12:17 PM 5/20/2019 - Gerhard Schroeder - Gazprom - Rosneft: He used to rule Germany. Now, he oversees Russian energy companies and lashes out at the U.S. Monday May 20th, 2019 at 11:30 AM

Story image for gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft from Financial Times

Post - 12:17 PM 5/20/2019 - Gerhard Schroeder - Gazprom - Rosneft: He used to rule Germany. Now, he oversees Russian energy companies and lashes out at the U.S. Monday May 20th, 2019 at 11:30 AM

He used to rule Germany. Now, he oversees Russian energy companies and lashes out at the U.S.

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gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft - Google Search

Why was Germany's top spy Hans-Georg Maassen ousted?

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Germany's top spy has been ousted from his post, pushing the man of secrets into the spotlight. Euronews' Berlin correspondent Jessica Salz explains how Hans-Georg Maassen's dismissal came about — and what it means for Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Why is Hans-Georg Maassen such a controversial character?

As head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency, Hans-Georg Maassen recently came under fire for questioning the authenticity of videos that depicted far-right extremists chasing foreigners down the street in Chemnitz on August 26. The videos were real, and many people pointed out that a top spy should have known to verify a video before commenting on it. He was also perceived to be downplaying the violence depicted in the videos.
Maassen has also been accused of forging links to the right-wing AfD party: he is alleged to have given members of the party advice on how to avoid surveillance, as well as passing on information to them about extremism from reports that hadn't yet been published. The SPD party and many opposition MPs demanded that Maassen be fired.

Did he lose his job?

Yes, but he was immediately given a better one! Maassen will now become deputy head of the interior minister, which is seen as a step up. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer had defended Maassen and will now welcome him into his own fold. There was outrage over his "promotion" from members of the SPD, one Green party leader called it an "incredible fudge". His appointment was decided by the heads of the governing parties and is being interpreted as Merkel trying to prevent another government crisis and keep Seehofer happy.

Will this backfire on Merkel?

Merkel has just hired a critic of her migration policy into the interior ministry to join the most prominent critic of her migration policy — Horst Seehofer. The two men will now be working closely together on issues such as migration and the integration of refugees into Germany and they will likely put more pressure on the chancellor to take a tougher stance. Merkel may live to regret this decision. It also threatens the public perception that, as chancellor, she repeatedly bends to the demands of Seehofer. There is still disunity in the government, but there is real tension between leading Conservatives, and this could spell trouble for Merkel.

Hans-Georg Maassen - Google Search

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Hans-Georg Maassen - Google Search

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Story image for Hans-Georg Maassen from az Aargauer Zeitung

Hans-Georg Maassen über Angela Merkels Kurs: «Es fehlt die ...

az Aargauer Zeitung-May 18, 2019
Hans-Georg Maassen, Sie sind nach Ihrem Abgang von der Spitze des Verfassungsschutzes der Werteunion, einer als konservativ geltenden ...
Hans-Georg Maassen: «Es fehlt die Debatte um Werte»
International-St.Galler Tagblatt-May 17, 2019

Far-right Alternative for Germany sets the tone for German Grand ...

World Socialist Web Site-10 hours ago
It is well known that the former head of the secret service, Hans-Georg Maassen (CDU) met several times before the publication of the ...
Story image for Hans-Georg Maassen from Hürriyet

CDU'lu koyu kanat onu istiyor

Hürriyet-7 hours ago
... üzerine istifa etmek zorunda kalan eski Anayasayı Koruma Teşkilatı Başkanı Hans Georg Maassen'i İçişleri Bakanı olarak görmek istiyor.
Story image for Hans-Georg Maassen from Deutsche Welle

German intelligence agency warns of 'Islamic State' attacks

Deutsche Welle-May 13, 2019
... to issues beyond Islamic extremists, the group that was almost the exclusive the focus under his predecessor, Hans-Georg Maassen.
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The Secret Ex-Nazi Army That Guarded West Germany

