The New Abwehr Collection of Bad Jewish Boys and Girls - 7:18 AM 2/17/2019 Update

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The New Abwehr Collection of Bad Jewish Boys and Girls - 7:18 AM 2/17/2019 Update

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by S Huebel - ‎2017
Oct 19, 2017 - German-Jewish masculinities in the Third Reich, 1933-1945 Huebel, ..... digitalize the extensive collections at the Leo Baeck Institute in New York ...... If they had the bad luck of being temporarily stationed at the front, ...... The sign around his neck rhymes: “I, the Jew Boy, only take German girls to my room.


When the Nazis came to power in Germany, they used various strategies to expel German Jews from social, cultural and economic life. My dissertation focuses on gendered forms of discrimination which had impacts on Jewish masculine identity. I am asking how Jewish men experienced these challenges and the undermining of their self-understandings as men in the Third Reich. How did Jewish men adhere to pre-established gender norms and practices such as the role of serving as the providers and protectors of their families? How did Jewish men maintain their sense of being patriotic German war veterans and members of the national community? And finally, how did Jewish men react to being exposed to the physical assaults and violence that was overwhelmingly directed against them in prewar Germany? These central questions form the basis of my study of Jewish masculinities in the Third Reich. I argue that Jewish men’s gender identities, intersecting with categories of ethnicity, race, class and age, underwent a profound process of marginalization that undermined their accustomed ways of performing masculinity; yet at the same time, in their attempts to sustain their conception of masculinity they maintained sufficient agency and developed coping strategies to prevent their full-scale emasculation. Jewish men adapted to their persecution by finding alternative employment, assuming an increased presence in the domestic sphere as fathers and husbands; maintaining an emotional spiritual-belonging to Germany; resisting their sexual-racial classification as racial defilers; minimizing physical victimization in concentration camps and the public by embodying military virtues like strength and discipline; and finally developing gendered survival strategies living as “illegals” in the underground during the years of the Holocaust. In their totality of perceptions, reactions and often overlapping coping strategies, Jewish men comprised a heterogenous group of marginalized men who with their families strove to have normal lives in Nazi Germany. 

Lay Summary 

This dissertation examines the lives of German Jewish men in Nazi Germany through the lens of gender. I show how the Nazis sought to emasculate Jewish men by way of propaganda, law and physical violence, and how in turn masculine self-understandings, perceptions and identities changed under Nazi rule. When their adherence to hegemonic, mainstream practices of masculinity were challenged and undermined, many Jewish men turned to despondent, depressive and even suicidal behaviors, but others were able to negotiate their new status by developing coping mechanisms that allowed them to defy emasculation and adapt – at least temporarily – to their marginalized status as men. 

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠

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New Abwehr Collection of Bad Jewish Boys and Girls - Google Search
New Abwehr Collection of Bad Jewish Boys and Girls - Google Search
New Abwehr Collection of Bad Jewish Boys and Girls - Google Search
New Abwehr Collection of Bad Jewish Boys and Girls - Google Search
New Abwehr Collection of Bad Jewish Boys and Girls - Google Search
New Abwehr Collection of Bad Jewish Boys and Girls - Google Search
New Abwehr Collection of Bad Jewish Boys and Girls - Google Search
Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections - Google Search
Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections - Google Search
Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections - Google Search
Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections - Google Search
Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections - Google Search
Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections - Google Search
Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections - Google Search
Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections - Google Search
How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop? This question remains open for almost three years now, and no answer in sight. - 6:35 AM 2/17/2019
hoax - Google Search
Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax - Google Search
Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax - Google Search
How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop? | Lawyers: Teen girl Weiner sexted wanted to affect election | EXCLUSIVE: HOW TRUMP BACKERS WEAPONIZED ANTHONY WEINER TO DEFEAT CLINTON – WorldWide Times –
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Michael Novakhov on Anthony Weiner - Google Search
Michael Novakhov on Anthony Weiner - Google Search
Michael Novakhov on Anthony Weiner - Google Search
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ 
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New Abwehr Collection of Bad Jewish Boys and Girls - Google Search

