Why Do We Repeat the Past? The signs of Repetition Compulsion in the New Abwehr Operations - 4:15 PM 2/11/2019

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Why Do We Repeat the Past? The signs of Repetition Compulsion (as the defense mechanism) in the New Abwehr Operations

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ 
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Why Do We Repeat the Past?
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Why Do We Repeat the Past?

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“If you can’t repeat your past…
What then are ‘mistakes’ which become [habitual]
Are they not of the past? Isn’t it repetition? I daresay…!” 

~ Merlana Krishna Raymond
Humans seek comfort in the familiar. Freud called this repetition compulsion, which he famously defined as “the desire to return to an earlier state of things.”
This takes form in simple tasks. Perhaps you watch your favorite movie over and over, or choose the same entrée at your favorite restaurant. More harmful behaviors include repeatedly dating people who might emotionally or physically abuse you. or using drugs when overcome with negative thoughts. Freud was more interested in the harmful behaviors that people kept revisiting, and believed that it was directly linked to what he termed “the death drive,” or the desire to no longer exist.
But there may be a different reason.
It could be that many of us develop patterns over the years, whether positive or negative, that become ingrained. We each create a subjective world for ourselves and discover what works for us. In times of stress, worry, anger, or another emotional high, we repeat what is familiar and what feels safe. This creates rumination of thoughts as well as negative patterns in reactions and behaviors.
As an example, someone who struggles with insecurities and jealousy will find that when his significant other does not return a call or text immediately, his mind begins to wander to negative and faulty thoughts. The thoughts begin to accumulate and emotionally overwhelm the person, which leads to false accusations and unintentional harm to the relationship.
In spite of not wanting to react this way, the person has created a pattern over years that then becomes familiar to him. To react differently, although more positively, would feel foreign. When someone has done something the same way for years, he or she will continue to do so, even if it causes harm for both herself and others.
People also revert to earlier states if the behavior is in any way rewarding, or if it confirms negative self-beliefs. For someone who inflicts self-harm in a time of emotional distress, it is a behavior that momentarily relieves the pain even if later on the individual feels shame over it. In the example of a person who continuously enters abusive relationships, we might find that he or she is highly insecure and does not believe that he or she is worthy of being cared for.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) can provide effective treatment routes for reshaping thought patterns that lead to maladaptive behaviors. These types of therapeutic approaches focus on bringing awareness to cognitive distortions, irrational beliefs, and negative thought tracks.
By working on different techniques, one can learn how to recognize when thoughts or actions are more harmful than beneficial, and how to stop them from occurring. The brain’s cognitive processes will be rewired and retrained to develop new patterns that are productive, rational, and positive, which ultimately leads to more adaptive behaviors and choices.
It takes years for people to develop maladaptive patterns, habits, and repetitive choices, and it may also take years to reshape them into something that becomes worth revisiting.
Dryden, W. (Ed.). (2012). Cognitive Behaviour Therapies. SAGE Publications Limited.
Inderbitzin, L. B., & Levy, S. T. (1998). Repetition compulsion revisited: implications for technique. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 67(1), 32.

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History Ireland

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Comments on: New evidence on IRA/Nazi links.