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If the Soviets had invaded West Germany in the early days of the Cold War, they would have found more than a hodgepodge of NATO troops waiting for them.
They would also have confronted a secret army of Hitler’s former soldiers, waiting to settle scores with the Communists. Considering the brutal, take-no-prisoners warfare on the Eastern Front in World War II, former German SS troopers fighting vengeful Red Army troops—again—would have been the height of savagery.
The German magazine Der Spiegel discovered a file buried for years in the archives of the BND, Germany’s spy agency. The documents reveal that in 1949, some 2,000 former officers of the SS and the Wehrmacht—the regular German military under the Third Reich—formed a secret paramilitary army that might have numbered as many as 40,000 fighters in the event of war.
The first traffic ticket in the US: New York City taxi driver Jacob German was arrested for speeding while driving 12 miles per hour on Lexington Street.
Amelia Earhart takes off from Newfoundland to begin the world's first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean by a female pilot.
The Allied occupation forces didn’t know about it. If they did, they would have discovered the involvement of several former Nazi generals who would later become senior commanders in the Bundeswehr, West Germany’s army.
The underground army was apparently supported by former Third Reich generals such as Hans Speidel, who became chief of NATO ground forces in Central Europe in 1957, and Adolf Heusinger, the first inspector general of the Bundeswehr.
Thus after losing millions of men to defeat Hitler, the Western Allies might have had to deal with an army of German war veterans backed by former Nazi senior officers who were rising stars in the West German military. Anti-communist or not, the existence of such an organization surely wouldn’t have reassured the survivors of Coventry and Oradour-Sur-Glane.
The secret army was the brainchild of Albert Schnez, a former Wehrmachtcolonel who later became an official in the Bundeswehr. Along with other German war veterans just after the war, he worried what would happen if the Soviets invaded. West Germany had no army until 1955, and America demobilized much its own military in 1945, leaving Western Europe vulnerable to Soviet conquest.
Schnez wanted ready-made battle staffs, composed of combat-experienced officers, who would form the nucleus of combat divisions. He was convinced that if the Soviets attacked, legions of German war veterans—and there were no shortage of those after World War II—would have flocked to the colors.
They planned to wage war against the Soviets as guerrillas, perhaps operating from Spain or Switzerland.
The West German parliament also didn’t know about this secret army, but the German security service had its leader on its payroll. In 1951, Schnez approached the Gehlen Organization, as German intelligence was known at the time, to offer the services of his organization.
The timing was impeccable. The Korean War was raging, and U.S. and European leaders worried that the conflict was a Soviet diversion to draw off U.S. forces while the Soviets invaded Western Europe.
In a disturbing reminder of where the members of the secret army learned their trade, they spied on leftist West German politicians. Had West Germany gone to war with the Soviets, one wonders what would have happened to anybody the secret army deemed insufficiently anti-communist.
But how would this army have fared against a Soviet invasion?
Probably not well. The massive Soviet tank armies sweeping west to the Ruhr—or the English Channel—might just possibly have been contained by threadbare NATO forces, or more likely the threat of American nukes.
Tens of thousands of aging, poorly armed SS veterans might have been a nuisance to Soviet supply lines, but no more. Considering Soviet memories of German atrocities, one suspects that an insurgency led by ex-Nazis would have been dealt with swiftly and mercilessly.
It’s also remembering that Hitler had the same idea. With Allied and Soviet armies remorselessly closing in on Germany from west and east in 1944 and ’45, Hitler had an inspiration. The German people would rise up as guerrillas against the occupiers as they advanced into German territory.
The “Werewolves” were supposed to strike terror in the hearts of Germany’s enemies. Indeed, the Allies feared a Nazi guerrilla war. Instead, the Werewolves merely proved that after six years of war, the German people were tired, hungry and bombed out.
They just wanted the war to end, even in defeat.
Perhaps the secret army would have discovered that the German people preferred being Red to being dead.
This article by Michael Peck originally appeared at War is Boring in 2014.
Image: Creative Commons
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bnd germany - Google Search

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Story image for bnd germany from The National Interest Online (blog)

The Secret Ex-Nazi Army That Guarded West Germany

The National Interest Online (blog)-Apr 21, 2019
The German magazine Der Spiegel discovered a file buried for years in the archives of the BNDGermany's spy agency. The documents reveal ...
Story image for bnd germany from Miami Herald
Miami Herald

Retrial of 'Sharia police' suspects opens in Germany

Belleville News-Democrat-5 hours ago
Seven men accused of posing as a self-styled "Sharia police" in Germany have gone on trial for the second time, on charges they violated rules ...
Story image for bnd germany from Belleville News-Democrat

German central bank expects feeble growth in second quarter

Belleville News-Democrat-3 hours ago
Cars for export and import are stored in front of containers on Thursday, May 16, 2019 at the harbor in Bremerhaven, Germany, with 2 million ...
Story image for bnd germany from Belleville News-Democrat

Germany: Below-par Bayern Munich still too good for the rest

Belleville News-Democrat-May 19, 2019
Bayern's Arjen Robben pours beer over coach Niko Kovac to celebrate Bayern's 7th straight Bundesliga title after the German Soccer ...
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World’s biggest intelligence headquarters opens in Berlin | World news

