5:52 AM 5/21/2019 - #DeutscheBank, #Answer this, one, very simple, #YesOrNoQuestion: Was the #handling of #Trump-#Kushner #accounts #supervised by #ErnstUhrlau?

#DeutscheBank, #AnswerThis, #JustOne, and #VerySimple, #YesOrNoQuestion: 

Was the #handling of #Trump-#Kushner #accounts #supervised by #ErnstUhrlau?

Was the #handling of #Trump-#Kushner #accounts #supervised by #ErnstUhrlau, a former #chief of #BND, and later the "#consultant for #global #geopolitical #risks" for #DeutscheBank? trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/05/was-ha… 

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Was the #handling of #Trump-#Kushner #accounts #supervised by #ErnstUhrlau, a former #chief of #BND, and later the "#consultant for #global #geopolitical #risks" for #DeutscheBank?

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 9:48pm
Story image for Deutsche Bank denies New York Times Trump report from Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Bank denies New York Times Trump report - Google Search

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Deutsche Bank denies New York Times Trump report

Deutsche Welle-9 hours ago
Deutsche Bank on Monday denied a report by The New York Times that asserted anti-money laundering specialists at Deutsche Bank AG in ...
Story image for Deutsche Bank denies New York Times Trump report from The Guardian

Trump reacts angrily to New York Times report on Deutsche Bank ...

The Guardian-19 hours ago
Trump reacts angrily to New York Times report on Deutsche Bank ... Deutsche Bank denied the reportbut it contributed to shares falling to a ...
The evidence of Trump's corruption just keeps growing
Opinion-Washington Post-16 hours ago
Story image for Deutsche Bank denies New York Times Trump report from CNBC

Deutsche Bank shares hit record low as UBS downgrades stock to 'sell'

CNBC-22 hours ago
“With the share price at close to all time lows, spreads and CDS (credit ... Shares were also impacted by a report in the New York Times on Sunday that said Deutsche Bank ignored employees' calls to report Donald Trump transactions to a ... Deutsche Bank denied these reports in a statement on Monday.
Story image for Deutsche Bank denies New York Times Trump report from Newcastle Herald

Trump rejects claims over Deutsche Bank

Newcastle Herald-21 hours ago
Deutsche Bank denied the report but shares in Germany's largest bank ... The report surfaces at a timewhen congressional and New York state ...
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Deutsche Bank Denies Report It Prevented Trump Transactions Being Flagged

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FRANKFURT — Deutsche Bank denied a report that said some of its executives rejected the advice of the bank's own anti-money laundering specialists and prevented some transactions involving entities controlled by President Donald Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, being filed with the government.
"At no time was an investigator prevented from escalating activity identified as potentially suspicious. Furthermore, suggestion that anyone was reassigned or fired in an effort to quash concerns relating to any client is categorically false," Deutsche Bank said in a statement on Monday.
Citing five current and former Deutsche Bank employees, the New York Times reported on Sunday that the transactions, some of which involved Trump's now-defunct foundation, set off alerts in a computer system designed to detect illicit activity.
Compliance staff members who then reviewed the transactions prepared so-called suspicious activity reports that they believed should be sent to a unit of the Treasury Department that polices financial crimes, according to the newspaper.
Deutsche Bank were down 1.5% in pre-market trading in Frankfurt.
(Reporting by Arno Schuetze and Tom Sims, editing by Riham Alkousaa)

Deutsche Bank denies New York Times Trump report | News | DW

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Deutsche Bank on Monday denied a report by The New York Times that asserted anti-money laundering specialists at Deutsche Bank AG in 2016 and 2017 recommended multiple transactions involving entities controlled by President Donald Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, be reported to a federal financial-crimes watchdog.
The article, which cited five current and former Deutsche Bank employees, said executives at the German-based bank, which has lent billions of dollars to the Trump and Kushner companies, rejected their employees' advice and the reports were never filed with the government.
"At no time was an investigator prevented from escalating activity identified as potentially suspicious," Deutsche Bank said in a statement on Sunday. "Furthermore, the suggestion that anyone was reassigned or fired in an effort to quash concerns relating to any client is categorically false."
One woman, Tammy McFadden, a former Deutsche Bank anti-money laundering specialist, had told The New York Times that she was terminated last year after raising concerns about the bank's practices. 

