MAAGGA-Mugger Trump will run in 2020! Heil The New Abwehr! Heil The Old Whore Admiral Canaris!
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MAAGGA: Make Abwehr And Germany Great Again!
- Mugger Trump will run in 2020!
Heil The NewAbwehr!
Heil The Old Whore Admiral Canaris!
#GreatNews! #MAAGGA!
#MuggerTrump, #MAAGGATrump:
That what you were hired for #FourBillionTrumpBrandValue #CreditLine
from #DeutscheBank… …
#Attention: #FBI #CIA #ODNI #CounterIntelligence #CounterIntelligenceInvestigations
#MuggerTrump, #MAAGGATrump:
That what you were hired for #FourBillionTrumpBrandValue #CreditLine
from #DeutscheBank… …
#Attention: #FBI #CIA #ODNI #CounterIntelligence #CounterIntelligenceInvestigations
Posted byrealDonaldTrump on Friday, May 31st, 2019 8:02pm
46738 likes, 13343 retweets
Posted by
mikenov on Friday, May 31st, 2019 9:01pm

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The House Judiciary Committee chair said there “certainly is” justification for launching impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, but cautioned that the public first must agree that it’s warranted
Posted by
politico on Friday, May 31st, 2019 5:26pm

Retweeted by
mikenov on Friday, May 31st, 2019 9:54pm

825 likes, 257 retweets
Threats over 'MAGA hate' art force exhibit to more secure location.… via @HuffPost
Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 7:53am

I will be announcing my Second Term Presidential Run with First Lady Melania, Vice President Mike Pence, and Second Lady Karen Pence on June 18th in Orlando, Florida, at the 20,000 seat Amway Center. Join us for this Historic Rally! Tickets:…
Posted by
realDonaldTrump on Friday, May 31st, 2019 8:35pm

Retweeted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 9:55am

98365 likes, 28011 retweets

Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 10:02am

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The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: The People will not read 450 Pages of Legalese…
Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 11:13am

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Counterintelligence Investigation views the German Intelligence Services - New Abwehr as the source of the ultimate origin, "authorship", and management of these presumed intelligence operations, and hypothetically, many others after the WW2……

Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 11:19am

Donald Trump 'kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed'…
Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 12:19pm

The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News And #Opinions: #HeilTrump! #HeilPutin! #HeilSchroeder! #HeilNewAbwehr! Heil the old whore #AdmiralCanaris!…
#Attention #Also: #FBI #FBINincompoops #CIA #ODNI #InvestigateTheIncompetentFBI…
#Attention #Also: #FBI #FBINincompoops #CIA #ODNI #InvestigateTheIncompetentFBI

Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 1:06pm

The FBI News Review: For First Time, Moscow Publishes Photocopies of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and Its Secret Protocols……
Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 2:21pm

Опубликованы советские оригиналы Договора о ненападении между СССР и Германией — Фонд «Историческая память»…
Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 2:23pm

#German #Russian #Strategic #Partnership - Google Search…
Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 2:50pm

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#German #Russian #Intelligence #Partnership - Google Search…
Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 2:51pm

#Abwehr #After #WW2
Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 3:00pm

The FBI News Review:
New German Russian Strategic And Intelligence Partnership And The US Germany Russia Relations Triangle
New German Russian Strategic And Intelligence Partnership And The US Germany Russia Relations Triangle
Posted by
mikenov on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 3:38pm

