10:01 AM 3/4/2019 - Trump and the concept of the "Fake News": Trump's views, outlooks, and vocabulary are heavily influenced and most likely rooted in the New Abwehr's psychology and philosophy

Three running men carrying papers with the labels "Humbug News", "Fake News", and "Cheap Sensation".

b&w drawing of a man with large bat-wings reaching from over his head to mid-thigh

The history of the concept and the expression "Fake news" points to its German origins: "Lügenpresse". This term was reinvented and popularized by the far-right Pegida in 2014 according to Wikipedia, and adopted by Trump since 2016 for the broad popular use, misuse, and abuse. This is another indication that Trump's views, outlooks, and vocabulary are heavily influenced and most likely rooted in the New Abwehr's psychology and philosophy. The concept of the "fake news" is the New Abwehr's tool in its management of the Operation Trump. 
Amazingly enough, the detailed Wikipedia article on the subject of the "Fake News" features a long list of countries which are susceptible to this phenomenon including Ukraine but strangely omitting Russia which probably is the the World Champ in this area. 

Michael Novakhov


See Also: The Nazi Pig Trump

M. N.: The New Abwehr enjoys and employs the deep and intimate connections with the criminal Underworld which go back to the early 1920-s… – 5:48 PM 2/20/2019

M. N.: The New Abwehr enjoys and employs the deep and intimate connections with the criminal Underworld which go back to the early 1920-s, the conditions after the Germany’s defeat in the WW1 and the resulting “Restrictions” (I almost typed “Sanctions”) which made the symbiotic and sometimes parasitic relations with Police and Criminals the matter of survival for the Abwehr which based itself at that time at the Military Police Stations. Money Laundering is another, related sub-specialty which was a matter of survival and necessity at that time, and the Abwehr under Canaris (which really is the Abwehr we are talking about) made both areas the traditional historical “fields of excellence”. 
Money Laundering, from Deutsche Bank to Chabad dealers to Oligarchs, e.g. Lev Leviyev and others, and most notably by our pretty laundry girls and boys from the Trump-Kushner Crime Family, was and is one of the truly heart felt activities of the Abwehr, and after the WW2, for the New Abwehr. It is reasonable to assume that it is the New Abwehr which ultimately controls the organised crime today precisely because it itself is their creator and organiser. This thesis or the working hypothesis has to be looked into, researched, and investigated. 




Fake news - Wikipedia

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Fake news or junk news or pseudo-news is a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate disinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media.[1][2] The false information is often caused by reporters paying sources for stories, an unethical practice called checkbook journalism. The news is then often reverberated as misinformationin social media but occasionally finds its way to the mainstream media as well.[3]
Fake news is written and published usually with the intent to mislead in order to damage an agency, entity, or person, and/or gain financially or politically,[4][5][6] often using sensationalist, dishonest, or outright fabricated headlines to increase readership. Similarly, clickbait stories and headlines earn advertising revenue from this activity.[4]
The relevance of fake news has increased in post-truth politics. For media outlets, the ability to attract viewers to their websites is necessary to generate online advertising revenue. Publishing a story with false content that attracts users benefits advertisers and improves ratings. Easy access to online advertisement revenue, increased political polarization, and the popularity of social media, primarily the Facebook News Feed,[1] have all been implicated in the spread of fake news,[4][7] which competes with legitimate news stories. Hostile government actors have also been implicated in generating and propagating fake news, particularly during elections.[8]
Facebook logo, blue letters on white background
Confirmation bias and social media algorithms like those used on Facebook and Twitter further advance the spread of fake news. Modern impact is felt for example in vaccine hesitancy.[9]
Fake news undermines serious media coverage and makes it more difficult for journalists to cover significant news stories.[10] An analysis by BuzzFeed found that the top 20 fake news stories about the 2016 U.S. presidential election received more engagement on Facebook than the top 20 election stories from 19 major media outlets.[11] Anonymously-hosted fake news websites[1] lacking known publishers have also been criticized, because they make it difficult to prosecute sources of fake news for libel.[12]
The term is also at times used to cast doubt upon legitimate news from an opposing political standpoint, a tactic known as the lying press.[13][14] During and after his presidential campaign and election, Donald Trump popularized the term "fake news" in this sense when he used it to describe the negative press coverage of himself.[15][16] In part as a result of Trump's use of the term, the term has come under increasing criticism, and in October 2018 the British government decided that it will no longer use the term because it is "a poorly-defined and misleading term that conflates a variety of false information, from genuine error through to foreign interference in democratic processes."[17]
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Lying press - Wikipedia