Published in 
20th-century / Contemporary History
Issue 2(March/April 2011)
The Emergency
Volume 19
Crowds gather at the scene of the IRA ‘bike bomb’ (inset) that killed five people in Broadgate, Coventry’s main shopping street, on 25 August 1939. (UK National Archives and Coventry Police Museum)Crowds gather at the scene of the IRA ‘bike bomb’ (inset) that killed five people in Broadgate, Coventry’s main shopping street, on 25 August 1939. (UK National Archives and Coventry Police Museum)
The first direct talks between the IRA and the Nazis began in 1937, when Tom Barry, the then chief-of-staff, travelled to Germany. The legendary leader of the Cork flying columns was accompanied on his travels by a German agent, Jupp Hoven. While posing as a TCD student, Hoven undertook spying work in Belfast, Dublin and Cork. He was a close friend of Helmut Clissmann, who ran the German academic exchange service in Dublin. Both men were from Aachen and had nurtured links with the IRA in the 1930s.
Barry’s 1937 trip to the Continent was aimed at seeking German support for IRA attacks on British military installations in Northern Ireland. But at an IRA convention in April 1938, Barry’s plan was rejected in favour of more grandiose pro-German plans conceived by the new chief-of-staff, Seán Russell. The 1916 veteran had long cherished a Casement-style alliance with Germany.
James O’Donovan and the S-plan
In August 1938, Russell called on an old IRA comrade, James O’Donovan, who, since 1930, had been working as a manager at ESB headquarters in Dublin. The IRA leader’s visit was to enlist his friend’s help in designing a bombing campaign on English soil, to be launched the following year. Russell and O’Donovan were the only two surviving members of the IRA general headquarters staff who had opposed the Anglo-Irish treaty in January 1922. Despite being on the state payroll and having a young family, O’Donovan did not hesitate to accept Russell’s call to arms. In his unpublished memoirs (written in retirement in the 1960s), O’Donovan boasted that while Russell
84_small_1299515669‘became responsible for personnel, organisation and finance . . . I evolved the whole details of the sabotage campaign [the S-plan] . . . conducted the entire training of cadre units, was responsible for all but locally-derived intelligence, carried out small pieces of research and, in general, controlled the whole explosives and munitions end’.
O’Donovan’s elder son, Donal, had misgivings about his father’s decision to re-enlist with the IRA in 1938, at the age of 41. But James O’Donovan himself never expressed any regrets about his role in the English bombing campaign, which resulted in the deaths of seven members of the public, scores of serious injuries, and the execution of two IRA volunteers in February 1940.
The IRA declares war
The S-plan kicked off with polite formality, as might be expected from an ex-pupil of the Jesuits (O’Donovan was born in Roscommon in 1896 and educated at Glasgow’s prestigious St Aloysius College). In mid-January 1939, the British foreign secretary, Lord Halifax, received an IRA letter declaring war, which began ‘Your Excellency . . .’. It was typical of O’Donovan to issue a deadly threat cloaked in formal terms.
The ultimatum gave the British government four days to withdraw troops from Northern Ireland—an impossible deadline to meet. In fact, however, the S-plan had nothing to do with forcing a British withdrawal from the North, and everything to do with attracting the attention of the Germans. Russell saw Hitler as the only European leader capable of destroying Britain. His logic was that with England on her knees, nothing could prevent a German-backed reunification of Ireland.
84_small_1299515921Jim O’Donovan (back row, fifth from left) at an ESB managers’ course on air-raid precautions at Griffith Barracks, Dublin, mid-January 1939, and (inset) at the Bridewell, Dublin, following his arrest on 26 September 1941. Despite being on the state payroll and having a young family, O’Donovan did not hesitate to accept Seán Russell’s call to arms in August 1938. (National Library of Ireland and Irish Military Archives)
Abwehr makes contact; O’Donovan dispatched to Germany
As a wave of IRA bombs exploded across English cities on 16 January 1939, it didn’t take the Abwehr long to act. In early February it dispatched one of its agents, Oscar Pfaus, to Dublin to meet the IRA leadership. O’Donovan recalled that on 3 February the German agent ‘met Seán Russell and myself in Pete’s [Kearney] house in Clontarf. He explained that his principals would be glad to meet a representative from us and discuss the possibility of assistance . . .’.