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Is Germany About to Ban Your Opinion Online?
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-May 30, 2019
Popular German YouTube star Rezo urged voters to punish the cdu and its coalition ..... the development of artificial intelligence, and the danger of cyberthreats. .... Russia's partnership on India's ambitious “Skycraft” manned space mission.
Austria: Don't Get Drunk With Russians in Ibiza, and Other Lessons for ...
GZERO Media-May 20, 2019
That's right, over the weekend the German press released a video secretly ... Nazi roots and, since 2016, a partnership agreement with United Russia, ... to other European intelligence services, which worried about sensitive ...
China and Russia to reinforce ties with cross-border highway bridge
South China Morning Post-2 hours ago
... is visiting Pakistan before he heads to the Netherlands and Germany, .... Alexander Bortnikov, chief of the main Russian intelligence agency FSB, said .... our training – including with allies and partners – to improve mission ...
Report says Human Rights NGO Open Dialogue Foundation ...
New Europe-May 23, 2019
... Dialogue Foundation “suspected of cooperating with Russian intelligence” .... Italian Senator Roberto Rampi, German MP Frank Schwabe, Austrian ... The establishment of partnerships between deputies belonging to one or ...
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German–Soviet Union relations date to the aftermath of the First World War. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, dictated by Germany ended hostilities between Russia and Germany; it was .... Most of the documents pertaining to secret German- Soviet military cooperation were systematically destroyed in Germany. The Polish and ...
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The Gehlen Organization or Gehlen Org was an intelligence agency established in June 1946 by U.S. occupation authorities in the United States zone of Germany, and consisted of former members of the 12th Department of the German Army General Staff (Foreign Armies East, ... Every German POW returning from Soviet captivity to West Germany ...
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by R Götz - Cited by 19 - Related articles
Measured in terms of volume of trade, German is Russia's main business ... Russia's largest trading partners (without CIS countries) and their share of total.
Jun 6, 2018 - Like Moscow's relations with the West more broadly, Russia's ties with Germany —its most important European partner—have grown ...
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Nowadays there are two concepts for Germany's approach towards Russia – one considers Russia to be Germany's strategic partner and makes reference to ...
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Aug 12, 2013 - German intelligence services cooperate closely with the NSA, but the country is ... Not surprisingly, the top targets include China, Russia, Iran, ...
Jul 12, 2014 - But despite the cooperation on these issues, the CIA has also long held the view that Germany's intelligence and security services have been ...
Jun 28, 2017 - For a Russia that is clearly bent on destabilizing Europe and the transatlantic alliance, Germany is the prize: Weaken Germany, and you ...
Part II: Pullach Operations Base and U.S.-German Cooperation. 5. Chief ..... With its origins in the urgent need for intelligence in the Soviet zone of. Germany ...
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torian, "the partnership betwveen Germany and Russia, de- spite some statements to the contrary, seems to have been mutually beneficial. IHad it not been, ...
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against a potential invasion by the Soviet Army. Keywords: Camp ... information regarding the Germanorder of battle and related intelligence data'. The Allied ..... The high level of collaboration between captors and captives as well as between
This history shows why a Russian-German alliance is alarmingly plausible. For centuries, the relationship between Russia and Germany has been consistently ...
73. September 1953. Part II: Pullach Operations Base and U.S.-German Cooperation ...... (in an accurate analysis of Soviet production, He stated that the baaia.
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Jump to The secret protocol - The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, officially known as the Treaty of Non-aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was a neutrality pactbetween Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by foreign ministers Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov, respectively.
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German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, also called Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, ... A secretsupplementary protocol (signed September 28, 1939) clarified the ...

