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RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: 7:40 AM 4/8/2019 - Путин: Мы должны следовать принципу свободы интернета: "В России интернет должен быть свободным"

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Monday, April 8, 2019

7:40 AM 4/8/2019 - Путин: Мы должны следовать принципу свободы интернета: "В России интернет должен быть свободным"

7:40 AM 4/8/2019 - Путин: Мы должны следовать принципу свободы интернета: "В России интернет должен быть свободным"

Путин: Мы должны следовать принципу свободы интернета  EADaily
В России интернет должен быть свободным, при этом важно противодействовать вызовам киберпреступности и нарушеиям закона, для этого важен …
 “путин” – Google Новости
 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites)

Мы должны следовать принципу свободы интернета — Новости политики, Новости России — EADaily

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В России интернет должен быть свободным, при этом важно противодействовать вызовам киберпреступности и нарушеиям закона, для этого важен диалог с сообществом в сети. Об этом говорится в приветствии президента РФ Владимира Путина, направленного сегодня, 8 апреля, участникам и гостям открывшегося 10-го Российского форума по управлению интернетом.
Приветствие главы государства на открытии форума зачитал первый заместитель руководителя администрации президента Сергей Кириенко.
«Убежден, мы должны и впредь следовать принципу свободы интернета, обеспечить все условия для широкого обмена информацией, для реализации бизнес-инициатив и стартапов», — заявил Путин.
«При этом важно эффективно противодействовать рискам и вызовам киберпреступности, распространению контента, нарушающего закон, представляющего угрозу правам граждан и интересам государства», — сказал он, отметив, что «особую роль играет позиция самого интернет-сообщества, его открытость и готовность к конструктивному диалогу».
Президент напомнил, для России 7 апреля 1994 года был официально зарегистрирован национальный домен .ru и поблагодарил «всех, кто вложил свой труд, талант, энтузиазм в создание и становление Рунета».
«Тогда, 25 лет назад, трудно было представить, что совсем скоро интернет коренным образом изменит мир», — подчеркнул он.
«Социальные сети и системы связи, дистанционная занятость и образование, электронная торговля и госуслуги — эти и другие сервисы прочно вошли в повседневную жизнь миллионов людей, являются настоящими приметами времени», — указал Путин, констатировав, что Рунет «успешно и динамично развивается, служит серьёзным конкурентным преимуществом для того, чтобы Россия стала одним из глобальных лидеров наступившей цифровой эпохи».

6:31 AM 4/8/2019 - "Sen. Bernie Sanders told an Iowa audience Saturday afternoon that he did not consider himself a Soviet-style socialist..."

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6:31 AM 4/8/2019 - "Sen. Bernie Sanders told an Iowa audience Saturday afternoon that he did not consider himself a Soviet-style socialist..."

Story image for bernie sanders from Washington Examiner

Bernie Sanders: Soviet socialism 'not my thing' but 'Denmark and ...

Washington Examiner-Apr 6, 2019
BURLINGTON, Iowa — Sen. Bernie Sanders told an Iowa audience Saturday afternoon that he did not consider himself a Soviet-style socialist ...

Soviet socialism 'not my thing' but 'Denmark and Sweden do very well'

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BURLINGTON, Iowa — Sen. Bernie Sanders told an Iowa audience Saturday afternoon that he did not consider himself a Soviet-style socialist after being asked to clarify the difference between his espoused ideology of democratic socialism and the kind of socialism found in Venezuela.
“I think that countries like Denmark and Sweden do very well. I think it depends on what we mean by socialism. If we mean socialism is what the old Soviet Union was, that’s not my thing,” the Vermont senator said in Burlington.
“If you think of socialism as what China is, that’s not my view. My view is that you have an economy in which you have wealth being created by the private sector, but you have a fair distribution of that wealth, and you make sure the most vulnerable people in this country are doing well,” he added.
Since announcing his second presidential run, videos of Sanders resurfaced of his time in the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, during a self-described “honeymoon” in 1988. Sanders’ wife, Jane, remarked at the time about how people in the Soviet Union aren’t “compartmentalizing their lives into a job and hobbies, it’s all interrelated and all under the banner of community involvement.”
In the 1980s, Sanders also visited Nicaragua, then an ally of the Soviet Union. A number of Soviet satellite countries, including the USSR itself, faced food shortages.
“It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how a bad country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing. In other countries people don’t line up for food: The rich get food and the poor starve to death,” Sanders said in 1985.
In March, former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt criticized Sanders’ praise of socialism on Twitter, writing that Sanders “was lucky to be able to get to the Soviet Union in 1988 and praise all its stunning socialist achievements before the entire system and empire collapsed under the weight of its own spectacular failures.”

