The New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump | Hapsburg Group | The Abwehr And The German Jews - Web Review by Michael Novakhov - 7:10 PM 2/13/2019

The New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump | Hapsburg Group | The Abwehr And The German Jews - Web Review by Michael Novakhov - 7:10 PM 2/13/2019

Michael Novakhov on the New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump - Google Search

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Hapsburg Group - Google Search

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Story image for Hapsburg Group from Newsweek

Trump Associate Paul Manafort 'Changed His Story Completely' to ...

Newsweek-Feb 8, 2019
Manafort allegedly lied about Kilimnik's work with the so-called “Hapsburg Group,” a small group of high-level politicians from Central Europe ...
Story image for Hapsburg Group from Washington Post

The Mueller indictment mentioned the 'Hapsburg group.' Now ...

Washington Post-Feb 24, 2018
In an indictment updated Friday, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III accused Paul Manafort and Rick Gates of secretly retaining “a group of ...
Story image for Hapsburg Group from VICE News

The Hapsburg group: Paul Manafort's shadowy European network ...

VICE News-Jun 15, 2018
And more recently, he's accused Manafort of trying to get those who knew about the Hapsburg Groupto mislead investigators about its mission.
Why Mueller Really Wanted to Put Manafort in Jail
In-Depth-Daily Beast-Jun 15, 2018

More details on Manafort's 'Hapsburg group'

Politico-Jun 25, 2018
MORE DETAILS ON MANAFORT'S 'HAPSBURG GROUP': We reported earlier this month that a document released as part of special counsel ...
Story image for Hapsburg Group from ABC News

Mueller names 'Hapsburg group,' reveals Manafort messages

ABC News-Jun 13, 2018
The 21-page document also names members of the so-called “Hapsburg group” – described by Mueller in the February superseding indictment ...
Story image for Hapsburg Group from Axios

Go deeper: The “Hapsburg group” targeted by Mueller investigation

Axios-Jun 15, 2018
The Hapsburg group: Former Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, former Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer, former Spanish NATO head ...
Story image for Hapsburg Group from The Atlantic

Paul Manafort Loses His Cool

The Atlantic-Jun 5, 2018
There was no public trace of Manafort's work with the Hapsburg Group—how he funneled millions of euros to it, how he enlisted it to lobby ...
Story image for Hapsburg Group from

Manafort-Geständnis belastet "Hapsburg" 20, 2018
Sie waren Teil der sogenannten Hapsburg Group und tourten ... Es lässt keine Zweifel darüber, dass die Hapsburg Group existiert hat und ihre ...
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Michael Novakhov on the New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump - Google Search

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Michael Novakhov on the New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump - Google Search

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Michael Novakhov on the New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump - Google Search

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The Abwehr And The german Jews - Google Search

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The Abwehr And The german Jews - Google Search

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The Abwehr And The german Jews - Google Search

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The Abwehr And The german Jews - Google Search

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Story image for The Abwehr And The german Jews from The Times of Israel

A pastor who helped plot to kill Hitler is now the hero of a graphic novel

The Times of Israel-Jan 26, 2019
Concerned over the increasing persecution of the Jews, Bonhoeffer .... join an anti-Nazi network in the Abwehr, or German intelligence agency.
Story image for The Abwehr And The german Jews from Mental Floss

When 19th-Century Spiritualists Believed a "God Machine" Would ...

Mental Floss-3 hours ago
Her decade-long affair with Hans Günther Von Dincklage, a German ... that she was referred to as Abwehr Agent F-7124—codename "Westminster. ... arguing that she had many close Jewish friends before and after the war ...
Story image for The Abwehr And The german Jews from Mental Floss

15 Things You Didn't Know About Coco Chanel

Mental Floss-20 hours ago
Her decade-long affair with Hans Günther Von Dincklage, a German ... that she was referred to as Abwehr Agent F-7124—codename "Westminster. ... arguing that she had many close Jewish friends before and after the war ...
Story image for The Abwehr And The german Jews from Fortune

Trump's Asylum Policy Is Eerily Similar to America's During the ...

