8:51 AM 4/23/2019 - Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map - Financial Times 23/04/19 02:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks

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23/04/19 02:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "trump authoritarianism" - Google News. Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map    Financial Times The core ideas that have sustained foreign policy for decades are under atta...

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Tobias Buck in Berlin 9 HOURS AGO

Razed to the ground by the Wehrmacht in 1944, Warsaw has never been easy terrain for the foreign minister of Germany. As his convoy speeds through the Polish capital, Heiko Maas passes first the Soviet army war cemetery and then the memorial to the victims of the Warsaw uprising — potent reminders of the bloody price that German aggression has inflicted on Europe. At a press conference the next day, the foreign minister is asked about new Polish claims for war reparations. At a public debate an hour later, Mr Maas listens politely as his Polish counterpart lashes out at Berlin’s liberal refugee policy. On both occasions, he decides not to respond. Being in charge of German foreign policy is a tough assignment these days — not just in Warsaw but in countries around the world. Over the past few years, Berlin has watched with growing despair as friends have turned into foes and old certainties have dissolved into doubt. A new breed of nationalist leader holds sway in capitals from Budapest and Warsaw to Rome and Washington, sounding a note of hostility and antagonism towards Berlin. For reasons both economic and political, Germany’s relationships with key powers such as China, Russia and Turkey are marked by growing tensions. At the same time, the dense web of alliances that has characterised German foreign policy for decades — and that underpinned the country’s postwar success — is under strain as never before: Nato has descended into bitter recriminations over burden-sharing, leading many Germans to wonder how much longer the US will remain committed to the defence of Europe. The EU itself, meanwhile, is riven by splits between north and south and east and west, and exhausted from the never-ending struggle over Brexit. The UK no longer counts as a reliable ally, and the relationship with France is going through a phase of barely-concealed irritation. One by one, the fixed stars that have guided German foreign policy for generations have started to dim. Mr Maas admits that the challenges for German foreign policy are both numerous and complex — from Chinese attempts to split the EU and Russian intervention in eastern Europe to the conflicts in Syria, Libya and Yemen. None, however, looms larger than the deepening rift with the US, the guarantor of German security since 1945. “The biggest change I have seen is in the transatlantic relationship,” says Mr Maas. “There have always been crises and conflicts between Europe and the US but these were dealt with inside a transatlantic relationship that worked. Now we have to reorder the transatlantic relationship itself.” That task, he believes, will not disappear when Donald Trump leaves the White House. “Things will change after Trump,” says Mr Maas. “But I don’t think the structures will ever be the same as they were. The US is no longer prepared to take on as much of the international responsibility and burden as it used to. That means it expects Europe to do more for its own security than in the past.” Julianne Smith: 'People are constantly talking about the parameters of a world that no longer exists' © Getty Few analysts would disagree with that assessment. Yet many doubt that the implications have truly sunk in with German leaders and voters. “It does feel at times like Germany is trying very hard to protect itself from acknowledging the huge transformational shifts that have taken place,” says Julianne Smith, a former foreign policy adviser to US vice-president Joe Biden and currently a fellow with the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin. “There is a lot of whistling past the graveyard in this city. People are constantly talking about the parameters of a world that no longer exists.” Critics point to a paradox at the heart of German diplomacy. Since the early days of the federal republic, Berlin has sought to pursue the country’s economic and political interests almost exclusively within multilateral and supranational organisations. For obvious historical reasons, few countries in the west have been more reluctant to go it alone — or to wield the blunt force of power politics. Yet at the precise moment when those organisations are under attack from nationalist politicians, Berlin is doing little to shore up those structures. Indeed, some believe that recent German policies have done more harm than good to bodies such as Nato and the EU. “Germany is committed to a particular political order — built around the EU, Nato and multilateral organisations like the UN — but it is not prepared to pay for the upkeep of this system,” says Jan Techau, senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, a think-tank. “The gap between [Germany’s] multilateral aspirations and what we do in reality is huge.” Berlin’s support for the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany is a case in point © Getty Berlin’s support for the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany — against furious opposition from the EU, the US and eastern European government such as Ukraine and Poland — is a case in point. German reluctance to take bold measures to shore up the eurozone, despite intense pleas from Paris and Brussels, is another. Perhaps the clearest example of the gap between rhetoric and reality, however, is found in the increasingly shrill debate between Berlin and the US over defence expenditure. In 2014, all Nato members committed to spending at least 2 per cent of their gross domestic product on the military. In Germany, that figure is currently 1.24 per cent. Nor is it likely to rise to anywhere near 2 per cent in the coming years. Berlin has promised to lift the defence budget to 1.5 per cent of GDP by 2024, yet even that figure may be out of reach judging by the finance ministry’s official medium-term spending plans. Mr Maas says Germany will deliver in the end, but President Trump is far from alone in viewing the country’s defence budget as risible. Berlin’s reluctance to take on more responsibility in international and military affairs is essentially seen by critics as the result of stinginess. Germany, in their view, refuses to meet the 2 per cent Nato commitment because spending more on defence leaves less money for balanced budgets and the welfare state. The truth, however, may be more complicated. “The Germans are not free-riders. We don’t do all this to save a few euros. This goes much deeper,” says Mr Techau. In his view, the country’s reluctance to lead is grounded above all in history. “The real legacy of the Third Reich is not just guilt. It is the lack of confidence in ourselves. We learnt that on the one occasion when we put all of our effort into a grand national project, the result was the greatest civilisational rupture in history,” he adds. “We don’t have this trust in our own good intentions that other countries have.” That instinct, deeply ingrained in voters as well as its leaders, was reinforced by the experience of West Germany. In the decades after 1945, says Mr Techau, “Germans learnt that foreign policy restraint is a model for success. Germany grew rich, it succeeded in reunifying, and it ended up in a situation where — perhaps for the first time ever — it was surrounded only by allies.” Diplomat Thomas Bagger argues that Germany's historical experience — specifically reunification in 1989 — left the country uniquely ill-equipped for the resurgence of nationalist politics Germany’s postwar success also looms large in a recent essay by Thomas Bagger, a German diplomat who serves as foreign policy adviser to federal president Frank-Walter Steinmeier. It argues that Germany’s historical experience — specifically reunification in 1989 — left the country uniquely ill-equipped for the resurgence of nationalist politics. The end of the cold war and the triumph of reunification meant that “Germany finally found itself on the right side [of history]”, Mr Bagger writes. The conclusion reached by many Germans was that history was “bending towards liberal democracy” and that their country had “arrived at its historical destination”. All they had to do was to wait for the rest of the world — including authoritarian states like Russia and China — to follow suit. When that hope failed to materialise — and even European allies started drifting towards rightwing authoritarianism — Germany was left stranded. “While others can go back to their respective Gaullist traditions of foreign policy thinking, with a more or less clear set of defined national interests that do not depend on integration with others, there is little of that in Germany . . . Multilateralism is all there is in the German mainstream today,” Mr Bagger wrote. That is one reason why it is so hard for the country to adjust to the current era. Another is that Germans feel threatened by all manner of things — climate change, social tensions, economic instability — but much less so by powers such as Russia and China. One recent poll found that Germans in fact view the US as a greater threat to world peace than either of those countries. Heiko Maas (L) and his Polish counterpart Jacek Czaputowicz take part in a debate on relations between the countries and the future of Europe. Mr Maas admits the challenges for German foreign policy are numerous and complex © AFP “In some ways this is the result of the success of our policy of detente,” Mr Maas admits. “The security situation changed with the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014, but my impression is that this perception is not shared widely in all societies concerned.” The absence of a genuine threat perception applies to large sections of Mr Maas’s own party, the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD). It has called into question the 2 per cent Nato target and taken a tough line on European defence exports, angering France and Britain. But critics also point an accusatory finger at Angela Merkel, Germany’s veteran chancellor, now in the twilight phase of her political career. Ms Merkel, one senior Berlin-based official complains, is only in “damage-limitation mode” these days — unable or unwilling to make a decisive case for a more active German stance in world affairs. While French President Emmanuel Macron has repeatedly outlined his vision for the future of the EU in speeches and papers, the German leader has been largely silent. Nor has Ms Merkel made a sustained effort to convince German voters that the country’s life on the sidelines of world politics has to come to an end. German officials insist that much of the criticism is unfair. The defence budget may be low by international standards, they say, but it has risen sharply in recent years. Since Russian forces invaded Crimea in 2014, annual spending on the armed forces has grown by a third to €43.2bn. What is more, unlike some Nato allies who meet the 2 per cent threshold on paper, Germany actually adds military muscle to the alliance, as evidenced by the Bundeswehr’s increasingly ambitious deployments around the world. Germany's defence budget extends to tanks in Lithuania © Getty “Germany has shown that we can do hard power,” says Niels Annen, an SPD member of parliament who also serves as a junior minister in the foreign ministry. “We have tanks in Lithuania, we are leading the VJTF [Nato’s rapid response force to deter Russia]. All this would have been unthinkable 10 years ago.” International leadership, German officials say, is reflected not just in the size of the defence budget but also in diplomatic initiatives, peace and stabilisation efforts, financial support for multilateral organisations and a readiness to take in refugees from crisis countries such as Syria and Afghanistan. They insist that once these softer factors are considered, Berlin’s leadership record looks more impressive. There is one final German peculiarity to consider: a political culture that favours caution and consensus, and a system of government that is capable of changing direction only slowly. Hemmed in by unwieldy cross-party coalitions, leaders prefer baby steps to grand visions, and incremental change to radical reform. “Germany is a status quo power,” says Daniela Schwarzer, director of the German Council on Foreign Relations. “We essentially want everything to stay the same.” That may indeed be the wish of German voters — and quite a few politicians as well. They grew up in a world where American power and Nato kept Germany safe, and the country’s national interests were expressed — almost imperceptibly — through the EU and like-minded international organisations. That world, however, is vanishing fast. “No country benefited more from the old structures, whether you are talking about the world trade system or the whole rules-based international order. But all that is under pressure now,” says Mr Annen. “There is no way back to the good old days.”

