6:44 AM 4/4/2019 - Bernie Sanders as the Leader of the Worldwide Renewed Socialist Movement

The world’s left-wingers are feeling the Bern - Google Search

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6:44 AM 4/4/2019 - Bernie Sanders as the Leader of the Worldwide Renewed Socialist Movement

The world’s left-wingers are feeling the Bern

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"Bernie Sanders’ last campaign was part of the inspiration for the way in which Labour approached the 2017 general election,” Richard Burgon, the British Labour Party’s Shadow Justice Secretary, said. | Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images
Sanders is viewed abroad as a potential figurehead for a worldwide movement against right-wing populism.
Bernie Sanders has a base that no other 2020 candidate can claim: left-wing politicians around the globe.
From South America to Europe to the Middle East, leftist leaders are celebrating his candidacy, viewing him as an iconic democratic socialist with the potential to lead a worldwide progressive movement at a time when right-wing populism is on the rise across the map.
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Their regard for Sanders burnishes the Vermont senator’s foreign policy bona fides at a time when he is trying to shake the reputation he received in 2016 as a lightweight on international affairs. But it also carries risks for an American politician who will need to broaden his appeal and insulate himself against attacks on his progressive ideals to win the White House.
"There is a danger to collecting maybe not endorsements, but positive reviews from far-left politicians around the world when American voters are still not quite sure about how they feel about democratic socialism,” said Jennifer Holdsworth, a former staffer for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 bid and the ex-campaign manager for Pete Buttigieg’s run for Democratic National Committee chairman. “And this is not just a Democratic primary conversation, this is also a general election conversation."
Among Sanders’ admirers: Evo Morales, the socialist president of Bolivia who blasted the United States last year for committing the “most egregious acts of aggression committed during the 21st century.”
Morales congratulated Sanders recently on Twitter for launching a second bid for the White House: “We are confident this progressive leader will have a strong support from the people of the U.S. Democratic revolutions are built upon democratic elections.”
Not all of Sanders’ foreign fans are so controversial. Members of Parliament in the United Kingdom’s Labour Party have argued that Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn would have a “special relationship” if the two men both rose to the top of their countries.
“Over the moon that @BernieSanders is running for President in 2020,” wrote Laura Pidcock, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, in a tweet after he announced his candidacy. “Bernie was never just a candidate, his campaign was a movement, galvanising millions & offering hope across the globe.”
Richard Burgon, the Labour Party’s Shadow Justice Secretary, confirmed that “the two teams” — Sanders’ and his party’s — "have talked.”
"Bernie Sanders’ last campaign was part of the inspiration for the way in which Labour approached the 2017 general election,” he said, “where we went to a very low position in the polls to being the biggest swing to the Labour Party in a general election since 1945.”
Steve Howell, a former Labour strategist, agreed that Sanders’ insurgent 2016 primary challenge influenced thinking within the Corbyn campaign.
“I was not alone among Corbyn’s supporters in reflecting on what Labour could learn from the Sanders campaign,” he wrote in 2018. “Not only was there considerable common ground on policy, they were both ‘anti-establishment’ politicians who had the authenticity and credibility, on the one hand, to counter the right-wing populism of Donald Trump and [Brexit leader] Nigel Farage and, on the other, to inspire and mobilise young people on a scale not seen for a generation.”
In Canada, Israel, Germany and Spain, progressive politicians have also hailed the Vermont senator on social media and in interviews, often speaking favorably of his Medicare-for-All proposal, non-interventionist foreign policy, and advocacy for the Green New Deal. Sometimes, the excitement is borderline giddy: Stefan Liebich, a Left member of the German Bundestag, recently posted a photo of himself on social media holding a Sanders figurine, adding, “#feelthebern.”
To both Sanders and his supporters around the world, it is impossible to fight climate change without international cooperation. To that end, a group called the “Progressive International” was announced at a convention last year held by the Sanders Institute, a think tank founded by the presidential contender’s wife and son.
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The network of left-wing politicians and activists hopes to fight against "the global war being waged against workers, against our environment, against democracy, against decency,” according to its website.
Niki Ashton, a Canadian member of Parliament who joined Sanders in launching Progressive International, said the senator “has shifted the conversations both in the U.S. and around the world.”
In the eyes of progressives across the globe, left-wing populism is needed to take on right-wing authoritarians such as Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who recently met with President Trump.
“The far right have internationalised,” Ross Greer, a Green member of Scottish Parliament who went on the TV show “Scotland Tonight” to declare his support for Sanders, told POLITICO. “They cooperate and coordinate across borders, so if we are to defeat them, we need to do the same. Bernie gets that in a way I’ve not seen from any other presidential candidate.”
At a 2018 speech at Johns Hopkins University, which criticized the Trump administration’s relationship with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others, Sanders spoke of the need to stop the “growing worldwide movement toward authoritarianism.”
“All around the world, in Europe, in Russia, in the Middle East, in Asia, Latin America, and elsewhere we are seeing movements led by demagogues who exploit people’s fears, prejudices and grievances to gain and hold onto power,” he said. “We need to counter oligarchic authoritarianism with a strong global progressive movement that speaks to the needs of working people.”
Leftist leaders across the globe look back at the dynamics of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and its connection to the rise of right-wing populism and nationalism, and envision Sanders playing a similarly catalytic role on the left if he emerges as the Democratic nominee.
In the run-up to the 2016 election, Farage campaigned for Trump, and even joined him at a rally in Mississippi. Steve Bannon, Trump’s campaign chief executive at the time, avidly backed the UK’s efforts to withdraw from the European Union.
The embrace from left-wing politicians overseas, however, could pose a threat to a candidate who has been attacked in the past for expressing sympathy for leftist governments hostile to the United States, including Nicaragua and Cuba in the 1980s. More recently, Sanders’ reluctance to to call Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro a dictator, or to recognize Juan Guaidó as the interim president of the country — the position adopted by the U.S. and a majority of Latin American countries and European countries — drew criticism even from within the Democratic Party
Sanders’ staffers downplay concerns that support from socialist politicians abroad will foster the impression that his views are out of the American mainstream — which is shaping up as a central GOP argument against Democratic candidates — arguing that Republicans will label any Democratic nominee as extreme.
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“They’re always going to do that, no matter who the candidate is, because they don’t want to have a debate about how Americans deserve health care,” said Matt Duss, Sanders’ foreign policy adviser. “They don’t want to have a debate about making sure prosperity is broadly shared.”
Within the Democratic primary field, the issue is perhaps less relevant: Close to six-in-10 Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents have a positive view of socialism, according to a Gallup poll last year, and, unlike in past years, Democrats now have a more positive image of socialism than they do of capitalism.
And at a time of strained American relationships abroad, Holdsworth said, “Another world leader praising an American elected official is a good thing in the age of Trump."
What’s clear is that Sanders’ fate will be closely watched beyond U.S. borders, where many on the left see his campaign as testing the American appetite for left-wing policies and a global progressive movement in a way that no other Democratic candidate does.
“Bernie Sanders is very exciting as part of an international movement against neoliberal economic inequality,” said Burgon. “Given that he’s gained so much appeal in the United States … where that’s a place where these progressive ideas would find it hard to get a following through the political mainstream, I think people in the UK and around the world have found that particularly inspiring.”
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5:57 AM 4/4/2019 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠

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1. My News Blogs - 2 from Michael_Novakhov (7 sites) 
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Saved Stories - None: Twitterocracy - Google Search google.com/search?q=Twitt…
Saved Stories - 1. My News Blogs - 2: The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: M.N.: My Definition: Twitterocracy: The Rule by Op... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/twitte…
Saved Stories - None: The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: M.N.: My Definition: Twitterocracy: The Rule by Op... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/twitte…
Saved Stories - 1. My News Blogs - 2: M.N.: My Definition: Twitterocracy: The Rule by Opinions In the Information Age | Twitterocracy: "The system by which split-second opinions are rendered and sent out for all the world to see, no matter how little they care." - Urban Dictionary trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/twitte…
Saved Stories - None: M.N.: My Definition: Twitterocracy: The Rule by Opinions In the Information Age | Twitterocracy: "The system by which split-second opinions are rendered and sent out for all the world to see, no matter how little they care." - Urban Dictionary trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/twitte…
Saved Stories - None: Robert Mueller’s team begins leaking about the Mueller report: https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/leaking-mueller-team-report-begin/17164 …
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Donald Trump's psychiatric problems - Google Search

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3:41 AM 4/4/2019 - My preliminary impressions of Donald Trump's psychiatric problems, in one paragraph: Learning Disability and Depression - M.N.