Fortune-Jun 19, 2018
... them German and almost all of them Jewish refugees—bound for Cuba. ... too late for Jews and other victims of Nazi persecution to escape.
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The Prussian lion circling around the Austrian elephant, illustration by Adolph Menzel, 1846 - Google Search

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The Prussian lion circling around the Austrian elephant, illustration by Adolph Menzel, 1846 - Google Search

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The Abwehr And The Jews - M.N.: This is very important story. | Michael Novakhov on the New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump

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Like Grandfather Like Grandson: "The Devil is in the genes", said Marlon Brando 

The Abwehr And The Jews - M.N.: This is a very important story. | Michael Novakhov on the New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump

M.N.: This is very important story. It confirms my impressions, formed earlier, that the Orthodox Judaism in general, and its various offshoots , such as "Chabad Lubavitch" and other "Hasidic movements", just like the State of Israel itself (God bless it), are nothing less and nothing more than the creations of the Abwehr and the New Abwehr (after WW2), which themselves were and are predominantly half or part Jewish, especially in their "top heavy" leadership circles, including Canaris himself and most of his commanding officers, as exemplified by this particular one described in this article

It was a historically formed and historically determined circumstance: the ethnically German junkers looked down on the Intelligence work which, as they felt, was not compatible with their ideal of the "honest military service", and they gladly or by necessity gave this area to the Jews and part Jews to manage. 

For the half and part Jewish Abwehr officers this "half and half" became their ideal and their elaborate "philosophy": the fusion of the Germanic and the Hebrew Spirits and their best embodiment and representations (in the high Abwehr officers, of course). 

It also included the criteria for the personnel selection; most of the Abwehr high officers do LOOK half or part Jewish

This point is very important for the understanding of the Abwehr's and the New Abwehr's psychology, outlook, and the nature, the character, and the distinguishing, the "diagnostic" features of their operations

The New Abwehr apparently, influences and manipulates the Orthodox Judaic movements, especially their pet project, the "Chabad Lubavitch" and other "Hasidic movements" quite heavily and almost absolutely invisibly, masking and advertising their "Putin connection" as the quite efficient, convenient, and convincing cover. 

These issues need the sophisticated and in-depth research. 

With regard to Trump Investigations, this assumption, or the working hypothesis, as described above, has the direct bearing and is a factor in understanding theSphinx Regent Jared Kushner, his family, their origins, and the origins of their wealth

The so called "Bielski Partisans" absolutely could not exist, function, and survive (quite nicely, with the trainloads of the robbed Nazi Gold and jewelry, which they later invested in the US real estate and other successful business ventures-rackets) without the overt or tacit approval and consent from the Abwehr which controlled everything on the occupied territories

The Kushner Crime Family was the tool: kapos and the enforcers for the Abwehr. They became their money launderes and money managers after the WW2, when Abwehr moved them to the US

The Trump Crime Family was the long term Abwehr assets, starting fromFrederich Trump, Donald's grandfather, who run the bordellos for them, and including Fred Trump, Donald's father who built the "economy" housing for the newly arrived Abwehr agents, mixed into the mass of legitimate refugees, and who also became the money launderer and the money manager for the Abwehr and the New Abwehr

Recently they (the New Abwehr planners) decided to merge these two families into a single Trump-Kushner Crime Family, in what was clearly the arranged marriage between Jared and Ivanka, in preparation and as the first step towardsOperation Trump

This aspect is also important for the understanding of the role that Felix Sater and his "Chabad" sect played in the "Trump - Russia Affair". 

This thesis about the connection between the Orthodox Judaism and Abwehr is also consistent with the "Abwehr Diagnostic Triad" which was formulated by me earlier, as consisting of: 

1) Judeophobia (as the psychological product of these described above circumstances), 

2) Homophobia (the so called "Internalized Homophobia", stemming from the personal aspects of the Abwehr leadership and reflecting the general, verypermissive attitude towards homosexuality among the German military circles before and especially in the aftermath of the WW1), and 

3) Austrophobia or Anti-Austrian sentiment (distrust and hate of all things Austrian), which stems from the Austro - Prussian War of 1866 and from the Austria–Prussia rivalry.