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No mobile phones. No private laptops. No checking personal emails or social media. And at the end of the day, all access cards must be locked in a safe.
More than €1bn (£870m) and 12 years after construction began, Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service (BND) has officially opened its new Berlin home, the world’s biggest intelligence headquarters with a footprint the size of 36 football pitches.
The building, close to the route of the former Berlin Wall, is one of Germany’s most secretive spaces, with strict security rules governing what employees there can and cannot do.
Angela Merkel visited the headquarters on Friday and spoke of the BND’s history and the important role it plays. “In an often very confusing world,” the chancellor said, “now, more urgently than ever, Germany needs a strong and efficient foreign intelligence service.”
The site previously housed police barracks, destroyed during the second world war. It then became the site of an East German sports stadium, demolished as part of Germany’s bid to host the 2000 Olympics.
Approximately 3,200 of an expected 4,000 employees have already arrived and are working at the new building, with others yet to move up from the old headquarters outside Munich. The agency employs about 6,500 people in Germany and around the world.
Its bold new presence is meant to signal a more self-confident global role but the agency is not without critics in Germany, where security services can evoke memories of the Stasi and Gestapo. Revelations in 2013 from Edward Snowden that the agency closely cooperated with US and British services in the surveillance of digital communications shocked many and led it reduce cooperation with the US National Security Agency.
Suspicions among some had also focussed on the fake palm trees outside the building, which the Berlin senate in January confirmed were an art installation and not covert listening devices.
The building was made using 135,000 cubic metres of concrete and 20,000 tons of steel, and has 14,000 windows and 12,000 doors, the agency says on its website.
The opening ceremony on Friday was a long time coming: the building was originally scheduled to be finished in 2011 but this was delayed by construction issues, and for other reasons.
In 2015 thieves stole taps from toilets across the building, resulting in flooding and damage, in an incident nicknamed “Watergate” in the German press.
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He used to rule Germany. Now, he oversees Russian energy companies and lashes out at the U.S.

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gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft - Google Search

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Story image for gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft from POLITICO.eu

How Germany went wobbly on the West

POLITICO.eu-May 2, 2019
... Gerhard Schröder, who has come to hold both the chairmanship of Gazprom's Nord Stream 2 pipeline and Rosneft, Russia's energy giant.
Story image for gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft from Financial Times

Gerhard Schröder appointed chairman of Rosneft

Financial Times-Sep 29, 2017
Former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder has been appointed chairman of ... a project owned by Russian state-run gas company Gazprom.
Story image for gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft from The Times

Merkel ally Manfred Weber attacks her Russian gas plan

The Times-Apr 25, 2019
The party's last chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, 75, approved the first ... the Russian energy giants Gazprom and Rosneft since leaving office.
Story image for gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft from NPR

Why Putin's Pal, Germany's Ex-Chancellor Schroeder, Isn't On A ...

NPR-Apr 18, 2018
"Gerhard Schroeder is the most important lobbyist for Putin worldwide. ... The pipeline is majority-owned by the Russian state gas company Gazprom. ... largest oil company, Rosneft, which is on the EU and U.S. sanctions list.
Story image for gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft from Deutsche Welle

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder nominated to Russia's ...

Deutsche Welle-Aug 13, 2017
Schröder was nominated as a non-executive director of Rosneft as part of the ... Nord Stream AG is a subsidiary of Gazprom, the leading global gas producer ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft from National Review

Worried about Russia? Then Keep an Eye on Germany's Former ...

National Review-Jul 11, 2018
... paying a lot more attention to former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder; ... key territories and controlled by Russia's Gazprom energy company. ... 2017, Putin arranged for Schroeder to become chairman of Rosneft, the ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft from Washington Post

He used to rule Germany. Now, he oversees Russian energy ...

Washington Post-Aug 8, 2017
For seven years, Gerhard Schröder was the leader of the most populous democracy ... energy company Gazprom is either the majority or sole shareholder. ... for a position as an independent director on the board of Rosneft, ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft from Deutsche Welle

Gerhard Schröder insists Rosneft job 'not a problem'

Deutsche Welle-Aug 31, 2017
Gerhard Schröder insists Rosneft job 'not a problem' ... he joined the Nordstream pipeline consortium, which is controlled by Russia's Gazprom.
Story image for gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft from Daily Beast

Vladimir Putin's Favorite German, Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, at ...