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New Abwehr Collection of Bad Jewish Boys and Girls - Google Search

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Your Complete Guide To September 2017 Events in Seattle

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Sep 1, 2017
ArtsWest will open their season with Akhtar's 2014 play The Who ... of the first story in Kelly Link's new collection, Get in Trouble, reads, .... and an insightful investigation into the toxic masculinity and family ..... I'm betting Ride don't burn down our dreams—even if Mark Gardener's lost his luscious locks.
Story image for Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections from New Yorker


New Yorker-Jul 26, 2009
They wish that Christianity were more open—not a stone wall of doctrine. ... “The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot: A New Look at Betrayer and Betrayed” .... (1940), a tale of the eighteenth-century German Jewish banker Joseph Süss ... anality and with the disclosure of secrets, Judas retains his masculinity.
Story image for Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections from Vulture

A Premature Attempt at the 21st Century Canon

Vulture-Sep 17, 2018
The best essay collections are about the writer's strange and hungry mind ... It is personal and rigorous, skeptical and open, casual and profound, and its ..... The novel follows a German Jewish physicist; his African-American wife, .... and user-friendly, he was a plastic icon of inverted, Aryan masculinity.
Story image for Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections from Daily Mail

World's first no-kill eggs go on sale in Berlin after German scientists ...

Daily Mail-Dec 22, 2018
The world's first no-kill eggs have been rolled out to supermarkets after scientists discovered a way to determine a chick's gender before it ...
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Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections - Google Search

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Stolen manhood? : German-Jewish masculinities ... - Open Collections - Google Search

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How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop? This question remains open for almost three years now, and no answer in sight. - 6:35 AM 2/17/2019

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations.

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How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop? This question remains open for  almost three years now, and no answer in sight. - 6:35 AM 2/17/2019

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ 
hoax - Google Search

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Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

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Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax" - Google News.

Story image for Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax from Washington Post

A nude-photo hoax was supposed to silence Alexandria Ocasio ...

Washington Post-Jan 10, 2019
Circulating nudes — real or fake — is one of the oldest and ... The Daily Caller changed the headline of its story to “Anthony Weiner Mistress ...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez nude photo hoax backfires as she turns up ...
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Jan 11, 2019
Story image for Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax from Vanity Fair

Anthony Weiner Reportedly Under Federal Investigation Over Sexting ...

Vanity Fair-Sep 22, 2016
Huma Abedin may be done with Anthony Weiner, but the feds are just ... Daily Mail, Weiner said that he has “likely been the subject of a hoax,” ...
Anthony Weiner Probed by Feds in New York for Alleged Sexts to Teen
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Sep 22, 2016
Can Anthony Weiner Go to Jail for Sexting a 15-Year-Old Girl?
In-Depth-<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Sep 22, 2016
How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop? | Lawyers: Teen girl Weiner sexted wanted to affect election | EXCLUSIVE: HOW TRUMP BACKERS WEAPONIZED ANTHONY WEINER TO DEFEAT CLINTON – WorldWide Times –

Aug 19, 2017 - By Michael Novakhov | Trump – Current News <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ... Anthony Weiner is asking a Manhattan Federal judge to delay the ...

Web results

Jan 10, 2019 - Aug 18, 2017 - Anthony Weiner was the first to talk about Trump's connections with Russian ... FromMichael Novakhov, editor of the ...
Jul 3, 2018 - Michael Novakhov .... News, Reviews, Analysis, Opinions 9:47 AM 7/3/2018 – Anthony Weiner vs Erik Prince As The Antisemitic Narrative Of ...
Aug 20, 2017 - The hypothesis: Anthony Weiner's sexting case was a sting operation by FBI ... ByMichael Novakhov, editor of the ““.
Oct 12, 2018 - ... The News and Times · Anthony Weiner scheduled for early release next spring – <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ..... Michael Novakhov@mikenov. Salisbury ...