8:51 AM 4/23/2019 - >> Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review In Brief 
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» 2:49 AM 4/23/2019 - Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map Financial Times: The core ideas that have sustained foreign policy for decades are under attack from rising nationalism.
23/04/19 02:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review. By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map    Financial Times The core ideas that have sustained foreign policy for decades are u...
» Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map
23/04/19 02:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Razed to the ground by the Wehrmacht in 1944, Warsaw has never been easy terrain for the foreign minister of Germany. As his convoy speeds through the Polish capital, Heiko Maas passes first the Sovie...
» Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map Financial Times - Google Search
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Eastern Europe – Metro.
» Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map - Financial Times
23/04/19 02:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "trump authoritarianism" - Google News. Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map    Financial Times The core ideas that have sustained foreign policy for decades are under atta...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review. By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) Analyze ZIZ!  Solve this, Columbo - Columbus : the New Abwehr's old tricks: to incite the religious wars , like these attacks in Colombo , ...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions. 3:53 PM 4/22/2019 Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ Trump Investigations - Saved Stories - 250 - » ...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions. Supreme Court to take up LGBT job discrimination cases - WCTI12.com Monday April 22 nd , 2019  at  11:58 A...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump News TV from Michael_Novakhov (11 sites). From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 02:46 Lawyers for the president have sued to block a subpoena issued by members of Congress seeking Trump's financial ...
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22/04/19 02:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. Putin and the freedom of internet - Google Search google.com/search?q=Putin… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Sunday, April 21st, 2019 12:32pm
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. The Facebook and The FBI are paving the royal road to Dictatorship | The Canaris Directive - Updated on 4:39 AM 4/21/2019 fbinewsreview.org/2019/04/21/the… Posted by Mic...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. "The fact that it's not present in the report tells me the ball is now and remains in the court of the FBI and the intelligence community," said Frank Figliuzzi. It's un...
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22/04/19 02:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. The counterintelligence investigation of the Trump team and Russia hasn't stopped nbcnews.com/politics/natio… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Sunday, April 21st, 2019 10:52am
» The FBI News Review: The Road Map To The Dictatorship: The Facebook And... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-ro…
22/04/19 02:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. The FBI News Review: The Road Map To The Dictatorship: The Facebook And... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-ro… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Sunday, April 21st, 20...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. The FBI and some Police Departments still practice the COINTELPRO. And this is the crime. And they should and will be punished for it. Please, pay attention to this issu...
» Improving Intelligence Analysis by Looking to the Medical Profession - By STEPHEN MARRIN and JONATHAN D. CLEMENTE fbinewsreview.org/2019/04/20/imp…
22/04/19 02:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. Improving Intelligence Analysis by Looking to the Medical Profession - By STEPHEN MARRIN and JONATHAN D. CLEMENTE fbinewsreview.org/2019/04/20/imp… Posted by MichaelNova...
» The Intelligence Analysis (and the same of course for the Counterintelligence Analysis) should be based on the principles of the Medical Diagnosis and it should be guided by the motto "The Truth, the only truth, and nothing but the truth" fbinewsreview.bl
22/04/19 02:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. The Intelligence Analysis (and the same of course for the Counterintelligence Analysis) should be based on the principles of the Medical Diagnosis and it should be guide...
» 7:13 AM 4/20/2019 - Multi Layered approach to Intelligence and Counterintelligence | ‘The FBI Appears to Be Engaged in a Modern-Day Version of COINTELPRO’ fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/04/713-am…
22/04/19 02:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. 7:13 AM 4/20/2019 - Multi Layered approach to Intelligence and Counterintelligence | ‘The FBI Appears to Be Engaged in a Modern-Day Version of COINTELPRO’ fbinewsreview....
» 6:15 AM 4/20/2019 - Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review: ‘The FBI Appears to Be Engaged in a Modern-Day Version of COINTELPRO’ - M.N.: And this is only a tip of the iceburg which is on a collision course with the USS "Titanic" fbinewsreview.org/2019/04/20
22/04/19 02:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. 6:15 AM 4/20/2019 - Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review: ‘The FBI Appears to Be Engaged in a Modern-Day Version of COINTELPRO’ - M.N.: And this is only a tip of the iceb...
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22/04/19 02:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. The FBI Won’t Hand Over Its Surveillance Records on ‘Black Identity Extremists,’ so We’re Suing aclu.org/blog/racial-ju… via @aclu Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Saturday,...
» ‘The FBI Appears to Be Engaged in a Modern-Day Version of COINTELPRO’ trumpinvestigations.org/blog/2019/04/2…
22/04/19 02:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. ‘The FBI Appears to Be Engaged in a Modern-Day Version of COINTELPRO’ trumpinvestigations.org/blog/2019/04/2… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Saturday, April 20th, 2019 9:52am
» RT @mikenov: MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: 9:25 AM 4/19/2019 – The Road To Dictatorship: Is the FBI capable to handle the Counterintelligence…
22/04/19 02:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: 9:25 AM 4/19/2019 – The Road To Dictatorship: Is the FBI capable to handle the Counterintelligence “matters”? Election – 2016 Meddling: FBI, ...
» RT @mikenov: MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: 9:25 AM 4/19/2019 – The Road To Dictatorship: Is the FBI capable to handle the Counterintelligence…
22/04/19 02:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: 9:25 AM 4/19/2019 – The Road To Dictatorship: Is the FBI capable to handle the Counterintelligence “matters”? Election – 2016 Meddling: FBI, ...
» RT @mikenov: The FBI News Review: The Road Map To The Dictatorship: The Facebook And The FBI - Updated on 12:20 PM 4/19/2019 https://t.co/f…
22/04/19 02:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. The FBI News Review: The Road Map To The Dictatorship: The Facebook And The FBI - Updated on 12:20 PM 4/19/2019 dlvr.it/R37xj7 pic.twitter.com/u1J0TPMppC Posted by miken...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. Sheryl Sandberg’s Russia talk was an insult to our intelligence businessinsider.sg/russia-faceboo… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Friday, April 19th, 2019 9:25am
» Speak the Truth to Power, not the sanitized versions of it.
22/04/19 02:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. Speak the Truth to Power, not the sanitized versions of it. Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Friday, April 19th, 2019 8:54am
» The Facebook and their controller the FBI, are paving the royal road to the present and future dictatorship. Wake up, America! fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-fa…
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. The Facebook and their controller the FBI, are paving the royal road to the present and future dictatorship. Wake up, America! fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-fa…...
» The FBI News Review: The Facebook and their controller the FBI, are pav... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-fa…
22/04/19 02:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. The FBI News Review: The Facebook and their controller the FBI, are pav... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-fa… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Thursday, April 18th, ...
» And much more is yet to come.
22/04/19 02:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. And much more is yet to come. Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Thursday, April 18th, 2019 4:43pm
» Investigate the investigators! Abolish the FBI! - Google Search google.com/search?q=Inves…
22/04/19 02:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. Investigate the investigators! Abolish the FBI! - Google Search google.com/search?q=Inves… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Thursday, April 18th, 2019 11:28am
» During these last 2 days of severe DOS attacks, my site fbinewsreview.org was broken into and messed up. I do not know if these were the FBI hackers or someone who wants to turn me against them, but we (...) will find out. If it was the FBI, I do not advi
22/04/19 02:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. During these last 2 days of severe DOS attacks, my site fbinewsreview.org was broken into and messed up. I do not know if these were the FBI hackers or someone who wants...
» FBI - Current News and Selected Articles Review fbinewsreview.org
22/04/19 02:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. FBI - Current News and Selected Articles Review fbinewsreview.org Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Thursday, April 18th, 2019 9:52am
» The FBI News Review: If that what you wanted, then that's what you got:... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/04/if-tha…
22/04/19 02:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. The FBI News Review: If that what you wanted, then that's what you got:... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/04/if-tha… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Thursday, April 18th, ...
