DNC Chair Compares Trump to Castro, Kim, and Putin

DNC Chair Compares Trump to Castro, Kim, and Putin

Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez compared President Trump to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, and ...
Donald Trump: Jake Tapper Shuts Down Mike Pompeo's Lie About Trump's North Korea Comments

"That's not what he said," the secretary of state claimed. But the CNN host was quick to refute him.

 Donald Trump
Palmer Report: Donald Trump goes completely off the 4th of July deep end

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠

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DNC Chair Compares Trump to Castro, Kim, and Putin
Donald Trump: Jake Tapper Shuts Down Mike Pompeo's Lie About Trump's North Korea Comments
Palmer Report: Donald Trump goes completely off the 4th of July deep end
Donald Trump: Senior Democrat vows to subpoena Mueller report
Mueller report: 9 questions you were too embarrassed to ask - Vox.com
Senate Intelligence Republican: 'We've given Mueller full access' to our investigation - Washington Examiner
"Elections 2016 Investigation" - Google News: Senate Intelligence Republican: 'We've given Mueller full access' to our investigation - Washington Examiner
Senate Intelligence Republican: 'We've given Mueller full access' to our investigation
DNC Chair Perez: Trump, Putin, Kim, Castro Are 'Doing So Many of the Same Things'
Mueller investigation: 'We are going to get to the bottom of' Trump-Russia claims despite attempts ...
Mueller report: 9 questions you were too embarrassed to ask - Vox.com
Trump faces legal issues for the rest of his presidency, no matter what Mueller finds - Los Angeles Times
Mueller’s probe is expected to end soon, but things are far from over - The Washington Post
Robert Mueller’s Nothing-Burger Sentencing Memo on Paul Manafort - The New Yorker
Five tantalizing questions about Mueller’s investigation | TheHill - The Hill
Despite Trump attacks, ex-FBI official doubles down on investigations - ABC News
Democrats Will ‘Weaponize’ Mueller Report, Predicts Steve Bannon - The Inquisitr News
Where the investigations related to President Trump stand - Washington Post
Mueller news: New sentencing memo for Paul Manafort - Vox.com
Donald Trump's Biggest Fans Are Obsessed With Socialism - BuzzFeed News
Adam Schiff threatens to bring in Robert Mueller for testimony if Russia report doesn't go public - Washington Examiner
Mueller team's sentencing memo on Paul Manafort is released - Yahoo News
Mueller details 'bold' criminal actions by Trump's campaign chairman Manafort | Watch News Videos Online - Globalnews.ca
Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view - WTOP
Kushner family seeking massive billion dollar federal loan to purchase real estate properties: report - Raw Story
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DNC Chair Compares Trump to Castro, Kim, and Putin

Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez compared President Trump to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, and ...
Donald Trump: Jake Tapper Shuts Down Mike Pompeo's Lie About Trump's North Korea Comments

"That's not what he said," the secretary of state claimed. But the CNN host was quick to refute him.

 Donald Trump
Palmer Report: Donald Trump goes completely off the 4th of July deep end

“President” Donald Trump has an idea, a novel idea- let’s have a big celebration on the Fourth of July to celebrate our nation and our troops. Oh wait, that has been happening since, well, the 1700s. Perhaps this is Trump’s attempt or end-around at getting his military parade, his previous idea which was dismissed as a waste of money.
Trump tweeted: “HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called “A Salute To America” and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!”

No ego there at all. Most of us are old enough to remember big events out of D.C. and the rest of the nation on the 4th of July. In fact, one of the Founding Fathers, who was in Philadelphia on July 2, 1776, when the independence resolution was passed by the Continental Congress, predicted how this budding nation would celebrate.

John Adams wrote his wife, Abigail, a prediction: “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America.—I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.”

Adams was wrong on the date, but otherwise, his letter sure sounds like Trump’s tweet: “Pomp and Parade” and “Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other.” So much for this being a new idea.

Donald Trump continues to be delusional. His “HOLD THE DATE” nonsense is just one more sign that he is not well. In addition, hope remains that by Independence Day, Trump will be in the Big House and not the White House. As Americans, true patriots, we don’t need a reminder of the significance of July 4th. We have been celebrating it for 243 years as of this July.

The post Donald Trump goes completely off the 4th of July deep end appeared first on Palmer Report.

