Tweets by ‎@MichaelNovakhov - 9:54 AM 5/6/2019: Donald, I have a solution for you: you have to become The First Anti-Mafia President. You should say: "Mafia wanted to deceive and to use me but I deceived and used them instead. I will eradicate the Mafia and will wipe them out from the face of this Earth, and we'll be free!"

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  1. Donald, I have a solution for you: you have to become The First Anti-Mafia President. You should say: "Mafia wanted to deceive and to use me but I deceived and used them instead. I will eradicate the Mafia and will wipe them out from the face of this Earth, and we'll be free!"
  1. To Mr. Trump: Donald, you believe too much in the Power of Money, which has its natural limitations. Your strong side is the Power of Communications. Your new role as the President obligates you to be ABSOLUTELY HONEST with People, even if it requires admitting your past errors.
  2. Alternative Interpretation of the Russian Plane Crash of 5.5.19 (the date might be significant too: 5+5=10 - the heart of the target) SIGNATURE-MESSAGE:
    Mustai Karim:
    Must I, KAR! Im: KAR - Crow sound, to crow, каркать.
  3. The hypothetical message of the Russian plane crash of 5.5.19:
    1. I must [do this], Karim.
    2. This is your payback for Bashneft.
    3. Choose and play your cards right: the winning colors are determined by the Trump card.
    This picture is just an illustration.
  4. The crashed Russian plane caught fire after the second bump on the hard landing. The problem might be with landing gear; if it did not open, plane hit the ground with his body, and the big spark (visible) caused the ignition of the full fuel tanks. This might have been by design.
  5. Attention, Russian Investigators: the name of the plane, "Mustai Karim", might hold the clue. See previous tweets and these searches:
    Sechin, Ulukayev, Bashneft
    This act might be a criminal follow-up to the mysterious and comlex acquisition of Bashneft by Rosneft. Look into ZIZ!
  6. Band of the Insulted: The Nicknames of Trump’s Adversaries 
  7. Defending the Free Press 
  8. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Opinion | Defending the Free Press 
  9. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Joe Biden speaks in Columbia, SC: "I promise you we're bringing along everybody no matter their race, their gender, their ethnicity, their religion, who they love, where they live, whether they have a disability -- not a joke. It's what America's about."
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  10. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    A beluga whale is allegedly a Russian spy. There's a long history of marine mammals drafted into the military 
  11. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    US deploys carrier strike group to send "clear and unmistakable message" to Iran 
  12. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    En tomas de video pudo verse a pasajeros desesperados saltando desde la nave por un tobogán inflable. 
  13. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks in Perry, IA: "You may not know that Ben and Jerry not only produced a very tasty product, might I say, but also pioneered in the idea that you can run a profitable corporation and be a good citizen as well."
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  14. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    BREAKING: U.S. sending carrier strike group to Middle East to send "unmistakable message" to Iran, national security adviser John Bolton says 
  15. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Pete Buttigieg speaks in North Charleston, SC: "We need to be a campaign that models in every respect -- in our makeup, in our practices, in our support, and in our conduct -- the increasingly democratic and increasingly diverse country that this nation has come to be."
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  16. The alternative interpretation (see previous tweet) is: "Must I" Signature: "Karim", "The Generous and Noble One" ("Higher Authority"). Most likely this name does contain the message and it looks like the only clue so far. -message also.
  17. The crashed Russian plane was named after Bashkir poet, Mustai Karim (see picture). The meaning of "mustai" is inknown, of "Karim" is "to make cream (verb), "generous, noble", etc., (adj.), from Arabic. It comes to: "Must I make cream, o generous and noble one". (?)
  18. In principle, the electronic warfare against the military and civilian planes and ships is the same. The Warning: stop supplying Gaza with missiles. Or else. https://trumpandtrumpism.comhttps://trumpinvestigations.org 
  19. “A passenger plane flew from Sheremetyevo to Murmansk... The plane took off at about 18:00 Moscow time from Sheremetyevo airport, made several laps over the Moscow region and abruptly went down. At about 18:40, he landed. https://trumpandtrumpism.com
  20. The main version of the fire on board the aircraft is lightning, according to a TASS dispatch with reference to a source in the emergency services. "The main version is a lightning strike on the plane, after which the automatics refused. 
  21. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    .@MaxBoot — "For the next 18 months, at a minimum, this nation is at the mercy of a criminal administration." 's 2020 campaign theme: I'll do whatever I can do to prolong my power—to delay criminal prosecution.  @PostOpinions


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