Politics: It remains unclear if Trump fully understands how the federal debt works

Trump Investigations 
Politics: It remains unclear if Trump fully understands how the federal debt works
Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (42 sites) 
"Russia investigations" - Google News: Russia in Review, Jan. 25-Feb. 1, 2019 - Russia Matters
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Politics: It remains unclear if Trump fully understands how the federal debt works
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "2016 elections anxiety" - Google News: Legislation vs. Investigation: How Is Rep. Peter Welch Balancing His Work? - Vermont Public Radio
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "trump under federal investigation" - Google News: Legislation vs. Investigation: How Is Rep. Peter Welch Balancing His Work? - Vermont Public Radio
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Worldwide Threat Assessment on Russia: 2019 vs 2018 | Russia Matters
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "roger stone" - Google News: Late Night’s Roast of Roger Stone - Vulture
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "trump in financial times" - Google News: Foxconn says will proceed with Wisconsin factory plans after all - Financial Times
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Roger Stone Raid Shows FBI Out of Control
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "Trump" - Google News: Trump stokes rage against his friends, the Patriots - CNN
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "putin and trump" - Google News: Trump's 'America first' mantra will be prominent in address - 69News WFMZ-TV
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "Putin Trump" - Google News: Trump's 'America first' mantra will be prominent in address - 69News WFMZ-TV
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): 1. Trump Circles: Elections from Michael_Novakhov (16 sites): "Putin Trump" - Google News: Trump's 'America first' mantra will be prominent in address - 69News WFMZ-TV
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Mueller Could Have More Than Russia on His Mind: There were a lot of foreign cooks in what looks what was a very crowded kitchen in 2016. | But all of those cooks were under one Chef: The New Abwehr. - 4:01 PM 2/1/2019
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: Foxconn makes U-turn on $10bn Wisconsin factory after call with Trump
mikenov on Twitter: Trump Investigations: Mueller Could Have More Than Russia on His Mind: T... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/02/muelle…
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "trump electorate" - Google News: Under pressure to recalibrate, defiant Trump tackles big speech - Reuters
"Russia investigations" - Google News: Under pressure to recalibrate, defiant Trump tackles big speech - Reuters
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Politics: How the black candidates running for president will have to distinguish themselves to black voters
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Mueller Could Have More Than Russia on His Mind
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Palmer Report: One silver lining of Donald Trump’s nightmare presidency
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "Trumpism" - Google News: Simon Wilson: Could Simon Bridges be our Angela Merkel? - New Zealand Herald
Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (42 sites) 
"Russia investigations" - Google News: Russia in Review, Jan. 25-Feb. 1, 2019 - Russia Matters

Russia in Review, Jan. 25-Feb. 1, 2019  Russia MattersThe U.S. said it will suspend compliance with its 1987 INF Treaty with Russia on Feb. 2 and formally withdraw in six months if Moscow does not end its alleged ...

"Russia investigations" - Google News
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Politics: It remains unclear if Trump fully understands how the federal debt works

Two incidents on Thursday raise the question yet again.


1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites)
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "2016 elections anxiety" - Google News: Legislation vs. Investigation: How Is Rep. Peter Welch Balancing His Work? - Vermont Public Radio

Legislation vs. Investigation: How Is Rep. Peter Welch Balancing His Work?  Vermont Public RadioNormally our show answers your questions about Vermont, our region and its people. This month, we decided to do something a little different.

 "2016 elections anxiety" - Google News

1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites)
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "trump under federal investigation" - Google News: Legislation vs. Investigation: How Is Rep. Peter Welch Balancing His Work? - Vermont Public Radio

Legislation vs. Investigation: How Is Rep. Peter Welch Balancing His Work?  Vermont Public RadioNormally our show answers your questions about Vermont, our region and its people. This month, we decided to do something a little different.