Deutsche Bank - the Problem Bank

'Numerous inaccuracies' in article
In another statement in response to US Senator Chris Van Hollen's concerns that Deutsche Bank had in 2017 told him it had procedures to insulate them from conflicts of interest with the Trump family, Deutsche Bank said their 2017 statement stood correct.
"There are numerous inaccuracies and misleading statements in The New York Times story," Deutsche Bank said. 
"Legal restrictions on the bank prevent us from refuting publicly, and in detail, the inaccuracies in TheNew York Times story," it added.
Following the publication of the article, Deutsche Bank shares fell to 2.9% in a record closing low.
Trump denies the accusations
US President Donald Trump appeared to deny The New York Times article in a series of tweets on Monday, insisting that he didn't borrow from many banks because he "didn't need the money," not because they wouldn't do business with him.
"When you don't need or want money, you don't need or want banks. Banks have always been available to me, they want to make money," Trump wrote.
Deutsche Bank 'generally lax'
The New York Times article noted that real estate developers such as Trump and Kushner sometimes do large, all-cash deals, including with people outside the US, which can prompt anti-money laundering reviews.
"The red flags raised by employees do not necessarily mean the transactions were improper," the article read. "Banks sometimes opt not to file suspicious activity reports if they conclude their employees' concerns are unwarranted."
But the former employees The New York Times spoke to "said the decision not to report the Trump and Kushner transactions reflected the bank's generally lax approach to money laundering laws."

Deutsche Bank returns to profit

law/aw (AFP, AP, Reuters)
Read the whole story
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Deutsche Bank denies New York Times Trump report - Deutsche Welle

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  1. Deutsche Bank denies New York Times Trump report  Deutsche Welle
  2. Dems seek details on allegation Deutsche Bank blocked Trump-linked SARs  American Banker
  3. Deutsche Bank employees reported suspicious activity from Trump and Kushner, New York Times reports  KITV Honolulu
  4. View full coverage on Google News

Deutsche Bank becomes focal point in multiple Trump investigations - MSNBC

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Deutsche Bank becomes focal point in multiple Trump investigations  MSNBC
In an explosive new report, the New York Times has revealed that: "Anti- money- laundering specialists at Deutsche Bank recommended in 2016 and 2017 that ...

Deutsche Bank denies New York Times Trump report - Deutsche Welle

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Deutsche Bank denies New York Times Trump report  Deutsche Welle
Deutsche Bank on Monday denied a report by The New York Times that alleged anti-money laundering specialists at Deutsche Bank AG in 2016 and 2017 ...
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Trump's Real Estate Dealings Needed a 'Criminal Organization:' Deutsche Bank - The Real News Network

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Trump's Real Estate Dealings Needed a 'Criminal Organization:' Deutsche Bank  The Real News Network
SHARMINI PERIES It's The Real News Network. I'm Sharmini Peries coming to you from Baltimore. Financial specialists at Deutsche Bank recommended that ...

Deutsche Bank employees flagged suspicious Trump, Kushner transactions, report says | Watch News Videos Online - Globalnews.ca

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Deutsche Bank employees flagged suspicious Trump, Kushner transactions, report says | Watch News Videos Online  Globalnews.ca
Anti-money laundering specialists at Deutsche Bank in 2016 and 2017 flagged multiple transactions involving entities controlled by President Donald Trump and ...