Current and Selected News Stories | Editorial Article: Anthony Weiner was the first ... by Michael Novakhov | Trump: Current and Selected News Articles In Brief ...
Jul 4, 2018 - Anthony Weiner, German Intelligence, and the Related Topics and Links Review – 7.4.18 – By MIchael Novakhov. Spread the Knowledge. 1. 0.
Jul 3, 2018 - News – anthony weiner, erik prince, and german intelligence – Google .... By Michael Novakhov – 5:26 AM 7/1/2018 | Global Security News ...
Oct 30, 2016 - The Autumn Of Our Discontent - by Michael Novakhov ..... FBI, please release all your files on Anthony Weiner, that fit to be released, and let the ...
Nov 14, 2018 - Anthony Weiner, German Intelligence, and the Related Topics – 7.4.18 ... Michael Novakhov on Anthony Weiner and Abedin-Weiner emails ...
Jul 15, 2018 - By Michael Novakhov | FBI News Review ... on the laptop of Anthony Weinerthe husband of Clinton confidante Huma Abedin … and more » ...
Nov 10, 2016 - Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks mikenova shared this story from Huma Abedin,Anthony Weiner, and Russian Intelligence - Google News.
Dec 15, 2018 - Michael Novakhov ... Michael Flynn had cooperated with the special counsel but in asking for leniency, he stoked an .... emails uncovered on the laptop of Anthony Weiner—the husband of Clinton confidante Huma Abedin.
Jul 26, 2017 - Disclose the parts of the FBI's Anthony Weiner file under the FOA which ... Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to make his first public .... Search Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ - 25 - Michael Novakhov ...
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> – News Reviews and Articles by Michael Novakhov | The .... With Anthony Weiner | My hypothesis of the Weiner-Abedin emails affair: The ...
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ - 25
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ 
How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop? | Lawyers: Teen girl Weiner sexted wanted to affect election | EXCLUSIVE: HOW TRUMP BACKERS WEAPONIZED ANTHONY WEINER TO DEFEAT CLINTON – WorldWide Times –
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Mafia in Trump Tower: “I found 13 people who have had been in Trump Tower, associated with the Russian mafia,” he said - In an MSNBC interview broadcast Saturday, Donald Trump’s biographer, Craig Unger, detailed the alleged links between the president and the Russian mafia, Raw Story reports.
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Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ 
How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop? | Lawyers: Teen girl Weiner sexted wanted to affect election | EXCLUSIVE: HOW TRUMP BACKERS WEAPONIZED ANTHONY WEINER TO DEFEAT CLINTON – WorldWide Times –

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from WorldWide Times – <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.

Image result for How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop?

How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop? 

These and some other related questions remain unanswered, and so far I have not learned about any convincing attempts to uncover these mysteries on the part of the investigators: FBI, Mr. Mueller’s team, Congressional Committees, and others. As if it is not one of the important and the key questions. We have to investigate this circumstance thoroughly and to present the results, at least the preliminary ones, to the public. 
Michael Novakhov
“The emails might have been stolen by the Russians 
and simply dumped into the Abedin-Weiner’s computer. The 650,000 of them is a huge (as Trump would say, “really hooooge”) amount, and this quantity might have been a part of the taunting hint: “Yes, this is we, who did it!” Just like before, when they, most likely, made the large quantities of these emails available to the Wikileaks. And now as a substitute for them, after Assange was neutralized, they use the new (How “new”? That’s the question.) actors, and witting and/or “unwitting” intermediaries, whose involvement would bring the maximum of damage to Clinton’s campaign. It looks very unlikely that such a massive amount of emails could be copied by hand and by one or two persons. It was convincingly observed that if Weiner “sent or received 200 emails a day, 365 days a year–a considerable number!–it would take 3,250 days, or just about nine years, to accumulate 650,000 on the laptop’s hard drive. It is not clear–to me, anyway–what would cause such a large number of emails to reside on the laptop, absent some sort of bulk downloads.” The nature of this “operation” is consistent with the previous pattern of the Russian involvement, as was strongly hypothesized by the US intelligence community.”  
And if these 650,000 emails were stolen and planted by the Russians, then it is only one logical step to assume that it was a part of the whole operation (Weiner sexting and Abedin-Weiner emails affair) conceived and executed by them or those who were and are behind them: Russian Intelligence, possibly Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) and/or the other hypothetical players.