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Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Worldwide Threat Assessment on Russia: 2019 vs 2018 | Russia Matters

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Worldwide Threat Assessment on Russia: 2019 vs 2018

February 01, 2019
Daniel Shapiro and Natasha Yefimova-Trilling
The latest Worldwide Threat Assessment, released this week by the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence, describes Russia as a major threat to U.S. interests not just in its own right but particularly in tandem with China—a pairing mentioned about twice as often as in last year’s assessment. The first half of the foreword focuses solely on these two countries and the 2019 document even has a new section called “China and Russia”—listed in first place among eight “Regional Threats.” The authors anticipate that Beijing and Moscow “will collaborate to counter US objectives” across the globe, striving for “technological and military superiority” and posing “economic, political, counterintelligence, military, and diplomatic challenges,” including attempts to use “rising doubts” about liberal democracy to their advantage. The assessment likewise points to the “disturbing” trend of “hostile states … intensifying online efforts to influence and interfere with elections here and abroad.”
More generally, this year’s assessment also places a greater emphasis on Moscow’s global ambitions, ranging from Africa and Latin America to the Balkans and Southeast Asia. (That said, Ukraine gets only five mentions in 2019 vs. 10 in 2018, although this year’s report is 50 percent longer.) Other notable differences between the two assessments arise in the areas of cyber threats and weapons of mass destruction. In the former, the 2019 document’s authors express heightened concerns about Russian threats to U.S. critical infrastructure, including power grids; in terms of WMD, they assess that Russia—not linked explicitly to chemical weapons in 2018—was among the countries that “have used chemical weapons on the battlefield or in assassination operations during the past two years,” the latter almost certainly a reference to the March 2018 assassination attempt against former double agent Sergei Skripal in England.
Below we give a run-down of the most salient differences between this year’s assessment and last year’s. The referenced sections appear in the same order as in the 2019 document.


Portrays Russia as a threat; the third paragraph reads as follows: “China and Russia will seek spheres of influence and to check US appeal and influence in their regions. Meanwhile, US allies’ and partners’ uncertainty about the willingness and capability of the United States to maintain its international commitments may drive them to consider reorienting their policies, particularly regarding trade, away from Washington.”Portrays Russia as a primary threat; the first half of the Foreword is dedicated solely to China and Russia, arguing that they “seek to shape the international system and regional security dynamics and exert influence over the politics and economies of states in all regions of the world.” The assessment says Russia and China are “more al­­­igned than at any point since the mid-1950s, and the relationship is likely to strengthen in the coming year.” It goes on to argue that their desire “to expand their global influence” will increase “the risk of regional conflicts, particularly in the Middle East and East Asia.”



Russia was said to pose one of the “greatest cyber threats to the United States during the next year,” along with China, Iran and North Korea. Russia was expected to “conduct bolder and more disruptive cyber operations during the next year, most likely using new capabilities against Ukraine.”The list of countries posing the “greatest espionage and cyber attack threats” has been cut to only China and Russia. The Russia-related emphasis in this section has turned from Ukraine to the United States itself, as the report asserts that “Moscow is now staging cyber attack assets to allow it to disrupt or damage US civilian and military infrastructure during a crisis and poses a significant cyber influence threat.”

Online Influence Operations and Election Interference

The report argued that “Russia probably will be the most capable and aggressive source of this threat in 2018,” listing a number of potential strategies and techniques Russia could use in this area. It said that “the 2018 US mid-term elections are a potential target for Russian influence operations.” Such operations were described under the “Global Threats” rubric called “Counterintelligence and Foreign Denial and Deception.”A new category of global threats has been added: “Online Influence Operations and Election Interference.” The language from the 2018 report that Russia will likely be the “most capable and aggressive” leader of influence operations has been removed; however, the potential strategies and techniques enumerated in the 2018 report largely remain. The specific election now at the center of concern is the next race for president, though without explicit mention of Russia: “Our adversaries and strategic competitors probably already are looking to the 2020 US elections as an opportunity to advance their interests. … We expect [them] … to refine their capabilities and add new tactics as they learn from each other’s experiences.”

Weapons of Mass Destruction

The report focused on Russia’s development of a ground-launched cruise missile (GLCM) that allegedly violates the INF Treaty. Regarding chemical weapons, the 2018 assessment said that “both state and nonstate actors have already demonstrated the use of chemical weapons in Iraq and Syria,” but did not implicate Russia in this.
The report includes similar language on the GLCM but goes further to say that “Russia will remain the most capable WMD adversary through 2019 and beyond, developing new strategic and nonstrategic weapons systems.” The 2019 report also addresses President Vladimir Putin’s annual address in March 2018, in which he announced new weapons programs. The document also assesses “that North Korea, Russia, Syria, and ISIS have used chemical weapons on the battlefield or in assassination operations during the past two years.”