» The FBI News Review: 8:53 AM 4/17/2019 - None of them should be complet... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/04/mezink…
22/04/19 02:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. The FBI News Review: 8:53 AM 4/17/2019 - None of them should be complet... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2019/04/mezink… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Wednesday, April 17th,...
» MeZinkz humbly zat zi solution might be the multilayered, overlapping, competing Intelligence Services: none of them should be completely trusted, and all of them should spy on each other. And it is only natural; the redundancy element enhances the accura
22/04/19 02:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. MeZinkz humbly zat zi solution might be the multilayered, overlapping, competing Intelligence Services: none of them should be completely trusted, and all of them should...
» I do support Mr. Barr's intent to investigate the FBI and the other related agencies. And needless to say, it has to be bipartisan, non-political, absolutely objective, and in depth.
22/04/19 02:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. I do support Mr. Barr's intent to investigate the FBI and the other related agencies. And needless to say, it has to be bipartisan, non-political, absolutely objective, ...
» After I posted this tirade, the stupid FBI panicked and blocked my websites. Thank you, the Great American Democracy and the Great American Freedom of Speech! Thank you Obama, and the rest of you!
22/04/19 02:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from MichaelNovakhov on Twitter. After I posted this tirade, the stupid FBI panicked and blocked my websites. Thank you, the Great American Democracy and the Great American Freedom of Speech! Thank you ...
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» Byron York says the Mueller report became the world's biggest 'nevermind' - YouTube
21/04/19 10:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Byron York says the Mueller report became the world's biggest 'nevermind'
» April 21, 2019 | FBI News Review
21/04/19 07:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from FBI News Review. The Road Map To Dictatorship: The Facebook And The FBI are paving the royal road – Updated on 4:39 AM 4/21/2019 The Road To Dictatorship The Canaris Directive:  “W...
» The counterintelligence investigation of the Trump team and Russia hasn't stopped
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Breaking News Emails Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.  / Updated  By Ken Dilanian WASHINGTON — Special counse...
» The Trump Investigations Report – Review Of News And Opinions: 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): “trump russian money” – Google News: Prosecutors seek 18-month sentence for Maria Butina in Russian plot to forge ties to U.S. conservative groups –
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. Prosecutors seek 18-month sentence for Maria Butina in Russian plot to forge ties to U.S. conservative groups    Washington Post Russian gun-activist pleaded guilty in plan to g...
» “Trump” – Google News: Trump’s call with renegade Libyan general could signal a shift in U.S. policy – The Washington Post
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. Trump’s call with renegade Libyan general could signal a shift in U.S. policy    The Washington Post The White House said Friday that President Trump, in a phone call with reneg...
» “Trump” – Google News: Trump to nominate Shanahan as permanent defense secretary: sources – Fox News
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. Trump to nominate Shanahan as permanent defense secretary: sources    Fox News President Trump is expected to formally nominate Patrick M. Shanahan to be his permanent defense s...
» Trumpistan Today: “trump putin” – Google News: Mueller report: Trump inner circle and Russians were desperate to connect – Irish Times
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. Mueller report: Trump inner circle and Russians were desperate to connect  Irish Times Report outlines attempts by campaign officials to profit from Donald Trump’s rise. “trump ...
» The Trump Investigations Report – Review Of News And Opinions: “barr to investigate fbi” – Google News: What’s missing? The clues to Barr’s 1,000 Mueller report redactions – The Guardian
20/04/19 10:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. What’s missing? The clues to Barr’s 1,000 Mueller report redactions    The Guardian Nearly 40% of the 448 pages have parts blacked out but that *content* – including remarks by ...
» Attkisson: Intel insiders feared Trump would expose them – WND.com
20/04/19 10:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. April 19, 2019 FBI News Review at 02 Hours Attkisson: Intel insiders feared Trump would expose them – WND.com “fbi aclu report” – Google News: Philadelph...
» Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (21 sites): The FBI News Review: Attkisson: Intel insiders feared Trump would expose them – WND.com
20/04/19 10:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. April 19, 2019 FBI News Review at 02 Hours Attkisson: Intel insiders feared Trump would expose them – WND.com “fbi aclu report” – Google News: Philadelph...
» Trumpistan Today: 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): “felix sater” – Google News: After Mueller report, Democrats divided over end game – investigate Trump or impeach – Pontiac Daily Leader
20/04/19 10:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. After Mueller report, Democrats divided over end game – investigate Trump or impeach  Pontiac Daily Leader Special counsel Robert Mueller III’s report gave House Democrats a roa...
» Trumpistan Today: Trump digital operations from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites): “social media in trump campaign” – Google News: The Mueller report and the campaign against Russia – World Socialist Web Site
20/04/19 10:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. The Mueller report and the campaign against Russia  World Socialist Web Site An editorial in the New York Times makes clear that the central purpose of the Democrats’ campaign a...
» Trumpistan Today: 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump: Stephen Colbert’s Title For Future Donald Trump Memoir Won’t Get His Seal Of Approval
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. The president is reportedly planning to release a tell-all book after he leaves office. Donald Trump 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites) Trumpistan Today
» Trumpistan Today: 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): “russia helping trump” – Google News: No vindication for Trump: Michael Gerson – Opinion – GoErie.com
20/04/19 10:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. No vindication for Trump: Michael Gerson – Opinion  GoErie.com The president, it seems, is not guilty of conspiracy with the Russians to influence the 2016 election. He is only ...
» Trumpistan Today: “wilbur ross” – Google News: George F. Will: Supreme Court’s census case has bigger ramifications – The Spokesman-Review
20/04/19 10:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump and Trumpism. George F. Will: Supreme Court’s census case has bigger ramifications  The Spokesman-Review Wilber Ross’ U.S. census case before the Supreme Court is another in which presidentia...
» "social media in trump campaign" - Google News: Mueller report offers clues to what's behind the redactions - Bangor Daily News
20/04/19 10:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump digital operations from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites). Mueller report offers clues to what's behind the redactions    Bangor Daily News Attorney General William Barr's office grouped r...
» Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites): MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: The Intelligence Analysis (and the same of course for the Counterintelligence Analysis) should be based on the principles of the Medical Diagnosis and it should be gu
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites). The Intelligence Analysis (and the same of course for the Counterintelligence Analysis) should be based on the principles of the Medical Diagnosis and it...
» MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: The Intelligence Analysis (and the same of course for the Counterintelligence Analysis) should be based on the principles of the Medical Diagnosis and it should be guided by the motto "The Truth, the only truth, and nothing but
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites). The Intelligence Analysis (and the same of course for the Counterintelligence Analysis) should be based on the principles of the Medical...
» Why the Mueller report probably isn't a game changer for voters
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Google Alert - mueller. What's the point: Mueller's nearly two-year long investigation has given the news industry more than a few headlines. People were arrested, charged ...
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» Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites): MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: Improving Intelligence Analysis by Looking to the Medical Profession - By STEPHEN MARRIN and JONATHAN D. CLEMENTE fbinewsreview.org/2019/04/20/imp…
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites). Improving Intelligence Analysis by Looking to the Medical Profession - By STEPHEN MARRIN and JONATHAN D. CLEMENTE fbinewsreview.org/2019/04/20/imp… Poste...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites). Improving Intelligence Analysis by Looking to the Medical Profession - By STEPHEN MARRIN and JONATHAN D. CLEMENTE fbinewsreview.org/2019...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Google Alert - trump. Washington (CNN) By the time President Donald Trump had passed through the prime rib buffet at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday to sit for dinner with family ...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Google Alert - trump deutsche bank. As the investigation has continued, it's drawn in banks across Europe, including Danske Bank, Swedbank, Nordea Bank, Deutsche Bank , Credit ...
» "Felix Sater" - Google News: Full text of Mueller's questions and Trump's answers - FOX 29 News Philadelphia
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites). Full text of Mueller's questions and Trump's answers    FOX 29 News Philadelphia Robert Mueller's 448-page investigative report into allegation...