Defining the Issues

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Sloppy thinking, resulting in sloppy speech and muddled ideas, pervades the right’s attempts to communicate clearly.  The sloppiness of our conservative commentariat has resulted in severe damage to our side in the battle of ideas being fought in the ongoing war for our culture.
An example: for years, even legendary communicator Rush Limbaugh and others allowed the left to get by with conflating terms like “immigration” and “illegal immigration”, and I would find myself shouting at the radio as we on the Right were smeared as haters, bigots, and anti-immigrant hypernationalists.  Only in very recent times has our side finally clarified the difference and refuted the labels, but the damage is done.
The same sort of thing has happened with the use of the term “socialism.”  That word is bandied about with little regard for its true meaning.  Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are socialists, it is said, as they push the Green New Deal.  The entire Left is sidling up to socialism and turning away from capitalism, appealing to a base of youth victimized by the failure to educate and by the success of leftist indoctrination.  The word is intentionally left fuzzy and ill-defined in order to cause confusion.
“This will never be a Socialist nation”, thunders President Trump, to great applause and cheers, including my own.  However, I can’t help but wonder if we know the enemy, what they represent, and what the actual issues are.  Is “socialism” truly the most imminent threat to our great American culture? 
As an employer struggling to keep a healthy business running in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia, we are forced to deal with this question every day and on multiple fronts.  Is it “socialism” that is strangling us?  Or something else?
What is socialism? Merriam Webster defines it as a “political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”  That sort of fits what happens to us in this Advanced State of Destruction called Kalifornia, but not perfectly.  There has been a gradual movement away from free market capitalism, to cook us slowly, like the frog in the pot of hot water, but what is replacing it?
How about Fascism: “a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control.”  Absolutely true of this state, and more than you’d care to admit even in Trump-supporting flyover states.
Authoritarianism? “Favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to the people.”  Bingo!  Whether in Sacramento or in Washington D.C., Bureaucratic Dictatorship spews forth regulations that not even President Trump or our strongest conservative advocates can keep up with.  “Authoritarian” describes it best, and maybe we are blessed with all three in combination.
When we started our independent supermarket in 1975, our worst issues were with county regulations and Caltrans highway requirements.  We thought they were barely tolerable then, but if we had 20-20 foresight 40 years into the future, we wouldn’t have believed what was coming.
Relationships with our employees are micromanaged to the max so that we are barely able to hire them and develop their productive capabilities without violating some proscription of labor law.  All the levers of aggrieved recourse are handed to them, and employers are guilty until or unless we can afford lawyers to prove ourselves innocent.  We are victims of EEOC, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the state Fair Employment and Housing agency, and many other agencies manned (oops, is that word allowed?) by well-dressed, arrogant “youngsters” barely out of college (Indoctrination Central) who have never had to run a business but have the power and weight of the government behind them.  And these people pretend to tell us how to run our business!
The Women’s, Infants, and Children (WIC) police and the food stamp (EBT) police tell us what we can sell, and for how much.  We and our staffers aren’t allowed to react at the fundamental wrong of people spending benefits they receive for doing nothing, at risk of a complaint of discrimination filed against us.  Soon we will be told that those with gender dysphoria will be a protected class and we will be forced by law to hire them or else.
Even the last, and potentially warmest interaction with our customers has been disrupted by laws requiring reusable bags for which you must charge a fee.  Many customers hate that and refuse any bags, walking out the door with a cart of groceries, leaving the less-than-honest to mingle with them and walk out with carts of “freebies”.  As a result, security costs have risen as we must be more vigilant.
Our resources are confiscated in taxes, fees, and minimum wages along with associated employment taxes, liabilities, and costly exposures to enforcement actions.  Even more are taken through the hidden costs of goods.  The mega-monster state and local governments just take and take and take from us, returning very little, but telling us how to live and work.  Worse, we are virtually powerless to fight back at the ballot box as our rulers have created a huge dependent class beholden to them, guaranteeing their hold on power.
Is this socialism?  Fascism?  Authoritarianism?  Whatever it is, it isn’t good, and while you can write it off as wacko Kalifornia, which it is, just remember that we are a bellwether of what inevitably spreads across the country, sooner or later. And if you look closely at your own state, even if it’s Texas or Oklahoma or Nebraska, you will find much evidence of this march to free-market oblivion in your own backyard.
At the very least, we must define the issues clearly and deal with the realities we face.  And if not too late already, we must not allow the leftist agenda to succeed under clouds of obfuscation and deceit.
Sloppy thinking, resulting in sloppy speech and muddled ideas, pervades the right’s attempts to communicate clearly.  The sloppiness of our conservative commentariat has resulted in severe damage to our side in the battle of ideas being fought in the ongoing war for our culture.
An example: for years, even legendary communicator Rush Limbaugh and others allowed the left to get by with conflating terms like “immigration” and “illegal immigration”, and I would find myself shouting at the radio as we on the Right were smeared as haters, bigots, and anti-immigrant hypernationalists.  Only in very recent times has our side finally clarified the difference and refuted the labels, but the damage is done.
The same sort of thing has happened with the use of the term “socialism.”  That word is bandied about with little regard for its true meaning.  Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are socialists, it is said, as they push the Green New Deal.  The entire Left is sidling up to socialism and turning away from capitalism, appealing to a base of youth victimized by the failure to educate and by the success of leftist indoctrination.  The word is intentionally left fuzzy and ill-defined in order to cause confusion.
“This will never be a Socialist nation”, thunders President Trump, to great applause and cheers, including my own.  However, I can’t help but wonder if we know the enemy, what they represent, and what the actual issues are.  Is “socialism” truly the most imminent threat to our great American culture? 
As an employer struggling to keep a healthy business running in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia, we are forced to deal with this question every day and on multiple fronts.  Is it “socialism” that is strangling us?  Or something else?
What is socialism? Merriam Webster defines it as a “political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”  That sort of fits what happens to us in this Advanced State of Destruction called Kalifornia, but not perfectly.  There has been a gradual movement away from free market capitalism, to cook us slowly, like the frog in the pot of hot water, but what is replacing it?
How about Fascism: “a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control.”  Absolutely true of this state, and more than you’d care to admit even in Trump-supporting flyover states.
Authoritarianism? “Favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to the people.”  Bingo!  Whether in Sacramento or in Washington D.C., Bureaucratic Dictatorship spews forth regulations that not even President Trump or our strongest conservative advocates can keep up with.  “Authoritarian” describes it best, and maybe we are blessed with all three in combination.
When we started our independent supermarket in 1975, our worst issues were with county regulations and Caltrans highway requirements.  We thought they were barely tolerable then, but if we had 20-20 foresight 40 years into the future, we wouldn’t have believed what was coming.
Relationships with our employees are micromanaged to the max so that we are barely able to hire them and develop their productive capabilities without violating some proscription of labor law.  All the levers of aggrieved recourse are handed to them, and employers are guilty until or unless we can afford lawyers to prove ourselves innocent.  We are victims of EEOC, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the state Fair Employment and Housing agency, and many other agencies manned (oops, is that word allowed?) by well-dressed, arrogant “youngsters” barely out of college (Indoctrination Central) who have never had to run a business but have the power and weight of the government behind them.  And these people pretend to tell us how to run our business!
The Women’s, Infants, and Children (WIC) police and the food stamp (EBT) police tell us what we can sell, and for how much.  We and our staffers aren’t allowed to react at the fundamental wrong of people spending benefits they receive for doing nothing, at risk of a complaint of discrimination filed against us.  Soon we will be told that those with gender dysphoria will be a protected class and we will be forced by law to hire them or else.
Even the last, and potentially warmest interaction with our customers has been disrupted by laws requiring reusable bags for which you must charge a fee.  Many customers hate that and refuse any bags, walking out the door with a cart of groceries, leaving the less-than-honest to mingle with them and walk out with carts of “freebies”.  As a result, security costs have risen as we must be more vigilant.
Our resources are confiscated in taxes, fees, and minimum wages along with associated employment taxes, liabilities, and costly exposures to enforcement actions.  Even more are taken through the hidden costs of goods.  The mega-monster state and local governments just take and take and take from us, returning very little, but telling us how to live and work.  Worse, we are virtually powerless to fight back at the ballot box as our rulers have created a huge dependent class beholden to them, guaranteeing their hold on power.
Is this socialism?  Fascism?  Authoritarianism?  Whatever it is, it isn’t good, and while you can write it off as wacko Kalifornia, which it is, just remember that we are a bellwether of what inevitably spreads across the country, sooner or later. And if you look closely at your own state, even if it’s Texas or Oklahoma or Nebraska, you will find much evidence of this march to free-market oblivion in your own backyard.
At the very least, we must define the issues clearly and deal with the realities we face.  And if not too late already, we must not allow the leftist agenda to succeed under clouds of obfuscation and deceit.
Read the whole story
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"trump authoritarianism" - Google News: Defining the Issues - American Thinker