For First Time, Moscow Publishes Photocopies of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and Its Secret Protocolsby paul goble (<a href=""></a>)
Впервые опубликованы сканы советского оригинала Договора о ненападении между Советским Союзом и Германией от 23 августа 1939 года и секретного дополнительного протокола к нему. Ранее историкам были доступны лишь фотокопии немецких оригиналов этих документов.
Сканы предоставлены Историко-документальным департаментом МИД России и опубликованы в научном издании «Антигитлеровская коалиция 1939: формула провала», выпущенным в свет Институтом внешнеполитических исследований и инициатив.
Документ № 1.
Договор о ненападении между СССР и Германией. 23 августа 1939 г. Советский оригинал на русском языке.
Документ № 2.
Договор о ненападении между СССР и Германией. 23 августа 1939 г. Советский оригинал на немецком языке.
Документ № 3.
Секретный дополнительный протокол к Договору о ненападении между СССР и Германией. 23 августа 1939 г. Советский оригинал на русском языке.
Документ № 4.
Секретный дополнительный протокол к Договору о ненападении между СССР и Германией. 23 августа 1939 г. Советский оригинал на немецком языке.
Документ № 5.
Разъяснение к секретному дополнительному протоколу к Договору о ненападении между СССР и Германией. 28 августа 1939 г. Советский оригинал на русском языке.
Документ № 6.
Разъяснение к секретному дополнительному протоколу к Договору о ненападении между СССР и Германией. 28 августа 1939 г. Советский оригинал на немецком языке.
Публикация документов: Антигитлеровская коалиция — 1939: Формула провала. Сборник статей / Под общей ред. В.Ю. Крашенинниковой. М.: Кучково поле, 2019. С. 321 — 331.
Подробнее о Договоре о ненападении между СССР и Германией и его последствиях см.: Дюков А.Р. «Пакт Молотова — Риббентропа» в вопросах и ответах. М.: Фонд «Историческая память», 2009. 176 с. (pdf)
For First Time, Moscow Publishes Photocopies of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and Its Secret Protocolsby paul goble (<a href=""></a>)
Paul Goble
Staunton, June 1 – For the first time, a Moscow portal, Istoricheskaya pamyat, has published photocopies of the Russian originals of the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and its secret protocols, the agreements which made Hitler and Stalin allies, opened the way to World War II in Europe, and divided the continent into German and Soviet spheres of influence.
Throughout the Soviet period, Moscow officials denied the existence of such texts in the archives and used the lack of such texts to challenge the German originals which had been available to scholars since the late 1940s. In the 1990s, Moscow did publish its own translation of these documents, but before yesterday, it had not issued photocopies.
This should make it impossible for Russian authors to deny the existence of the documents but not, of course, to deny the reading of them that Western historians and people in the countries most profoundly affected by the pact have given to that Nazi-Soviet agreement and especially to its secret protocols.
The new Russian publication is available online at It has been presented and discussed by Radio Liberty at
"Donald Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed" - This is the explanation of his oratorical style and very posiibly, his mentality. - M.N. - In my Opinion - Post
Does Donald Trump speak German?
But the point of this question is, if he speaks German. I think, he does speak some German; it is very likely that he had a German nanny, and it is possible that he read Hitler's speeches in German.
Another part of this question is: Does Melania Trump speak German? She is from the German-Slovenian family, and it is very likely that she does.
I wonder, what do they discuss in German (just like the old Russian Royalty-Nobility) during their daily, three hours long, private family meals?
FBI, could you please publish the transcripts?
Or would you need the separate subpoenas for that?
Michael Novakhov
It’s been reported that as an adult, Trump studied the oratorical style of Adolf Hitler, and had a book containing his collected speeches
Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order
My New Order has attracted the attention of the press with the rise of Donald Trump as candidate for President of the United States
because his first wife Ivana Trump revealed that Donald Trump reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. It can be seen that there are clear similarities between the speeches of Trump and the speeches of Hitler. Here are examples: They repeat themselves constantly, saying the same things over and over again. They never admit they have made a mistake nor do they ever take anything back. To any criticism, they respond by insults and name calling. They use a low form of language, with simple sentences even a person with the lowest level of education or with no education at all can understand. Another contrast is the sheer volume of words. Hitler gave a thousand speeches and spoke millions of words. Hitler communicated almost entirely through his speeches. Hitler's speeches were long, usually one and a half to two hours long. Trump made one of the longest speeches ever to accept the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States. His speech lasted one hour fifteen minutes. Trump communicates almost entirely through his speeches and through his tweets. Tweets are short 140-character messages. He almost never uses emails. Trump never gives an analysis or a logical justification for his views. Hitler is similar. Trump has written nothing. His one book, “The Art of the Deal”, was written by a ghostwriter. Similarly, Hitler only wrote “Mein Kampf”. One can see from the foreword here by Raoul de Roussy de Sales there are clear similarities between the speaking style of Hitler and that of Trump. “To use constantly and untiringly the same arguments and to pound into the heads of his listeners the same formulas is part of Hitler's oratorical technique.” “Hitlers speeches are weapons as much as part of his strategy of conquest as more direct instruments of warfare. Hitler is past master of throwing up verbal smoke screens to conceal his intended moves. He knows equally well the effectiveness of massive oratorical assaults that shake the nerves of his victims and opponents and break down their resistance. He knows how to give pledges that will be broken later but will serve temporally to divide and confuse and to create the illusion of Security. He uses insults and lies in the same manner as his generals use Stuka planes and tanks to break the respectable but often weak front of his adversaries. He contradicts himself constantly but his contradictions often produce the effect of a psychological pincer-movement which crushes the best defenses of logic and ordinary morality.” "The Greatest Anthology of Broken Promises Ever Compiled". Hitler made and then broke treaties. Trump is speaking of breaking our treaties with NATO countries, and with Japan and South Korea. This book is a collection of speeches made by Hitler during the 20,s and 30,s in which he affirmed his Anti Antisemitism, his desire for World Domination, and his contempt of efforts by the rest of the world to stop him. The original book, published in 1941, is 1008 pages long. This is too long to be published in soft cover, so it has been divided into to volumes. The first volume is Hitler's speeches from the rise to power, 1918 to 1933 to the bloodless annexations Annexation of Austria and the Dismemberment of Czechosolvakia.