The report assessed that “the leading state intelligence threats to US interests will continue to be Russia and China, based on their services’ capabilities, intent, and broad operational scope.”The language in the 2019 report is essentially the same: “Russia and China will continue to be the leading state intelligence threats to US interests, based on their services’ capabilities, intent, and broad operational scopes.”

Space and Counterspace

The 2018 report stated that “foreign countries—particularly China and Russia—will continue to expand their space-based reconnaissance, communications, and navigation systems in terms of the numbers of satellites, the breadth of their capability, and the applications for use” and that “both Russia and China continue to pursue antisatellite (ASAT) weapons as a means to reduce US and allied military effectiveness.” The report noted that Russian and Chinese launches of “experimental” satellites are “of particular concern,” as some of these satellites’ on-orbit activities are intended to “advance counterspace capabilities.” The report also notes that while Russia and China support international agreements on the nonweaponzation of space, these agreements do not address many classes of weapons.The 2019 report states that “China and Russia will field new counterspace weapons intended to target US and allied space capabilities.” The report echoes the language of the 2018 report, noting that “China and Russia are training and equipping their military space forces and fielding new antisatellite (ASAT) weapons to hold US and allied space services at risk, even as they push for international agreements on the nonweaponization of space.” The 2019 report also notes that “Russia is developing a similar ground-launched ASAT missile system for targeting low-Earth orbit that is likely to be operational within the next several years.”


China and Russia

The 2018 report did not have a “China and Russia” subsection.“China and Russia” are listed as the first “regional threat” in the section (followed by “East Asia,” “Middle East and North Africa,” “South Asia,” “Russia and Eurasia,” “Europe,” “Africa” and “The Western Hemisphere”). Overall, the report concludes that “China and Russia will present a wide variety of economic, political, counterintelligence, military, and diplomatic challenges to the United States and its allies. We anticipate that they will collaborate to counter US objectives, taking advantage of rising doubts in some places about the liberal democratic model.” Chinese-Russian cooperation is “expanding,” both bilaterally and through international bodies, “to shape global rules and standards to their benefit and present a counterweight to the United States and other Western countries.”

East Asia

Southeast Asia and the Pacific

No mention of Russia.This section is noteworthy in that it emphasizes a split between Russia and China: “Russia may also continue its diplomatic and military cultivation of Southeast Asian partners, and some countries will be receptive to Moscow as a balance against China’s push for hegemony.”

Middle East and North Africa


The 2018 report briefly covered Russia’s involvement in Syria, noting that “Russia and Iran are planning for a long-term presence, securing military basing rights and contracts for reconstruction and oil and gas exploitation.” It also said that Syria’s “battered economy will likely continue to require significant subsidies from Iran and Russia to meet basic expenses.”This year’s assessment says much the same: “Russia and Iran probably will attempt to further entrench themselves in Syria,” supporting Bashar al-Assad’s regime and trying “to secure rights to postwar contracts to rebuild Syria’s battered infrastructure and industry in exchange for sustained military and economic support.”

Russia and Eurasia


The report stated that “President Vladimir Putin will rely on assertive and opportunistic foreign policies to shape outcomes beyond Russia’s borders. He will also resort to more authoritarian tactics to maintain control amid challenges to his rule.”Similar to the 2018 report, the 2019 report states that “Putin has the tools to navigate challenges to his rule, and he is likely to sustain an assertive, opportunistic foreign policy to advance Russia’s interests beyond its borders and contest US influence.”

Russia-U.S. relations

“Moscow will seek cooperation with the United States in areas that advance its interests. Simultaneously, Moscow will employ a variety of aggressive tactics to bolster its standing as a great power, secure a ‘sphere of influence’ in the post-Soviet space, weaken the United States, and undermine Euro-Atlantic unity.”“Although we judge that Putin and other elites would like to see cooperation with the United States where US and Russian interests overlap, they view publicly blaming the United States for internal challenges as good politics.” The report also argues that “Moscow will continue pursuing a range of objectives to expand its reach, including undermining the US-led liberal international order, dividing Western political and security institutions, demonstrating Russia’s ability to shape global issues, and bolstering Putin’s domestic legitimacy.”