Daily Beast-May 8, 2018
Vladimir Putin's Favorite German, Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, ... with the Russian state-owned energy companies Rosneft and Gazprom, ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder gazprom rosneft from Reuters

Germany's Schroeder warns against demonizing China

Reuters-Nov 16, 2018
Germany's Schroeder warns against demonizing China ... ties with China, former chancellor Gerhard Schroeder warned Berlin against demonizing ... Stream AG, a consortium led by Russian state-owned gas giant Gazprom. ... colleagues when he became chairman of Russia's biggest oil producer Rosneft.
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How Germany went wobbly on the West – POLITICO

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Buttigieg calls Trump's presidency a 'hostile takeover'

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From: FoxNewsChannel
Duration: 00:35

Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg discusses the idea of generational change with moderator Chris Wallace at Fox News' town hall in Claremont, New Hampshire.
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US needs higher standard for deploying troops: Buttigieg

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From: FoxNewsChannel
Duration: 01:52

Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg calls for a higher bar for deploying U.S. troops abroad during a Fox News town hall in Claremont, New Hampshire.
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Trump: I've destroyed bills, gotten bills passed with Twitter

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From: FoxNewsChannel
Duration: 06:21

Trump opens up on his use of social media and approach to the presidency.
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Was the handling of Trump-Kushner accounts supervised by Ernst Uhrlau, a former chief of BND, and later the "consultant for global geopolitical risks" for Deutsche Bank? What are the relations of Deutsche Bank with the German Intelligence Services and with the hypothetical New Abwehr? – Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks – 8:41 PM 5/19/2019 | FBI News Review

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Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks – 8:41 PM 5/19/2019
Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠

Was the handling of Trump-Kushner accounts supervised by Ernst Uhrlau, a former chief of BND, and later the “consultant for global geopolitical risks” for Deutsche Bank? What are the relations of Deutsche Bank with the German Intelligence Services and with the hypothetical New Abwehr?

Giuliani is Mafia lawyer – Google Search
Giuliani is Mafia lawyer – Google Search
4:29 PM 5/19/2019 – The Recent Tweets: #TheJusticeDept @TheJusticeDept #FBI, @FBI: #PurgeFBI #PurgeFBIAlways #Purge, #PurgeMore, and #PurgeAgain! #InvestigateTheInvestigators #InvestigateFBI! #ReformFBI! #ProsecuteFBICriminals! #ImprisonFBICriminals! | Trump and Trumpism
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Was the handling of Trump-Kushner accounts supervised by Ernst Uhrlau, a former chief of BND, and later the "consultant for global geopolitical risks" for Deutsche Bank? What are the relations of Deutsche Bank with the German Intelligence Services and with the hypothetical New Abwehr?

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7:18 PM 5/19/2019 - Post

Was the handling of Trump-Kushner accounts supervised by Ernst Uhrlau, a former chief of BND, and later the "consultant for global geopolitical risks" for Deutsche Bank?

Selected Post: Trump and Deutsche Bank

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Giuliani is Mafia lawyer - Google Search

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Story image for Giuliani is Mafia lawyer from Slate Magazine

William Barr Is a Different Kind of Trump Surrogate

Slate Magazine-May 2, 2019
... in attorneys general has bypassed loudmouths like Rudy Giuliani in ... In Barr, Trump has found an attorney general with hoary Republican ... Barr isn't only there to translate Trump's mafia-speak into legitimate legalese.
Story image for Giuliani is Mafia lawyer from ABC News

How Robert Mueller used mob boss prosecution tactics in the Russia ...

ABC News-Apr 19, 2019
Back then, Mueller was an assistant attorney general in charge of the .... Trump's lawyer and friend, Rudolph Giuliani, led the charge with a ...
Story image for Giuliani is Mafia lawyer from Vox

Former US Attorney Preet Bharara says good journalism may have ...

Vox-May 16, 2019
“Imagine if, in my office when I was US Attorney, that there had been a drip .... squads focused on La Cosa Nostra, classic Italian mafia, one for each family. .... including Rudy Giuliani and Bob Morgenthal, who ran for governor ...
Story image for Giuliani is Mafia lawyer from The Times

President Trump allies accuse professor of set-up

The Times-Apr 19, 2019
Rudy Giuliani, Mr Trump's lawyer, suggested Mifsud was a ... Mr Giuliani, who prosecuted Mafiabosses in the 1980s, said: “It sounds like a ...
Story image for Giuliani is Mafia lawyer from New York Times

How Giuliani Might Take Down Trump

New York Times-Mar 4, 2019
Any onetime Mafia investigator who listened to the Trump “fixer” Michael ... none other than the crusading United States attorney Rudy Giuliani, ...
Story image for Giuliani is Mafia lawyer from POLITICO Magazine

Rudy Giuliani Is Not Doing His Best Work These Days

POLITICO Magazine-Jan 17, 2019
That would be Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, who says he performed ... Loyalty, Comey comparing the scene to the New York Mafia social clubs he ... In 1985, then U.S. Attorney Giulianiencouraged Time magazine ...
Story image for Giuliani is Mafia lawyer from Washington Post

The Daily 202: As Michael Cohen reports to prison, a primer on how ...