Donald Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed, according to his ex-wife
Hitler was one of history's most prolific orators, building a genocidal Nazi regime with speeches that bewitched audiences
Does Donald Trump speak German?
But the point of this question is, if he speaks German. I think, he does speak some German; it is very likely that he had a German nanny, and it is possible that he read Hitler's speeches in German.
Another part of this question is: Does Melania Trump speak German? She is from the German-Slovenian family, and it is very likely that she does.
I wonder, what do they discuss in German (just like the old Russian Royalty-Nobility) during their daily, three hours long, private family meals?
FBI, could you please publish the transcripts?
Or would you need the separate subpoenas for that?
Michael Novakhov
Does Donald Trump speak German?
Iosaf Mac Diarmada, Writer,classical musician,linguist,historic guide
Answered Jul 17, 2018 · Author has 951 answers and 584.3k answer views
TL;DR ::: Of course not, the man can barely use English.
I was not under the impression that POTUS 45 (I no longer write out his name) might be capable of speaking or writing English. I have read many times that his family pretended to be of Swedish immigrant extraction to avoid anti-German prejudice during the world war 2 period. Surprises me because his father was an out and out convicted member of the KKK whose personal supremacist convictions (forgive the word play) brought him to march in robes and be fined 500$ in 1927, back when 500$ was a lot of money and not the kind of cash a loser would have to get out of jail-
607 views · View 7 Upvoters
7 Answers
Dan Birchall, Trump Casinos webmaster in the 1990s
Answered Apr 28, 2018 · Author has 6.3k answers and 7.7m answer views
Trump was born just after World War II, at a point in history where any German his parents even knew would have been best kept to themselves. During his formative years, it’s unlikely anyone would put much effort into teaching him the language of a country we’d just defeated after years of war that cost hundreds of thousands of American lives.
It’s been reported that as an adult, Trump studied the oratorical style of Adolf Hitler, and had a book containing his collected speeches, but the book was almost certainly an English translation. I wouldn’t expect Trump to know much German beyond “Sieg Heil!”
1.1k views · View 6 Upvoters
Dec 8, 2015 - Adolf Hitler addresses a crowd at a rally in 1941 ( Getty Images ) ... time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My ... prolific orators, building a genocidal Nazi regime with speeches that ... "People were most willing to follow him, because he seemed to have the ..... Report Comment.
Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order
My New Order has attracted the attention of the press with the rise of Donald Trump as candidate for President of the United States
because his first wife Ivana Trump revealed that Donald Trump reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. It can be seen that there are clear similarities between the speeches of Trump and the speeches of Hitler. Here are examples: They repeat themselves constantly, saying the same things over and over again. They never admit they have made a mistake nor do they ever take anything back. To any criticism, they respond by insults and name calling. They use a low form of language, with simple sentences even a person with the lowest level of education or with no education at all can understand. Another contrast is the sheer volume of words. Hitler gave a thousand speeches and spoke millions of words. Hitler communicated almost entirely through his speeches. Hitler's speeches were long, usually one and a half to two hours long. Trump made one of the longest speeches ever to accept the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States. His speech lasted one hour fifteen minutes. Trump communicates almost entirely through his speeches and through his tweets. Tweets are short 140-character messages. He almost never uses emails. Trump never gives an analysis or a logical justification for his views. Hitler is similar. Trump has written nothing. His one book, “The Art of the Deal”, was written by a ghostwriter. Similarly, Hitler only wrote “Mein Kampf”. One can see from the foreword here by Raoul de Roussy de Sales there are clear similarities between the speaking style of Hitler and that of Trump. “To use constantly and untiringly the same arguments and to pound into the heads of his listeners the same formulas is part of Hitler's oratorical technique.” “Hitlers speeches are weapons as much as part of his strategy of conquest as more direct instruments of warfare. Hitler is past master of throwing up verbal smoke screens to conceal his intended moves. He knows equally well the effectiveness of massive oratorical assaults that shake the nerves of his victims and opponents and break down their resistance. He knows how to give pledges that will be broken later but will serve temporally to divide and confuse and to create the illusion of Security. He uses insults and lies in the same manner as his generals use Stuka planes and tanks to break the respectable but often weak front of his adversaries. He contradicts himself constantly but his contradictions often produce the effect of a psychological pincer-movement which crushes the best defenses of logic and ordinary morality.” "The Greatest Anthology of Broken Promises Ever Compiled". Hitler made and then broke treaties. Trump is speaking of breaking our treaties with NATO countries, and with Japan and South Korea. This book is a collection of speeches made by Hitler during the 20,s and 30,s in which he affirmed his Anti Antisemitism, his desire for World Domination, and his contempt of efforts by the rest of the world to stop him. The original book, published in 1941, is 1008 pages long. This is too long to be published in soft cover, so it has been divided into to volumes. The first volume is Hitler's speeches from the rise to power, 1918 to 1933 to the bloodless annexations Annexation of Austria and the Dismemberment of Czechosolvakia.