The most intriguing, troubling, important, and the explosive part of this assumption is: what was the degree of cooperation or collusion, in all their possible forms and shapes, between the upper echelons of the FBI, specifically, its New York City field office (whose involvement in this affair is indicated by the significant amount of the specific circumstantial evidence) and the hypothetical and presumed Russian or the Russian Intelligence involvement? 

We cannot avoid asking and trying to answer these questions. Exhibitionism might or might not be the “irresistible impulse”, and this opinion does not intend to explain it away, to justify, or to excuse it. However, in these circumstances, it is important to not let these acts obscure the larger game, designs, and plans, especially if there is a suspicion that situation was somehow provoked by the hostile intelligence services. The importance of this aspect is magnified further by another suspicion: that the FBI was involved. Both of these suspicions are fully justified, have a certain evidential base in them, and they should become the subjects of interest and attention from the various investigators, looking into all of this for their own goals and purposes.   
hoax - Google Search

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Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

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Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax" - Google News.

Story image for Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax from Washington Post

A nude-photo hoax was supposed to silence Alexandria Ocasio ...

Washington Post-Jan 10, 2019
Circulating nudes — real or fake — is one of the oldest and ... The Daily Caller changed the headline of its story to “Anthony Weiner Mistress ...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez nude photo hoax backfires as she turns up ...
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Jan 11, 2019
Story image for Anthony Weiner: It was a hoax from Vanity Fair

Anthony Weiner Reportedly Under Federal Investigation Over Sexting ...

Vanity Fair-Sep 22, 2016
Huma Abedin may be done with Anthony Weiner, but the feds are just ... Daily Mail, Weiner said that he has “likely been the subject of a hoax,” ...
Anthony Weiner Probed by Feds in New York for Alleged Sexts to Teen
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Sep 22, 2016
Can Anthony Weiner Go to Jail for Sexting a 15-Year-Old Girl?
In-Depth-<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Sep 22, 2016
How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop? | Lawyers: Teen girl Weiner sexted wanted to affect election | EXCLUSIVE: HOW TRUMP BACKERS WEAPONIZED ANTHONY WEINER TO DEFEAT CLINTON – WorldWide Times –

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from WorldWide Times –

Image result for How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop?

How did these 650,000 emails get into the Abedin -Weiner laptop? 

These and some other related questions remain unanswered, and so far I have not learned about any convincing attempts to uncover these mysteries on the part of the investigators: FBI, Mr. Mueller’s team, Congressional Committees, and others. As if it is not one of the important and the key questions. We have to investigate this circumstance thoroughly and to present the results, at least the preliminary ones, to the public. 
Michael Novakhov
“The emails might have been stolen by the Russians 
and simply dumped into the Abedin-Weiner’s computer. The 650,000 of them is a huge (as Trump would say, “really hooooge”) amount, and this quantity might have been a part of the taunting hint: “Yes, this is we, who did it!” Just like before, when they, most likely, made the large quantities of these emails available to the Wikileaks. And now as a substitute for them, after Assange was neutralized, they use the new (How “new”? That’s the question.) actors, and witting and/or “unwitting” intermediaries, whose involvement would bring the maximum of damage to Clinton’s campaign. It looks very unlikely that such a massive amount of emails could be copied by hand and by one or two persons. It was convincingly observed that if Weiner “sent or received 200 emails a day, 365 days a year–a considerable number!–it would take 3,250 days, or just about nine years, to accumulate 650,000 on the laptop’s hard drive. It is not clear–to me, anyway–what would cause such a large number of emails to reside on the laptop, absent some sort of bulk downloads.” The nature of this “operation” is consistent with the previous pattern of the Russian involvement, as was strongly hypothesized by the US intelligence community.”  
And if these 650,000 emails were stolen and planted by the Russians, then it is only one logical step to assume that it was a part of the whole operation (Weiner sexting and Abedin-Weiner emails affair) conceived and executed by them or those who were and are behind them: Russian Intelligence, possibly Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) and/or the other hypothetical players.