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M.N.: My preliminary impressions of Donald Trump's psychiatric problems, in one paragraph: 

Donald Trump was and is learning disabled, dyslexic, this might explain his spelling difficulties and the repetitive phrases (the term is "Palilalia").  He was born this way, and his family tried to hide this. This "explains" the peculiarities of his thinking and behavior. He does not understand this world (who does?), and tries to survive in it (nicely). He fits this syndrome, and the bullishness comes with it: he perceives the world as hostile and potentially aggressive (isn't it?). However, in and by itself this "learning disability" does not automatically imply the cognitive and intellectual deficits, and it should not really interfere with his duties as President. Donald appears to be quite depressed, irritable, irascible, angry, enraged, "MAD", and he has good and various reasons to be depressed and "mad". 
None of his "psychiatric problems" explain away or justify his political and legal problems, these are the different "universes". Donald can be considered our first learning disabled President. 
To summarize: there is a subtle organic component in Donald Trump's speech patterns, thinking, and behavior which is consistent with the certain features of the Learning Disability Syndrome, but they should not interfere with his overall capacity to discharge his duties as the President. 

Michael Novakhov

3:07 AM 4/4/2019

2:19 AM 4/4/2019 - Trump Investigations Report – Posts Review 
The Trump Investigations Report – Review Of News And Opinions: mikenov on Twitter: M.N.: He is not the king, you Cheap Dummy, he is a fucking Mandarin but without the taste and sweetness, just like the Orange Donald (Agent Orange?). That’s what the “origins” are. Hire yourself a special education teacher, you, President-Idiot! trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/m.html…

Trump says Xi Jinping liked it when he called the Chinese president ‘king’  VICE
As tense negotiations to end the China-U.S. trade war are set to resume in Washington Wednesday, Donald Trump revealed that he once referred to Chinese …
 “trump putin” – Google News
See also:
"Origins": "There are plenty of people who randomly misspeak from time to time, whether it be mangling a word, or flubbing a basic fact. It doesn’t mean something is wrong with them. But yesterday Donald Trump twice tried to say the word “origins” and instead said “oranges” both times. Then, clearly aware that he was unable to say the word “origins,” he tried to clarify that he meant “beginnings.” Then he managed to correctly say “origin,” the singular form of the word. Then he tried again to say the plural form “origins” but it came out “oranges” a third time. Then Trump claimed that his father was born in Germany, when his father was born in New York City."
Donald Trump is falling to pieces
Bill Palmer | 4:30 pm EDT April 3, 2019
Palmer Report » Analysis
<a href="http://trumpinvestigations.org/blog/2019/04/04/219-am-4-4-2019-trump-investigations-report-posts-review/" rel="nofollow">http://trumpinvestigations.org/blog/2019/04/04/219-am-4-4-2019-trump-investigations-report-posts-review/</a>
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7:45 PM 4/3/2019 - M.N.: He is not the king, you Cheap Dummy, he is a fucking Mandarin...