Donald Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed, according to his ex-wife
Hitler was one of history's most prolific orators, building a genocidal Nazi regime with speeches that bewitched audiences
In the Vanity Fair article, Ivana Trump told a friend that her husband's cousin, John Walter "clicks his heels and says, 'Heil Hitler," when visiting Trump's office.
Here's the entire Vanity Fair interview.
Read the whole story
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"To use constantly and untiringly the same arguments and to pound into the heads of his listeners the same formulas is part of Hitler's oratorical technique." "Hitlers speeches are weapons as much as part of his strategy of conquest as more direct instruments of warfare. Hitler is past master of throwing up verbal smoke screens to conceal his intended moves. He knows equally well the effectiveness of massive oratorical assaults that shake the nerves of his victims and opponents and break down their resistance. He knows how to give pledges that will be broken later but will serve temporally to divide and confuse and to create the illusion of Security. He uses insults and lies in the same manner as his generals use Stuka planes and tanks to break the respectable but often weak front of his adversaries. He contradicts himself constantly but his contradictions often produce the effect of a psychological pincer-movement which crushes the best defenses of logic and ordinary morality." "The Greatest Anthology of Broken Promises Ever Compiled". Hitler made and then broke treaties. Trump is speaking of breaking our treaties with NATO countries, and with Japan and South Korea. This book is a collection of speeches made by Hitler during the 20,s and 30,s in which he affirmed his Anti Antisemitism, his desire for World Domination, and his contempt of efforts by the rest of the world to stop him. In these speeches Adolf Hitler talks about his views on Jews and Other Races, his Domestic Program, his Foreign Policy, and the Aryan Master Race. (William L. Shirer author of Berlin Diary). "Most important book of the year. I do not see how any intelligent citizen can read it carefully without seeing that Hitler's aim is world slavery, that he intends to use Europe and British Isles merely as a base of operations from which to take off the real prize, America. Would be worth reading were it only for the careful commentaries of the editor. They comprise the clearest charting of the changing contour of Nazism I have yet encounter." Here are the words which Adolf Hitler has used to rise from the prison in which MEIN KAMPF was written to the position of a twentieth-century Genghis Khan-the scourge of Europe today, the ruler of the world, he hopes, tomorrow. Only a small portion has ever appeared in any English translation. These words are more than rhetoric and oratory. They are weapons, as much a part of his strategy of conquest as more direct instruments of warfare. My New Order, reveals, for the first time, the whole of that program and of the methods used to attain it. My New Order is Adolf Hitler in action, through the nine phases of his extraordinary career, beginning with his rise to power during the world depression and ending with his declaration of war on Russia. Adolf Hitler has never varied his fundamental objectives, and the strategy which he employed to seize power in Germany was used again, with very little variation, when he undertook to master Europe. Here in black and white and in his own words, is: Adolf Hitler's New Order,Set Down For Us All to Read and Understand.
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For First Time, Moscow Publishes Photocopies of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and Its Secret Protocolsby paul goble (
Paul Goble
Staunton, June 1 – For the first time, a Moscow portal, Istoricheskaya pamyat, has published photocopies of the Russian originals of the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and its secret protocols, the agreements which made Hitler and Stalin allies, opened the way to World War II in Europe, and divided the continent into German and Soviet spheres of influence.
Throughout the Soviet period, Moscow officials denied the existence of such texts in the archives and used the lack of such texts to challenge the German originals which had been available to scholars since the late 1940s. In the 1990s, Moscow did publish its own translation of these documents, but before yesterday, it had not issued photocopies.