The most intriguing, troubling, important, and the explosive part of this assumption is: what was the degree of cooperation or collusion, in all their possible forms and shapes, between the upper echelons of the FBI, specifically, its New York City field office (whose involvement in this affair is indicated by the significant amount of the specific circumstantial evidence) and the hypothetical and presumed Russian or the Russian Intelligence involvement? 

We cannot avoid asking and trying to answer these questions. Exhibitionism might or might not be the “irresistible impulse”, and this opinion does not intend to explain it away, to justify, or to excuse it. However, in these circumstances, it is important to not let these acts obscure the larger game, designs, and plans, especially if there is a suspicion that situation was somehow provoked by the hostile intelligence services. The importance of this aspect is magnified further by another suspicion: that the FBI was involved. Both of these suspicions are fully justified, have a certain evidential base in them, and they should become the subjects of interest and attention from the various investigators, looking into all of this for their own goals and purposes.   
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Current Updates on Abedin Weiner emails – GS (See Tag here
See also these posts: 
Anthony Weiner was the first to talk about Trump’s connections with Russian oligarchs, Weiner’s sentence is Trump’s revenge | Anthony Weiner seeks to reschedule sentencing for sexting a minor 
Who needs the “false”, pretended, “make believe” improvement, rather than the real one? The Russians have the incorrigible historical affliction with the “Potyomkin villages”, which the American side does not share, wisely and luckily.

Lawyers: Teen girl Weiner sexted wanted to affect election | National

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NEW YORK (AP) — Disgraced former New York congressman Anthony Weiner is no predator and should be spared from prison at his sentencing for sexting with a 15-year-old North Carolina girl who dreamed about affecting the U.S. presidential election, his lawyers told a judge on Wednesday.
The submission in Manhattan federal court referenced “Anthony’s operatic self-destruction,” describing the crime as “the final act … born of deep sickness.” But it blamed the girl, saying she has told government investigators it had been a goal of hers to affect last year’s election.
The court filing included letters from Weiner and his estranged wife, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, who appeared with him in state court earlier in the day at a divorce proceeding, looking more like a couple than not.
In a heavily blacked-out letter, Abedin wrote: “With Anthony, I have repeatedly found myself in circumstances I never imagined. I am devastated by Anthony’s actions, and I understand he must face their consequences.”
The lawyers described Weiner, a once powerful Democrat, as having committed a crime, though “one far less egregious than any sexting case that has been prosecuted in this district.”
They said he never sought out teenagers on the internet and didn’t engage in other predatory behaviors typical of those arrested in similar cases.
“He responded to the victim’s request for sexually explicit messages not because she was a teenager but in spite of it,” the lawyers said.
The lawyers said Weiner had caught the eye of “a curious high school student, looking to generate material for a book the government has disclosed she is now shopping to publishers.” They said the girl documented their interactions from the outset, photographing her phone to preserve messages, before selling her story to a British tabloid for $30,000.
The lawyers said the investigation of Weiner was “quite improperly injected into the U.S. presidential election, quite possibly affecting its outcome.”
“After the election was over, the high school student told government investigators that this had been one of her goals from the outset,” Weiner’s lawyers wrote.
The girl told Inside Edition in an interview she knew that Clinton, a Democratic former U.S. secretary of state, senator and first lady, would be running for president last year.
“I wanted to see if Anthony was still up to the same antics,” she said.
In a letter to U.S. District Judge Denise Cote, who will sentence Weiner on Sept. 25, Weiner wrote that “regret for my crime is profound” and that he had endangered the well-being of a 15-year-old girl.
“My continued acting out over years crushed the aspirations of my wife and ruined our marriage,” he said.
Hours earlier, Weiner and Abedin appeared briefly before a judge in their divorce case. They sat side by side and chatted casually while their lawyers met with state Supreme Court Justice Michael L. Katz.
An FBI investigation into Weiner’s online relationship with the girl became a factor in the presidential election. Then-FBI Director James Comey announced in late October 2016 that an investigation into emails that had been kept on Clinton’s private server needed to be reopened while the bureau looked at emails found during the Weiner probe.
Although Comey announced two days before the November election that nothing was found in the new search that would result in charges against Clinton, she has cited it as a reason for her loss to Donald Trump.
Trump, a Republican, became president in January and dismissed Comey in May.
Weiner, who unsuccessfully ran for mayor in 2005 and 2013, is eligible for a harsh term of years in prison in the sexting case but is likely to face less time. As part of his plea bargain, he agreed not to appeal any sentence between 21 and 27 months.
In his sentencing letter, Weiner wrote that he now attends daily “mutual support meetings” as part of treatment and mentors those new to the program.
He said he was profoundly sorry to his victim.
“My life isn’t big and loud anymore,” he said. “Every day I quietly do what I can to keep getting better and to fix the damage I’ve done.”
Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Lawyers: Teen girl Weiner sexted wanted to affect election – Bowling Green Daily News