This was an offer the IRA leaders could not refuse. Having been entrusted by Russell to reciprocate Oscar Pfaus’s visit, O’Donovan set off for Hamburg with his wife Monty, a sister of the republican martyr Kevin Barry. The ground-breaking IRA–Abwehr talks continued at various addresses in the city, and O’Donovan recalled that ‘we discussed many matters of common interest’. The Abwehr team was led by the head of its Hamburg
84_small_1299515984office, Friedrich Carl Marwede (who used the cover name Pfalzgraf). O’Donovan recalled:
‘I dealt with the whole IRA position as given to me by Seán Russell. I passed on in good faith what events proved to be a very roseate appraisal of their strength in personnel and equipment, and their prospects as an organisation.’
It was agreed that the Germans could summon to Germany by writing to him, in code, at ‘Florenceville’, the ESB manager’s lavish Shankill home set in 1.5 acres of gardens. In addition, the Germans supplied the IRA emissary with radio transmission ciphers, coded letters ‘to convey important elementary messages’ and a list of Abwehr agents’ names and addresses.
But with no immediate prospect of money from Germany to sustain the bombing campaign in England, the IRA decided to send Seán Russell on a fund-raising trip to America, where he would liaise with Joe McGarrity, the powerful leader of the Clan na Gael organisation. Stephen Hayes from Wexford was appointed to take over as the new chief-of-staff.
O’Donovan’s second and third visits to Nazi Germany
On 24 April 1939 Jim O’Donovan set off for Hamburg again. Arranging ten days’ holiday from his ESB job, O’Donovan caught the liner New York at Cobh on Monday 24 April 1939. According to historian J. Bowyer Bell, the visit was ‘to discuss potential agents, the supply of arms in the event of war, radio sets and courier communication. The only firm result was a courier route between Brussels and London using an exiledBreton’. O’Donovan’s memoirs disclose that the Breton was Paul Moyse, whom O’Donovan later met (on Sunday 21 May 1939) when he visited the Belgian capital to collect Abwehr radio codes. Meanwhile, the S-plan continued unabated. In May alone there were over 40 IRA incendiary, tear-gas and bomb attacks in thirteen English towns and cities.
O’Donovan’s final visit to Nazi Germany occurred in late summer 1939, when he and his wife boarded the liner Washington in Cobh on Friday 18 August. The ship had sailed from New York and it was hardly a coincidence that the head of Clan na Gael, Joe McGarrity, was also on board. In fact, both men were scheduled to meet senior Abwehr agents in Berlin.
Jim and Monty stayed at the exclusive Rüssischer Hof hotel. O’Donovan initially met with two Abwehr agents called Neumeister and Schwendy. As his memoirs reveal, O’Donovan saw himself as a ‘plenipotentiary’ with ‘plenary powers’ to negotiate with Hitler’s regime on behalf of the ‘government and people of the republic ofIreland’. At a city apartment they were joined by other Abwehr agents, and O’Donovan noted that their ‘sympathy with my objectives was obvious and sincere’. Later on, Neumeister sounded him out ‘as to England’s probable reactions in the event of war’. For three hours O’Donovan faced a continual ‘bombardment of questions’ from the German agents, whose faces appeared ‘strained and flushed’.
84_small_1299516067The formality of the IRA’s ‘declaration of war’ on the British was typical of the Jesuit-educated O’Donovan.
In 1946, Kurt Haller (a German Foreign Office liaison officer with the Abwehr) told MI5 that at the meetings in Neumeister’s Berlin flat O’Donovan
‘. . . again asked for German support for the occupation of Northern Ireland, while Marwede requested concentration, for the time being, on smaller military targets in Northern Ireland and Great Britain. The Germans tried to stall O’Donovan over Northern Ireland, but did not refuse point-blank, nor did O’Donovan altogether refuse IRA participation in attacks on military targets, but no real agreement was reached on this fundamentalpoint. A large part of the discussions dealt with technical details. It transpired that O’Donovan was ordnance officer and QMG [quartermaster general] of the IRA and seemed most interested in obtaining delivery of weapons, ammunition and explosives.’
A Sunday Express exposé of Seán Russell on 30 July 1939. Jim O’Donovan was not publicly linked to the bombing campaign until 1961, the year before he retired from the ESB. (National Library of Ireland)A Sunday Express exposé of Seán Russell on 30 July 1939. Jim O’Donovan was not publicly linked to the bombing campaign until 1961, the year before he retired from the ESB. (National Library of Ireland)