See Which Sections of the Mueller Report Were Redacted

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About 10 percent of the special counsel’s 448-page report is blacked out. A bird’s-eye view of the report reveals the pattern of redactions. More is kept secret in the first volume of the report, which covers Russian interference in the 2016 election, than in the second, which covers possible obstruction of justice.
The report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, was released to the public on Thursday. Its redactions, made by the Justice Department, fall into four categories. They are labeled in the document using color-coded text, with categories indicating the reason for the redactions.
A majority of the redactions, about 69 percent in total, were made because the material related to ongoing investigations.

Each line represents a page of the report that included redactions.
Darker lines represent more redactions on a page.

First page
Beginning of Vol. II
Last page
18 percent of the redactions were based on legal rules that generally forbid the disclosure of grand jury material.
First page
Beginning of Vol. II
Last page
8 percent of the redactions were related to classified information that intelligence officials feared could compromise sensitive sources and methods.
First page
Beginning of Vol. II
Last page
5 percent of the redactions were made because the material infringed on personal privacy.
First page
Beginning of Vol. II
Last page
The heavily redacted parts of the report cover a range of topics, shown below. One of the lengthiest is a 22-page section on 1Russia’s social media campaign to influence the 2016 election. A 12-page portion covers the June 2016 4meeting at Trump Tower between members of the Trump campaign and a group of Russians who promised politically damaging material about Hillary Clinton. These portions mostly cite ongoing investigations as a reason for redaction, implying further loose ends.
Democrats have expressed distrust over any attempt to filter their view of the special counsel’s report.
Representative Jerrold Nadler, Democrat of New York and the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said he would issue a subpoena as soon as possible to try to compel the Justice Department to hand over an unredacted version of the report.
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2:49 AM 4/23/2019 - Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map Financial Times: The core ideas that have sustained foreign policy for decades are under attack from rising nationalism.

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Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map  Financial Times
The core ideas that have sustained foreign policy for decades are under attack from rising nationalism.

Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map

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Razed to the ground by the Wehrmacht in 1944, Warsaw has never been easy terrain for the foreign minister of Germany.
As his convoy speeds through the Polish capital, Heiko Maas passes first the Soviet army war cemetery and then the memorial to the victims of the Warsaw uprising — potent reminders of the bloody price that German aggression has inflicted on Europe. At a press conference the next day, the foreign minister is asked about new Polish claims for war reparations. At a public debate an hour later, Mr Maas listens politely as his Polish counterpart lashes out at Berlin’s liberal refugee policy. On both occasions, he decides not to respond.
Being in charge of German foreign policy is a tough assignment these days — not just in Warsaw but in countries around the world. Over the past few years, Berlin has watched with growing despair as friends have turned into foes and old certainties have dissolved into doubt. A new breed of nationalist leader holds sway in capitals from Budapest and Warsaw to Rome and Washington, sounding a note of hostility and antagonism towards Berlin. For reasons both economic and political, Germany’s relationships with key powers such as China, Russia and Turkey are marked by growing tensions.
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Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map