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Bowling Green Daily News
Lawyers: Teen girl Weiner sexted wanted to affect election
Bowling Green Daily News
Lawyers: Teen girl Weiner sexted wanted to affect election. Anthony Weiner, right, and Huma Abedin appear in court in New York on Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017. The couple asked a New York City judge for privacy in their divorce case. (Jefferson Siegel/The …


When the Federal Bureau of Investigation decided not to pursue a criminal case against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server, Donald Trump’s path to the White House narrowed considerably… until a group of his staunchest supporters found a way to get the case back in the spotlight at the most opportune time.
In a month-long investigation, WhoWhatWhy has examined the events and players that had a hand in the FBI’s reopening of the Clinton email probe — apparently a factor in swinging the election Trump’s way.
Close scrutiny of the circumstances leading up to the FBI’s fateful decision reveals a key aspect that has thus far gained little attention — that fate got a helping hand from Trump supporters, surrogates and media allies.
This includes
•  A reasonable likelihood that Trump or somebody high up in his campaign received inside information, possibly from sources in the Bureau
•  An operation to bait Anthony Weiner, the controversial husband of Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin
•  A successful effort, perhaps from within the FBI, forcing director Comey to utilize the Weiner allegations as a basis to reopen the Hillary Clinton email investigation
That in turn gave swing voters two reasons not to vote for Hillary Clinton: (1) renewed doubts about her behavior in regard to security concerns, and (2) an implied connection to Weiner’s repugnant behavior.
For plenty of voters, that may have been enough to sway them. And in a close election, the resulting redistribution of comparatively few votes in a few key states caused a seismic shift in the overall electoral outcome.
Comey and the FBI were reacting to events. But who were the people who set those events in motion? And what were their motives? Were these actors doing so out of concerns for justice, for the truth, or to create partisan advantage?
It is not so surprising that political operatives would identify Weiner as a chink in Clinton’s armor, a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. It is only slightly less surprising that they would seek to lure Weiner, already known to have an addiction to sexting, into a situation that would embarass his wife, and perhaps cause serious damage to the Clinton campaign.
What is more intriguing, though, is the evidence that days before Comey made his explosive announcement in October 2016, Trump insiders were publicly predicting an “October Surprise.” And, further, that the problems of Weiner became not just the problems of his wife, but of Clinton, a woman who really had very little to do with him.

