M.N.: Now Mr. Barr claims that "the baby is his". I am not so sure. The paternity test is needed. | "In his defiance, Barr proved himself to be exactly the protective bulwark..." - 6:05 AM 5/2/2019

6:05 AM 5/2/2019

M.N.: Now Mr. Barr claims that "the baby is his". I am not so sure. The paternity test is needed. | "In his defiance, Barr proved himself to be exactly the protective bulwark..." - 6:05 AM 5/2/2019

The Barr Exam: "Yes, this Lady appears to be somewhat pregnant but since there is no evidence of the intercourse, it must be the Immaculate Conception!" 

- ziz iz my Zumary of the AG Barr's Zummary, with all the due and mozt zinzere RESHPECT! | Palmer Report: William Barr’s supposed “summary” of the Robert Mueller report is complete bullshit, just as we suspected 

Lady Liberty GYN exam - Google Search

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Image result for Lady Liberty GYN exam

AG Barr cartoons - Google Search

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Image result for AG Barr cartoons
"Yes, this Lady appears to be somewhat pregnant but since there is no evidence of the intercourse, it must be the Immaculate Conception" - ziz iz my Zumary of the AG Barr's Zummary, with all the due and mozt zinzere RESHPECT! 
Mr. Barr, Me izzi not interezanto in your opinion regarding the vicissitudes and your interpretations of zeze theological issues. Az a matter of plain fact, my dear Sir, Me izzi not interezanto in any of your opinionz at all, if it comez to ziz matter. 

I do want to read the original Mueller Report in itz entirety, OR: 

OR: the American people have the option of hiring another AG, and most definitely another Prezident without Prezedent. 

Your Zummary, my Mozt Dear Zir, look-iz more like a wishy-washy white paint job! 

Do not sell yourzelf cheap, you are worth much more than ZIZ. 

With zi mozt zinzere Rezshpect, 

Michael Novakhov

5:26 PM 3/24/2019


M.N.: Mr. Barr claims that "the baby is his". I am not so sure. The paternity test is needed.  

"Barr was unrepentant.
"It was my baby, and I was making a decision as to whether or not to make it public," he said, when accused of framing the release of the redacted report to politically shield Trump.
"It was my decision how and when to make it public, not Bob Mueller's," he said."


"In his defiance, Barr proved himself to be exactly the protective bulwark for which Trump pined but never had in characters like former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former FBI chief James Comey.
"We have to stop using the criminal justice process as a political weapon," Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee, even as he was accused of misrepresenting special counsel Robert Mueller's report to save Trump's presidency."


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