This should make it impossible for Russian authors to deny the existence of the documents but not, of course, to deny the reading of them that Western historians and people in the countries most profoundly affected by the pact have given to that Nazi-Soviet agreement and especially to its secret protocols.
The new Russian publication is available online at It has been presented and discussed by Radio Liberty at
"Donald Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed" - This is the explanation of his oratorical style and very posiibly, his mentality. - M.N. - In my Opinion - Post
Does Donald Trump speak German?
But the point of this question is, if he speaks German. I think, he does speak some German; it is very likely that he had a German nanny, and it is possible that he read Hitler's speeches in German.
Another part of this question is: Does Melania Trump speak German? She is from the German-Slovenian family, and it is very likely that she does.
I wonder, what do they discuss in German (just like the old Russian Royalty-Nobility) during their daily, three hours long, private family meals?
FBI, could you please publish the transcripts?
Or would you need the separate subpoenas for that?
Michael Novakhov
It’s been reported that as an adult, Trump studied the oratorical style of Adolf Hitler, and had a book containing his collected speeches
Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order
My New Order has attracted the attention of the press with the rise of Donald Trump as candidate for President of the United States
because his first wife Ivana Trump revealed that Donald Trump reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. It can be seen that there are clear similarities between the speeches of Trump and the speeches of Hitler. Here are examples: They repeat themselves constantly, saying the same things over and over again. They never admit they have made a mistake nor do they ever take anything back. To any criticism, they respond by insults and name calling. They use a low form of language, with simple sentences even a person with the lowest level of education or with no education at all can understand. Another contrast is the sheer volume of words. Hitler gave a thousand speeches and spoke millions of words. Hitler communicated almost entirely through his speeches. Hitler's speeches were long, usually one and a half to two hours long. Trump made one of the longest speeches ever to accept the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States. His speech lasted one hour fifteen minutes. Trump communicates almost entirely through his speeches and through his tweets. Tweets are short 140-character messages. He almost never uses emails. Trump never gives an analysis or a logical justification for his views. Hitler is similar. Trump has written nothing. His one book, “The Art of the Deal”, was written by a ghostwriter. Similarly, Hitler only wrote “Mein Kampf”. One can see from the foreword here by Raoul de Roussy de Sales there are clear similarities between the speaking style of Hitler and that of Trump. “To use constantly and untiringly the same arguments and to pound into the heads of his listeners the same formulas is part of Hitler's oratorical technique.” “Hitlers speeches are weapons as much as part of his strategy of conquest as more direct instruments of warfare. Hitler is past master of throwing up verbal smoke screens to conceal his intended moves. He knows equally well the effectiveness of massive oratorical assaults that shake the nerves of his victims and opponents and break down their resistance. He knows how to give pledges that will be broken later but will serve temporally to divide and confuse and to create the illusion of Security. He uses insults and lies in the same manner as his generals use Stuka planes and tanks to break the respectable but often weak front of his adversaries. He contradicts himself constantly but his contradictions often produce the effect of a psychological pincer-movement which crushes the best defenses of logic and ordinary morality.” "The Greatest Anthology of Broken Promises Ever Compiled". Hitler made and then broke treaties. Trump is speaking of breaking our treaties with NATO countries, and with Japan and South Korea. This book is a collection of speeches made by Hitler during the 20,s and 30,s in which he affirmed his Anti Antisemitism, his desire for World Domination, and his contempt of efforts by the rest of the world to stop him. The original book, published in 1941, is 1008 pages long. This is too long to be published in soft cover, so it has been divided into to volumes. The first volume is Hitler's speeches from the rise to power, 1918 to 1933 to the bloodless annexations Annexation of Austria and the Dismemberment of Czechosolvakia.

