The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump: A Study In Political Psychology, Political Criminology, and Psychohistory, and as the aid for the General, Criminal and the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump - by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova): Web Research, Analysis, Hypotheses, and Opinions | Current News | Reviews of media reports | Selected reading lists | Site:
Fox News, the Murdochs, and Abwehr - 8:31 PM 3/4/2019
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Stuttgarter Nachrichten - Kultur.
The cunning media czar Rupert Murdoch is approaching the 87th But still, the man who is selling Walt Disney is a part of his group is still well ahead. And he interferes in politics.
New York - There are moguls, czars, stars in business, politics and show business who are looking for a career. One wonders how they could stay on their chairs for a single day. When media boss Rupert Murdoch , this question has ever made. The Australian, who once built a 21-year-old local news company into a global media news giant, is a cinematic early-period figure, an instinctive pragmatist who gives markets what markets want. Some fear him as a destructive cynic, who buys serious press products and krakeelende rebuilds, on top of that stick-conservative tabloids, which must bring maximum profit.
But meanwhile, Murdoch is approaching his eighty-seventh birthday on March 11, 2018. And for the first time, the large buyers and buyers want to repel a whopping chunk of his company complex, the Hollywood studio 20th Century Fox along with a huge film and series rights library and several cable channels and production houses. The contract with Walt Disney is closed , the US approval authorities still have to agree. This can last until the end of 2019.
An old king
Not only the "New York Times" writes about a "King Lear moment" with reference to Shakespeare, as if Murdoch was the old ruler whose empire is breaking up in a hurry, betrayed by their own children and must flee to madness , Signs of madness but you have to look at Murdoch long.
Noch immer denkt er strategisch, noch immer trauert er nicht dem hinterher, was sich seiner Analyse nach überholt hat. Trotzdem glaubt er zur Überraschung manches Konkurrenten noch immer an Nachrichten als profitables Gut in einer Chaoswolke der gratis verschleuderten Informationen. Gerade hat Murdock Facebook ins Visier genommen und verlangt, das soziale Netzwerk möge doch bitte für Nachrichten bezahlen, schließlich trügen die journalistischen Produkte, die über das Netzwerk verteilt werden, erheblich zu dessen Attraktivität und Gewinn bei.
Haftbar für Fake News
Das mag verwegen klingen, vor allem als Antwort auf Facebooks Entscheidung, durch neue Algorithmen die Verbreitung professioneller Nachrichten stark zu drosseln. Aber Murdoch denkt stets voraus. Er sieht in der Politik von Facebook wohl ein Zeichen der Schwäche und der Verunsicherung, den fast panischen Versuch, das Netzwerk aus Debatten über und Haftbarkeit für Fake-News, politische Einflussnahmen und geheimdienstliche Zersetzungskampagnen herauszumanövrieren.
Murdoch rechnet damit, dass ein banalisiertes Facebook in der Konkurrenz zu Instagram, Snapchat und anderen nicht wird punkten können, dass Facebook-Gründer Mark Zuckerberg reumütig zu Nachrichten wird zurückkehren müssen. Dann würde er besseres Handwerkszeug brauchen, um Seriöses von Unseriösem zu trennen. Mit anderen Worten: den Content und die Expertise großer Medienhäuser. Für diesen Moment will Murdoch nicht nur News Corp schon mal als Geschäftspartner positionieren, er will mit seinem Vorstoß wohl die ganze Branche wachrütteln. Er hätte gerne eine Allianz der auf Bezahlung bestehenden Contentlieferanten. Gratisbrühe und rechte Geister
Darum attackiert Murdoch nicht bloß die Abgreifermentalität von Facebook. Er macht Zuckerbergs Netzwerk dafür verantwortlich, dass Wirrkopfseiten, ideologisch verbohrte Propaganda-Apparate und profitorientierte Skandalerfindungs-Scharlatane gefährliche Reichweiten erzielen und von vielen Menschen als Informationsquellen akzeptiert werden. Murdoch will vorbauen, damit Zuckerberg nicht einfach der möglichen Forderung nach einem wieder anschwellenden Nachrichtenstrom mit Gratisbrühe aus zweifelhaften Quellen entgegenkommt. Dass es Murdoch um journalistische Akkuratesse geht, darf bezweifelt werden. Er bekämpft hier die Geister, die er selbst heraufbeschworen hat und die ihm nun den Markt streitig machen.