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Image result for Trump, Murdoch, Fox News, New York Times
Trump Investigations Report - Posts Review from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites) 
The Trump Investigations Report – Review Of News And Opinions: M.N.: He is not the king, you Cheap Dummy, he is a fucking Mandarin but without ...
The Trump Investigations Report – Review Of News And Opinions: “Conspiracy Against US” – Google News: Lightfoot urges U.S. Attorney’s office to re-examine code of silence acquittals – Chicago Sun-Times
The Trump Investigations Report – Review Of News And Opinions: 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (196 sites): “trump russia ties” – Google News: If Trump Can Legally Block Critics on Twitter, Your Local Politician May Do It, Too – New York Times
The Trump Investigations Report – Review Of News And Opinions: 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (196 sites): “Trump and the Mob” – Google News: Rupert Murdoch, Joe Biden, Mozambique: Your Wednesday Evening Briefing – New York Times

M.N.: He is not the king, you Cheap Dummy, he is a fucking Mandarin

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M.N.: He is not the king, you Cheap Dummy, he is a fucking Mandarin

M.N.: He is not the king, you Cheap Dummy, he is a fucking Mandarin but without the taste and sweetness, just like the Orange Donald (Agent Orange?). That's what the "origins" are. Hire yourself a special education teacher, you, President-Idiot! (To put it with the sweet and sour source...)

Trump says Xi Jinping liked it when he called the Chinese president ‘king’  VICE
As tense negotiations to end the China-U.S. trade war are set to resume in Washington Wednesday, Donald Trump revealed that he once referred to Chinese …
 “trump putin” – Google News
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M.N.: My Definition: Twitterocracy: The Rule by Opinions In the Information Age | Twitterocracy: "The system by which split-second opinions are rendered and sent out for all the world to see, no matter how little they care." - Urban Dictionary

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M.N.: My Definition: Twitterocracy: The Rule by Opinions In the Information Age. 

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"The system by which split-second opinions are rendered and sent out for all the world to see, no matter how little they care." - Urban Dictionary: twitterocracy - <a href="https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=twitterocracy" rel="nofollow">https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=twitterocracy</a>

Twitterocracy - Google Search

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The system by which split-second opinions are rendered and sent out for all the world to see, no matter how little they care.
Twitterocracy [Dr. Cristina Guarneri] on <a href="http://Amazon.com" rel="nofollow">Amazon.com</a>. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln won the presidency ended up with a ...
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Twitterocracy - Google Search

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The system by which split-second opinions are rendered and sent out for all the world to see, no matter how little they care.
Twitterocracy [Dr. Cristina Guarneri] on <a href="http://Amazon.com" rel="nofollow">Amazon.com</a>. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln won the presidency ended up with a ...
Twitterocracy - Democracy through Social Media [Dr. Cristina Guarneri] on <a href="http://Amazon.com" rel="nofollow">Amazon.com</a>. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Looking back on history, for many ...
Feb 16, 2016 - The Hardcover of the Twitterocracy by Dr. Cristina Guarneri at Barnes & Noble. FREE Shipping on $35.0 or more!
Jan 27, 2017 - Unless you've been living under a rock for the past two years, it should be abundantly clear that the impact of social media on political ...

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AbeBooks.com: Twitterocracy - Democracy Through Social Media: 132 pages. Dimensions: 9.0in. x 6.0in. x 0.4in.Looking back on history, for many who had ...
On 12 May 2016 @jkenney tweeted: "2/ In opposing a referendum on electoral.." - read what others are saying and join the conversation.
Buy Twitterocracy at <a href="http://Walmart.com" rel="nofollow">Walmart.com</a>. ... Twitterocracy. Average rating:0out of5stars, based on0reviewsWrite a review. Dr Cristina Guarneri. This item is no longer ...
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Twitterocracy by Dr Cristina Guarneri at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many ...
Dr. Cristina Guarneri - 2015 - ‎Fiction
Twitterocracy. Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to the extent that this is humanly possible.
Nov 4, 2014 - Cathy Cohen examines the ever-shifting political landscape.
Dr. Cristina Guarneri - 2016 - ‎History
Twitterocracy. Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to the extent that this is humanly possible.
Thank you for your interest in "Twitterocracy: How Social Media Are Transforming Politics and Journalism." This event has reached capacity. A live stream will be ...
Feb 12, 2017 - Uploaded by nbcudirect
Twitterocracy: Chris Hayes Breaks Down Social Media's Role in the National Conversation. 36 views. 0. 0 ...
Author: Dr Cristina Guarneri; Publisher: Lulu.com; ISBN-10: 1365643271; ISBN-13: 9781365643279; Size: 9.02X5.98X0.44; Weight: 0.77; Subject: General.
The 2012 election campaign took the use of social media tools to new heights with citizens, politicians and journalists informing, persuading and mobilizing their ...
Dec 31, 2016 - Looking back on history, for many who had lived in the 1700s, the signing of the Declaration of Independence was an important event in ...
... (Duration: 19:50 — 9.1MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSSSinclair Noe audio interview with Dr. Cristina Guarneri, author of “Twitterocracy”.
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Twitterocracy - Google Search