Global Ambitions

Russia was portrayed largely as a regional power. The report stated that “Russia will compete with the United States most aggressively in Europe and Eurasia, while applying less intense pressure in ‘outer areas.’”Russia is portrayed as a much more global player. In terms of “global ambitions,” the report states that “Russia’s efforts to expand its global military, commercial, and energy footprint and build partnerships with US allies and adversaries alike are likely to pose increasing challenges. Moscow will continue to emphasize its strategic relationship with Beijing, while also pursuing a higher profile in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America.” Furthermore, the 2019 report argues that “Russia seeks to boost its military presence and political influence in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, increase its arms sales, expand information operations in Europe, and mediate conflicts, including engaging in the Middle East Peace Process and Afghanistan reconciliation.”

Russia and Its Neighbors

Ukraine, which had been deemed worthy of a separate section in 2018, was seen as a stalemate: “The conflict in eastern Ukraine is likely to remain stalemated and marked by fluctuating levels of violence. A major offensive by either side is unlikely in 2018, although each side’s calculus could change if it sees the other as seriously challenging the status quo.” Regarding the general post-Soviet space, the report argued that “the Kremlin will seek to maintain and, where possible, expand its influence throughout the former Soviet countries that it asserts are in its self-described sphere of influence.”Both the statements from the 2018 report are essentially repeated, although the post-Soviet space has been subsumed under a single “Russia and Its Neighbors” rubric. Regarding Ukraine, “a major offensive by either Ukraine or Russian proxy forces is operationally feasible but unlikely in 2019, unless one side perceives the other is seriously challenging the status quo.” And on the general post-Soviet space the 2019 report uses the exact same language as the 2018 report.


The section on Europe was relatively small, with only a passing reference to Russian influence campaigns.The section on Europe is significantly longer, and the report argues that “Russia and China are likely to intensify efforts to build influence in Europe at the expense of US interests.” Additionally, the report notes that “the United Kingdom’s scheduled exit from the EU on 29 March 2019, European Parliament elections in late May, and the subsequent turnover in EU institutional leadership will limit the ability of EU and 39 national leaders to contend with increased Russian and Chinese efforts to divide them from one another and from the United States.” Finally, the 2019 report covers the Balkans, arguing that “Russia will seek to exploit ethnic tensions and high levels of corruption to hinder the ability of countries in this region [the Balkans] to move toward the EU and NATO.”

Photo by Yuri_B shared under a Pixabay license.

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "roger stone" - Google News: Late Night’s Roast of Roger Stone - Vulture

Late Night’s Roast of Roger Stone  VultureA roundup of the 37 best jokes about Trump associate Roger Stone told on late night this week by Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Samantha Bee, ...

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1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites)
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "trump in financial times" - Google News: Foxconn says will proceed with Wisconsin factory plans after all - Financial Times

Foxconn says will proceed with Wisconsin factory plans after all  Financial TimesFoxconn Technology Group, the Taiwanese contract electronics manufacturer, has said it will proceed with plans to build a huge factory in Wisconsin following ...

 "trump in financial times" - Google News

1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites)
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Roger Stone Raid Shows FBI Out of Control