Washington Post-May 6, 2019
The way that Trump communicated with his personal lawyer Michael .... “If you work in a Mafia-style organization, you quickly learn that asking your ..... Costello had also heard from Giuliani that Cohen expressed thoughts of ...
Story image for Giuliani is Mafia lawyer from Bloomberg

Where Rudy Giuliani's Money Comes From

Bloomberg-Apr 5, 2019
Long lauded as the prosecutor who skewered the New York Mafia ... “As President Trump's personal attorney, Mr. Giuliani communicates in ...
Story image for Giuliani is Mafia lawyer from Newsweek

Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani's Mysterious Ties to Russia and Former ...

Newsweek-Nov 16, 2018
While lawyer and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani represents ... ties between the Russian mafiaand Trump's associates, told Newsweek.
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Giuliani is Mafia lawyer - Google Search

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4:29 PM 5/19/2019 – The Recent Tweets: #TheJusticeDept @TheJusticeDept #FBI, @FBI: #PurgeFBI #PurgeFBIAlways #Purge, #PurgeMore, and #PurgeAgain! #InvestigateTheInvestigators #InvestigateFBI! #ReformFBI! #ProsecuteFBICriminals! #ImprisonFBICriminals! | Trump and Trumpism

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The #FBI #News #Review: 9:36 AM 5/19/2019 – “#Strzok joins the ranks of mor… fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/05/936-am… #InvestigateTheInvestigators #InvestigateFBI! #ReformFBI! #ProsecuteFBICriminals! #ImprisonFBICriminals!
10:00 AM 5/19/2019 – #TheJusticeDept @TheJusticeDept #FBI, @FBI: #PurgeFBI #PurgeFBIAlways #Purge, #PurgeMore, and #PurgeAgain! #InvestigateTheInvestigators #InvestigateFBI! #ReformFBI! #ProsecuteFBICriminals! #ImprisonFBICriminals! – by mikenov fbinewsre
RT @mikenov: #FBIIssues: #CriminalJustice, #MiscarriagesOfJustice, #FalseConvictions: #SolveCrimes: #CrimeUnsolved is #CrimePerpetuated. #I…
Saved Stories – 1. My News Blogs: #RudyGiuliani: ‘No one #really #respects’ #JamesComey #NewYorkPost nypost.com/2019/05/18/rud… M.N.: #Absolutely the same thing can be said about you, #LittleDuce. So, just shut the fuck up, as they say in #Bensonhurst, a
#RudyGiuliani: ‘No one #really #respects’ #JamesComey #NewYorkPost nypost.com/2019/05/18/rud… M.N.: #Absolutely the same thing can be said about you, #LittleDuce. So, just shut the fuck up, as they say in #Bensonhurst, and get lost you, the #NewAbwehr #D
Saved Stories – 1. My News Blogs: #Resignation of #Austria’s #vicechancellor #undermines #efforts to forge a #unitedfront google.com/search?q=Resig… #Trump #TrumpPutin #TrumpRussia #NeoNazi #USNeoNazi #AustriaNeoNazi #EuropeanNeoNazi #RussianNeoNazi #Ge
#Resignation of #Austria’s #vicechancellor #undermines #efforts to forge a #unitedfront google.com/search?q=Resig… #Trump #TrumpPutin #TrumpRussia #NeoNazi #USNeoNazi #AustriaNeoNazi #EuropeanNeoNazi #RussianNeoNazi #GermanNeoNazi #NewAbwehr #Abwehr #FB
Saved Stories – 1. My News Blogs: RT @MarkSimmons9: He was the enigma of keeping Spain out of #WW2 Wilhelm Canaris chief of the #Abwehr perhaps the main influence on #Franco…
RT @MarkSimmons9: He was the enigma of keeping Spain out of #WW2 Wilhelm Canaris chief of the #Abwehr perhaps the main influence on #Franco…
Saved Stories – 1. My News Blogs: RT @HelloToTheSun1: Wonder if the XX committee will have to ask the Abwehr for their permission to use their information? #doublecross #GDP…
RT @HelloToTheSun1: Wonder if the XX committee will have to ask the Abwehr for their permission to use their information? #doublecross #GDP…
Saved Stories – 1. My News Blogs: RT @silkroadtravel: This post is about the German Resistance 1938-44 which centered around the #Abwehr. Their interventions almost prevente…
RT @silkroadtravel: This post is about the German Resistance 1938-44 which centered around the #Abwehr. Their interventions almost prevente…
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#Resignation of #Austria’s vice#chancellor #undermines #efforts to #forge a #united #front – #Google #Search google.com/search?q=Resig…
Saved Stories – 1. My News Blogs: RT @ChinaDaily: Austrian Vice-Chancellor and leader of the right-wing populist Freedom Party Heinz-Christian Strache declared his #resignat…
RT @ChinaDaily: Austrian Vice-Chancellor and leader of the right-wing populist Freedom Party Heinz-Christian Strache declared his #resignat…
Saved Stories – 1. My News Blogs: #Tweet as #Art: #TweetAsArt pic.twitter.com/kIDWJZgOX0
#Tweet as #Art: #TweetAsArt pic.twitter.com/kIDWJZgOX0