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Razed to the ground by the Wehrmacht in 1944, Warsaw has never been easy terrain for the foreign minister of Germany.
As his convoy speeds through the Polish capital, Heiko Maas passes first the Soviet army war cemetery and then the memorial to the victims of the Warsaw uprising — potent reminders of the bloody price that German aggression has inflicted on Europe. At a press conference the next day, the foreign minister is asked about new Polish claims for war reparations. At a public debate an hour later, Mr Maas listens politely as his Polish counterpart lashes out at Berlin’s liberal refugee policy. On both occasions, he decides not to respond.
Being in charge of German foreign policy is a tough assignment these days — not just in Warsaw but in countries around the world. Over the past few years, Berlin has watched with growing despair as friends have turned into foes and old certainties have dissolved into doubt. A new breed of nationalist leader holds sway in capitals from Budapest and Warsaw to Rome and Washington, sounding a note of hostility and antagonism towards Berlin. For reasons both economic and political, Germany’s relationships with key powers such as China, Russia and Turkey are marked by growing tensions.
At the same time, the dense web of alliances that has characterised German foreign policy for decades — and that underpinned the country’s postwar success — is under strain as never before: Nato has descended into bitter recriminations over burden-sharing, leading many Germans to wonder how much longer the US will remain committed to the defence of Europe. The EU itself, meanwhile, is riven by splits between north and south and east and west, and exhausted from the never-ending struggle over Brexit. The UK no longer counts as a reliable ally, and the relationship with France is going through a phase of barely-concealed irritation. One by one, the fixed stars that have guided German foreign policy for generations have started to dim.
Mr Maas admits that the challenges for German foreign policy are both numerous and complex — from Chinese attempts to split the EU and Russian intervention in eastern Europe to the conflicts in SyriaLibya and Yemen. None, however, looms larger than the deepening rift with the US, the guarantor of German security since 1945.
“The biggest change I have seen is in the transatlantic relationship,” says Mr Maas. “There have always been crises and conflicts between Europe and the US but these were dealt with inside a transatlantic relationship that worked. Now we have to reorder the transatlantic relationship itself.”
That task, he believes, will not disappear when Donald Trump leaves the White House. “Things will change after Trump,” says Mr Maas. “But I don’t think the structures will ever be the same as they were. The US is no longer prepared to take on as much of the international responsibility and burden as it used to. That means it expects Europe to do more for its own security than in the past.”
Few analysts would disagree with that assessment. Yet many doubt that the implications have truly sunk in with German leaders and voters.
“It does feel at times like Germany is trying very hard to protect itself from acknowledging the huge transformational shifts that have taken place,” says Julianne Smith, a former foreign policy adviser to US vice-president Joe Biden and currently a fellow with the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin. “There is a lot of whistling past the graveyard in this city. People are constantly talking about the parameters of a world that no longer exists.”
Critics point to a paradox at the heart of German diplomacy. Since the early days of the federal republic, Berlin has sought to pursue the country’s economic and political interests almost exclusively within multilateral and supranational organisations. For obvious historical reasons, few countries in the west have been more reluctant to go it alone — or to wield the blunt force of power politics.
Yet at the precise moment when those organisations are under attack from nationalist politicians, Berlin is doing little to shore up those structures. Indeed, some believe that recent German policies have done more harm than good to bodies such as Nato and the EU.
“Germany is committed to a particular political order — built around the EU, Nato and multilateral organisations like the UN — but it is not prepared to pay for the upkeep of this system,” says Jan Techau, senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, a think-tank. “The gap between [Germany’s] multilateral aspirations and what we do in reality is huge.”
Berlin’s support for the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany — against furious opposition from the EU, the US and eastern European government such as Ukraine and Poland — is a case in point. German reluctance to take bold measures to shore up the eurozone, despite intense pleas from Paris and Brussels, is another. Perhaps the clearest example of the gap between rhetoric and reality, however, is found in the increasingly shrill debate between Berlin and the US over defence expenditure.
In 2014, all Nato members committed to spending at least 2 per cent of their gross domestic product on the military. In Germany, that figure is currently 1.24 per cent. Nor is it likely to rise to anywhere near 2 per cent in the coming years. Berlin has promised to lift the defence budget to 1.5 per cent of GDP by 2024, yet even that figure may be out of reach judging by the finance ministry’s official medium-term spending plans. Mr Maas says Germany will deliver in the end, but President Trump is far from alone in viewing the country’s defence budget as risible.

Berlin’s reluctance to take on more responsibility in international and military affairs is essentially seen by critics as the result of stinginess. Germany, in their view, refuses to meet the 2 per cent Nato commitment because spending more on defence leaves less money for balanced budgets and the welfare state.
The truth, however, may be more complicated. “The Germans are not free-riders. We don’t do all this to save a few euros. This goes much deeper,” says Mr Techau. In his view, the country’s reluctance to lead is grounded above all in history. “The real legacy of the Third Reich is not just guilt. It is the lack of confidence in ourselves. We learnt that on the one occasion when we put all of our effort into a grand national project, the result was the greatest civilisational rupture in history,” he adds. “We don’t have this trust in our own good intentions that other countries have.”
That instinct, deeply ingrained in voters as well as its leaders, was reinforced by the experience of West Germany. In the decades after 1945, says Mr Techau, “Germans learnt that foreign policy restraint is a model for success. Germany grew rich, it succeeded in reunifying, and it ended up in a situation where — perhaps for the first time ever — it was surrounded only by allies.”
Germany’s postwar success also looms large in a recent essay by Thomas Bagger, a German diplomat who serves as foreign policy adviser to federal president Frank-Walter Steinmeier. It argues that Germany’s historical experience — specifically reunification in 1989 — left the country uniquely ill-equipped for the resurgence of nationalist politics.
The end of the cold war and the triumph of reunification meant that “Germany finally found itself on the right side [of history]”, Mr Bagger writes. The conclusion reached by many Germans was that history was “bending towards liberal democracy” and that their country had “arrived at its historical destination”. All they had to do was to wait for the rest of the world — including authoritarian states like Russia and China — to follow suit.
When that hope failed to materialise — and even European allies started drifting towards rightwing authoritarianism — Germany was left stranded. “While others can go back to their respective Gaullist traditions of foreign policy thinking, with a more or less clear set of defined national interests that do not depend on integration with others, there is little of that in Germany . . . Multilateralism is all there is in the German mainstream today,” Mr Bagger wrote.
That is one reason why it is so hard for the country to adjust to the current era. Another is that Germans feel threatened by all manner of things — climate change, social tensions, economic instability — but much less so by powers such as Russia and China. One recent poll found that Germans in fact view the US as a greater threat to world peace than either of those countries.
“In some ways this is the result of the success of our policy of detente,” Mr Maas admits. “The security situation changed with the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014, but my impression is that this perception is not shared widely in all societies concerned.”
The absence of a genuine threat perception applies to large sections of Mr Maas’s own party, the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD). It has called into question the 2 per cent Nato target and taken a tough line on European defence exports, angering France and Britain.
But critics also point an accusatory finger at Angela Merkel, Germany’s veteran chancellor, now in the twilight phase of her political career. Ms Merkel, one senior Berlin-based official complains, is only in “damage-limitation mode” these days — unable or unwilling to make a decisive case for a more active German stance in world affairs.
While French President Emmanuel Macron has repeatedly outlined his vision for the future of the EU in speeches and papers, the German leader has been largely silent. Nor has Ms Merkel made a sustained effort to convince German voters that the country’s life on the sidelines of world politics has to come to an end.

German officials insist that much of the criticism is unfair. The defence budget may be low by international standards, they say, but it has risen sharply in recent years. Since Russian forces invaded Crimea in 2014, annual spending on the armed forces has grown by a third to €43.2bn. What is more, unlike some Nato allies who meet the 2 per cent threshold on paper, Germany actually adds military muscle to the alliance, as evidenced by the Bundeswehr’s increasingly ambitious deployments around the world.
“Germany has shown that we can do hard power,” says Niels Annen, an SPD member of parliament who also serves as a junior minister in the foreign ministry. “We have tanks in Lithuania, we are leading the VJTF [Nato’s rapid response force to deter Russia]. All this would have been unthinkable 10 years ago.”
International leadership, German officials say, is reflected not just in the size of the defence budget but also in diplomatic initiatives, peace and stabilisation efforts, financial support for multilateral organisations and a readiness to take in refugees from crisis countries such as Syria and Afghanistan. They insist that once these softer factors are considered, Berlin’s leadership record looks more impressive.
There is one final German peculiarity to consider: a political culture that favours caution and consensus, and a system of government that is capable of changing direction only slowly. Hemmed in by unwieldy cross-party coalitions, leaders prefer baby steps to grand visions, and incremental change to radical reform. “Germany is a status quo power,” says Daniela Schwarzer, director of the German Council on Foreign Relations. “We essentially want everything to stay the same.”
That may indeed be the wish of German voters — and quite a few politicians as well. They grew up in a world where American power and Nato kept Germany safe, and the country’s national interests were expressed — almost imperceptibly — through the EU and like-minded international organisations.
That world, however, is vanishing fast. “No country benefited more from the old structures, whether you are talking about the world trade system or the whole rules-based international order. But all that is under pressure now,” says Mr Annen. “There is no way back to the good old days.”
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Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map - Financial Times

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Germany’s search for a new diplomatic map  Financial Times
The core ideas that have sustained foreign policy for decades are under attack from rising nationalism.