Three days after returning to Dublin, Jim O’Donovan was able to watch from the safety of his ESB office as the tragic events unfolded in Coventry. On Friday 25 August, an IRA bicycle bomb exploded in the West Midlands city, killing five people and injuring 72.
Seán Russell and Frank Ryan
The outbreak of war just over a week later put paid to the seven-point Berlin pact agreed between Jim O’Donovan and Major Marwede. The German arms, ammunition and explosives were never delivered, but money was sent via various agents. Thirteen German agents were sent to Ireland in the 1939–43 period. The radio link was up and running in October, and the courier service was also used.
A year later, Seán Russell was in Berlin for talks with top members of the Nazi regime. On 4 August 1940 the Abwehr reported that Frank Ryan had arrived in Berlin (having been
Frank Ryan (left) in Germany with Abwehr agent Helmut Clissmann, who engineered his release from Spanish custody. Before the war Clissmann ran the German academic exchange service in Dublin. A post-war MI5 file records that in August 1942 Frank Ryan ‘is said to have been received by Hitler’.Frank Ryan (left) in Germany with Abwehr agent Helmut Clissmann, who engineered his release from Spanish custody. Before the war Clissmann ran the German academic exchange service in Dublin. A post-war MI5 file records that in August 1942 Frank Ryan ‘is said to have been received by Hitler’.
released from prison in northern Spain
shortly before). The following day, unknown to Ryan, a conference was held by Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, which was attended by Abwehr chief Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, his deputy Erwin von Lahousen,
Edmund Veesenmayer (Ribbentrop’s coup d’état specialist) and Seán Russell, representing the IRA. On 7 August Russell and Ryan were to sail from Wilhelmshaven on a U-boat bound for Ireland. But the mission was called off when Russell died aboard the vessel.
Lahousen told MI5 interrogators in 1946 that ‘Canaris contemptuously referred to Russell as the “music professor”’. Kurt Haller told MI5 that at the Berlin meetings Seán Russell had ‘for the first time . . . mentioned the potential strength of the IRA (including sympathisers) which he gave as 5,000–10,000 men. This figure was far below German expectations’. According to Haller, ‘the German motive for sending Ryan [to Ireland] was that Russell, throughout his stay in Germany, had shown considerable reticence towards the Germans and plainly did not regard himself as a German agent’. Haller added: ‘By sending Ryan, Abwehr II felt that their own interests would be better safeguarded, as Ryan accepted more easily his position as a German agent’.
Frank Ryan remained on in Germany (until his death in a Dresden sanatorium in 1944) and, according to MI5 files, Veesenmayer had already decided to use Ryan as Russell’s successor in ‘an auxiliary offensive operation against Great Britain’. Under the German plan, Ryan was
‘to approach the Irish govt. and suggest that the German invasion of Britain would be an opportune moment for the seizure of Northern Ireland . . . German support [would be] assured, but the Germans would act only after de Valera had committed himself. Ryan had told Veesenmayer that de Valera would support such a plan as this, provided he considered it a legitimate risk to take.’
A post-war MI5 file records that in August 1942 Frank Ryan ‘is said to have been received by Hitler’. But by then Ireland was on Berlin’s back-burner, as the year-old campaign against the USSR was foundering.
While the Nazis saw the IRA as useful allies should the Wehrmacht invade Britain in 1940, the IRA saw Germany as a stepping stone to a united Ireland. But did Seán Russell, Jim O’Donovan or Frank Ryan ever stop to consider that, had their plan succeeded, the reunited country would amount to nothing more than a puppet state? O’Donovan certainly didn’t, claiming that a victorious Nazi Germany ‘would have been very generous indeed’ to Ireland, which ‘at last would become a place worth living in’. HI
David O’Donoghue’s The devil’s deal: the IRA, Nazi Germany and the double life of Jim O’Donovan was published recently by New Island.
Further reading:
UK National Archives, MI5 files: KV 2/769 (1946 interrogations of Kurt Haller and Erwin von Lahousen); and KV 2/1292 (note on Frank Ryan, 1945).
German Special Forces: The Brandenburg Regiment