Bernie Hosts Town Meeting in Malcom, Iowa - YouTube

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Bernie Hosts Town Meeting in Malcom, Iowa

bernie sanders - Google Search

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Мы должны следовать принципу свободы интернета — Новости политики, Новости России — EADaily

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В России интернет должен быть свободным, при этом важно противодействовать вызовам киберпреступности и нарушеиям закона, для этого важен диалог с сообществом в сети. Об этом говорится в приветствии президента РФ Владимира Путина, направленного сегодня, 8 апреля, участникам и гостям открывшегося 10-го Российского форума по управлению интернетом.
Приветствие главы государства на открытии форума зачитал первый заместитель руководителя администрации президента Сергей Кириенко.
«Убежден, мы должны и впредь следовать принципу свободы интернета, обеспечить все условия для широкого обмена информацией, для реализации бизнес-инициатив и стартапов», — заявил Путин.
«При этом важно эффективно противодействовать рискам и вызовам киберпреступности, распространению контента, нарушающего закон, представляющего угрозу правам граждан и интересам государства», — сказал он, отметив, что «особую роль играет позиция самого интернет-сообщества, его открытость и готовность к конструктивному диалогу».
Президент напомнил, для России 7 апреля 1994 года был официально зарегистрирован национальный домен .ru и поблагодарил «всех, кто вложил свой труд, талант, энтузиазм в создание и становление Рунета».
«Тогда, 25 лет назад, трудно было представить, что совсем скоро интернет коренным образом изменит мир», — подчеркнул он.
«Социальные сети и системы связи, дистанционная занятость и образование, электронная торговля и госуслуги — эти и другие сервисы прочно вошли в повседневную жизнь миллионов людей, являются настоящими приметами времени», — указал Путин, констатировав, что Рунет «успешно и динамично развивается, служит серьёзным конкурентным преимуществом для того, чтобы Россия стала одним из глобальных лидеров наступившей цифровой эпохи».

6:31 AM 4/8/2019 - "Sen. Bernie Sanders told an Iowa audience Saturday afternoon that he did not consider himself a Soviet-style socialist..."

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6:31 AM 4/8/2019 - "Sen. Bernie Sanders told an Iowa audience Saturday afternoon that he did not consider himself a Soviet-style socialist..."

Story image for bernie sanders from Washington Examiner

Bernie Sanders: Soviet socialism 'not my thing' but 'Denmark and ...

Washington Examiner-Apr 6, 2019
BURLINGTON, Iowa — Sen. Bernie Sanders told an Iowa audience Saturday afternoon that he did not consider himself a Soviet-style socialist ...

Soviet socialism 'not my thing' but 'Denmark and Sweden do very well'

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BURLINGTON, Iowa — Sen. Bernie Sanders told an Iowa audience Saturday afternoon that he did not consider himself a Soviet-style socialist after being asked to clarify the difference between his espoused ideology of democratic socialism and the kind of socialism found in Venezuela.
“I think that countries like Denmark and Sweden do very well. I think it depends on what we mean by socialism. If we mean socialism is what the old Soviet Union was, that’s not my thing,” the Vermont senator said in Burlington.
“If you think of socialism as what China is, that’s not my view. My view is that you have an economy in which you have wealth being created by the private sector, but you have a fair distribution of that wealth, and you make sure the most vulnerable people in this country are doing well,” he added.
Since announcing his second presidential run, videos of Sanders resurfaced of his time in the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, during a self-described “honeymoon” in 1988. Sanders’ wife, Jane, remarked at the time about how people in the Soviet Union aren’t “compartmentalizing their lives into a job and hobbies, it’s all interrelated and all under the banner of community involvement.”
In the 1980s, Sanders also visited Nicaragua, then an ally of the Soviet Union. A number of Soviet satellite countries, including the USSR itself, faced food shortages.
“It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how a bad country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing. In other countries people don’t line up for food: The rich get food and the poor starve to death,” Sanders said in 1985.
In March, former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt criticized Sanders’ praise of socialism on Twitter, writing that Sanders “was lucky to be able to get to the Soviet Union in 1988 and praise all its stunning socialist achievements before the entire system and empire collapsed under the weight of its own spectacular failures.”