2:24 AM 4/23/2019 - "The Mueller report makes unmistakably clear that Americans were attacked by foreign military units..."

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2:24 AM 4/23/2019
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New Abwehr - Mob - Google Search

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1:18 AM 4/23/2019 - Analyze ZIZ! Solve this, Columbo - Columbus: the New Abwehr's old tricks: to incite the religious wars, like these attacks in Colombo, New Zealand, and other places around the world; in addition to the US - Russia tensions. And the Columbo crime family, as the part of the larger New Abwehr - Mob Group, is the part of this equation. - M.N.

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Image result for Columbo detective

Analyze ZIZ! 
Solve this, Columbo - Columbus: the New Abwehr's old tricks: to incite the religious wars, like these attacks in ColomboNew Zealand, and other places around the world; in addition to the US - Russia tensions. And the Columbo crime family, as the part of the larger New Abwehr - Mob Group, is the part of this equation. - M.N.

1:18 AM 4/23/2019

Columbo detective - Google Search

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Columbo detective - Google Search

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Columbo is an American television series starring Peter Falk as Columbo, a homicide detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. The character and ...

colombo family - Google Search

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Story image for colombo family from BBC News

Sri Lanka attacks: British dad's tribute to 'amazing' family

BBC News-8 hours ago
The suicide attacks on churches and hotels in Colombo, Negombo and ... Mr Nicholson, a partner with law firm Kennedys, said his family were ...
Victims of Sri Lanka Attacks: Who They Were
In-Depth-The New York Times-13 hours ago
Story image for colombo family from NEWS.com.au

Sri Lanka bombings: Aussie victims among at least 290 killed

NEWS.com.au-2 hours ago
A British tourist in Sri Lanka beamed as she snapped a selfie with her family eating breakfast in a Colombo hotel. She swiftly uploaded the ...
Sri Lanka bombings: All the latest updates
<a href="http://Aljazeera.com" rel="nofollow">Aljazeera.com</a>-18 hours ago
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colombo family - Google Search

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The Colombo crime family (pronounced [koˈlombo]) is the youngest of the "Five Families" that dominates organized crime activities in New York City, United States, within the nationwide criminal organization known as the Mafia (or Cosa Nostra).

Colombo Archbishop calls for strengthening intelligence apparatus

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Archbishop of Colombo His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith expressed his deep displeasure and concerns over not acting immediately over the reports of possible terror attacks.
Addressing a press conference at Archbishop’s House, Borella yesterday, he urged the Government to strengthen the country’s intelligence apparatus and Security Forces. He lamented that the Easter Sunday attacks could have been avoided had the Government dealt with the prior information seriously and directly without consuming time to pass letters to one another.
He also made a special request from all followers of Christianity to act with restraint and not to harm any person of any other religious faith.
“We were shocked by the trail of unfortunate incidents on Sunday. It was like a lightning strike. Ten years ago, such attacks were common and people of all religious faiths had suffered. It was reported that threats have been posed against the Muslim community following the incident. We hardly know who is behind this incident. What we see could be the tip of an ice berg. I request that peace and harmony be maintained and the funeral rites and burials be performed in a peaceful manner,” he said.
“The law must be implemented immediately to bring the culprits to book. No ordinary person should be allowed to take the law into their own hands. We were shocked to hear media reports that there had been prior information on the attacks. The Prime Minister and a Cabinet Minister confirmed such reports. It is questionable as to why immediate action was not taken. The Government should have taken a subtle approach coupled with latest technology to counter this kind of acts of sabotage.
That is a responsibility of the Government,” the Archbishop remarked.
“If a father of a Minister had been known any information with regard to a possible attack, at least that minister had a responsibility to warn the people. When I got to know the incident, I immediately instructed all churches to stop Holy Mass and send people home. I am going through great pain of mind and question as to why they let this happen to us,” he complained with grief.
Methodist Church of Sri Lanka President Bishop Rev. Asiri Perera said that this type of large scale attacks could have been avoided if the Government was more serious in implementing the law on small incidents. Recalling his unpleasant experience on the Palm Sunday attack on the Anuradhapura Methodist Centre, Rev. Perera complained that no culprit was apprehended by Police till the matter was brought up with the IGP by the Prime Minister.
“We request the Government and Opposition to ensure the security of the people and take all measures to prevent this type of incidents in the future. I also received calls from several Muslim persons complaining that they live in fear due to social media messages spreading lately. I request all Sri Lankans not to harass any Muslim person,” he said.
Chief Prelate of Kotte Ven. Dr. Ittapana Dhammalankara Thera, Anunayake of the Kotte Sri Kalyani Samagri Maha Sanga Sabha Ven. Prof. Kotapitiye Rahula Thera, Mahabodhi Society of Sri Lanka President Ven. Banagala Upatissa Thera and Ven. Panamure Chandrananda Thera, speaking at the press conference organized by multi-religious leaders, expressed their solidarity with the Christian Community and all those who lost their loved ones during the terror attacks.
“We do not have major racial clashes in this country. We need to build a Sri Lankan identity integrating all communities. All ethnic and religious communities, while retaining their tenets, must adopt to a Sri Lankan culture,” said Ven. Kotapitiye Rahula Thera.
Mawlavi Sheikh M. Arkam Nooramith, responding to a question by a journalist, said that Islamic organisations had always been cooperating with the Security Forces to curb ISIS operations in Sri Lanka.
Member of Congress of Religions and Constitutional Council Javid Yusuf stressed the need to immediately establish rule of law and stop the spread of hate speech.

Apostolic Nuncio calls on Archbishop
Vatican Representative in Sri Lanka (Apostolic Nuncio) Dr. Pierre Nguyen Van Tot meeting with Archbishop of Colombo Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith yesterday expressed his condolences on the Easter Sunday terror attacks.
Speaking to the media at Archbishop’s House, Borella after the meeting, he said, “I present my deepest condolences to the whole nation for yesterday’s violent act. My prayers are for the victims and peace in this nice country. Happy to see all religious leaders have got together at this difficult time. If you work together, you can soon restore peace in the country”.
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colombo - Google Search

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Story image for colombo from Aljazeera.com

A day after Sri Lanka bombings, Colombo resembles a ghost city

<a href="http://Aljazeera.com" rel="nofollow">Aljazeera.com</a>-15 hours ago
Colombo, Sri Lanka - The Sri Lankan capital resembled a ghost town, a day after the island nation was hit by devastating bomb attacks that left ...
Story image for colombo from CNN

Bombs tear through Sri Lankan churches and hotels, killing 290 people

CNN-Apr 21, 2019
(CNN) The calm of Easter Sunday was shattered by gruesome bombings that killed at least 290 people in Sri Lankan churches and hotels.
Blasts Targeting Christians Kill Hundreds in Sri Lanka
In-Depth-The New York Times-14 hours ago
Bomb explosions at two churches in Sri Lanka
Local Source-Colombo Page-Apr 20, 2019
Story image for colombo from Ceylon Daily News