Very early on, Trump was publicly signalling that a way to harm Clinton was via Weiner.
On August 3, 2015, Donald Trump tweeted in his inimitable and confusing style:
“It came out that Huma Abedin knows all about Hillary’s private illegal emails. Huma’s PR husband, Anthony Weiner, will tell the world.”
Whatever he meant to suggest, this much is clear: Trump, then a longshot presidential contender, not only had Clinton in his sights; he had identified Abedin and her controversial spouse Weiner as potential embarrassments to the frontrunner.
That August 3 tweet was just one in a string. His assertions essentially anticipated that an attack was coming, if not when and how. He also regularly referred to Weiner as a degenerate and liability to Clinton.
All that was missing was a girl to lure Weiner into another “sexting” transgression. Then the trap could be sprung and the computer contents publicized.
On March 22, 2017, a year and a half later, after a highly improbable turn of events had landed Trump in the White House and astonished the world, the new president bragged to Time magazine that he had predicted the importance of Weiner long before the fact.
Huma [Abedin] and Anthony [Weiner] you know what I tweeted about that whole deal and then it turned out he had it, all of Hillary’s email on his thing.
Of course, Trump greatly distorted the facts, but that mattered little once the dust had settled.
From another point of view, what Trump and his enablers seem to have proven is that Hillary Clinton had (and would continue to have) evidence to back up her famous assertion from 1998, when she said that she and her husband were under siege from a “vast, right-wing conspiracy.”
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton late in the 2016 campaign.
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0) and Gage Skidmore / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

“A Lot of Funny Business”

That conspiracy — maybe a more accurate term is “obsession” — was still bearing poisonous fruit nearly two decades later.
While a lot of what was happening might qualify as hard campaigning, it would be an entirely different matter if law enforcers handed information to Team Trump. In addition, it was remarkable the way conservative news outlets were willing to spin exaggerations — even overt lies — as special, inside information from law-enforcement, to help the Republican contender.
“There was a lot of funny business going on,” Clinton recently told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. “If the election had been held on October 27, I would have been your president.”
She was referring to FBI Director James Comey’s announcement, on October 28, that he had reopened the investigation into her emails.
While Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee in early May, 2017, “It makes me mildly nauseous to think we had an impact on the election,” he also insisted that he had no choice but to go public with the news of the re-investigation back in October — no matter what the consequences.
We now know how consequential that decision was. But what is only beginning to become clear is the story behind the story that Comey told the Senate. There is evidence that the FBI director’s hand may have been forced by a “dirty tricks” campaign mounted by anti-Clinton political operatives. People within the FBI’s New York office with strong ties to the Trump camp — and an aversion to Clinton — appear to have been involved.
Huma Abedin has an unlikely defender: Anthony Weiner’s former online sex pal, Sydney Leathers 
Among the players in this sub rosa saga were
•  Alana Goodman, who frequently took aim at the Clintons from her perch at the Washington Free Beacon, and then greatly expanded her audience when she began writing for the British Daily Mail.
•  Sydney Leathers, the second of Anthony Weiner’s two sexting partners, and a porn actress, who contributed pieces to Washington Babylon, the blog of Ken Silverstein, a liberal journalist long critical of the Clintons. Leathers has presented herself as an expert in the art of entrapping politicians.
•  Alt-right Internet provocateur Charles C. “Chuck” Johnson, who worked at the neoconservative New York Sun, and eventually cycled through gigs at the Daily Callerand Breitbart. He was an early Trump supporter and reveled in political dirty tricks.
•  The unnamed 15-year-old from North Carolina, who reportedly was writing a book about Weiner, sexted with him, and whose accusations in the Daily Mailtriggered Weinergate redux.
•  Cassandra Fairbanks, a writer for the Kremlin-backed Sputnik News, who reportedly “converted” to a Trump supporter, after activism in Black Lives Matter and the Bernie Sanders campaign. She also is rumored to have close ties to the FBI.
•  Erik Prince, founder of the mercenary firm Blackwater, a big Trump supporter and brother of Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, went public as part of a calculated propaganda campaign in a November 4 Breitbart News interview, making a host of wild and demonstrably false allegations in connection with the Weiner/Clinton revelations.
•  The New York office of the FBI, which had a long and close relationship with Donald Trump and his significant ally Rudolph Giuliani. And, as we previously reported, that FBI office was running a highly valued informant inside Trump Tower, a man who was doing business with Trump. One of the key FBI handlers went on to provide security to Trump’s campaign.
Once the director of the FBI became involved, it was as if a powerful electrical current had run through all of these parts of the story, completing the circuit.