Saved Stories – 1. My News Blogs: “Thy #Art Is #Devoid Of #Knowledge”, said #EmperorAdrian to his #physicians shortly before his #death. If he were the #AmericanEmpire he could say this to the #USIntelligence #officials #today. pic.twitter.com/e0LBeObyBx
“Thy #Art Is #Devoid Of #Knowledge”, said #EmperorAdrian to his #physicians shortly before his #death. If he were the #AmericanEmpire he could say this to the #USIntelligence #officials #today. pic.twitter.com/e0LBeObyBx
Saved Stories – 1. My News Blogs: 2:03 PM 5/19/2019 – #DeutscheBank #Staff Saw #SuspiciousActivity in #Trump and #Kushner … – #TheNewYorkTimes – #TrumpDeutscheBank fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/05/203-pm…
2:03 PM 5/19/2019 – #DeutscheBank #Staff Saw #SuspiciousActivity in #Trump and #Kushner … – #TheNewYorkTimes – #TrumpDeutscheBank fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/05/203-pm…
RT @dmgshuey: Employees of #Deutschebank rec’d red flag alerts for poss illegal activity on #Trump and #Kushner accts. They prepared report…
RT @CorentinSellin: 2) Mais, mais…rappelez moi à quelle banque #Trump et ses enfants veulent-ils par la Justice faire interdire de répond…
RT @mog7546: #DeutscheBank Staff SAW SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Anti-money laundering specialists recommended in 2016 and 2017 that MULTIPLE TRAN…
RT @sexydreadhead1:
The #AmericanPresident as The #MoneyLaunderer: google.com/search?q=trump… And the #halfofthevoters do not see anything wrong with him, his “#businessacumen”, his fake #financialstatements and his #claim of $4B “#TrumpBrand”. Like #President like #voters,
Deutsche Bank Staff Saw Suspicious Activity in Trump and Kushner Accounts
Deutsche Bank staff saw suspicious Trump and Kushner activity – report
Deutsche Bank Flagged Trump And Kushner Accounts For Suspicious Activity, Including Money …
Bank staff highlighted ‘suspicious activity’ in Trump-, Kushner-controlled accounts: report
Trump’s DC hotel has raked in cash — and only at the cost of America’s dignity
Trump’s finances far from reality
Trump declared a national emergency on cybersecurity. What are his totally different emergencies?
When Will Robert Mueller Testify, If Ever, About The Special Counsel Report?
Deutsche Bank Staff Eyed Trump, Kushner Transactions, NYT Says – Bloomberg
mikenov on Twitter: The #AmericanPresident as The #MoneyLaunderer: google.com/search?q=trump… And the #halfofthevoters do not see anything wrong with him, his “#businessacumen”, his fake #financialstatements and his #claim of $4B “#TrumpBrand”. Like #Pre
mikenov on Twitter: RT @sexydreadhead1:
mikenov on Twitter: RT @mog7546: #DeutscheBank Staff SAW SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Anti-money laundering specialists recommended in 2016 and 2017 that MULTIPLE TRAN…
mikenov on Twitter: RT @CorentinSellin: 2) Mais, mais…rappelez moi à quelle banque #Trump et ses enfants veulent-ils par la Justice faire interdire de répond…
mikenov on Twitter: RT @dmgshuey: Employees of #Deutschebank rec’d red flag alerts for poss illegal activity on #Trump and #Kushner accts. They prepared report…
mikenov on Twitter: 2:03 PM 5/19/2019 – #DeutscheBank #Staff Saw #SuspiciousActivity in #Trump and #Kushner … – #TheNewYorkTimes – #TrumpDeutscheBank fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/05/203-pm…
mikenov on Twitter: FUCK FACEBOOK!!! fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/05/203-pm…
Deutsche Bank Staff Saw Suspicious Activity in Trump and Kushner Accounts – The New York Times
“Trump” – Google News: Deutsche Bank Staff Saw Suspicious Activity in Trump and Kushner Accounts – The New York Times
mikenov on Twitter: “Thy #Art Is #Devoid Of #Knowledge”, said #EmperorAdrian to his #physicians shortly before his #death. If he were the #AmericanEmpire he could say this to the #USIntelligence #officials #today. pic.twitter.com/e0LBeObyBx
mikenov on Twitter: RT @ImadSalamoun: “Three Girls reading”~Edmund Charles Tarbell #USA #art #London #paintings #artistic #artist #artsy #ArtStationHQ #artwork…
mikenov on Twitter: RT @ImadSalamoun: “The Violinist”~Edmund Charles Tarbell #USA #art #London #paintings #artistic #artist #artsy #ArtStationHQ #artworks #art…
mikenov on Twitter: #Tweet as #Art: #TweetAsArt pic.twitter.com/kIDWJZgOX0
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#FBIIssues: #CriminalJustice, #MiscarriagesOfJustice, #FalseConvictions: #SolveCrimes: #CrimeUnsolved is #CrimePerpetuated. #InevitabilityOfPunishment is #BestDeterrent of #CriminalActivity & #CriminalBehavior. #FBI #FBIReform twitter.com/search?src=typ… fbireform.com

