10:05 AM 4/23/2019 - Sri Lanka social media shutdown reveals Facebook's Achilles' heel - WP

10:05 AM 4/23/2019 - Sri Lanka social media shutdown reveals Facebook's Achilles' heel - WP

"Facebook’s mission statement is to “bring the world closer together.” But its failure to rein in rampant misinformation and violent content could be the Achilles’ heel of its global ambitions."

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ 
Politics: The Technology 202: Sri Lanka social media shutdown reveals Facebook's Achilles' heel
The Trump Investigations Report – Review Of News And Opinions: 8:51 AM 4/23/2019 – Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map – Financial Times 23/04/19 02:43 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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Insular Britain told it is losing influence in Washington - Financial Times
See Which Sections of the Mueller Report Were Redacted
2:49 AM 4/23/2019 - Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map Financial Times: The core ideas that have sustained foreign policy for decades are under attack from rising nationalism.
Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map
Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map Financial Times - Google Search
Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map - Financial Times
2:24 AM 4/23/2019 - "The Mueller report makes unmistakably clear that Americans were attacked by foreign military units..."
1:47 AM 4/23/2019 - Analyze ZIZ, part 2: The New Abwehr and the Mob
New Abwehr - Mob - Google Search
New Abwehr - Mob - Google Search
New Abwehr - Mob - Google Search
New Abwehr - Mob - Google Search
New Abwehr - Mob - Google Search
New Abwehr - Mob - Google Search
New Abwehr - Mob - Google Search
1:18 AM 4/23/2019 - Analyze ZIZ! Solve this, Columbo - Columbus: the New Abwehr's old tricks: to incite the religious wars, like these attacks in Colombo, New Zealand, and other places around the world; in addition to the US - Russia tensions. And the Columbo crime family, as the part of the larger New Abwehr - Mob Group, is the part of this equation. - M.N.
Columbo detective - Google Search
Columbo detective - Google Search
colombo family - Google Search
colombo family - Google Search
Colombo Archbishop calls for strengthening intelligence apparatus
colombo - Google Search


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