Die Masche von Fox News
Zum Murdoch-Imperium gehört der TV-Nachrichtensender Fox News, der die politische Landschaft der USA verändert hat. Stramm rechts ausgerichtet, ist er ein Musterbeispiel für Aufbau und Versorgung einer Filterblase. Wer Fox News schaut, hat ein völlig anderes Weltbild als Zuschauer liberalerer Sender. Wobei Fox sich selbst trotz starker Verzerrungen in der Darstellung und heftiger Unwuchten in der Themenauswahl als Hort der Objektivität preist. Breitbart News und andere Hetzorgane des rechten Rands konnten sich an Masche und Erfolg von Fox News dranhängen. Ein normaler TV-Sender präsentierte nun fanatische Verschwörungstheorien als angeblich vernünftige Analysen.
In Großbritannien hatte Murdoch die Printwelt längst erobert, als 2011 ein Skandal seine Macht erschütterte. Illegale Abhöraktionen seiner Boulevardjournalisten, Datendiebstahl und Erpressung kamen ans Licht. Bis heute ist unklar, wer von diesen Methoden wusste, wer wegschaute, wer sie absegnete.
Brüder und Rivalen
Rupert Murdoch und sein Sohn James (45), der damals für die britischen Blätter des Vaters verantwortlich war, kamen mit beschädigtem Ruf davon. Einige Beobachter unterstellten Murdoch, er habe danach die Lust an Zeitungen verloren und auf Entertainment und Bewegtbild gesetzt. Wer den alten Fuchs so emotional deutet, glaubt gewiss, der nun eingefädelte Verkauf von Hollywoodstudio, Streaminganteilen und Kabelsendern sei ein Lear-Moment, Ergebnis der Rivalität zwischen Sohn James, der den Filmbereich übernommen hatte und dem politische Differenzen mit dem Vater nachgesagt werden, und Sohn Lachlan (46), der bereits neben dem Vater an der Konzernspitze regiert.
Klappt die Übernahme der Murdoch-Firmen, wird Disney der potenteste Entertainment-Konzern der Welt. Daraus zu schließen, einem vom Streit der Söhne zermürbten Murdoch seien die Zügel entglitten, ist allerdings verwegen. Denn Murdoch würde durch den Deal zum zweitgrößten Aktienbesitzer des neuen Giganten. Auf dem heftig umkämpften Kino- und Streaming-Feld überließe er die Schlachtplanung anderen und zöge sich zurück auf seine Kernkompetenz.
Golf mit Trump
In support of Fox News and to ward off the competition, he could buy more local TV stations, media houses and successful network magazines and continue to make policy with them. Access to drivers and decisions is important to him. He criticized Donald Trump during the election campaign, today he supports him and plays golf with him. If something about Murdoch has changed, then that's what he used to want to write down black numbers with his news media, and now history as well. And at the age of 86 he plans, as if he wanted to be involved in shaping for a very long time.
New York Times columnist Bret Stephens, MSNBC analyst Zerlina Maxwell, former Chief of Staff at the CIA and Pentagon Jeremy Bash, AP’s Jonathan Lemire, and former DNC senior advisor Doug Thornell on the New Yorker piece exploring the complex relationship between the Trump administration and the conservative news outlet Fox News
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State Run Media Or Media Run State: Inside The Fox News, Trump White House Tango | Deadline | MSNBC
Trump Responds To Expanding House InvestigationsNPRDemocrats are expanding their investigations of President Trump, while trying to walk a fine line politically. The president is lashing out against their efforts, ...