Bernie Hosts Town Meeting in Malcom, Iowa - YouTube

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Bernie Hosts Town Meeting in Malcom, Iowa

bernie sanders - Google Search

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Story image for bernie sanders from Fox 35 Orlando

Senator Bernie Sanders finds himself in a new role: front-runner

Fox 35 Orlando-6 minutes ago
Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) speaks during a rally at the Fairfield Arts and Convention Center on April 06, ...
Some Bernie Sanders supporters still upset post-2016
Williamsport Sun-Gazette-6 hours ago
Story image for bernie sanders from The Intercept

Bernie Sanders Is the Most Popular 2020 Candidate Among Hispanic ...

The Intercept-Apr 6, 2019
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is leading every other presidential candidate in support from Hispanic voters, who make up a significant chunk of ...
Story image for bernie sanders from Slate Magazine

Can Bernie Sanders finally start acting like the one thing he's never ...

Slate Magazine-11 hours ago
“Let me do something that I have been criticized for not doing as a politician,” Sen. Bernie Sanders told a packed audience at an Islamic center ...
Story image for bernie sanders from Washington Examiner

Bernie Sanders: Term limits 'are undemocratic'

Washington Examiner-18 hours ago
MUSCATINE, IOWA — Sen. Bernie Sanders said he opposed setting term limits for members of Congress and reiterated his support for public ...
Sen. Bernie Sanders hears health, environmental concerns from ...
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-9 hours ago
Story image for bernie sanders from The Inquisitr

New Poll Shows Bernie Sanders Leading Democratic Field In ...

The Inquisitr-10 hours ago
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is leading the Democratic field in the state of Massachusetts, according to new Emerson polling. Twenty-six ...
Read the whole story

· · · · · · · ·

Soviet socialism 'not my thing' but 'Denmark and Sweden do very well'

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BURLINGTON, Iowa — Sen. Bernie Sanders told an Iowa audience Saturday afternoon that he did not consider himself a Soviet-style socialist after being asked to clarify the difference between his espoused ideology of democratic socialism and the kind of socialism found in Venezuela.
“I think that countries like Denmark and Sweden do very well. I think it depends on what we mean by socialism. If we mean socialism is what the old Soviet Union was, that’s not my thing,” the Vermont senator said in Burlington.
“If you think of socialism as what China is, that’s not my view. My view is that you have an economy in which you have wealth being created by the private sector, but you have a fair distribution of that wealth, and you make sure the most vulnerable people in this country are doing well,” he added.
Since announcing his second presidential run, videos of Sanders resurfaced of his time in the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, during a self-described “honeymoon” in 1988. Sanders’ wife, Jane, remarked at the time about how people in the Soviet Union aren’t “compartmentalizing their lives into a job and hobbies, it’s all interrelated and all under the banner of community involvement.”
In the 1980s, Sanders also visited Nicaragua, then an ally of the Soviet Union. A number of Soviet satellite countries, including the USSR itself, faced food shortages.
“It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how a bad country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing. In other countries people don’t line up for food: The rich get food and the poor starve to death,” Sanders said in 1985.
In March, former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt criticized Sanders’ praise of socialism on Twitter, writing that Sanders “was lucky to be able to get to the Soviet Union in 1988 and praise all its stunning socialist achievements before the entire system and empire collapsed under the weight of its own spectacular failures.”

Bernie Hosts Town Meeting in Malcom, Iowa - YouTube

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Bernie Hosts Town Meeting in Malcom, Iowa

bernie sanders - Google Search

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Story image for bernie sanders from Fox 35 Orlando

Senator Bernie Sanders finds himself in a new role: front-runner

Fox 35 Orlando-6 minutes ago
Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) speaks during a rally at the Fairfield Arts and Convention Center on April 06, ...
Some Bernie Sanders supporters still upset post-2016
Williamsport Sun-Gazette-6 hours ago
Story image for bernie sanders from The Intercept

Bernie Sanders Is the Most Popular 2020 Candidate Among Hispanic ...

The Intercept-Apr 6, 2019
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is leading every other presidential candidate in support from Hispanic voters, who make up a significant chunk of ...
Story image for bernie sanders from Slate Magazine

Can Bernie Sanders finally start acting like the one thing he's never ...

Slate Magazine-11 hours ago
“Let me do something that I have been criticized for not doing as a politician,” Sen. Bernie Sanders told a packed audience at an Islamic center ...


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