campaign 2020 in Iowa
24/02/19 17:39 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
In this edition: On the ground in Iowa, Sen. Michael Bennet says Iowans sound like Colorodans, and Vilsack and Pompeo say they won't run for Senate. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump narcissist" - Google News: Gag Orders Are Effective Against Gaslighters/Narcissists - Forbes
24/02/19 17:36 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Gag Orders Are Effective Against Gaslighters/Narcissists    Forbes A gag order is one of the most effective ways to stop a gaslighter/narcissist in his tracks - but don't expect it to completely stop his pathological behavior. ...
» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: Steve Bannon Believes Trump Will Win Bigger In 2020 Than 2016
24/02/19 17:18 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
... that he was bad-mouthing members of Trump's core team including the president's son-in-law, Jared Kushner , Paul Manafort and Donald Trump Jr., ... Google Alert - Jared Kushner
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Lawfare - Hard National Security Choices: Trial Judge Declares Male-Only Selective Service System Unconstitutional
24/02/19 17:13 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
On Feb. 22, a federal judge in the Southern District of Texas ruled that it is unconstitutional for the government to require only men to register for the draft. Judge Gray Miller found that the male-only Selective Service System (SSS) v...
» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump and russia" - Google News: Opinion: The Fate of the Trump, Russia Collusion Investigation - The Mercury
24/02/19 17:10 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Opinion: The Fate of the Trump, Russia Collusion Investigation    The Mercury As the Mueller probe nears completion, Paul Gigot interviews former Justice Department Prosecutor James Trusty about issues including the Andrew McCa...
» Google Alert - Elections Ukraine: Daily Digest: Top news of the weekend of Feb. 23-24
24/02/19 17:07 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Presidential candidate Anatoliy Grytsenko, Ukraine's former defense minister, has won a case against the Central Election Commission in Ukraine's  ... Google Alert - Elections Ukraine
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» Google Alert - Jared Kushner: On Foreign Trips, Pence Steps Out of Trump's Shadow but Always Stays on Message
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If this isn't obstruction of justice ...    CNN In this new weekly column "Cross-exam," Elie Honig, a former federal and state prosecutor and CNN legal analyst, gives his take on the latest legal news and ... "Trump - Russia In...
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Sen. Kamala Harris appears before hundreds, and everyone else before dozens, but voters are far from making up their minds. Politics 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)
» Google Alert - trump investigations: US Democrats will subpoena Mueller's Russia report if needed: Schiff
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Democrats hope to use the Mueller report as the basis for any further investigations into Trump , including whether they would initiate impeachment ... Google Alert - trump investigations
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Donald Trump 'Greatest Threat' To America Since Civil War, Says Top ... and both have the power to launch investigations against Donald Trump . Google Alert - trump investigations
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The six essential cons that define Donald Trump's success    The Australian Financial Review Donald Trump is 'willing to lie, swindle and destroy to advance his insatiable self-interest'. Here are the six cons that got him into...
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He was referring to Mueller's nearly two-year investigation of Russia's 2016 election interference and links to President Trump's campaign and ... Google Alert - trump investigations
» Google Alert - Elections Israel: Spectre of 33rd government haunts haredi parties - ANALYSIS
24/02/19 15:48 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The very day that Benny Gantz's Israel Resilience Party and Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid Party announced that they were running together, United Torah ... Google Alert - Elections Israel
» Google Alert - Elections Israel: Levy-Abekasis speaks on failed merger with Gantz's former party
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After refusing to merge with Israel Resilience, it is unclear whether Gesher will be able to pass the election threshold. A Channel 12 poll from Feb. Google Alert - Elections Israel
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24/02/19 15:15 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Sen. Cory Booker holds a town hall in Las Vegas    newschannel20.com FILE - In this Oct. 28, 2018, file photo, Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., looks up as he takes a selfie with an attendee after speaking attends at a get out the vot...