Donald Trump doesn’t seem too happy about the fact that House Democrats formally targeted just about everyone in his life who might be sitting on evidence of his crimes (and yes, even Ivanka will soon be added). Trump has gone even further off the deep end than usual. In fact he’s so far out there, he’s resorting to relying on one of his own most famously failed henchmen.
In response to the barrage of document requests, Donald Trump posted this quote today: “There is no Collusion. All of these investigations are in search of a crime. Democrats have no evidence to impeach President Trump. Ridiculous!” This is of course ridiculous on its face. Then we get to the really good part, where we find out that the quote in question is from – of all people – Devin Nunes.
That’s right, this is the same Devin Nunes who famously went to the White House in the middle of the night in order to get his hands on classified information, then leaked it the next day, and got himself temporarily removed from his own House Intelligence Committee investigation as a result. This is the same Devin Nunes who then went on to massively hype a secret memo he was writing that was going to expose the Trump-Russia investigation as a hoax, and then the memo turned out to be just a couple pages of empty fluff.
Devin Nunes is knee deep in the Trump-Russia scandal, which is part of why he went to such great lengths to try to illegally obstruct the investigation, and there’s every reason to believe he’ll end up being criminally charged for it. Now that House Democrats have Donald Trump cornered, he’s quoting Nunes? Why not just quote Vladimir Putin and get it over with?
The conservative author apologized for falsely alleging that the Democratic National Committee staffer, who was killed in 2016, had leaked thousands of DNC emails to WikiLeaks.
Leonard Pitts Jr.: America after TrumpThe Daily CameraGeorge H.W. Bush did it. So did Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and Herbert Hoover. It probably wasn't easy, yet they knew this was what the moment demanded and ...
President Donald Trump flew to Hanoi, Vietnam, to meet North Korea's ... have found no collusion between Trump and Vladimir Putin in the hacking of ...
Austrophobia, or the traditional, historical since mid-19 Century Anti-Austrian Sentiment in politics and military affairs (can be considered as the specifically indicative, "pathognomonic sign")
Photo: Ernst Uhrlau, former chief of BND and later the "consultant on geopolitical risks" for the Deutsche Bank, and the political ally of Gerhard Schroeder. Uhrlau was the chief of the Hamburg police when the core group of 9/11 hijackers, the so called Hamburg Cell, lived and received training there. He was uncooperative and hostile towards 9/11 Investigationinquiries.
»German Intelligence Chief Wilhelm Franz Canaris 24/01/19 06:17 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Warfare History Network. Adolf Hitler’s spymaster, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, was actually a dedicated anti-Nazi who did everything he could to frustrate the Führer’s plans. by David…
»Canaris and Heydrich – Axis History Forum 24/01/19 06:16 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Canaris and Heydrich #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 21:37 GFM2001 Member Posts: 55 (8/20/01 12:32:55 pm) Reply Canaris and Heydrich ————————————————————…
»Service record of Reinhard Heydrich 24/01/19 05:43 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story . SS- service record cover of Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei Reinhard Heydrich The service record of Reinhard Heydrich was a collection of official SS documents maintained at the SS Pers…
»Heydrich’s homosexuality? – Axis History Forum 24/01/19 04:52 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Heydrich’s homosexuality? #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 19:03 HannahR New Member Posts: 1 (5/26/01 5:43:01 pm) Reply Heydrich’s homosexuality? ————————————————…
M. N.: The New Abwehr enjoys and employs the deep and intimate connections with the criminal Underworld which go back to the early 1920-s, the conditions after the Germany's defeat in the WW1 and the resulting "Restrictions" (I almost typed "Sanctions") which made the symbiotic and sometimes parasitic relations with Police and Criminals the matter of survival for the Abwehr which based itself at that time at the Military Police Stations. Money Laundering is another, related sub-specialty which was a matter of survival and necessity at that time, and the Abwehr under Canaris (which really is the Abwehr we are talking about) made both areas the traditional historical "fields of excellence". Money Laundering , from Deutsche Bank to Chabad dealers to Oligarchs, e.g. Lev Leviev and others, and most notably by our pretty laundry girls and boys from the Trump-Kushner Crime Family , was and is one of the truly heart felt activities for the Abwehr, and...