Donald Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed, according to his ex-wife
Hitler was one of history's most prolific orators, building a genocidal Nazi regime with speeches that bewitched audiences
Does Donald Trump speak German?
But the point of this question is, if he speaks German. I think, he does speak some German; it is very likely that he had a German nanny, and it is possible that he read Hitler's speeches in German.
Another part of this question is: Does Melania Trump speak German? She is from the German-Slovenian family, and it is very likely that she does.
I wonder, what do they discuss in German (just like the old Russian Royalty-Nobility) during their daily, three hours long, private family meals?
FBI, could you please publish the transcripts?
Or would you need the separate subpoenas for that?
Michael Novakhov
Does Donald Trump speak German?
Iosaf Mac Diarmada, Writer,classical musician,linguist,historic guide
Answered Jul 17, 2018 · Author has 951 answers and 584.3k answer views
TL;DR ::: Of course not, the man can barely use English.
I was not under the impression that POTUS 45 (I no longer write out his name) might be capable of speaking or writing English. I have read many times that his family pretended to be of Swedish immigrant extraction to avoid anti-German prejudice during the world war 2 period. Surprises me because his father was an out and out convicted member of the KKK whose personal supremacist convictions (forgive the word play) brought him to march in robes and be fined 500$ in 1927, back when 500$ was a lot of money and not the kind of cash a loser would have to get out of jail-
607 views · View 7 Upvoters
7 Answers
Dan Birchall, Trump Casinos webmaster in the 1990s
Answered Apr 28, 2018 · Author has 6.3k answers and 7.7m answer views
Trump was born just after World War II, at a point in history where any German his parents even knew would have been best kept to themselves. During his formative years, it’s unlikely anyone would put much effort into teaching him the language of a country we’d just defeated after years of war that cost hundreds of thousands of American lives.
It’s been reported that as an adult, Trump studied the oratorical style of Adolf Hitler, and had a book containing his collected speeches, but the book was almost certainly an English translation. I wouldn’t expect Trump to know much German beyond “Sieg Heil!”
1.1k views · View 6 Upvoters
Dec 8, 2015 - Adolf Hitler addresses a crowd at a rally in 1941 ( Getty Images ) ... time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My ... prolific orators, building a genocidal Nazi regime with speeches that ... "People were most willing to follow him, because he seemed to have the ..... Report Comment.
Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order
My New Order has attracted the attention of the press with the rise of Donald Trump as candidate for President of the United States
because his first wife Ivana Trump revealed that Donald Trump reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. It can be seen that there are clear similarities between the speeches of Trump and the speeches of Hitler. Here are examples: They repeat themselves constantly, saying the same things over and over again. They never admit they have made a mistake nor do they ever take anything back. To any criticism, they respond by insults and name calling. They use a low form of language, with simple sentences even a person with the lowest level of education or with no education at all can understand. Another contrast is the sheer volume of words. Hitler gave a thousand speeches and spoke millions of words. Hitler communicated almost entirely through his speeches. Hitler's speeches were long, usually one and a half to two hours long. Trump made one of the longest speeches ever to accept the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States. His speech lasted one hour fifteen minutes. Trump communicates almost entirely through his speeches and through his tweets. Tweets are short 140-character messages. He almost never uses emails. Trump never gives an analysis or a logical justification for his views. Hitler is similar. Trump has written nothing. His one book, “The Art of the Deal”, was written by a ghostwriter. Similarly, Hitler only wrote “Mein Kampf”. One can see from the foreword here by Raoul de Roussy de Sales there are clear similarities between the speaking style of Hitler and that of Trump. “To use constantly and untiringly the same arguments and to pound into the heads of his listeners the same formulas is part of Hitler's oratorical technique.” “Hitlers speeches are weapons as much as part of his strategy of conquest as more direct instruments of warfare. Hitler is past master of throwing up verbal smoke screens to conceal his intended moves. He knows equally well the effectiveness of massive oratorical assaults that shake the nerves of his victims and opponents and break down their resistance. He knows how to give pledges that will be broken later but will serve temporally to divide and confuse and to create the illusion of Security. He uses insults and lies in the same manner as his generals use Stuka planes and tanks to break the respectable but often weak front of his adversaries. He contradicts himself constantly but his contradictions often produce the effect of a psychological pincer-movement which crushes the best defenses of logic and ordinary morality.” "The Greatest Anthology of Broken Promises Ever Compiled". Hitler made and then broke treaties. Trump is speaking of breaking our treaties with NATO countries, and with Japan and South Korea. This book is a collection of speeches made by Hitler during the 20,s and 30,s in which he affirmed his Anti Antisemitism, his desire for World Domination, and his contempt of efforts by the rest of the world to stop him. The original book, published in 1941, is 1008 pages long. This is too long to be published in soft cover, so it has been divided into to volumes. The first volume is Hitler's speeches from the rise to power, 1918 to 1933 to the bloodless annexations Annexation of Austria and the Dismemberment of Czechosolvakia.

