The MOB VS. The Western Civilization: Russia declares the War on the Mob: Russia hits mob bosses with longer jail terms - TASS | Craig Unger: Trump is owned by the Russia mob - YT - 8:58 AM 3/27/2019

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M.N.: In my as always very humble opinion, this issue, problem, and conflict can be formulated as: 
The MOB 
(International Organized Crime, Red Mafia, Russian-Jewish-Israeli Mafia, etc., etc., use any other name you wish, "What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;")
VS. The Western Civilization
(As we know it, including Europe, the U.S., Russia, and Israel, etc., etc.) 

The most important historical and the Counterintelligence point is that it is specifically the New Abwehr, the survived and the well hidden, very secret and secretive organisation, the direct descendant of the German Military Intelligence after WW2, which is behind the Mob, and this point must be investigated relentlessly and very thoroughly by all the mentioned above modern powers. 

Mr. Trump, Mr. Putin, Mr. Netanyahu, Mr. Schroeder: 

If you are not able to make all the necessary adjustments, and if you are not able to ally yourselves with the new, emerging anti-Mob movement and fight, you will be wiped out by this historical political hurricane personally and politically, with the very tragic consequences for yourselves and your supporting political groups. This is your choice, and this is your last choice. You have been warned. 

The World needs to move forward from its post-WW2 stage to the qualitatively new set-ups and arrangements, including very much the Global Security arrangements, military alliances, social and economic Justice issues, transculturalism and multiculturalism within the Dominant Western Culture, and many others. 

We do have to move forward. I came to the conclusion that the most vital force in fighting this mortal and invisible enemy is the Democratic Party of the U.S., and specifically Bernie Sanders. Call them whatever name you wish, "What's in a name?" I think that the new coming era is the era of the AMERICAN SOCIALISM, which is and will be very different from the old, rotten, wounded, dying European Socialism, and, specifically, very different from the modern German Social Democracy which was appropriated, molested, and snuffed out to half-death by the New Abwehr. 

The issue of the competition between the American and the European Socialism models is not talked about much but it is very important issue, and it might become the pivot point. 

The Americans do not want to rule the world, they have plenty of issues at home. The New Abwehr wants nothing but to rule the world, this is their old, imperialist, power and the military power - centric concept and picture of the World and its affairs. The New Abwehr is anti-intellectual and anti-culture; they are the very well positioned group of the criminal predators, the "merchants of death, of oppression, of divisions and discords" and the money launderers under the guises of the political and military leaders. 

Barak Obama, you are very smart cookie. Acknowledge your past errors (and you did make a lot of them), think about this concept in its depth, and help in this new fight and the political movement. Personally, I think I am going to support Sanders all the way. I do not see any other hope. 

Returning to the subject of the Mob and money laundering, we have to consider the long neglected issue of the "Soviet Communist Party Gold" which apparently was handled and laundered by the Mob. This issue has to be investigated very thoroughly. 

In general, I think, the War on the Mob will be effective if it is conducted on the global, international basis, and with the active participation of the UN. 


Russia declares the War on the MobRussia hits mob bosses with longer jail terms - TASS | Craig Unger: Trump is owned by the Russia mob - YT

Craig Unger: Donald Trump Is A Russian Asset In The White House | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - YouTube

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Craig Unger: Donald Trump Is A Russian Asset In The White House | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Published on Aug 17, 2018


Trump claimed he has no ties to Russia, but reporting in a new book by Craig Unger describes Russian mafia-linked money laundering involving Trump properties that goes back to the 1980s. Unger tells Ari Melber that he found “at least 1300 times” over the past “20 or 30 years” where Russian money helped “Trump get rich again”.

Craig Unger: Trump is owned by the Russia mob msnbc

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Craig Unger: Trump is owned by the Russia mob

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Craig Unger: Trump is owned by the Russia mob

In his latest book "House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia" Craig Unger breaks down the history of the Trump-Russia connection.

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Story image for Russia declares the War on the Mob from New York Times

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TASS: Russian Politics & Diplomacy

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© Ruslan Shamukov/TASS
MOSCOW, March 27. /TASS/. Russia’s Federation Council (upper house) at Wednesday’s plenary session passed a bill that introduces harsher punishments for establishing an organized crime network or joining one, imposing criminal penalties of up to 15 years in prison for those occupying top positions in any mafia hierarchy.
A new article has been added to the Criminal Code of Russia dubbed "Holding a top position in a criminal hierarchy" stipulating 8-15 years of jail time and a possible fine of up to 5 million rubles ($77,000), or a fine of a salary equivalent, or any other source of income equal to a five-year salary together with 1-2 years of incarceration.
Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Andrey Klishas pointed out that the law establishes that the cumulative punishment for a single case cannot exceed 30 years in prison and the cumulative sentencing for numerous cases for violating multiple articles cannot be more than 35 years. The senator recalled that at present these figures are 25 years cumulatively for a single case and 30 years cumulatively on all counts from numerous cases.
Moreover, the law stipulates that criminal kingpins cannot be sentenced to less than what the law specifically states and cannot receive a suspended sentence.
Participating in meetings with organizers, heads (leaders) or other representatives of crime networks and gangs with the aim of committing at least one crime from those specified in Article 210 of the Criminal Code (Creation of a Criminal Community (Criminal Organization) and Participation Therein) now constitutes a crime itself, with the penalty being 12-20 years in prison with a possible fine of 1 million rubles ($15,500), or with a fine of a salary equivalent, or any other source of income equal to a five-year salary together with 1-2 years of incarceration. Moreover, all criminal penalties for violating Article 210 have been increased. "This federal law will help us to crack down on organized crime in Russia," Klishas stressed, adding that the statute will make it possible to hold people responsible who are not actively engaged in crimes, but rather mastermind them, assign roles and issue criminal orders.
In other media
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"russian organized crime in us" - Google News: Can’t do the time, don’t do the crime: Russia hits mob bosses with longer jail terms - TASS

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Can’t do the time, don’t do the crime: Russia hits mob bosses with longer jail terms  TASS
The law stipulates that criminal kingpins cannot be sentenced to less than what the law specifically states and cannot receive a suspended sentence.