How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop? This question remains open for almost three years now, and no answer in sight. - 6:35 AM 2/17/2019 Lawyers: Teen girl Weiner sexted wanted to affect election – Bowling Green Daily News Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ hoax - Google Search Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax - Google Search Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax - Google Search Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax" - Google News. A nude-photo hoax was supposed to silence Alexandria Ocasio ... Washington Post - Jan 10, 2019 Circulating nudes — real or fake — is one of the oldest and ... The Daily Caller changed the headline of its story to “ Anthony Weiner Mistress ... The Latest Smear Against Ocasio-Cortez: A Fake ...
9:37 AM 7/19/2019 - Melania Knauss Trump is a lesbian Melania Trump poses naked for Max magazine | Daily Mail Online Friday July 19 th , 2019 at 9:31 AM News | Mail Online 1 Share Naked pictures from lesbian-themed photoshoot emerge of Donald Trump's wife Melania posing for a French men's magazine at the age of 25 Photos appeared in the January 1996 issue of now-defunct Max magazine One shows Mrs Trump just in heels with her hand over her private parts French photographer Alé de Basseville took the photos in Manhattan Slovenian-born Mrs Trump was then taking her modeling career to the US Appears under her stage name Melania K, short for maiden name Knauss By Daniel Bates In New York For The Daily Mail and Clemence Michallon For Published: 00:27 BST, 1 August 2016 | Updated: 14:05 BST, 1 August 2016 e-mail 3.8k shares 3.9k ...
Inoreader Trump Investigations News Review at 9 a.m. created by Michael Novakhov • Mar 25 2022 The Trump Investigations News Review at 9 a.m. EST Daily Review Of News And Opinions - Blog by Michael Novakhov The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump: A Study In Political Psychology, Political Criminology, and Psychohistory, and as the aid for the General, Criminal and the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump - by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova): Web...
Inoreader The Trump Investigations created by Michael Novakhov • Jan 23 2022 The Trump Investigations - Review Of News And Opinions - Blog by Michael Novakhov The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump: A Study In Political Psychology, Political Criminology, and Psychohistory, and as the aid for the General, Criminal and the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump - by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova): Web Research, Analysis, Hypotheses, and Opinions | Cu...
The Latest Posts - The Trump Investigations - Review Of News ____________________________________________________ Pages - The Trump Investigations - Review Of News Home Shared Links Links - On The Road... America On The Road To Dictatorship: Trump, Trumpism, FBI, and the New Abwehr - By Michael Novakhov - Last Update: 3:10 PM 5/1/2019 On The Road To Dictatorship: FBI + Facebook. "Like? No Like!" - By Michael Novakhov - Page The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump - Outline and Links The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr | Recent Tweets | Shared Links - Twitter - Facebook The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr The Manifesto Of The American Socialism: SOCIALISM IS HEALTH, SOCIALIST SOCIETY IS THE HEALTHY SOCIETY, in all respects; as the SOCIAL ORGANISM. Political Criminology - The Outline Trump Investigations News In 25 Posts Trump Investigations News In Brief All Saved Stories News Review - 25 Trump Investigations News Review - Saved Stories - 250 All Blogs ...
Donald Trump launches furious attack on Robert Mueller BBC News Mueller's Final Report Will Ignite an Epic War Over Disclosure Bloomberg Democrats prepare for end of Robert Mueller probe with new investigations Washington Times The revenge of Rod Rosenstein | TheHill The Hill Mueller report and Trump-Russia investigation must push Congress to protect future special counsels View full coverage on Google News Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Cancel his subscription to the resurrection, send his credentials to the house of detention, he has some friends inside (e.g. Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, etc., etc.) - Google Search Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Cancel his subscription to the resurrection, send his credentials to the house of detention, he has some friends inside (e.g. Paul Manafort, Michael Co...
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