 Palmer Report
Donald Trump: Senior Democrat vows to subpoena Mueller report

House intelligence committee chair Adam Schiff wants to make report public

 Donald Trump
Mueller report: 9 questions you were too embarrassed to ask - Vox.com

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations.

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Mueller report: 9 questions you were too embarrassed to ask - Vox.com
Trump faces legal issues for the rest of his presidency, no matter what Mueller finds - Los Angeles Times
Mueller’s probe is expected to end soon, but things are far from over - The Washington Post
Robert Mueller’s Nothing-Burger Sentencing Memo on Paul Manafort - The New Yorker
Five tantalizing questions about Mueller’s investigation | TheHill - The Hill
Despite Trump attacks, ex-FBI official doubles down on investigations - ABC News
Democrats Will ‘Weaponize’ Mueller Report, Predicts Steve Bannon - The Inquisitr News
Where the investigations related to President Trump stand - Washington Post
Mueller news: New sentencing memo for Paul Manafort - Vox.com
Donald Trump's Biggest Fans Are Obsessed With Socialism - BuzzFeed News
Adam Schiff threatens to bring in Robert Mueller for testimony if Russia report doesn't go public - Washington Examiner
Mueller team's sentencing memo on Paul Manafort is released - Yahoo News
Mueller details 'bold' criminal actions by Trump's campaign chairman Manafort | Watch News Videos Online - Globalnews.ca
Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view - WTOP
Kushner family seeking massive billion dollar federal loan to purchase real estate properties: report - Raw Story
Mueller filing could be held up pending indictments of Don Jr. and Jared Kushner for lying: ex-US Attorney - Raw Story
Kushner family buys apartments for $1.1 billion, sealing biggest deal in more than a decade - Haaretz
Mueller’s Filing Could Be Delayed Pending Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner’s Indictments, Says Ex-U.S. Attorney - Newsweek
Report: Kushner Family Firm Pays $1.1B for 6,000 Apartments - VOA News
The 6 essential cons that define Trump’s success - The Washington Post
Deutsche Bank's malaise goes deeper than its tumbling share price - Greenwich Time
'Absolutely' prepared to sue administration if Mueller report not public: Top Dem - ABC News
Russian Spy or Hustling Political Operative? The Enigmatic Figure at the Heart of Mueller’s Inquiry - The New York Times
Can I Read The Mueller Report? It Won't Be Instantly Available - Bustle
Mueller: Paul Manafort is hardened criminal who 'repeatedly' broke law - The Guardian
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Mueller report: 9 questions you were too embarrassed to ask - Vox.com
Senate Intelligence Republican: 'We've given Mueller full access' to our investigation - Washington Examiner

Senate Intelligence Republican: 'We've given Mueller full access' to our investigation  Washington ExaminerA Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday the panel has given special counsel Robert Mueller “full access” to its own Russia ...

"Elections 2016 Investigation" - Google News: Senate Intelligence Republican: 'We've given Mueller full access' to our investigation - Washington Examiner

Senate Intelligence Republican: 'We've given Mueller full access' to our investigation  Washington ExaminerA Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday the panel has given special counsel Robert Mueller “full access” to its own Russia ...

 "Elections 2016 Investigation" - Google News
Senate Intelligence Republican: 'We've given Mueller full access' to our investigation

“We'd like to have, frankly, a little more access the Mueller investigation before we come to a final conclusion. His report will help us write our final ...
DNC Chair Perez: Trump, Putin, Kim, Castro Are 'Doing So Many of the Same Things'

On this weekend's broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez compared President Donald Trump to ...
Mueller investigation: 'We are going to get to the bottom of' Trump-Russia claims despite attempts ...