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Story image for Twitterocracy from Spectator.co.uk

An age of broken promises

Spectator.co.uk-Jun 8, 2016
My friend responded that no minister could get away with behaving like that in the age of the Twitterocracy. Among the reasons Ken Clarke ...
Story image for Twitterocracy from IPWatchdog.com

Could Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg join the Trump Administration?

<a href="http://IPWatchdog.com" rel="nofollow">IPWatchdog.com</a>-Dec 13, 2016
The Twitterocracy that helped Trump become the President-elect gives us some insight into his views on the tech sector. Trump has used his ...

Twitterocracy - Google Search

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Twitterocracy - Google Search

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Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda - Google Search

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Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from Nextgov

Misinformation Is Endangering India's Election

Nextgov-Apr 1, 2019
The country's political parties are spreading propaganda about their opponents to gain votes. ... Traditional media continue to be the dominant source of information for Indians. ... help run the party's social-media campaign for the national elections. In Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, the BJP's IT ...
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from The Times of Israel

Democracy is working, but in danger, Blue and White's Benny Gantz ...

The Times of Israel-Apr 2, 2019
The Hamas terror group denies reports in Palestinian media that ... US-backed Syrian fighters say they are battling the Islamic State group ... party is funding illegal propaganda via online bots and fake profiles. .... There is also responsibility on the traditional media, because social media is full of fake news.
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from IPS Journal

Why we need a social network for Europe

IPS Journal-Apr 1, 2019
There have been attempts along these lines in the traditional media, for example, ... It wouldn't really help to set up a kind of European state radio either. .... Otherwise there would be complaints about EU propaganda.
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from New York Times

Countries Want to Ban 'Weaponized' Social Media. What Would That ...

New York Times-Mar 31, 2019
What if Facebook, YouTube and Twitter were treated like traditional publishers, ... “Big social mediacompanies have a responsibility to take every possible ... countries more open to restrictions on speech than in the United States, and .... including child pornography and Nazi propaganda and memorabilia.
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from The Daily Swig

Proper news, or propaganda? China's social media manipulations ...

The Daily Swig-Mar 7, 2019
According to Recorded Future, China is using its state-run media to exploit the ... propaganda, and media do not have social media defenders,” it added. ... that they drive traditional intelligence, military, and cyber operations.
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from The European Sting

'Counter and reject' leaders who seek to 'exploit differences' between ...

The European Sting-10 hours ago
Mr. Guterres arrived at the more than 1,000-year-old mosque and centre of ... and “spreading like wildfire” through social and traditional media, he noted that it was infecting both liberal democracies and authoritarian States. ... Islam and counter violent extremist philosophies and terrorist propaganda,” said ...
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from Philippine Star

Robredo: Regulation needed vs social media 'abuse'

Philippine Star-Mar 21, 2019
"Tingin ko, iyong social media, na-abuse siya in a very negative way, kasi ... for example, before, traditional media like you are subjected to accountability) ... and social media networks do not act to address online propaganda. ... He added that "states should refrain from making the identification of users a ...
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from The Guardian

'A real source of hope': social media opens Thailand's junta to criticism

The Guardian-Mar 6, 2019
... the 1970s anti-communist propaganda song Nuk Paen Din (Scum of the Earth) ... The last official election in Thailand was in 2011 when social media use was ... It is here, not in the state-restricted media, that large sections of the ... voicing ideas and criticisms of the junta that traditional media would never ...
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from TIME

Islamic State Uses Propaganda to Rally Supporters as Caliphate Withers

Wall Street Journal-Mar 19, 2019
Islamic State has traditionally dismissed Muslims who don't adhere to its ... efforts by social mediacompanies to evict Islamic State propaganda ...
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from EastMojo

The role of media in defending the Constitution

EastMojo-Mar 12, 2019
We are entering the election season and the role of the media from ... and newspapers have become instruments of propaganda for the ruling regime. ... We have had living examples of legislators in our state and in ... With the onslaught of social media there are many who feel they don't need the traditional ...
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from Reuters

Propaganda 2.0 - Chinese Communist Party's message gets tech ...