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#FBIIssues: #CriminalJustice, #MiscarriagesOfJustice, #FalseConvictions:
#SolveCrimes: #CrimeUnsolved is #CrimePerpetuated.
#InevitabilityOfPunishment is #BestDeterrent of #CriminalActivity & #CriminalBehavior.

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 12:33pm

Investigate The Investigators! #InvestigateTheInvestigators fbireform.com fbinewsreview.org trumpinvestigations.org trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com fbinewsreview.blogspot.com #FBI #Reform pic.twitter.com/avRsjQTG63 

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Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 1:09pm
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Investigate The Investigators! #InvestigateTheInvestigators fbireform.com fbinewsreview.org trumpinvestigations.org trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com fbinewsreview.blogspot.com #FBI #Reform #FBIReform #Trump #InvestigateFBI! #TrumpInvestigations #Mueller #AGBarr #Comey #DOJ pic.twitter.com/1yJtnPaGq9 

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Investigate The Investigators!
#DOJ pic.twitter.com/1yJtnPaGq9

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 1:15pm
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npr.org/2019/05/18/724… THE NEWS AND TIMES newsandtimes.org fbireform.com trumpandtrumpism.com fbinewsreview.org trumpinvestigations.org trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com fbinewsreview.blogspot.com #News #Videos #FBI #Trump #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI #Press pic.twitter.com/GUAZDLXV75 

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Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 1:48pm
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Austria nazis, Trump, and Putin - Google Search google.com/search?q=Austr… newsandtimes.org fbireform.com trumpandtrumpism.com fbinewsreview.org trumpinvestigations.org trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com fbinewsreview.blogspot.com #News #Videos #FBI #Trump #Press pic.twitter.com/qwouZcXWiQ 

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The Disturbing Connections Between Trump, Putin, and Austrian Neo-Nazis washingtonmonthly.com/2019/05/17/the…

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The Disturbing Connections Between Trump, Putin, and Austrian Neo-Nazis washingtonmonthly.com/2019/05/17/the…

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 2:17pm

New DOJ Investigation Has Haunted FBI for Months RealClearPolitics THE NEWS AND TIMES newsandtimes.org fbireform.com trumpandtrumpism.com fbinewsreview.org trumpinvestigations.org trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com fbinewsreview.blogspot.com #News #Videos #FBI pic.twitter.com/liBED1mXtx 

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Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 2:28pm
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Giuliani Blasts Comey THE NEWS AND TIMES newsandtimes.org fbireform.com trumpandtrumpism.com fbinewsreview.org trumpinvestigations.org trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com fbinewsreview.blogspot.com #News #Videos #FBI #Trump #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI pic.twitter.com/k1hziRc6si 

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Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 2:49pm
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Giuliani Blasts Comey Over Barr Criticism: ‘No One Really Respects Him Or Wants To Hear From Him’ inquisitr.com/5442946/giulia… 

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Giuliani Blasts Comey Over Barr Criticism: ‘No One Really Respects Him Or Wants To Hear From Him’ inquisitr.com/5442946/giulia…

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 2:50pm

The President Accused the FBI of Treason washingtonmonthly.com/2019/05/17/the… 

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The President Accused the FBI of Treason washingtonmonthly.com/2019/05/17/the…

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 3:38pm
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#Trump, #Putin, #AustrianNeoNazis, and the #AntiAustrianSentiment described earlier in the so called #HapsburgGroup Affair trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/05/trump-… THE NEWS AND TIMES newsandtimes.org #FBI #CIA #TrumpInvestigations #NewAbwehr #TrumPutin #TrumpRussia #NewAbwehrHypothesis pic.twitter.com/uReU1wJ3fp