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Hooray for Sen. Lindsey Graham and Rep. Doug Collins — as the top two Republicans on their respective judiciary committees — for demanding that FBI Director Christopher Wray explain why non-violent, white collar suspect Roger Stone was arrested in a predawn break-in by more agents than were involved in the raid on Osama bin Laden.
Cheers too for Tucker Carlson for exposing that CNN was there to put it all on film, obviously given advance notice by a Special Counsel Robert Mueller leaker, with the mainstream media now a de facto arm of the Justice Department.
Unfortunately, only former prosecutor Sidney Powell of the little Daily Caller has noticed that FBI/Mueller has had the other special counsel target, Paul Manafort, rotting in solitary confinement for almost eight months, which Powell considers akin to torture. And, of course, Manafort was also subject to a pre-dawn raid by our fearless FBI when his pajama-clad wife was not allowed out of bed until searched.
Or how about former three-star general, White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn who was accused of the crime of lying to the FBI? Well, it turned out that later disciplined and fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe had called Flynn casually on an unrelated natter and casually slipped in that, by the way, he should “sit down” with a few agents and talk about his discussions with Russians, suggesting it would not be formal enough to require counsel.
In the following FBI interview, Flynn was not formally warned that lying to the FBI in these circumstances was a lie. Perhaps he should have understood but perhaps in such a supposed informal setting, not. In any event months later he is still caught in the government’s trap as a result of what an average person would consider illegal entrapment.
And we cannot forget FBI Counterespionage Chief Peter Strzok and his girlfriend plotting how to keep Donald Trump from becoming president. Strzok was finally fired but the recommendation from the career FBI officer who normally handles discipline only recommended a 60 day suspension.
It is not that the FBI is so efficient otherwise today. It had been the iconic governmental agency since its early days under J. Edgar Hoover beginning with combatting organized crime in the early 20th Century, headed by its pioneering fingerprint laboratory as its symbol of competence. But that reputation crashed when mass errors in DNA analysis were discovered in 2015 that threatened the validity of thousands of its convictions since 1999.
This was quickly followed by similar errors in forensics analysis testing. Basics such as hair-test analysis were found wrong in court 95 percent of the time and DNA tests half the time by a study co-funded by the FBI itself.
A former agent Thomas J. Baker found that the FBI legalistic fact-gathering code under which agents swore in court and a “lack of candor” was a firing offense was overshadowed with the adoption of the more centralized “best guesses” intelligence ethos utilizing more politically-sensitive agents like Strzok’s that undermined the old FBI professionalism.
As early as 2000 the then-FBI Director was forced to admit that the Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, who had killed 49 people, had been under close investigation by the FBI for two previous years but that its agents had not used the time to search his electronic devices.
After Nikolas Cruz killed 17 in a Florida school shooting in 2018, the FBI admitted they did not follow up on a credible tip the month before.
Or take the case of Ahmad Khan Rahami. New Jersey police had informed the FBI in August 2014 that a Mohammed Rahami told local police his son was associating with dangerous people after returning from Pakistan informing them that he was a “terrorist.” The FBI Newark office interviewed the father who moderated his complaints and so they did not even interview the son because he was in jail charged with domestic assault and was “not available.”
You cannot make this stuff up.
Congress must begin doing a serious job of overseeing this over-pampered bureaucracy which thinks it is above the law and common decency.
This will obviously not appeal to Democrats who formerly opposed the FBI harassing communists but see no problem when it is going rogue to get President Trump.
As far as our objective media, CNN's Oliver Darcy told his fellows that, "A lot of people, including some mainstream commentators and journalists started asking questions about this [Roger Stone] conspiracy theory. And I think as journalists, we have to be very careful not to allow bad faith actors to hijack the conversation and to move the story away from what it really should be."
The “factual” story told to the yokels clearly was not supposed to be that the mainstream media were actually all lackeys for an out-of-control FBI.
Donald Devine is senior scholar at the Fund for American Studies. He is the author of "America’s Way Back: Reclaiming Freedom, Tradition, and Constitution" and "Reagan’s Terrible Swift Sword: Reforming and Controlling the Federal Bureaucracy." He served as President Reagan’s director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. He can also be followed on Twitter @donalddevineco1. For more of his reports, Go Here Now.
© 2019 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

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1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "Trump" - Google News: Trump stokes rage against his friends, the Patriots - CNN

Trump stokes rage against his friends, the Patriots  CNNThe New England Patriots are evolving into the most hated team of all time, and Donald Trump isn't helping matters, Terence Moore says. He keeps boasting ...

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1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "putin and trump" - Google News: Trump's 'America first' mantra will be prominent in address - 69News WFMZ-TV

Trump's 'America first' mantra will be prominent in address  69News WFMZ-TVWASHINGTON (AP) - For all of President Donald Trump's talk about "America first," the next two years of his presidency could shine a sharp spotlight on America ...

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1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites)
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "Putin Trump" - Google News: Trump's 'America first' mantra will be prominent in address - 69News WFMZ-TV

Trump's 'America first' mantra will be prominent in address  69News WFMZ-TVWASHINGTON (AP) - For all of President Donald Trump's talk about "America first," the next two years of his presidency could shine a sharp spotlight on America ...