Sphinx Regent Kid Jared Kushner - Google Search

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The Diagnostic Triad of the Abwehr and the New Abwehr Operations Worldwide And In "Trump - Russia Affair" | Abwehr Austrophobia

The Diagnostic Triad of the Abwehr and the New Abwehr Operations Worldwide And In "Trump - Russia Affair"

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The Diagnostic Triad of the Abwehr and the New Abwehr OperationsWorldwide And In "Trump - Russia Affair"

The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr: A Study In Psychohistory by Michael Novakhov – Google Search

German Intelligence Chief Wilhelm Franz Canaris – The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr: A Study In Psychohistory by Michael Novakhov – Google Search

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The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr: A Study In Psychohistory by Michael Novakhov – Google Search

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» German Intelligence Chief Wilhelm Franz Canaris
24/01/19 06:17 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Warfare History Network. Adolf Hitler’s spymaster, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, was actually a dedicated anti-Nazi who did everything he could to frustrate the Führer’s plans. by David…
» Canaris and Heydrich – Axis History Forum
24/01/19 06:16 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Canaris and Heydrich #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 21:37 GFM2001 Member Posts: 55 (8/20/01 12:32:55 pm) Reply Canaris and Heydrich ————————————————————…
» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:53 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:52 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:50 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:48 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:47 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:46 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:45 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:45 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Service record of Reinhard Heydrich
24/01/19 05:43 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . SS- service record cover of Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei Reinhard Heydrich The service record of Reinhard Heydrich was a collection of official SS documents maintained at the SS Pers…
» RUSSIA and THE WEST – РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: – Командир, ручка от жопы отваливается! | – Ништяк, а мы её стразами укрепим! – 6:10 AM 1/7/2019
24/01/19 05:26 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from RUSSIA and THE WEST – РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД. Monday, January 7, 2019 – Командир, ручка от жоп…
» 1:55 PM 9/5/2018 – Canaris’ love affair with Reinhard Heydrich, both of whom were at least in part Jewish and Gay… | The Global Security News
24/01/19 05:12 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Global Security News. Upon the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany, gay men and, to a lesser extent, lesbians, were two of the numerous groups targeted by the Nazis and were ulti…
» Heydrich’s homosexuality? – Axis History Forum
24/01/19 04:52 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Heydrich’s homosexuality? #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 19:03 HannahR New Member Posts: 1 (5/26/01 5:43:01 pm) Reply Heydrich’s homosexuality? ————————————————…
» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair as the source and the engine of German Fascism of 1930-1940-s – Psychohistorical Hypothesis by Michael Novakhov
24/01/19 04:15 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations. Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair as the source and the engine of the German Fascism of 1930-1940-s  Psychohistorical Hypothesis by Michael Novakhov 9:19 AM 9/21/20…
» 9:19 AM 9/21/2018 – (Abwehr? Drag?) Queens (Are?) Flushing (With Rage? Shame? Anger? Angst? All of the above? None of the above?) | The Global Security News
24/01/19 03:56 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Global Security News. Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Drag Bang Drag, Gala de Eleccion Drag Queen 2015 LPGC – YouTube   mikenova  shared this story  . Drag Bang Drag, Ga…

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Michael Novakhov on the New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump - Google Search

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Hapsburg Group - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "Hapsburg Group" - Google News.

M.N.: This is a very important story. It confirms my impressions, formed earlier, that the Orthodox Judaism in general, and its various offshoots , such as "Chabad Lubavitch" and other "Hasidic movements", just like the State of Israel itself (God bless it), are nothing less and nothing more than the creations of the Abwehr and the New Abwehr (after WW2), which themselves were and are predominantly half or part Jewish, especially in their "top heavy" leadership circles, including Canaris himself and most of his commanding officers, as exemplified by this particular one described in this article

It was a historically formed and a historically determined circumstance: the ethnically German junkers looked down upon the Intelligence work which, as they felt, was not compatible with their ideal of the "honest military service", and they gladly or by necessity gave this area to the Jews and part Jews to manage. Another half of this formula might have been in the objective military observations that the smart, creative, ambitious, and quite German-wise patriotic Jews were simply much better and more efficient in this area, and they accepted and practiced this observation as the rule of their science and arts of wars and espionage. 