Adam Schiff has warned the Justice Department that any effort to conceal special counsel Robert Mueller's final report into Russian interference in the ...
Mueller report: 9 questions you were too embarrassed to ask - Vox.com

Mueller report: 9 questions you were too embarrassed to ask  Vox.comSpecial counsel Robert Mueller may complete his report on the Trump-Russia investigation as soon as next week, according to several media outlets' sources.
Trump faces legal issues for the rest of his presidency, no matter what Mueller finds - Los Angeles Times

Trump faces legal issues for the rest of his presidency, no matter what Mueller finds  Los Angeles TimesThe Russia investigation is only the start. Robert Mueller's work has spawned a constellation of prosecutions that threaten every aspect of President Trump's life ...
Mueller’s probe is expected to end soon, but things are far from over - The Washington Post

Mueller’s probe is expected to end soon, but things are far from over  The Washington PostPredictions for when special counsel Robert S. Mueller III will deliver his much-anticipated report to the attorney general have yo-yoed between days and weeks.
Robert Mueller’s Nothing-Burger Sentencing Memo on Paul Manafort - The New Yorker

Robert Mueller’s Nothing-Burger Sentencing Memo on Paul Manafort  The New YorkerAdam Davidson writes about the latest update on the special counsel's investigation of Donald Trump and the 2016 Presidential election, a court filing with little ...
Five tantalizing questions about Mueller’s investigation | TheHill - The Hill

Five tantalizing questions about Mueller’s investigation | TheHill  The HillSeveral loose ends remain in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation amid signs that it's possible the long probe could be winding down.
Despite Trump attacks, ex-FBI official doubles down on investigations - ABC News

Despite Trump attacks, ex-FBI official doubles down on investigations  ABC NewsAndrew McCabe's appearance on Sunday came after President Donald Trump repeatedly called the former deputy FBI director's claims an "absurd" collection of ...
Democrats Will ‘Weaponize’ Mueller Report, Predicts Steve Bannon - The Inquisitr News

Democrats Will ‘Weaponize’ Mueller Report, Predicts Steve Bannon  The Inquisitr NewsFormer Trump White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, went on CBS News State of the Union to discuss the upcoming presidential election, President ...
Where the investigations related to President Trump stand - Washington Post

Where the investigations related to President Trump stand  Washington PostWhere the investigations related to President Trump stand.
Mueller news: New sentencing memo for Paul Manafort - Vox.com

Mueller news: New sentencing memo for Paul Manafort  Vox.comSpecial counsel Robert Mueller has filed a second sentencing memo taking former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort to task for what he says is years of ...
Donald Trump's Biggest Fans Are Obsessed With Socialism - BuzzFeed News

Donald Trump's Biggest Fans Are Obsessed With SocialismBuzzFeed NewsThe president's die-hard fans, led at Mar-a-Lago this weekend by the Trumpettes, are taking up Trump's 2020 rallying cry against "radical socialists' plot to ...
Adam Schiff threatens to bring in Robert Mueller for testimony if Russia report doesn't go public - Washington Examiner

Adam Schiff threatens to bring in Robert Mueller for testimony if Russia report doesn't go publicWashington ExaminerHouse Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff says his panel plans to bring in special counsel Robert Mueller to testify on the Russia investigation if the ...

Mueller team's sentencing memo on Paul Manafort is released - Yahoo News

Mueller team's sentencing memo on Paul Manafort is released  Yahoo NewsSpecial counsel Robert Mueller's office has filed its sentencing memo in one of two criminal cases against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
Mueller details 'bold' criminal actions by Trump's campaign chairman Manafort | Watch News Videos Online - Globalnews.ca

Mueller details 'bold' criminal actions by Trump's campaign chairman Manafort | Watch News Videos Online  Globalnews.caIn a lengthy new memo made public Saturday, special counsel Robert Mueller detailed what he describes as “bold” criminal actions by former Donald Trump ...

Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view - WTOP

Court records reveal a Mueller report right in plain view  WTOPWASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Robert Mueller has not made a single public comment since his appointment in May 2017. But he has spoken loudly, ...
Kushner family seeking massive billion dollar federal loan to purchase real estate properties: report - Raw Story

Kushner family seeking massive billion dollar federal loan to purchase real estate properties: report  Raw StoryThe family of President Donald Trump's son-in-law is reportedly seeking a $1.15 billion in federal loans to purchase apartments in Virginia and Maryland, reports ...

Sphinx Regent Kid Jared Kushner - Google Search

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Photo: Ernst Urhlau, former chief of BND and later the "consultant on geopolitical risks" for the Deutsche Bank, and the political ally of Gerhard Schroeder. Uhrlau was the chief of the Hamburg police when the core group of 9/11 hijackers, the so called Hamburg Cell, lived and received training there. He was uncooperative and hostile towards 9/11 Investigation inquiries.

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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
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