 "Putin Trump" - Google News

1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites)
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): 1. Trump Circles: Elections from Michael_Novakhov (16 sites): "Putin Trump" - Google News: Trump's 'America first' mantra will be prominent in address - 69News WFMZ-TV

Trump's 'America first' mantra will be prominent in address  69News WFMZ-TVWASHINGTON (AP) - For all of President Donald Trump's talk about "America first," the next two years of his presidency could shine a sharp spotlight on America ...

 "Putin Trump" - Google News

 1. Trump Circles: Elections from Michael_Novakhov (16 sites)

1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites)
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Mueller Could Have More Than Russia on His Mind: There were a lot of foreign cooks in what looks what was a very crowded kitchen in 2016. | But all of those cooks were under one Chef: The New Abwehr. - 4:01 PM 2/1/2019

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations.

February 1, 2019
There were foreign nationals from many countries surrounding the Trump campaign, argues Brennan Center fellow Ciara Torres-Spelliscy.

Mueller Could Have More Than Russia on His Mind

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Feeds.

Earlier this week, Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker disclosed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is winding down. Perhaps the special counsel will soon reveal what he has found in his wide-ranging investigation. My guess is that he’s found that it was more than just Russians who broke the law.
I’m in the final stages of writing my second book, Political Brands, and have spent considerable time trying to figure out the narrative thread of the 2016 election. One recurring thought for me: There were too many foreign nationals surrounding the Trump campaign. And I’m not just talking about Russians — although there were plenty of those, as the New York Timesrecently documented.
For example, Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm that worked for the 2016 Trump campaign, was run by U.K. citizen Alexander Nix and had other British, Canadian, and European employees. As the Washington Post reported last year:
[Nix] told TechCrunch in 2016 that Cambridge Analytica, which federal records show was paid at least $6 million by the Trump campaign, was key to campaign decisions on data analytics, research, digital advertising, television spots and collecting donations: “Overnight [the contract] went from being originally just data, to end to end.”
Nix made similar claims in secretly recorded video released …by Channel 4 in Britain, saying the company “did all the research, all the data, all the analytics, all the targeting, we ran all the digital campaign, the television campaign, and our data informed all the strategy.”
This work was potentially problematic because foreign nationals are not supposed to have decision-making power over a U.S. political campaign. In contrast to Mr. Nix’s boasting, the Trump and Cruz campaign teams (who both worked with Cambridge Analytica) have claimed that the foreign nationals at the firm were supervised by a sufficient number of Americans to comply with the law. It will be interesting to see whose version of events is vindicated by Mueller’s investigations.
Another dangling thread in the investigation involves two Israeli companies. The Daily Beast reports that Wikistrat founder Joel Zamel has “been questioned by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team as they investigate efforts by foreign governments to shape American politics during the 2016 presidential campaign.” According to the report, Wikistrat had a “Cyber Mercenaries” project that outlined what a foreign cyberattack on the U.S. election would look like. Psy-Group, one of Zamel’s other companies, also pitched services to Trump’s Deputy Campaign Chair Rick Gates. It’s unclear from public-facing evidence whether Wikistrat’s prediction was just that or whether Psy-Group acted for the Trump campaign. Nonetheless, Mr. Zamel is a foreign national — and as such, he should not have had any decision-making control over a U.S. political campaign.
Yet another open question for the investigation: What was George Nader up to during the 2016 election? Nader is a naturalized U.S. citizen, but he was also allegedly the “emissary for the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, who is cooperating with Mueller’s investigation of the 2016 election,” according to The Daily Beast. Nader “attended the Seychelles meeting where American billionaire Erik Prince and the head of a Russian sovereign wealth fund reportedly discussed setting up a back-channel between their two governments.” He’s been talking to the special counsel, but the nature of their conversation is unclear.
On top of that, the Trump campaign solicited foreign donations from Members of Parliaments in the U.K., Iceland, Canada, and Australia — and continued to make these illegal solicitations even after campaign finance watchdogs filed complaints with the Federal Election Commission and the Department of Justice. Any foreign money that was given would violate a long-standing prohibition on foreigners from providing money or things of value to U.S. campaigns.
And finally, from Mueller’s recent indictment of Roger Stone, we find references like this: “On or about August 2, 2016, Person 1 emailed STONE. … Person 1 stated in part, ‘Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging.’ The phrase “friend in embassy” referred to the head of Organization 1.” Elsewhere in the Stone indictment, the prosecutors clarify that “The head of Organization 1 was located at all relevant times at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, United Kingdom.” To decode this, Organization 1 is Wikileaks, Person 1 is then-CEO of the Trump campaign Steve Bannon, and the “friend in embassy” was Julian Assange, who is an Australian national. Like all the other foreign nationals involved in this tale, Assange was prohibited from giving things of value to the Trump campaign.
Perhaps Mueller will find that all of these foreign nationals did so little that they complied with U.S. election law. But geez. There were a lot of foreign cooks in what looks what was a very crowded kitchen in 2016.
The views expressed are the author's own and not necessarily those of the Brennan Center for Justice.
(Image: Win McNamee/Getty)
Was Used By The Mob Like The Little Blond Stupid Pretentious Laundry Girl Seduced By Fat Tips, and according to the New Abwehr designs