For the half and part Jewish Abwehr officers this "half and half" became their ideal and their elaborate "philosophy": the fusion of the Germanic and the Hebrew Spirits and their best embodiment and representations (in the high Abwehr officers, of course). 

It also included the criteria for the personnel selection; most of the Abwehr high officers do LOOK half or part Jewish

This point is very important for the understanding of the Abwehr's and the New Abwehr's psychology, outlook, and the nature, the character, and the distinguishing, the "diagnostic" features of their operations

The New Abwehr apparently, influences and manipulates the Orthodox Judaic movements, especially their pet project, the "Chabad Lubavitch" and other "Hasidic movements" quite heavily and almost absolutely invisibly, masking and advertising their "Putin connection" as the quite efficient, convenient, and convincing cover. 

These issues need the sophisticated and in-depth research. 

With regard to Trump Investigations, this assumption, or the working hypothesis, as described above, has the direct bearing and is a factor in understanding the Sphinx The Regent Jared Kushner, his family, their origins, and the origins of their wealth

The so called "Bielski Partisans" absolutely could not exist, function, and survive (quite nicely, with the trainloads of the robbed Nazi Gold and jewelry, which they later invested in the US real estate and other successful business ventures-rackets) without the overt or tacit approval and consent from the Abwehr which controlled everything on the occupied territories

The Kushner Crime Family was the tool: kapos and the enforcers for the Abwehr. They became their money launderes and money managers after the WW2, when Abwehr moved them to the US

The Trump Crime Family was the long term Abwehr assets, starting from Frederich Trump, Donald's grandfather, who run the bordellos for them, and including Fred Trump, Donald's father who built the "economy" housing for the newly arrived Abwehr agents, mixed into the mass of the legitimate refugees, and who also became the money launderer and the money manager for the Abwehr and the New Abwehr

Recently they (the New Abwehr planners) decided to merge these two families into a singleTrump-Kushner Crime Family, in what was clearly the arranged marriage between Jared and Ivanka, in preparation and as the first step towards Operation Trump
It was helped, as the apparent second step in this arrangement, by Wendi Deng the "Chinese spy", as alleged and circulated by Rupert Murdoch, her husband at the time. Both of them, just as, hypothetically, the FOX News Corporation were (and are?) heavily influenced by the New Abwehr. For Murdoch this proclivity apparently also runs in a family.  This is the apparent pattern of this prudent way of family recruitment; universally, and for the Abwehr in particular. 

This aspect is also important for the understanding of the role that Felix Sater and his "Chabad" sect played in the "Trump - Russia Affair". 

This thesis about the connection between the Orthodox Judaism and Abwehr is also consistent with the "Abwehr Diagnostic Triad" which was formulated by me earlier, as consisting of: 

  1) Judeophobia (as the psychological product of these described above circumstances: the Abwehr half Jews were the GOOD (half) JEWS, all the rest were "very bad, sick, and contaminating" Jews), 

2) Homophobia (the so called "Internalized Homophobia", stemming from the personal aspects of the Abwehr leadership and reflecting the general, very permissive attitude towards homosexuality among the German military circles before and especially in the aftermath of the WW1), and 

3) the specific Austrophobia or the so called Anti-Austrian sentiment (distrust and hate of all things Austrian), which stems from the Austro - Prussian War of 1866 and from the Austria–Prussia rivalry.

In the "Trump Affair", the Austrophobia aspect is expressed by the New Abwehr planners in the concept of the "decadent and dishonest, not to be trusted", part Jewish, Hapsburg Group, and this circumstance can be viewed as the particularly "telling", or highly suggestive and indicative, "pathognomonic", of the Abwehr operations. 

Michael Novakhov


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