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Defining the Issues  American Thinker
Sloppy thinking, resulting in sloppy speech and muddled ideas, pervades the right's attempts to communicate clearly. The sloppiness of our conservative ...

 "trump authoritarianism" - Google News

RT @nytimes: U.S. lawmakers hosted a historic iftar, the meal eaten each night after sunset to break fast during Ramadan. It was the first… 

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U.S. lawmakers hosted a historic iftar, the meal eaten each night after sunset to break fast during Ramadan. It was the first to be hosted on Capitol Hill by Congress’ own Muslim members. nyti.ms/2VSBczE

Posted by  nytimes on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 5:30am
Retweeted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 8:19am

682 likes, 129 retweets

RT @nytimes: Palestinian businessmen have a message for the White House: Keep your money. nyti.ms/2HFEXyB 

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Palestinian businessmen have a message for the White House: Keep your money. nyti.ms/2HFEXyB

Posted by  nytimes on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 7:30am
Retweeted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 8:28am

122 likes, 46 retweets
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I Watched 20 Hours of Robert Mueller Testifying. Here’s What Congress Would Be In For. - Politico

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I Watched 20 Hours of Robert Mueller Testifying. Here’s What Congress Would Be In For.  Politico
The former FBI head hasn't talked in public for two years—but when he did, he knew his Russia threats and didn't suffer fools gladly.