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Was Used By The Mob Like The Little Blond Stupid Pretentious Laundry Girl Seduced By Fat Tips, and according to the New Abwehr designs.
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"Next customers: Flynn and Jr." - Google News: Minnesota Football: Breaking down the Gophers’ 2019 schedule - The Daily Gopher

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: Foxconn makes U-turn on $10bn Wisconsin factory after call with Trump

Tech giant said it will build facility after speaking with president – but no mention of job creation
Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn Technology said Friday it would build a heavily subsidized $10bn factory in Wisconsin days after the company appeared to be backing away from those plans.
Related: 'It's a huge subsidy': the $4.8bn gamble to lure Foxconn to America
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 Donald Trump | The Guardian

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mikenov on Twitter: Trump Investigations: Mueller Could Have More Than Russia on His Mind: T... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/02/muelle…

Trump Investigations: Mueller Could Have More Than Russia on His Mind: T... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/02/muelle…

Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 1st, 2019 8:11pm

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1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "trump electorate" - Google News: Under pressure to recalibrate, defiant Trump tackles big speech - Reuters

Under pressure to recalibrate, defiant Trump tackles big speech  ReutersUnder pressure from fellow Republicans to reset his contentious presidency, Donald Trump plans to offer Democrats a choice in his State of the Union speech ...

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"Russia investigations" - Google News: Under pressure to recalibrate, defiant Trump tackles big speech - Reuters

Under pressure to recalibrate, defiant Trump tackles big speech  ReutersUnder pressure from fellow Republicans to reset his contentious presidency, Donald Trump plans to offer Democrats a choice in his State of the Union speech ...

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1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Politics: How the black candidates running for president will have to distinguish themselves to black voters

It's about more than representation.


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Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Mueller Could Have More Than Russia on His Mind