 "russian organized crime in us" - Google News

Politics: Power Up: Trump seeks pivot to health care ahead of 2020 

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But several Republicans complained about the lack of a clear plan.

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Israel Elections: Netanyahu leans on the far-right to hold on to power  In Defence of Marxism
On 9 April, a new parliament will be elected in Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu, the current prime minister from the nationalist Likud party, has to face corruption ...

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"israel and germany" - Google News: German prosecutors to probe corruption allegations in submarine sales to Israel - Daily Sabah

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German prosecutors to probe corruption allegations in submarine sales to Israel  Daily Sabah
The German judiciary is to turn its attention on the sale of submarines to Israel in light of a suspected corruption scandal that has put Israeli Prime...

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In Our Opinion: Trump is far from exonerated | Editorials

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Critics of President Donald Trump were no doubt encouraged to learn a bit of good news this weekend: our president, it turns out, is an innocent, honest man!
(No, seriously, you guys! He means it this time.)
That’s the conclusion the president reached when special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report — or at least a four-page summary of the report provided by an attorney general who opposed the investigation before he was even nominated — determined that Trump did not collude with the Russian government to win the 2016 election.
There is, of course, the little problem of whether Trump obstructed justice. Attorney General William Barr in his summary quotes Mueller specifying that the report “does not exonerate (Trump)” of the charge of obstructing justice. It’s the sort of thing a discerning reader might want to learn more about. But Barr’s brief letter includes only four sentences that partially quote Mueller, and Trump’s hand-picked attorney general has shown little inclination to release the full report, despite pleas from congressional Democrats and Trump himself saying Monday that releasing the full report “wouldn’t bother me at all.”
There are also the investigations into Trump’s business dealings by federal investigators with the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York, based in Trump’s hometown. After raiding the offices of Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen, its investigators last summer granted legal immunity to longtime Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg in exchange for his cooperation. Weisselberg, according to Cohen, helped pay off David Pecker, the CEO of National Enquirer’s parent company, in return for burying a story about Trump’s alleged affair with former Playboy playmate Karen McDougal. Pecker, too, was granted immunity.
“I always said that Bob Mueller is not what should concern the president or the White House. That’s the Southern District of New York,” said former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Trump ally and former federal prosecutor himself, during an appearance on CNN earlier this month.
New York Attorney General Letitia James has a bone to pick with the president too, issuing subpoenas to Deutsche Bank and Investors Bank earlier this month as part of an investigation into alleged tax and financial improprieties by Trump’s business empire.
Mueller’s determination that the president didn’t collude with the Russian government seems a bit hasty in light of the fact that longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone is scheduled to go on trial in November for a case that is directly related to the collusion issue. Stone, while working as an adviser for Trump’s campaign, is accused of coordinating with WikiLeaks to procure and disseminate emails stolen by Russian hackers from rival Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
Stone was charged and his Florida residence raided by the FBI in January, and his trial date of Nov. 5 was set as recently as March 14. It’s odd at best, and suspicious at worst, that Mueller or Barr seemingly reached a predetermined conclusion that there probably won’t be anything worth paying attention to in Stone’s trial, even though it remains months away.
But don’t let these inconvenient loose ends ruin the president’s good mood. He’s been sanguine since Barr released his letter, vowing to lash out at the “evil, treasonous” political opponents he saw behind Mueller’s investigation. It’s unclear to whom the president is referring here, since the probe was launched by his own Justice Department appointee Rod Rosenstein after then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, another Trump appointee, recused himself.
If Trump wants to believe he has achieved “Total EXONERATION,” as he tweeted Saturday, more power to him. Let him enjoy this brief reprieve while it lasts — and then let’s have a look at what’s revealed by the many other investigations into his wide-ranging corruption.
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In Our Opinion: Trump is far from exonerated

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After raiding the offices of Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen, ... issuing subpoenas to Deutsche Bank and Investors Bank earlier this month as part ...
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M.N. The World is ruled by the comedians posing as the rulers. Is that right, Donald? Welcome the newcomer! - 7:44 AM 3/27/2019

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FILE PHOTO: Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Ukrainian comic actor and candidate in the upcoming presidential election, takes part in a production process of Servant of the People series in Kiev

M.N. The World is ruled by the comedians posing as the rulers. Is that right, Donald? Welcome the newcomer! 

Comedian set to win first round of Ukraine presidential vote | One America News Network 

M.N. This is the simplest and quite doubtful impression. It is much more complex, with the allusions to Breivik, to Kosovo and the Balkan Wars of 1990-s. The New Abwehr can be blamed for this as well. This act has to be investigated very carefully, it might provide the valuable clues


Ghosts of the Balkan wars are returning in unlikely places

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"Such a Balkan obsession appeared again with Brenton Tarrant, the 28-year-old Australian who murdered 50 innocents last Friday at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Although the exact ideology which motivated Tarrant’s terrorism spree is difficult to pin down beyond a generic far-right obsession with Muslims, demographics, and immigration, his 87-page manifesto offers many hints...

Its intellectual heft is lacking – a lot of the poorly organized thoughts of the personal trainer turned mass murderer are no more than shitposting – but what shines through is how much Tarrant admires Serbs. 
Tarrant wrote the names of venerable Serbian heroes in the fight against the Ottomans on the rifle magazines he used to gun down Muslims at prayer."


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