
The MOB VS. The Western Civilization: Russia declares the War on the Mob: Russia hits mob bosses with longer jail terms - TASS | Craig Unger: Trump is owned by the Russia mob - YT - 8:58 AM 3/27/2019

Товарищ Красивый Фуражкин и его Ипостаси The MOB VS. The Western Civilization M.N.: In my as always very humble opinion, this issue, problem, and conflict can be formulated as:  The MOB   (International Organized Crime, Red Mafia, Russian-Jewish-Israeli Mafia, etc., etc., use any other name you wish, " What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;") VS. The Western Civilization (As we know it, including Europe, the U.S., Russia, and Israel, etc., etc.)  The most important historical and the Counterintelligence point is that it is specifically the New Abwehr, the survived and the well hidden, very secret and secretive organisation, the direct descendant of the German Military Intelligence after WW2, which is behind the Mob, and this point must be investigated relentlessly and very thoroughly by all the mentioned above modern powers.  Mr. Trump, Mr. Putin, Mr. Netanyahu, Mr. Schroeder:  If you are not able