Donald Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed, according to his ex-wife
Hitler was one of history's most prolific orators, building a genocidal Nazi regime with speeches that bewitched audiences
In the Vanity Fair article, Ivana Trump told a friend that her husband's cousin, John Walter "clicks his heels and says, 'Heil Hitler," when visiting Trump's office.
Here's the entire Vanity Fair interview.
Read the whole story
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"To use constantly and untiringly the same arguments and to pound into the heads of his listeners the same formulas is part of Hitler's oratorical technique." "Hitlers speeches are weapons as much as part of his strategy of conquest as more direct instruments of warfare. Hitler is past master of throwing up verbal smoke screens to conceal his intended moves. He knows equally well the effectiveness of massive oratorical assaults that shake the nerves of his victims and opponents and break down their resistance. He knows how to give pledges that will be broken later but will serve temporally to divide and confuse and to create the illusion of Security. He uses insults and lies in the same manner as his generals use Stuka planes and tanks to break the respectable but often weak front of his adversaries. He contradicts himself constantly but his contradictions often produce the effect of a psychological pincer-movement which crushes the best defenses of logic and ordinary morality." "The Greatest Anthology of Broken Promises Ever Compiled". Hitler made and then broke treaties. Trump is speaking of breaking our treaties with NATO countries, and with Japan and South Korea. This book is a collection of speeches made by Hitler during the 20,s and 30,s in which he affirmed his Anti Antisemitism, his desire for World Domination, and his contempt of efforts by the rest of the world to stop him. In these speeches Adolf Hitler talks about his views on Jews and Other Races, his Domestic Program, his Foreign Policy, and the Aryan Master Race. (William L. Shirer author of Berlin Diary). "Most important book of the year. I do not see how any intelligent citizen can read it carefully without seeing that Hitler's aim is world slavery, that he intends to use Europe and British Isles merely as a base of operations from which to take off the real prize, America. Would be worth reading were it only for the careful commentaries of the editor. They comprise the clearest charting of the changing contour of Nazism I have yet encounter." Here are the words which Adolf Hitler has used to rise from the prison in which MEIN KAMPF was written to the position of a twentieth-century Genghis Khan-the scourge of Europe today, the ruler of the world, he hopes, tomorrow. Only a small portion has ever appeared in any English translation. These words are more than rhetoric and oratory. They are weapons, as much a part of his strategy of conquest as more direct instruments of warfare. My New Order, reveals, for the first time, the whole of that program and of the methods used to attain it. My New Order is Adolf Hitler in action, through the nine phases of his extraordinary career, beginning with his rise to power during the world depression and ending with his declaration of war on Russia. Adolf Hitler has never varied his fundamental objectives, and the strategy which he employed to seize power in Germany was used again, with very little variation, when he undertook to master Europe. Here in black and white and in his own words, is: Adolf Hitler's New Order,Set Down For Us All to Read and Understand.
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