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#Trump, #Putin, #AustrianNeoNazis, and the #AntiAustrianSentiment described earlier in the so called #HapsburgGroup Affair
#FBI #CIA #TrumpInvestigations #NewAbwehr #TrumPutin #TrumpRussia #NewAbwehrHypothesis pic.twitter.com/uReU1wJ3fp

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 5:33pm
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#Trump, #Putin, #AustrianNeoNazis, #AntiAustrianSentiment in #HapsburgGroup & #OperationTrump point to New #Abwehr trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/05/trump-… THE NEWS AND TIMES newsandtimes.org #FBI #CIA #TrumpInvestigations #NewAbwehr #TrumPutin #TrumpRussia #NewAbwehrHypothesis #Austria pic.twitter.com/DRPUAT7RR5

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#Trump, #Putin, #AustrianNeoNazis, #AntiAustrianSentiment in #HapsburgGroup & #OperationTrump point to New #Abwehr
#FBI #CIA #TrumpInvestigations #NewAbwehr #TrumPutin #TrumpRussia #NewAbwehrHypothesis #Austria pic.twitter.com/DRPUAT7RR5

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 5:40pm
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In my humble opinion, this piece of information lends further support to the New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump... Thanks to Seth Hettena @seth_hettena for sharing the link to article on videotaping. trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/05/trump-… THE NEWS AND TIMES newsandtimes.org pic.twitter.com/ZGGXRWpBNw

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In my humble opinion, this piece of information lends further support to the New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump...
Thanks to Seth Hettena @seth_hettena for sharing the link to article on videotaping.

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 6:07pm
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Austria minister Heinz-Christian Strache resigns amid video scandal BBC News-7 hours ago google.com/search?q=Heinz… THE NEWS AND TIMES newsandtimes.org #News #Videos #FBI #Trump #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI #Press pic.twitter.com/XSpZbGviJK 

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Austria minister Heinz-Christian Strache resigns amid video scandal
BBC News-7 hours ago
#News #Videos #FBI #Trump #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI #Press pic.twitter.com/XSpZbGviJK

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 6:11pm
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THE NEWS AND TIMES newsandtimes.org Austria Appears Headed for Snap Election After Vice Chancellor - NYTimes google.com/search?q=Heinz… #News #Videos #FBI #Trump #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI #Press #InvestigateTheInvestigators fbireform.com #World #Intel pic.twitter.com/10IAjz3p4Z 

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Austria Appears Headed for Snap Election After Vice Chancellor - NYTimes
#News #Videos #FBI #Trump #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI #Press
#World #Intel pic.twitter.com/10IAjz3p4Z

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 6:20pm
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#Austria's #ViceChancellor #HeinzChristianStrache has #resigned a day after #secretvideo footage mired him in a #corruptionscandal. google.com/search?q=Heinz… THE NEWS AND TIMES newsandtimes.org #News #Videos #FBI #Trump #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI #Press #NewAbwehr pic.twitter.com/9Jj3mIHATS 

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#Austria's #ViceChancellor #HeinzChristianStrache has #resigned a day after #secretvideo footage mired him in a #corruptionscandal.
#News #Videos #FBI #Trump #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI #Press
#NewAbwehr pic.twitter.com/9Jj3mIHATS

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 6:26pm
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Trump Putin Austria Neo-nazis and the Anti-Austria sentiment of the New Abwehr - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… 

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Trump Putin Austria Neo-nazis and the Anti-Austria sentiment of the New Abwehr - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 6:39pm

#Trump #Putin #Austria #NeoNazis & #AntiAustriaSentiment of #NewAbwehr google.com/search?newwind… THE NEWS AND TIMES newsandtimes.org trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/05/trump-… #News #FBI #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI #Press #CIA #Intel #BND #World #NewAbwehrHypothesis #OperationTrump pic.twitter.com/20vGGeep8t 

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#Trump #Putin #Austria #NeoNazis & #AntiAustriaSentiment of
#News #FBI #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI #Press
#CIA #Intel #BND #World #NewAbwehrHypothesis #OperationTrump pic.twitter.com/20vGGeep8t

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 6:50pm
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Made In #Germany, by New #Abwehr (#BND?): #IntelligenceOperations: #Trump, #NineEleven, and others, of #TheDusseldorfKarnivalCycle THE NEWS AND TIMES newsandtimes.org #News #Videos #FBI #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI #Press trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com #NewAbwehr #World pic.twitter.com/5odh2bjBtk 

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Made In #Germany, by New #Abwehr (#BND?): #IntelligenceOperations: #Trump, #NineEleven, and others, of #TheDusseldorfKarnivalCycle
#News #Videos #FBI #TrumpInvestigations #InvestigateFBI #Press
#NewAbwehr #World pic.twitter.com/5odh2bjBtk

Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 7:26pm
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