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from WAR HISTORY ONLINE.

The Brandenburg Regiment, part of Germany’s Nazi special forces, was created by Captain Theodor von Hippel.
Hippel was a military man, who had served in East Africa during World War I. He worked under General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, who was known for his highly successful guerrilla warfare.
Hippel was taken prisoner and, after his release, received his doctorate degree in political science, before joining back up with the military, where he worked with the Abwehr, the German intelligence agency.
Hippel was inspired by his former leader, Lettow-Vorbeck, and thus stemmed his idea for the Brandenburg Regiment.
Hippel’s main idea was to form small groups of soldiers who would be not only very fluent in foreign languages, but also trained in methods of sabotage.
They would then work from within the enemy, and try their best to disrupt communication and logistics.
He pitched his idea to the general imperial defense, the Reichswehr, but was turned down, so he took his idea next to Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, who was head of the German intelligence agency.
Canaris initially wasn’t interested. However, later, the Army General staff authorized the formation of such a task force, and Hippel was in charge of its creation.

Initial Usage and Training

These Brandenburg units weren’t extremely popular at first. In fact, most traditional German officers hated them, even if they were successful.
This is possibly because of how different the Brandenburg methods were from traditional German military methods, such as surprise attacks and overwhelming the enemy by sheer force.
This new type of military work was much more subtle. With their quick wits and overwhelming smarts, they succeeded in easily blending in with the enemies, from disguising themselves as everything from Dutch barge crews to Serbian laborers.
They had planted men in Russia, and in Africa. Despite all this, they still weren’t always as respected as their fellow soldiers.
It’s true that those who were picked for these roles weren’t your average military men. They were often characterized as “misfits,” but they at least were good at their jobs, and supplied the German forces with a wealth of intelligence.
After recruitment, they were sent to Brandenburg (hence the name), a Prussian province, where they would be trained in all of the skills they still needed, from stealth to self-sufficiency (like how to scavenge for food) to navigation via the stars.
They also learned things like how to make explosives from everyday items they could find just about anywhere (potash, flour, and sugar), as well as how to kayak, ski and parachute out of a plane.
While they were taught to always disguise themselves, they all did wear uniforms under their disguises.
This made sure that they would be treated as uniformed enemy combatants and receive their due rights, rather than be executed as spies in the event of a capture.

World War II

One of the Brandenburg men’s first major roles in World War II was their action in Poland. Before the German invasion, they infiltrated the country, dressed as civilians, and, during the night, took the key points needed for the next day’s invasion to go smoothly.
However, the Brandenburg Division was known for their horrendous actions against the Poles during their stint there. They murdered six in Siemanowice, 18 in Nowy Bytom and hundreds in Katowice. It only took them two weeks.
This, however, was before the Brandenburg Regiment was known as such, and the men who committed these atrocities were then known as the Battalion Ebbinghaus, specially designated for the Polish campaign, receiving little military training, but able to blend in well and speak fluent Polish.
However, right after these two weeks in Poland, the Battalion Ebbinghaus was reestablished as the Brandenburg Battalion.
The Battalion was further separated into four different groups – those who were originally from the Baltic States or Russia; those were from English territories, Portugal or North Africa; those who spoke Czech or Slovak; and those who were from Poland, Belarus, Russia or the Ukraine.
The first assignment after receiving their new name? Protect oil fields in Romania and chrome ore in Turkey.
It wasn’t long before the units were back to doing what they did best, though. When Germany invaded Belgium and the Netherlands, the Brandenburg Regiment was crucial.
They secured 42 of 61 objectives ahead of the panzers following them, and then became one of the most decorated units amongst German’s invading armies.
About 75 percent of them received the Iron Cross commendation from Hitler himself. They even earned the respect of Wilhelm Canaris, who had before doubted their usefulness.
The units continued to assist with invasions. They were there during the invasion of Denmark and Norway, and then the Balkans, securing strategic points before the following armies made their way inside.
One of their most notable actions during an invasion was when they commandeered a Soviet truck, fought off the guards and held the Dvina bridges for two hours, to assist with the invasion of the Soviet Union.
Their action even extended down to North Africa, where they carried out operations against Allied supply lines in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.

The End of the Brandenburg Regiment

Unfortunately, in 1944, Germany decided that special operations units were not a high priority, and most of the units were sent to the Eastern front.
Many were involved in the Battle of Memel when the Soviets drove German forces through what is now Latvia and Lithuania. The Germans withdrew to Pillau, where many died, leaving only about 800 escapees.
What happened to many of them after the war is mostly a mystery.
These highly trained masters of disguise used their skills to simply fade into the background in many cases, disappearing, never to reveal where they went.
It is known, however, that some were surrendered to the British, while others joined up with the French Foreign Legion, where they were sent to fight in Indo-China.
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Pittsburgh synagogue shooting suspect pleads not guilty