A generally unsympathetic and increasingly reviled figure, Anthony Weiner has repeatedly disappointed voters and allies since his first sexting scandal surfaced. His effort to rehabilitate himself cratered with revelations of continued self-destructive behavior, in the process humiliating himself, his family, and would-be loyal supporters.
Our investigation, however, only concerns Weiner’s character inasmuch as his weaknesses — and unrestrained conduct — served the ends of a political dirty-tricks operation which seems to have altered the very fabric of the 2016 election.

Comey’s Comedy of Errors

Notwithstanding some dissenters, a general consensus has emerged, and some data shows, that one of the principal events which handed Donald J. Trump the White House may have been the revelation of a letter from Comey to Congress, 11 days before the election, in which the FBI director notified lawmakers that the Bureau was examining new evidence regarding Clinton’s use of email.
FBI, James Comey
FBI Director James Comey Photo credit: FBI
As Comey had already declared the email scandal investigation closed four months earlier, the about-face had profound political repercussions.
Within hours of the news breaking, renewed cries of “lock her up” could be heard at Trump rallies and on news outlets covering them. The ground seemed to shift beneath both candidates. Trump became even more aggressive, while Clinton’s confidence appeared to wane — just as her lead in the polls shrank.
Polls would later reveal that party loyalists and independent voters cooled to the Democratic candidate in the final days of the campaign.
The Comey letter to Congress empowered the always-vocal army of Trump proxies and Republican commentators to question how voters could even think of electing someone who was under FBI investigation.
Very few people knew at the time that Trump’s campaign had itself been under investigation for months. On serious charges too — evident collusion with the Russian government to tip the election to Trump.
In April, The New York Times published an exhaustive account of the political and agency motivations behind Comey’s actions, but it did not go to the heart of the issue.
WhoWhatWhy believes the real story of Comey’s unprecedented actions took place outside the purview of FBI headquarters and the Justice Department.
Breitbart, Anthony Weiner
Breitbart screenshot of story about Erik Prince and Anthony Weiner.
Photo credit: Breitbart

What Set Off the Bomb?

Many questions of crucial importance remain fully or partially unanswered. Among them:
How did Weiner’s latest “sexting” scandal come to light in the first place? Was the Daily Mail’s central role in the story influenced in any way by its legal dispute with Melania Trump, a suit that was only resolved after the election?
Who spread the false claim that there was a treasure-trove of as-yet-unseen Clinton emails waiting to be investigated on Weiner’s laptop?
How did the story surface that those non-existent emails contained salacious and even criminal material — rumors floated on Breitbart that stoked up Trump’s base?
Who leaked advance knowledge of Comey’s bombshell before it happened, and how did the leakers come by their information?
Why were all of these leakers so closely connected to Trump?
Was this second Comey investigation into Clinton’s emails a put-up job from the very beginning, enabling the Trump team to make an additional round of outrageous and libelous claims?
We now know that there never was a “there there,” but through leaks, false stories and outrageous spin by a host of Trump’s proxies, it turned out to be enough to help turn the election.
As you read the timeline below, ask yourself this central question: Were these a bunch of unrelated events, many involving Alt-right dirty tricksters, which just happened to feed on one another until they pushed the election over the edge?
Or was there a darker, more coordinated narrative, more like the notorious “Swift-Boating” of John Kerry, a campaign of false information that vilified a genuine war hero and changed the outcome of the presidential election of 2004?
Put another way, was the Weiner story politically motivated from the start? Had Comey been “catfished?” Based on the evidence gathered in a month-long investigation, it sure looks like it.


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