Reuters-Mar 4, 2019
Propaganda 2.0 - Chinese Communist Party's message gets tech ... readers, viral social mediacampaigns and “compulsory” quiz apps. “Of course we study the spirit of Xi Jinping's speeches in the traditional way, but now that we have the ... State media outlet Xinhua on Sunday released a patriotic English ...
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from The Times of Israel

Six million followers

The Times of Israel-Mar 27, 2019
Across all social platforms, the prime minister has more than six ... Netanyahu's dominant position on the internet is thanks largely to his dislike of the traditional media, ... In February, the prime minister added to this alternative media list an ... Likud TV propaganda channel segment mocks the appearance of ...
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from Philippine Star

Labor party: Social media needs more voices, not fewer

Philippine Star-Mar 22, 2019
It has overtaken traditional media, where content is controlled and ... online and to curb the spread of disinformation, misinformation and propaganda. ... adding states are increasingly targetting content on online platforms.
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from Vanguard

Nigeria: Presidential Amnesty Office Denies Fraud Allegation

<a href="http://AllAfrica.com" rel="nofollow">AllAfrica.com</a>-11 hours ago
According to a statement by OSAPND media team, the office is aware of ... the Niger Delta; especially the Traditional rulers, stakeholders of the various phases ... has always found its eloquence in the social media and 'stage managed protests. ... "It is important to also state that Neither the National Security ...
Presidential Amnesty office denies fraud allegation
International-Vanguard-12 hours ago
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from NewsDay

Blame media bosses for poor coverage of floods in southern Africa

NewsDay-Mar 27, 2019
South African media has been criticised on social media for its ... as former co-ordinator/author of the annual State of the Newsroom ... world global pattern of job losses in the traditional media sector. ... It's also an arena for misinformation, malinformation (disinformation with malicious intent), propaganda ...

Russian Authorities Cancel Theatre Festival Under “Gay Propaganda ...

Hyperallergic-Mar 19, 2019
Last week, Russian media reported that a theatre festival in the ... In a social media post, the director said local authors accused her of ... of so-called “non-traditional family relations” as akin to “propaganda of homosexuality to minors. ... Passed in June 2013 by the National Parliament (StateDuma) and ...
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from The Daily Star

Social media and Indian national elections

The Daily Star-Mar 24, 2019
The drawing up of a “Voluntary Code of Ethics” by social media giants like ... with a campaign of email hacking and online propaganda aimed at hurting ... much easier access to the people than the conventional media world. ... be debated in a country where state-level assembly polls are a regular feature.
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from Channel NewsAsia

Commentary: Social media and live-streaming have created ...

Channel NewsAsia-Mar 20, 2019
The use of social media technology and live-streaming marks the attack as ... be distinguished from the way traditional terror attacks and propaganda work, such as the hyper-violent videos spread by the Islamic State in 2014.
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from Scoop.co.nz

Gordon Campbell the Net and white supremacist propaganda

Scoop.co.nz-Mar 25, 2019
Gordon Campbell the Net and white supremacist propaganda ... ( and responses) of social mediacompanies for the content they carry. ... subject to the kind of legal penalties faced by traditional mediacompanies. ... In recent years, much of Islamic State's violent content and recruitment propagandalinks ...
Story image for Traditional media, social media, state, and propaganda from New Straits Times Online

Social media giants face regulation as publishers, not just postmen

The Australian Financial Review-Mar 21, 2019
In the wake of the horrific killing spree, social media companies have come ... discontent in the United States to the spread of propaganda inciting violence ... doesn't absolve traditional media of inflaming division – pointing to ...
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