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PITTSBURGH (AP) — The suspect in the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre pleaded not guilty to dozens of charges Monday as his new lawyer, a prominent death penalty litigator who represented one of the Boston Marathon bombers, signaled he might be open to a plea deal.
Robert Bowers, a truck driver who authorities say gunned down 11 people at Tree of Life Synagogue, appeared in federal court with attorney Judy Clarke, who expressed hope the case will be resolved without a trial.
Clarke is known for negotiating plea deals that helped some of the nation's most infamous killers avoid death row, including Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, Atlanta Olympics bomber Eric Rudolph and Arizona shooter Jared Lee Loughner, who killed six people and injured 13 others, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. A jury sentenced marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, whom Clarke represented, to death.
A spokeswoman for federal prosecutors in Pittsburgh has said a decision about whether to pursue the death penalty against Bowers remains under review. Assistant U.S. Attorney Troy Rivetti said in court Monday that if Bowers does opt for a trial, it could last about three weeks, not including any potential penalty phase.
FILE - In this Oct. 27, 2018 photo, Rabbi Eli Wilansky lights a candle after a mass shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh's Squirrel Hill neighborhood. (Steph Chamber/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via AP, File)
Bowers, who was shackled, said little, giving yes or no answers.
A grand jury on Jan. 29 added 19 counts to the 44 Bowers was already facing. The additional charges include hate crimes violations, obstruction of religious belief and the use of a firearm during crimes of violence.
Bowers, 46, of Baldwin, Pennsylvania, is accused of targeting worshippers from three Jewish congregations when he attacked Saturday, Oct. 27, during Sabbath services.
Seven people were wounded, including five police officers.
Donna Coufal, a member of the Dor Hadash congregation that occupies space at Tree of Life, said she attended Monday's arraignment "to bear witness. It's been a painful time, but we remain strong as a community."
Investigators say Bowers posted criticism of a Jewish charity on social media before the attack, claiming the immigrant aid society "likes to bring invaders that kill our people." Authorities said he raged against Jews as he gunned down his victims, and told investigators "all these Jews need to die."
Bowers has been jailed in the Butler County Prison, about 35 miles (55 kilometers) north of the shooting scene.
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Is Jared Kushner dangerous for America? - U.S. News

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It is not unusual for the security of the Middle East to be put at risk by incompetent, greedy, misguided princelings. Sometimes they are worse than that and downright evil as Saudi Arabia’s murderous Prince Mohammed bin Salman or Bashar Assad illustrate. But for the most dangerous of them all to be from the United States of America is a new twist.
Sepulchral choir-boy Jared Kushner does not look that dangerous. Reed-thin with a permanent deer-in-the-headlights expression and seemingly only a few years from having had his voice change, you would never guess that right now it is possible that Kushner is the second most powerful man in the Trump administration.
In part that could be that most of the semi-competent or otherwise more influential people in the administration have already quit or been indicted.  But mostly, it is because on October 25, 2009, a date that could live in infamy in the Middle East and beyond, Charles and Seryl Kushner’s little boy Jared married Ivanka Trump.
At the time of their wedding, of course, the marriage was not seen to be that consequential - the marriage of the rich son of a convicted felon to the daughter of a comically-cheesy television reality star and real estate huckster with a checkered past.
But history has a way of taking perverse turns. And when fate and Vladimir Putin smiled on Jared’s father-in-law and he became president, Jared was soon designated his Secretary-of-Everything, the man his wife’s father entrusted with everything from Middle East peace to America’s trading relations with Mexico.
Of course, nepotism alone was not responsible for Jared’s ascension.  He had played a central role in running his father-in-law’s presidential campaign. Soon, that is a distinction that may win him his own up-close and personal involvement with the U.S. criminal justice system. But for a brief shining moment, it seemed like it was one of the few things that young Jared had actually achieved on his own merits.
After all, the way Jared’s family pulled strings to get him into Harvard and NYU Law School has been famously exposed. The floundering fortunes of his family real estate firm have also won wide coverage in the press. His brief stint as the owner of The New York Observer, a peripheral New York media outlet, was later characterized by one of his senior editors as a "shit show."