Colombo Archbishop calls for strengthening intelligence apparatus

Ceylon Daily News-6 hours ago
Archbishop of Colombo His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith expressed his deep displeasure and concerns over not acting immediately ...
President calls on Archbishop of Colombo
Local Source-News 1st (press release)-15 hours ago
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3:53 PM 4/22/2019 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠

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3:53 PM 4/22/2019

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠

Trump Investigations - Saved Stories - 250
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: CBSNewsOnline's YouTube Videos: Next steps following the Mueller report: Democrats considering impeachment
22/04/19 12:12 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 07:32 Democrats are debating if there is enough information in the Mueller report to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump's attorney said it was not against the law to ...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: Mueller Makes It Clear: Trump Was Worse Than a 'Useful Idiot' - WIRED
22/04/19 12:11 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Mueller Makes It Clear: Trump Was Worse Than a 'Useful Idiot'    WIRED The Mueller report exposes the extent to which not just Russia but Donald Trump's own associates grifted the president. Saved Stories - Trump Investigations
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: Central Election Committee Chairman Calls For A Probe Into Election Fraud
22/04/19 12:11 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Chairman of the Central Election Committee Justice Chanan Meltzer has turned to Attorney General Dr. Avichai Mandelblit and Israel Police with a ... Saved Stories - Trump Investigations
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: Supreme Court to take up LGBT job discrimination cases - WCTI12.com
22/04/19 10:58 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Supreme Court to take up LGBT job discrimination cases    <a href="http://WCTI12.com" rel="nofollow">WCTI12.com</a> WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court will decide whether the main federal civil rights law that prohibits employment discrimination applies to LGBT people. Sav...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Mueller Report A 'Roadmap And Directions' For Congress | Morning Joe | MSNBC
22/04/19 10:57 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 09:11 In the wake of the release of the Mueller report, the president's attorney said there was nothing inherently wrong with taking information from Russians and Sen. Elizabeth Warren is now calling for ...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: President Donald Trump Has 'Never Been Happier,' Yet Poll Numbers Sink | Morning Joe | MSNBC
22/04/19 10:56 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 10:17 Over the holiday weekend and following the release of the Mueller report, the president tweeted he'd never been happier. Yet the president's job approval numbers have sunk to 37 percent in the lates...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: FoxNewsChannel's YouTube Videos: Former Trump lawyer challenges details in Mueller report
22/04/19 10:56 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 03:31 At no time did the president say he wanted to get rid of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, former Trump attorney John Dowd says. #FoxandFriends #FoxFriends FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), ...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: WATCH LIVE: President Trump and first lady Melania Trump hold White House Easter Egg Roll
22/04/19 10:55 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 00:00 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: <a href="https://to.pbs.org/2Jb8twG" rel="nofollow">https://to.pbs.org/2Jb8twG</a> Find more from PBS NewsHour at <a href="https://www.pbs.org/newshour" rel="nofollow">https://www.pbs.org/newshour</a> Subscribe to our YouTube channel: <a href="https://bit.ly/2HfsCD6" rel="nofollow">https://bit.ly/2HfsCD6</a> Follow us: Face...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: CBSNewsOnline's YouTube Videos: Sri Lanka blocks social media following deadly attacks
22/04/19 10:55 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 07:23 The Sri Lankan government blocked social media following the Easter Sunday bombings to stop the spread of misinformation. CNET senior producer Dan Patterson joined "CBSN AM" with why the country made t...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: Trump is suing to stop Democrats from digging into his finances
22/04/19 10:55 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
The move followed Congressional testimony from Michael Cohen , Trump's longtime attorney and self-styled “fixer,” who claimed that Trump regularly ... Saved Stories - Trump Investigations
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: FoxNewsChannel's YouTube Videos: Trump sues House Dems to block subpoena of financial records
22/04/19 10:54 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 02:46 Lawyers for the president have sued to block a subpoena issued by members of Congress seeking Trump's financial information; Catherine Herridge reports on the complaint. #AmericasNewsroom #FoxNews FOX...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: April 21, 2019
22/04/19 05:23 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
A look at the best news photos from around the world. Saved Stories - Trump Investigations
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: Matt Gaetz: Evidence of FBI-media 'corruption' coming out before DOJ inspector general report washex.am/2Izuyar
22/04/19 04:57 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Matt Gaetz: Evidence of FBI-media 'corruption' coming out before DOJ inspector general report washex.am/2Izuyar Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Monday, April 22nd, 2019 3:24am MichaelNovakhov on Twitter Saved Stories - Trump Investigations
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: Trump Investigations News - 3:19 AM 4/22/2019 trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/trump-…
22/04/19 04:56 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: Trump Investigations News - 3:19 AM 4/22/2019 trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/trump-… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Monday, April 22nd, 2019 7:22am ...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: Q: 'When did Mueller become God?' A: At about the same time Giuliani became the Trumpist Duce. - Giuliani slams 'conflicts of interest' in special counsel's office: - Fox News trumpinvestig
22/04/19 04:55 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Q: 'When did Mueller become God?' A: At about the same time Giuliani became the Trumpist Duce. - Giuliani slams 'conflicts of interest' in special counsel's office: - Fox News trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/q-when… Posted by Mi...
» Saved Stories - Top stories - Google News: Princess Diana Kept This Secret About Prince Harry From Prince Charles - The Cheat Sheet
22/04/19 03:38 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Princess Diana Kept This Secret About Prince Harry From Prince Charles    The Cheat Sheet Royals reportedly want Harry and Meghan 'as far away as possible'    Page Six Royal baby: Why Meghan will pick an A for Alice, ...
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22/04/19 12:02 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites) The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: Supreme Court to take up LGBT job discrimination c... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/suprem… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Monday, April 22nd, 2019...

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Michael Novakhov - Posts on Twitter - 250 - Page

Michael Novakhov - Posts on Twitter - 250 

» MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: Supreme Court to take up LGBT job discrimination c... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/suprem…
22/04/19 12:02 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: Supreme Court to take up LGBT job discrimination c... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/suprem… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Monday, April 22nd, 2019...
» MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: Q: 'When did Mueller become God?' A: At about the same time Giuliani became the Trumpist Duce. - Giuliani slams 'conflicts of interest' in special counsel's office: - Fox News trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/q-when…
22/04/19 04:32 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Q: 'When did Mueller become God?' A: At about the same time Giuliani became the Trumpist Duce. - Giuliani slams 'conflicts of interest' in special counsel's office: - Fox News trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/q-when… Posted by Mi...
» MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: Trump Investigations News - 3:19 AM 4/22/2019 trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/trump-…
22/04/19 04:22 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: Trump Investigations News - 3:19 AM 4/22/2019 trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/trump-… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Monday, April 22nd, 2019 7:22am ...
» MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: Matt Gaetz: Evidence of FBI-media 'corruption' coming out before DOJ inspector general report washex.am/2Izuyar
22/04/19 00:24 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Matt Gaetz: Evidence of FBI-media 'corruption' coming out before DOJ inspector general report washex.am/2Izuyar Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Monday, April 22nd, 2019 3:24am MichaelNovakhov on Twitter
» MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: Callas The Very Best 01 youtu.be/3hf9SBt2VGI via @YouTube
21/04/19 11:21 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Callas The Very Best 01 youtu.be/3hf9SBt2VGI via @YouTube Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Sunday, April 21st, 2019 2:21pm MichaelNovakhov on Twitter
» MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: Byron York says the Mueller report became the world's biggest 'nevermind' youtu.be/Sp6Rndl_X04 via @YouTube
21/04/19 11:15 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Byron York says the Mueller report became the world's biggest 'nevermind' youtu.be/Sp6Rndl_X04 via @YouTube Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Sunday, April 21st, 2019 2:15pm MichaelNovakhov on Twitter
» MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: Putin and the freedom of internet - Google Search google.com/search?q=Putin…
21/04/19 09:32 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Putin and the freedom of internet - Google Search google.com/search?q=Putin… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Sunday, April 21st, 2019 12:32pm MichaelNovakhov on Twitter
» MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: The Facebook and The FBI are paving the royal road to Dictatorship | The Canaris Directive - Updated on 4:39 AM 4/21/2019 fbinewsreview.org/2019/04/21/the…
21/04/19 08:04 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Facebook and The FBI are paving the royal road to Dictatorship | The Canaris Directive - Updated on 4:39 AM 4/21/2019 fbinewsreview.org/2019/04/21/the… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Sunday, April 21st, 2019 11:04am MichaelNovakhov on ...
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22/04/19 12:12 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites) From: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 07:32 Democrats are debating if there is enough information in the Mueller report to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump's attorney said it was not against the law to ...