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The term Lügenpresse has been used intermittently since the 19th century in political polemics in Germany, by a wide range of groups and movements in a variety of debates and conflicts.[1] Isolated uses can be traced back as far as the Vormärz period.[2] The term gained traction in the March 1848 Revolution when Catholic circles employed it to attack the rising, hostile liberal press. In the Franco-German War (1870–71) and particularly World War I (1914–18) German intellectuals and journalists used the term to denounce what they believed was enemy war propaganda.[citation needed] The Evangelischer Pressedienst [de] made its mission the fight against the "lying press" which it considered to be the "strongest weapon of the enemy".[3] After the war, German-speaking Marxists such as Karl Radek and Alexander Parvus vilified "the bourgeois lying press" as part of their class struggle rhetoric.[4][5] The Nazis adopted the term for their propaganda against the Jewish, communist, and later the foreign press. During the protests of 1968, left-wing students disparaged the liberal-conservative Axel Springer publishing house, notably its flagship daily Bild, as a "lying press".[6]

21st century usage[edit]


"Lügenpresse" banner seen in a Pegida demonstration
In late 2014, the term was repopularised by the far-right political movement Pegida in response to what its protesters felt was a scornful treatment by the mainstream media, as well as biased press reporting on the rising migrant influx and other immigration issues. It was chosen to be the "Un-word of the year" for 2014 by a panel of five linguists and journalists of the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache for "wholesale defamation" of the work of the media.[7] President Joachim Gauck condemned the chanting of the slogan as "ahistorical nonsense", maintaining that in contrast to the Nazi and the GDR era the federal German press is not manipulative in character and "covers events mostly in a correct and balanced way".[8]
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Lying press - Wikipedia

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Lying press (GermanLügenpresselit. 'press of lies') is a pejorative political term used largely by German political movements for the printed press and the mass media at large, when it is believed not to have the quest for truth at the heart of its coverage. It can be considered synonymous with the term fake news.

8:10 AM 3/4/2019 - Two Nazi Pigs Putin and Trump are both the New Abwehr agents (and puppets)

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They all must have known that the two injured men were now bait, that ... Cross next to a sign bearing an image of Christ and a message: they both died for your freedom. ... When Donald Trump addressed the widow of a fallen Navy seal in the ... extremism in the wake of last year's neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, ...
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Last month in the New York Times, Rukmini Callimachi, one of the best reporters .... to convict 2 people (both of whom were just congolese warlords). ... just as members of the Gestapo, Abwehr etc went to work for the OSS etc as .... You are of course welcome to think that Putin and his little minions are the ...
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The Three Tribes of Austerity

Project Syndicate-Aug 30, 2018
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The Dumbed-Down New York Times

Consortium News-Aug 27, 2016
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Two Nazi Pigs Putin and Trump are both the New Abwehr agents - Google Search

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Two Nazi Pigs Putin and Trump are both the New Abwehr agents - Google Search

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Two Nazi Pigs Putin and Trump are both the New Abwehr agents - Google Search

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Two Nazi Pigs Putin and Trump are both the New Abwehr agents - Google Search

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Story image for Two Nazi Pigs Putin and Trump are both the New Abwehr agents from The Atlantic

Two Decades of War Have Eroded the Morale of America's Troops

The Atlantic-Apr 13, 2018
They all must have known that the two injured men were now bait, that ... Cross next to a sign bearing an image of Christ and a message: they both died for your freedom. ... When Donald Trump addressed the widow of a fallen Navy seal in the ... extremism in the wake of last year's neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, ...
Story image for Two Nazi Pigs Putin and Trump are both the New Abwehr agents from ABC Online

We're all to blame for the foreign fighter reality

ABC Online-Jul 5, 2015
Last month in the New York Times, Rukmini Callimachi, one of the best reporters .... to convict 2 people (both of whom were just congolese warlords). ... just as members of the Gestapo, Abwehr etc went to work for the OSS etc as .... You are of course welcome to think that Putin and his little minions are the ...
Story image for Two Nazi Pigs Putin and Trump are both the New Abwehr agents from Project Syndicate

The Three Tribes of Austerity

Project Syndicate-Aug 30, 2018
Austerity prevails in the West because three powerful political tribes champion it. Enemies of big government have coalesced with European ...
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The Dumbed-Down New York Times

Consortium News-Aug 27, 2016
Exclusive: A New York Times columnist writes Americans are so “dumbed-down” that they don't know that Russia “invaded” Ukraine two years ...
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