Trump Expected to Instruct McGahn to Defy Subpoena and Skip House Testimony - The New York Times

1 Share
  1. Trump Expected to Instruct McGahn to Defy Subpoena and Skip House Testimony  The New York Times
  2. White House expected to block former counsel Don McGahn's testimony to House committee  CNN
  3. White House intends to block former counsel McGahn from testifying to Congress  The Washington Post
  4. Trump directs former White House counsel Don McGahn not to testify after Democrats issue subpoena  CNBC
  5. Mueller, McGahn hearings look distant as partisan chaos rages  Fox News
  6. View full coverage on Google News

Full Replay: President Trump Hosts "MAGA" Rally In Montoursville, Pennsylvania - RealClearPolitics

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  1. Full Replay: President Trump Hosts "MAGA" Rally In Montoursville, Pennsylvania  RealClearPolitics
  2. Trump, at raucous Pennsylvania rally, slams Scranton-born Biden: 'He deserted you'  Fox News
  3. Trump repeatedly interrupted by fainting fans at campaign rally  New York Post
  4. For voters at Biden rally, it's personality over politics  The Boston Globe
  5. Trump invites supporter wearing wall suit to Pennsylvania rally stage  Fox News
  6. View full coverage on Google News

Federal Judge Orders Trump Accountants to Hand Over Financial Records to Congress - Newsweek

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Federal Judge Orders Trump Accountants to Hand Over Financial Records to Congress  Newsweek
A federal judge on Monday ordered Donald Trump's accounting firm Mazars USA LLP to hand over eight years of the president's financial records before he took ...
View full coverage on Google News

Barr says he's working to protect presidency, not Trump | TheHill - The Hill

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Barr says he's working to protect presidency, not Trump | TheHill  The Hill
Attorney General William Barr said in a new interview he views his role at the Justice Department as one where he can take action to protect his long-held belief ...
View full coverage on Google News

Trump's Iran warning 'the right thing' as US 'tightens the screws' on Tehran, Graham says - Fox News

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  1. Trump's Iran warning 'the right thing' as US 'tightens the screws' on Tehran, Graham says  Fox News
  2. Trump and Iran may be on the brink of a war that would likely be devastating to both sides  Business Insider
  3. Iran calls on Trump to address Iranians with respect, not threat of...  Reuters
  4. A war with Iran would be the mother of all quagmires  The Washington Post
  5. A crisis with Iran need not lead to a war | TheHill  The Hill
  6. View full coverage on Google News

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Was the #handling of #Trump-#Kushner #accounts #supervised by #ErnstUhrlau, a former #chief of #BND, and later the "#consultant for #global #geopolitical #risks" for #DeutscheBank? trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/05/was-ha… 

1 Share
Was the #handling of #Trump-#Kushner #accounts #supervised by #ErnstUhrlau, a former #chief of #BND, and later the "#consultant for #global #geopolitical #risks" for #DeutscheBank?

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 9:48pm

#You #Can’t #Trust the #Far #Right | The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News And #Opinions: #Austria #far #right #political #scandal and #German #Intelligence #Services

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Read the whole story
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#You #Can’t #Trust the #Far #Right nyti.ms/2Yx4a54 

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#You #Can’t #Trust the #Far #Right nyti.ms/2Yx4a54

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 6:04pm

1 like

The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News And #Opinions: #Austria #far #right #political #scandal and #German #Intelligence #Services trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/05/austri… 

1 Share
The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News And #Opinions: #Austria #far #right #political #scandal and #German #Intelligence #Services

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 5:54pm

Analysis | How a boozy video confirmed critics’ views of the Austrian far right and triggered a government breakup washingtonpost.com/world/2019/05/… 

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Analysis | How a boozy video confirmed critics’ views of the Austrian far right and triggered a government breakup washingtonpost.com/world/2019/05/…

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 5:48pm

Why was Germany's top spy Hans-Georg Maassen ousted? | Euronews answers euronews.com/2018/09/19/why… 

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Why was Germany's top spy Hans-Georg Maassen ousted? | Euronews answers euronews.com/2018/09/19/why…