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Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠

Trump Investigations - Saved Stories - 250
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: CBSNewsOnline's YouTube Videos: Next steps following the Mueller report: Democrats considering impeachment
22/04/19 12:12 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 07:32 Democrats are debating if there is enough information in the Mueller report to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump's attorney said it was not against the law to ...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: Mueller Makes It Clear: Trump Was Worse Than a 'Useful Idiot' - WIRED
22/04/19 12:11 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Mueller Makes It Clear: Trump Was Worse Than a 'Useful Idiot'    WIRED The Mueller report exposes the extent to which not just Russia but Donald Trump's own associates grifted the president. Saved Stories - Trump Investigations
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: Central Election Committee Chairman Calls For A Probe Into Election Fraud
22/04/19 12:11 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Chairman of the Central Election Committee Justice Chanan Meltzer has turned to Attorney General Dr. Avichai Mandelblit and Israel Police with a ... Saved Stories - Trump Investigations
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: Supreme Court to take up LGBT job discrimination cases - WCTI12.com
22/04/19 10:58 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Supreme Court to take up LGBT job discrimination cases    <a href="http://WCTI12.com" rel="nofollow">WCTI12.com</a> WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court will decide whether the main federal civil rights law that prohibits employment discrimination applies to LGBT people. Sav...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Mueller Report A 'Roadmap And Directions' For Congress | Morning Joe | MSNBC
22/04/19 10:57 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 09:11 In the wake of the release of the Mueller report, the president's attorney said there was nothing inherently wrong with taking information from Russians and Sen. Elizabeth Warren is now calling for ...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: President Donald Trump Has 'Never Been Happier,' Yet Poll Numbers Sink | Morning Joe | MSNBC
22/04/19 10:56 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 10:17 Over the holiday weekend and following the release of the Mueller report, the president tweeted he'd never been happier. Yet the president's job approval numbers have sunk to 37 percent in the lates...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: FoxNewsChannel's YouTube Videos: Former Trump lawyer challenges details in Mueller report
22/04/19 10:56 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 03:31 At no time did the president say he wanted to get rid of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, former Trump attorney John Dowd says. #FoxandFriends #FoxFriends FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), ...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: WATCH LIVE: President Trump and first lady Melania Trump hold White House Easter Egg Roll
22/04/19 10:55 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 00:00 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: <a href="https://to.pbs.org/2Jb8twG" rel="nofollow">https://to.pbs.org/2Jb8twG</a> Find more from PBS NewsHour at <a href="https://www.pbs.org/newshour" rel="nofollow">https://www.pbs.org/newshour</a> Subscribe to our YouTube channel: <a href="https://bit.ly/2HfsCD6" rel="nofollow">https://bit.ly/2HfsCD6</a> Follow us: Face...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: CBSNewsOnline's YouTube Videos: Sri Lanka blocks social media following deadly attacks
22/04/19 10:55 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 07:23 The Sri Lankan government blocked social media following the Easter Sunday bombings to stop the spread of misinformation. CNET senior producer Dan Patterson joined "CBSN AM" with why the country made t...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: Trump is suing to stop Democrats from digging into his finances
22/04/19 10:55 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
The move followed Congressional testimony from Michael Cohen , Trump's longtime attorney and self-styled “fixer,” who claimed that Trump regularly ... Saved Stories - Trump Investigations
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: FoxNewsChannel's YouTube Videos: Trump sues House Dems to block subpoena of financial records
22/04/19 10:54 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 02:46 Lawyers for the president have sued to block a subpoena issued by members of Congress seeking Trump's financial information; Catherine Herridge reports on the complaint. #AmericasNewsroom #FoxNews FOX...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: April 21, 2019
22/04/19 05:23 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
A look at the best news photos from around the world. Saved Stories - Trump Investigations
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: Matt Gaetz: Evidence of FBI-media 'corruption' coming out before DOJ inspector general report washex.am/2Izuyar
22/04/19 04:57 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Matt Gaetz: Evidence of FBI-media 'corruption' coming out before DOJ inspector general report washex.am/2Izuyar Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Monday, April 22nd, 2019 3:24am MichaelNovakhov on Twitter Saved Stories - Trump Investigations
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: Trump Investigations News - 3:19 AM 4/22/2019 trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/trump-…
22/04/19 04:56 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: Trump Investigations News - 3:19 AM 4/22/2019 trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/trump-… Posted by MichaelNovakhov on Monday, April 22nd, 2019 7:22am ...
» Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: MichaelNovakhov on Twitter: Q: 'When did Mueller become God?' A: At about the same time Giuliani became the Trumpist Duce. - Giuliani slams 'conflicts of interest' in special counsel's office: - Fox News trumpinvestig
22/04/19 04:55 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Q: 'When did Mueller become God?' A: At about the same time Giuliani became the Trumpist Duce. - Giuliani slams 'conflicts of interest' in special counsel's office: - Fox News trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/04/q-when… Posted by Mi...
» Saved Stories - Top stories - Google News: Princess Diana Kept This Secret About Prince Harry From Prince Charles - The Cheat Sheet
22/04/19 03:38 from Trump Investigations - Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (2 sites)
Princess Diana Kept This Secret About Prince Harry From Prince Charles    The Cheat Sheet Royals reportedly want Harry and Meghan 'as far away as possible'    Page Six Royal baby: Why Meghan will pick an A for Alice, ...
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CBSNewsOnline's YouTube Videos: Next steps following the Mueller report: Democrats considering impeachment

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From: CBSNewsOnline
Duration: 07:32

Democrats are debating if there is enough information in the Mueller report to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump's attorney said it was not against the law to receive information from Russia during the 2016 campaign. CBS News White House correspondent Paula Reid joined CBSN to break down the latest.
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 CBSNewsOnline's YouTube Videos
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Sri Lanka blocks social media following deadly attacks - YouTube

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Sri Lanka blocks social media following deadly attacks

Supreme Court to take up LGBT job discrimination cases - WCTI12.com Monday April 22nd, 2019 at 11:58 AM

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Supreme Court to take up LGBT job discrimination cases - WCTI12.com

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Supreme Court to take up LGBT job discrimination cases  <a href="http://WCTI12.com" rel="nofollow">WCTI12.com</a>
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court will decide whether the main federal civil rights law that prohibits employment discrimination applies to LGBT people.


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