In the "Trump Affair", the Austrophobia aspect is expressed by the New Abwehr planners in the concept of the "decadent and dishonest, not to be trusted", part Jewish, Hapsburg Group, and this circumstance can be viewed as the particularly "telling", or highly suggestive and indicative, "pathognomonic", of the Abwehr operations. 

Michael Novakhov


See Also: 


Michael Novakhov on the New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump - Google Search

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Nobody Wanted to Take Us In: The Story of Jared Kushner’s Family, and Mine

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The RMS Aquitania. (Library of Congress)
In my aunt’s house, in the bedroom where 
I’ve often slept, there’s a framed photo of a ship’s manifest that I love to stare at. The ship was the RMS Aquitania, a Cunard ocean liner with an inky-black hull that was famous for its four smokestacks; its picture hangs in the bedroom, too. I can spend long minutes looking at these photos, first the ship, then the manifest, with its clutter of blocky print that draws my eyes up, down, and across the page until they finally settle on the name I’m always looking for: Ozcar Ratowzer. The print tells me that he was a worker from the town of Bialystok in Poland. If I trace down the column labeled “race or people,” I come to the word “Hebrew.”1
Ozcar Ratowzer, also known as Osher, was my grandfather. The manifest lists him as being 16, but my family believes he was closer to 19 or 20 when he boarded the Aquitania in Southampton, England, on October 23, 1920, and began his third-class voyage across the Atlantic. The journey took seven days, finally depositing him at Ellis Island, America’s “Golden Door,” the gateway to a world without pogromsor hunger or the horror of world war. There, he would almost certainly have been met by an assembly line of doctors and inspectors, who would have poked and peered at him, pried and questioned until, content with what they’d found, they would have sent him on his way with his handful of old-world possessions and the shards of a new identity. He would soon become known as Harry Ratner.2
My grandfather’s journey has always moved me, filled me with overwhelming gratitude and awe, not least because I’m aware how differently it might have turned out. Ozcar’s passage to this country was far from guaranteed. A Jewish kid of conscription age, he was barred from leaving Poland legally, meaning that he and one of his older brothers, Leiser, were forced to slip over the border with Germany dressed as cattle herders, then hide in a barn overnight, buried in haystacks. Their first attempt failed: My grandfather was caught by a bunch of pitchfork-wielding German guards and sent back across the border. His second attempt was more successful, but once in Germany, he and his brother ran into a second hurdle: They were carrying fake German passports, and, family accounts suggest, the American consul had no intention of honoring them. It was only after the intercession of their oldest brother, Kalman, a Bolshevik sympathizer turned American citizen and Freemason, that the consul agreed to grant them passage to the United States. (According to family lore, the consul was also a Freemason.)3
The brothers arrived safely on Ellis Island on October 30, 1920, and soon made their way to Cleveland. The rest of the family—their parents and six of their siblings—arrived on the RMS Caronia two months later, though their journey ended less happily. My grandfather’s 9-year-old brother, Joseph, had fallen ill on the boat to America, and he died just a few weeks after reaching this country.4
Still, the family was lucky. Although they didn’t know it at the time, the United States was about to begin slamming the door shut on immigrants just like them—and it would keep that door sealed for several decades.5
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Michael Novakhov on the New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump - Google Search

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Nobody Wanted to Take Us In: The Story of Jared Kushner’s Family, and Mine

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The RMS Aquitania. (Library of Congress)
In my aunt’s house, in the bedroom where 
I’ve often slept, there’s a framed photo of a ship’s manifest that I love to stare at. The ship was the RMS Aquitania, a Cunard ocean liner with an inky-black hull that was famous for its four smokestacks; its picture hangs in the bedroom, too. I can spend long minutes looking at these photos, first the ship, then the manifest, with its clutter of blocky print that draws my eyes up, down, and across the page until they finally settle on the name I’m always looking for: Ozcar Ratowzer. The print tells me that he was a worker from the town of Bialystok in Poland. If I trace down the column labeled “race or people,” I come to the word “Hebrew.”1


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