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 4:05pm
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Analysis | He used to rule Germany. Now, he oversees Russian energy companies and lashes out at the U.S. wapo.st/2wFsl3z?tid=ss… 

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Analysis | He used to rule Germany. Now, he oversees Russian energy companies and lashes out at the U.S. wapo.st/2wFsl3z?tid=ss…

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 3:29pm

How Germany went wobbly on the West politico.eu/article/german… 

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How Germany went wobbly on the West politico.eu/article/german…

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 3:18pm

#gerhardschroeder #gazprom #rosneft - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… 

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#gerhardschroeder #gazprom #rosneft - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 2:58pm

#Trump: I've #destroyed #bills, gotten bills #passed with #Twitter youtu.be/LaDLLXsEeGs via @YouTube #Twittocracy is #Ruling by a #Tweet #Twitterocracy is Ruling by the Twitter @mikenov pic.twitter.com/ExO55XIAjk 

1 Share
#Trump: I've #destroyed #bills, gotten bills #passed with #Twitter youtu.be/LaDLLXsEeGs via @YouTube
#Twittocracy is #Ruling by a #Tweet
#Twitterocracy is Ruling by the Twitter
@mikenov pic.twitter.com/ExO55XIAjk

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 2:26pm

RT @LadySwing777: The #Demiurge/#Brahma forms the Physical World according to the model of the ideas present in #Hyperuranium/#Hyperuranion… 

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The #Demiurge/#Brahma forms the Physical World according to the model of the ideas present in #Hyperuranium/#Hyperuranion.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperuran… pic.twitter.com/e9MH1fSMt6

Posted by  LadySwing777 on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 7:26pm
Retweeted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 1:03pm

1 retweet
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#USSCole was #possibly a #Declaration, #Proclamation, and #Signature by #ErnstUhrlau, on #becoming #chief of #GermanIntelligence, #Bundesnachrichtendienst @BND_Bund: U-You, SS, C-See Ole-#Uhrlau. #GerhardSchroeder is #Demiurge, by #Hierarchy. #Ole is #OperationalGenius. #Putin pic.twitter.com/7FyDJBvR5s 

1 Share
#USSCole was #possibly a #Declaration, #Proclamation, and #Signature by #ErnstUhrlau, on #becoming #chief of #GermanIntelligence, #Bundesnachrichtendienst @BND_Bund:
U-You, SS, C-See Ole-#Uhrlau.
#GerhardSchroeder is #Demiurge, by #Hierarchy.
#Ole is #OperationalGenius.

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 1:00pm
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Page 6

#Trump, #CIA, #FBI, #ODNI, #Bolton, #Congress: #Arrest, #Interrogate, #Waterboard if #needed: #GerhardSchroeder & #ErnstUhrlau: #PrimeSuspects #Authors #Masterminds of #IntelligenceOperations #Trump & #NineEleven #DeutscheBank is #Asset of #GermanIntelligence & #NewAbwehr #DIGME! pic.twitter.com/8yAOn7xGY1 

1 Share
#Trump, #CIA, #FBI, #ODNI, #Bolton, #Congress:
#Arrest, #Interrogate, #Waterboard if #needed:
#GerhardSchroeder & #ErnstUhrlau:
#PrimeSuspects #Authors #Masterminds of #IntelligenceOperations #Trump & #NineEleven
#DeutscheBank is #Asset of #GermanIntelligence & #NewAbwehr
#DIGME! pic.twitter.com/8yAOn7xGY1

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 12:46pm
Read the whole story
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RT @mikenov: #GerhardSchroeder & #ErnstUhrlau are #PrimeSuspects as #Authors of #IntelligenceOperations #Trump & #NineEleven. #DeutscheBank… 

1 Share
#GerhardSchroeder & #ErnstUhrlau are #PrimeSuspects as #Authors of #IntelligenceOperations #Trump & #NineEleven. #DeutscheBank is #Asset of #GermanIntelligence, #Bundesnachrichtendienst @BND_Bund. #NewAbwehr is #Specialist in #MoneyLaundering. Goal: #DeutschlandUberAlles #SPDRule pic.twitter.com/QHniZlsUYd

Posted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 12:00pm
Retweeted by  mikenov on Monday, May 20th, 2019 12:40pm

1 retweet


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9:20 AM 3/3/2019 » House oversight gives deadline for White House clearance information | Donald Trump launches furious attack on Robert Mueller