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Earlier this week, Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker disclosed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is winding down. Perhaps the special counsel will soon reveal what he has found in his wide-ranging investigation. My guess is that he’s found that it was more than just Russians who broke the law.
I’m in the final stages of writing my second book, Political Brands, and have spent considerable time trying to figure out the narrative thread of the 2016 election. One recurring thought for me: There were too many foreign nationals surrounding the Trump campaign. And I’m not just talking about Russians — although there were plenty of those, as the New York Timesrecently documented.
For example, Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm that worked for the 2016 Trump campaign, was run by U.K. citizen Alexander Nix and had other British, Canadian, and European employees. As the Washington Post reported last year:
[Nix] told TechCrunch in 2016 that Cambridge Analytica, which federal records show was paid at least $6 million by the Trump campaign, was key to campaign decisions on data analytics, research, digital advertising, television spots and collecting donations: “Overnight [the contract] went from being originally just data, to end to end.”
Nix made similar claims in secretly recorded video released …by Channel 4 in Britain, saying the company “did all the research, all the data, all the analytics, all the targeting, we ran all the digital campaign, the television campaign, and our data informed all the strategy.”
This work was potentially problematic because foreign nationals are not supposed to have decision-making power over a U.S. political campaign. In contrast to Mr. Nix’s boasting, the Trump and Cruz campaign teams (who both worked with Cambridge Analytica) have claimed that the foreign nationals at the firm were supervised by a sufficient number of Americans to comply with the law. It will be interesting to see whose version of events is vindicated by Mueller’s investigations.
Another dangling thread in the investigation involves two Israeli companies. The Daily Beast reports that Wikistrat founder Joel Zamel has “been questioned by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team as they investigate efforts by foreign governments to shape American politics during the 2016 presidential campaign.” According to the report, Wikistrat had a “Cyber Mercenaries” project that outlined what a foreign cyberattack on the U.S. election would look like. Psy-Group, one of Zamel’s other companies, also pitched services to Trump’s Deputy Campaign Chair Rick Gates. It’s unclear from public-facing evidence whether Wikistrat’s prediction was just that or whether Psy-Group acted for the Trump campaign. Nonetheless, Mr. Zamel is a foreign national — and as such, he should not have had any decision-making control over a U.S. political campaign.
Yet another open question for the investigation: What was George Nader up to during the 2016 election? Nader is a naturalized U.S. citizen, but he was also allegedly the “emissary for the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, who is cooperating with Mueller’s investigation of the 2016 election,” according to The Daily Beast. Nader “attended the Seychelles meeting where American billionaire Erik Prince and the head of a Russian sovereign wealth fund reportedly discussed setting up a back-channel between their two governments.” He’s been talking to the special counsel, but the nature of their conversation is unclear.
On top of that, the Trump campaign solicited foreign donations from Members of Parliaments in the U.K., Iceland, Canada, and Australia — and continued to make these illegal solicitations even after campaign finance watchdogs filed complaints with the Federal Election Commission and the Department of Justice. Any foreign money that was given would violate a long-standing prohibition on foreigners from providing money or things of value to U.S. campaigns.
And finally, from Mueller’s recent indictment of Roger Stone, we find references like this: “On or about August 2, 2016, Person 1 emailed STONE. … Person 1 stated in part, ‘Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging.’ The phrase “friend in embassy” referred to the head of Organization 1.” Elsewhere in the Stone indictment, the prosecutors clarify that “The head of Organization 1 was located at all relevant times at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, United Kingdom.” To decode this, Organization 1 is Wikileaks, Person 1 is then-CEO of the Trump campaign Steve Bannon, and the “friend in embassy” was Julian Assange, who is an Australian national. Like all the other foreign nationals involved in this tale, Assange was prohibited from giving things of value to the Trump campaign.
Perhaps Mueller will find that all of these foreign nationals did so little that they complied with U.S. election law. But geez. There were a lot of foreign cooks in what looks what was a very crowded kitchen in 2016.
The views expressed are the author's own and not necessarily those of the Brennan Center for Justice.
(Image: Win McNamee/Getty)

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): Palmer Report: One silver lining of Donald Trump’s nightmare presidency

Politics is a strange thing. When one is involved in it, everything can become immersed in partisan feelings. The fact that politics dictates how everyone lives, despite the fact that such a small portion of people even care to interact in such a political process, frightens me. Based on current data, there was a strong increase in the number of voters in the 2018 midterm election, but it is still not enough to overcome the gerrymandering imposed by Republicans concerned with ensuring a majority through small town politics.

When Republicans realized that the vast majority of Americans disagreed with their policies, they made a change in their strategy called REDMAP. This allowed them to illegally change state maps using gerrymandering, in an effort to increase their local and state legislation to overwhelmingly to appear more Republican, despite the fact that Democrats had equal or greater popularity with voters.

This attempt by Republicans has continued up through today. They continue to push their policies that hurt average Americans while only helping their wealthy donors. While politics have proven to do much hurt to the average person, there is still much that we can do.
The illegitimate presidency of Donald Trump has done so much to improve how people see politics. Prior to such a traitor, most people just assumed that leaders were out there, doing what’s best for our interests. Following this traitor, we now see that it’s not only up to the politicians, but also up to us.
Click here to help fund Palmer Report's editorial takedown of Donald Trump!

The post One silver lining of Donald Trump’s nightmare presidency appeared first on Palmer Report.

 Palmer Report

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1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "Trumpism" - Google News: Simon Wilson: Could Simon Bridges be our Angela Merkel? - New Zealand Herald

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