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But Trump won and he showed no hesitation to make his daughter and her husband two of his top advisors, laws against nepotism notwithstanding. Indeed, as we have recently learned, those laws were not the only impediments to empowering this man whose lack of experience was only surpassed by his proven odiousness and incompetence that the president saw fit to ignore.
>>The Downfall of Crown Prince Kushner
More worrisomely, if that is possible, last week we learned that when it came time to assess Kushner’s eligibility for the high-level security clearance Kushner would need to do his job, not one but two professional evaluators recommended that clearance be denied.
Only when a third apparently succumbed to political pressure and over-ruled them did Kushner get access to classified documents and even then, he was not permitted to see the most sensitive materials. (The supervisor who overruled the prior decisions is now at the center of a brewing scandal for having reversed the evaluators 30 times during the past year and a half, when such reversals had happened only once in the  three years prior to his arrival. Congress is now investigating.)
This is a big deal because there are only a few reasons a federal official can be denied top clearances. According to NBC News, Kushner’s background review flagged "questions about his family business, his foreign contacts, his foreign travel and meetings he had during the campaign" as potential reasons to deny him access to sensitive information.
More worrisomely, Kushner sought even higher-level top-secret clearances that required CIA approval - and that approval was denied. That means both that Kushner was seen as a security risk and that a key "architect" of America’s Middle East strategy and peace plan scriptwriter either did not have access to critical intelligence or, alternatively, did have access he shouldn’t have had.
Again, the main reasons for denying someone highest-level clearances would be just the kind of things that should deny them high-level sensitive jobs - debts, a criminal past or questions about the potential leverage foreign actors might have over the individual.
In each case, there are red flags associated with Kushner - from his family real estate company’s precarious finances to their business history to his family company’s seeming openness, both during the campaign and after, to seek business dealings with people who might also have official business with the United States.
Such compromising ties exist for Kushner across the Middle East - from Israel to Saudi Arabia to Qatar to the UAE. Further, during the campaign but especially after, representatives of those countries have sought ways to take advantage of Kushner’s special combination of inexperience, ignorance and openness to persuasion.
In Israel, this has manifested itself in the embrace of Kushner, whose family has long-standing investments in the country - and donations to West Bank settlements - and who is seen as an unabashedly pro-Israel, Zionist advocate for whatever the Israeli right prescribes as desirable. At the same time, his ties to Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman led the Saudi prince at one point to proclaim that Kushner was "in his pocket."
In both cases, Kushner has actively advocated for his friends, propriety or U.S. interests be damned. Notably, Kushner was seen as the MBS-whisperer before and during the crisis surrounding the Saudi’s brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi - helping to shape narratives to get the Saudis off the hook for their crimes.
But Kushner, despite it all, has ascended further in the White House and was seen as a point person in the recent negotiations with the U.S. Congress on the government shutdown. (Another Trump/Kushner fiasco.)
Going forward, the wounded administration seems likely to ramp up tension with Iran because both the Israelis and the Saudis crave it, and because Trump desperately needs a distraction from his scandals at home.
So, another war may be on the horizon in the Middle East and perhaps the most influential representative of the most powerful geopolitical actor in the world is not trusted by his own intelligence community, is under scrutiny by law enforcement, doesn’t have access to key intelligence, has compromising ties to the region, has no experience, has no background in the history of the region and is a proven incompetent whose failings go unpunished because he is married to the favorite child of the president-king of the United States.
As we say in the U.S., "What could go wrong?"
David Rothkopf is a foreign policy expert and author, host of the Deep State Radio podcast and CEO of The Rothkopf Group, LLC a media and advisory firm.  His next book, on the national security threat posed by the Trump administration, is due out later this year. Twitter: @djrothkopf
One of the clients of the Rothkopf Group is the government of the UAE
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Net worth, $1.8 billion (family, 2016). Spouse(s), Seryl Stadtmauer. Children, 4, including Jared and Joshua. Parent(s). Joseph Kushner (father). Relatives, Murray Kushner (brother) Marc Kushner (nephew). Charles Kushner (born May 16, 1954) is an American real estate developer. He founded ... His son, Jared Kushner, is the husband of Ivanka Trump and son-in-law and ...
Parent(s)‎: ‎Joseph Kushner‎ (father)
Relatives‎: ‎Murray Kushner‎ (brother); ‎Marc Kus...
Net worth‎: ‎$1.8 billion (family, 2016)
Born‎: ‎Chanan Kushner; May 16, 1954 (age 64); ...

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Education‎: ‎Harvard University‎ (‎AB‎); ‎New York ...
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