Socialism: an American Story - Update in pictures, tweets, and posts - 11:49 AM 6/23/2019

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Socialism: an American Story - Update in pictures, tweets, and posts - 11:49 AM 6/23/2019

Update - June 23, 2019


All the "RIGHTS" that Bernie Sanders had listed here,  are the elements, the prerequisites, and the parts of the HEALTHY Society's structure and functions: 
“The right to quality health care, the right to as much education as one needs to succeed in our society, the right to a good job that pays a living wage, the right to affordable housing, the right to a secure retirement, and the right to live in a clean environment.”
Democracy, as the harmonious balance of forces and processes of the body politic and the governing modes, is the inseparable part of the HEALTHY SOCIETY as the the social organism and the self-regulating and self-organising, sui generis, SYSTEM. 
Thus, the TRUE SOCIALISM, by my (Michael Novakhov's) definition, can only be the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, as evidenced in commonly accepted practices and patterns of functioning of the democratic political systems, primarily minted by the WESTERN CULTURE, and its acceptable versions in other cultures. 
This concept is gnostically opposite to Marxism, and it views its dogmas about the primacy of the economic forces (Marxist "political economy"), class struggle, and the role of working class, just as such: unscientific, incorrect, counterproductive, and historically dangerous dogmas. Employing their Hegelian "unity and conflict of the opposites", the Marxists, in my humble uneducated opinion, overemphasize the "conflict", and discount the "unity", elaborating on the "false dichotomies" of these concept. 
The Healthy Society contains both the Social Peace and class harmony, as well as the class tensions and class struggles, in the true mix of the real life complexity. 
The biological, psychological, and the social-cultural forces are the true, primary, and natural determinants of the social and historical processes, together with the economic ones. "Political Economy", in a non-Marxian sense, is the Alimentary-Energy System of the Social Organism. 
The idea of the Society as the Organism is very old, it descends to Plato, and it is a part of the Western Canon of Ideas, although it is referred to under the different, and sometimes confusing terms, in various sources. 
The true leader of the Society, of course is not the Working Class, the most they aspire to become (as a class), is to move upper, to the middle strata, and these tendencies were well studied and well documented. 
 The true leaders of the Society are the Thinking, the Intellectual classes, in all their varieties, colors, affiliations, philosophies, etc., etc. It is them who move the Society forward. They are the head of the Social Organism. 
The elaborations on all these ideas should follow, hopefully. 
Michael Novakhov
9:21 AM 6/23/2019

Donald Trump and his political movement | The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump: A Study In Political Psychology, Political Criminology, and Psychohistory, and as the aid for the General, Criminal and the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump – by Michael Novakhov, M.D. (Mike Nova): Web Research, Analysis, Hypotheses, and Opinions | Current News | Reviews of media reports | Selected reading lists | Sites: | |


All the “RIGHTS” that Bernie Sanders had listed here,  are the elements, the prerequisites, and the parts of the HEALTHY Society’s structure and functions: 
“The right to quality health care, the right to as much education as one needs to succeed in our society, the right to a good job that pays a living wage, the right to affordable housing, the right to a secure retirement, and the right to live in a clean environment.”
Democracy: the harmonious balance of forces and processes of the body politic and the governing modes. is the inseparable part of the HEALTHY SOCIETY as the the social organism and the self-regulating and self-organising, sui generis, SYSTEM. 
Thus, the TRUE SOCIALISM, by my (Michael Novakhov’s) definition, can only be the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, as evidenced in commonly accepted practices and patterns of functioning of the democratic political systems, primarily minted by the WESTERN CULTURE, and its acceptable versions in other cultures. 
This concept is gnostically opposite to Marxism, and it views its dogmas about the primacy of the economic forces (Marxist “political economy”), class struggle, and the role of working class, just as such: unscientific, incorrect, counterproductive, and historically dangerous dogmas. Employing their Hegelian “unity and conflict of the opposites”, the Marxists, in my humble uneducated opinion, overemphasize the “conflict”, and discount the “unity”, elaborating on the “false dichotomies” of these concept.
The Healthy Society contains both the Social Peace and class harmony, as well as the class tensions and class struggles, in the true mix of the real life complexity.
The biological, psychological, and the social-cultural forces and processes are the true, primary, and natural determinants of the social and historical processes, together with the economic ones. “Political Economy”, in a non-Marxian sense, is the Alimentary-Energy System of the Social Organism.
The idea of the Society as the Organism is very old, it descends to Plato, and it is a part of the Western Canon of Ideas, although it is referred to under the different, and sometimes confusing terms, in various sources.
The true leader of the Society, of course is not the Working Class, the most they aspire to become (as a class), is to move upper, to the middle strata, and these tendencies were well studied and well documented.
The true leaders of the Society are the Thinking, the Intellectual classes, in all their varieties, colors, affiliations, philosophies, etc., etc. It is them who move the Society forward. They are the head of the Social Organism.
The elaborations on all these ideas should follow, hopefully.
Michael Novakhov
9:21 AM 6/23/2019
Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

After watching Bernie Sanders try, for at least the second time, to defend himself as a “democratic socialist” by defining “democratic socialism” as something that is not actually socialism, I’m struggling to understand the purpose of it all. What does he gain from this? What is he trying to do?
Here’s how Sanders talked about his ideology in a recent speech at George Washington University:
“The right to quality health care, the right to as much education as one needs to succeed in our society, the right to a good job that pays a living wage, the right to affordable housing, the right to a secure retirement, and the right to live in a clean environment.”
“That,” he continued, “is what I mean by democratic socialism.”
Compare this with the vision of his political hero Eugene Debs, whom Sanders profiled in the 1979 documentary Eugene Debs: Trade Unionist, Socialist, Revolutionary.


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